
主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 卢艳丽
学校 西北工业大学
部门 材料学院
学位 工学博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 正高
联系方式 实用新型1875包写包过
邮箱 luyanli@nwpu.edu.cn
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 卢艳丽,工学博士,西北工业大学材料学院教授、博士生导师。美国Pennsylvania State University访问学者,教育部学位论文评审专家,国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家,中国材料研究学会终身会员,全国轻合金材料专家委员会常务委员,全国大学生金相技能大赛竞赛委员会副主任委员。担任Computational Materials Science、Journal of Alloys and Compounds、Journal of Materials Science and Technology等国内外重要学术期刊审稿人。主要从事先进材料微观结构、性能、成分、转变机理的多尺度研究。 1993.9.-1997.7,太原理工大学 材料科学与工程系 金属材料及热处理专业 本科2001.9.-2007.4. 西北工业大学  材料学院  材料学专业  硕博连读  硕士、博士学位2007.5.—2009.5.  西北工业大学  航空宇航科学与技术流动站  博士后(期间提前留校)2011.1.—2012.1.  美国 宾夕法尼亚州立大学   材料科学与工程系  访问学者


教育教学 Education and teaching 教育教学 招生信息 主讲《材料科学基础》、《材料科学与工程导论》、《迷人的材料世界》、《高性能增材制造实验》等本科生课程。主讲《金属材料及其应用》、《计算材料学方法》、《近代物理冶金学》硕士和博士生课程。首批国家级线上一流课程负责人,首批国家虚拟仿真实验教学项目负责人,国家精品在线开放课程骨干成员。“材料科学”陕西省教学团队骨干成员,西北工业大学本科教学卓越名师,西北工业大学研究生“课程思政”教学名师及团队负责人,西北工业大学优秀青年教师,西北工业大学最满意教师,西北工业大学“十育人”先进个人等。主持省部级和校级教改项目七项。合作主编“十二五”规划教材一部,主编出版数字课程教材一部。近年来,指导的多位本科生毕业论文被评为西北工业大学优秀本科毕业论文。指导的多位研究生获国家奖学金、西北工业大学优秀毕业生等。 博士生招生专业及研究方向材料学:金属材料,功能材料,复合材料,材料的组织结构与性能材料加工工程:材料热处理,凝固技术硕士生招生专业及研究方向材料学:金属材料,功能材料,复合材料,材料的组织结构与性能材料加工工程:材料热处理,凝固技术课题组有固定的高性能计算集群,先进金属材料制备、检测和分析仪器。欢迎具有材料学、物理学、化学等相关背景的学生保送、报考硕士和博士研究生。课题组与美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学,法国巴黎综合理工学院等诸多高校建立了长期合作关系,鼓励学生出国开展学术交流和研究。欢迎有兴趣的同学加入我的团队。联系邮箱:luyanli@nwpu.edu.cn.


荣誉获奖 Awards Information 1.  陕西省教科文卫体系统五一巾帼标兵  2022年。2.  西北工业大学本科教学卓越名师奖  2023年。3.  陕西省科学技术奖,应力诱发动态沉淀及其多级微结构演化的相场研究,二等,2016年,第一完成人。4.  陕西省高等学校科学技术奖,应力诱发动态沉淀及其多级微结构演化的相场研究,一等,2015年,第一完成人。5.   陕西省航空学会青年科技奖  2017年。6.   西北工业大学“十育人”先进个人  2021年。7.   西北工业大学教学成果奖,特等奖,2023年, 第一完成人。8.   西北工业大学教学成果奖, 一等奖,2021年, 第一完成人。9.   西北工业大学本科招生工作先进个人  2021年。10.   西北工业大学华秦教学优秀奖(一等),2019年、2021年。11.  中国大学MOOC优秀教师  2016年。12.  全国高校无机非金属材料青年教师讲课比赛一等奖  2017年。13.  西北工业大学“最满意教师”  2017年。14.  西北工业大学“优秀青年教师(吴亚军奖)” 一等奖  2014年。15.  陕西省科学技术奖,沉淀合金的微观相场和实验研究,三等,2008年,第三完成人。16.  中国航空学会科学技术奖,铝基合金、镍基合金的计算机设计与研制,三等,2008年,第三完成人。17.  陕西省高等学校科学技术奖,沉淀合金的微观相场模拟和实验研究,二等,2007年,第二完成人。18.  陕西省高等学校科学技术奖,铝锂合金的多尺度研究,一等,2003年,第九完成人。


科学研究 Scientific Research 主要从事先进材料微观结构和性能的计算与实验研究,先后主持4项国家自然科学基金、中国博士后科学基金特别资助、陕西省自然科学基金及横向课题等17项课题,作为核心成员,参与国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金等5项课题。在Computational Materials Science, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Intermetallics等国内外权威期刊发表论文110余篇,被SCI收录100余篇。授权国家发明专利6项。主要研究方向如下:(1)    先进金属材料微观结构、工艺和性能的研究;(2)    新型金属材料、清洁能源材料、功能陶瓷材料的模拟计算及材料性质预测; (3)    固态相变过程多尺度研究。


学术成果 Academic Achievements 1. Xu Jinhan, Lu Yanli, Wu Wei, Wu Chan, Jiang Jialiang. Effect of alloying elements on elastic properties, generalized stacking fault energy, and critical resolved shear stress of Pd metal: a first principle study. VACUUM, 2023, 211:1118982.  Wu Wei, Lu Yanli, Xu Jinhan, Li Yan, Wu Chan, Jiang Jialiang, Yang Wenqing. Revealing the adhesion, stability, and electronic structure of SiC/M (M=Au, Pt) interface: A first-principles study. VACUUM. 2023, 213: 112143. 3. Wang Yifan, Lu Yanli, Zhang Shiyao, Wang Shuo,Xu Jinhan, Chen Zheng. On the shearing mechanisms of β" precipitates  by the dislocations gliding on the {100}Al planes in Al-7Si-Mg alloys. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2022,845:143152.4. Xu Jinhan, Lu Yanli, Shen Yifei, Li Panyue, Zhang Yang. A modified elastic constant calculation method for triclinic-like special quasi-random structures: Application to Pd-M (M=Cu, Ag) solid solutions. Materials Today Communications, 2022, 31:103795.5. Lu Yanli,  Zhang Haipeng, Wang Yifan, Chen Zheng.  First principles study on the oxygen reduction reaction of Ir@Pt core-shell structure. Chemical Physics, 2022, 552: 111356.6.  Lu Yanli , Zhang Shiyao, Wang Yifan, Chen Zheng. Mechanical properties of B precipitates and fracture behavior of B/Al interface in Al-Mg-Si alloys: A first-principle calculation study. Applied Surface Science, 2022, 571: 1513297.   Yifan Wang, Yanli Lu, Yan Li, Jinhan Xu, Shiyao Zhang, Wei Wu, et al. The effects of Ti on the precipitation evolution and age-hardening behavior of Al-7Si-Mg alloy. Intermetallics, 2022, 148:107642.8.    Lu Yanli, Chen Ran, Wang Yifan, Chen Zheng. Phase-field crystal study of topological evolution during grain annihilation process in polycrystalline materials.  Physica B, 2021, 622: 413363.9.    Gao Meng, Lu Yanli, Chen Yao, Wang Yifan, Hu Rui, Wang Hong, Chen Zheng. Effects of alloying elements on the generalized stacking fault energy of Ti5Si3: A first principle study. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 868:158980.10.   Wang Yifan, Lu Yanli, Zhang Shiyao, Zhang Haipeng, Wang Hong, Chen Zheng. Characterization and strengthening effects of different precipitates in Al–7Si–Mg alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 885:161028.11.  Lu Yanli, Wang Yi, Wang Yifan, Gao Meng, Chen Yao, Chen Zheng. First-principles study on the mechanical, thermal properties and hydrogen behavior of ternary V-Ni-M alloys. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2021, 70:83-90.12.   Wang Yifan, Lu Yanli, Zhang Shiyao, Wang Yi, Tong Lijia, Wang Hong, Chen Zheng. Analysis of interface properties and associated void of nanoscale Al precipitates in Al-Si alloys: First-principles calculations and experiment. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 873: 159598.13.   Wang Yifan, Lu Yanli, Zhang Jing, Yang Wenchao, Yang Changlin, Wang Pan, Song Xiaoqing, Chen Zheng. Investigation of the 12 orientations variants of nanoscale Al precipitates in eutectic Si of Al-7Si-0.6Mg alloy. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2021, 67: 186-196. 14.    Lu Yanli, Xiao Guangzheng, Wang Yifan, Gao Meng, Chen Zheng. First-principles study on the influence of biaxial strain on the electronic and magnetic properties of defective blue phosphorene. Physics Letters A, 2020, 384:126853.15.  Lu Yanli, Guo Runan, Zhang Tinghui, et al. Micromagnetic simulation of magnetic domain structures evolution of FeGa alloys by phase-field method. Materials Science and Engineering B, 2020, 252:114471.16.  Lu Yanli, Zhang Tinghui, Chen Zheng. Liquid phase heteroepitaxial growth on convex substrate using binary phase field crystal model. Superlattices and Micrsotructures, 2018, 118:275-283. 17. Tinghui Zhang, Yanli Lu, Zheng Chen, The behavior of commensurate-incommensurate transitions using the phase field crystal model. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2018,96:30-35.18.  Lu Yanli, Gou Manman, Bai Ruimin, Zhang Yixin, Chen Zheng. First-principles study of hydrogen behavior in vanadium-based binary alloy membranes for hydrogen separation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42(36): 22925-22932.19.   Lu Yanli, Peng Yingying, Yu Genggeng, Chen Zheng. Influences of misfit strains on liquid phase heteroepitaxial growth. Physica E: Low-dimensional systems and nanostructures, 2017, 94:178-183.20.   Peng Yingying, Lu Yanli, Chen Zheng, Yu Genggeng. A binary phase field crystal study for phase segregation of liquid phase heteroepitaxial growth. Computational Materials Science, 123(2016)65-69.21.  Lu Yanli, Liu Fang, Li Xiang, Gao Feng, et al. First-principles Study on the Stability and Electronic Properties of Bi-doped Sr3Ti2O7. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2018, 34:891-898.       22.  Lu Yanli, Peng Yingying, Chen Zheng. A binary phase field crystal study for liquid phase heteroepitaxial growth. Superlattices and Microstructures, 2016, 97:132-139.23.   Lu Guangming, Lu Yanli, Hu Tingting, Chen Zheng. Phase field crystal study on the grain boundary porosity induced by the Kirkendall effect. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2016, 24:035001.24.  Lu Guangming, Lu Yanli, Hu Tingting, Chen Zheng. Phase field crystal study on the phase boundary migration induced by the Kirkendall effect. Computational Materials Science, 2015, 106:170-17425.   Lu Yanli, Lu Guangming, Liu Fang, Chen Zheng, Tang Hongkui. Phase field study on the pre-precipitated phase of ordered intermetallic compounds in binary and ternary Ni-Al base alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 637:149-154.26.   Yanli Lu, Kongkui Tang, Zheng Chen, et al. Microscopic phase-field study of the effect of temperature on the pre-precipitates of Ni-Al-Cr alloy. Computational Materials Science, 2015, 99:247-252.27.   Yanli Lu, Dewei Jia, Guangming Lu, Zheng Chen. Phase-field study for the effect of Al concentration on the precipitation process of Ni-Al-V alloy. Transactions of nonferrous metals society of China, 2015, 25:544-551.28.  Lu Yanli, Hu Tingting, Mu Hong. Phase-field crystal study for the effect of heating rate on the premelting of grain boundary. Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 936:523-528.29.   Yan-Li Lu, Ting-Ting Hu, Guang-Ming Lu, and Zheng Chen. Phase-field crystal study of segregation induced grain-boundary premelting in binary alloys. Physica B, 2014, 451:128-133.30.   Yanli Lu, Dewei Jia, Feng Gao, Tingting Hu, and Zheng Chen First-principle calculations of the thermal properties of SrTiO3 and SrO(SrTiO3)n (n=1,2). Solid State Communications, 2015, 201:25-30.31.   Yan-Li Lu, Ting-ting Hu, Hong Mu, Zheng Chen, Liu-Chao Zhang. Phase-field crystal study for the characteristics and influence factors of grain boundary segregation in binary alloys. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering. 2014, 22:055006.32.   Lu Yan-Li, Zhang Liu-Chao, Zhou Ying-Ying,Chen Zheng. Phase-field study of second phase particle effect on texture evolution of polycrystalline materials. Chinese Physica B, 2014, 23(6):069102.33.  Yanli Lu, Dewei Jia, Feng Gao, Tingting Hu, and Zheng Chen. First-principles study on the elastic properties of Sr-Ti-O ceramics. Solid State Communications, 2014, 182:43-46.34.   Yanli Lu, Dewei Jia, Tingting Hu, Zheng Chen, Liuchao Zhang.  Phase-field study the effects of elastic strain energy on the occupation probability of Cr atom in Ni-Al-Cr alloy. Superlattices and Microstructures, 2014, 66:105-111.35.  Yanli Lu, Liuchao Zhang, Yinping Chen, Yongxin Wang, Zheng Chen. Phase-field study for the pre-precipitation process of L12-Ni3Al phase in Ni-Al-V alloy. Intermetallics, 2013, 38:144-149.36.  Lu YanLi, Zhang LiuChao,Zhou YingYing,Chen Zheng, JianGuo Zhang. Phase field study for texture evolution in polycrystalline system under applied stress. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2013, 29(10):999-1004.37.  Lu Yanli, Chen Zheng, Wang Yongxin, et al. Phase-field study the effect of elastic strain energy on the incubation period of Ni-Cr-Al alloys. Computational Materials Science, 2011, 50:1925-1931.38.   Lu Yanli, Chen Zheng, Zhong Hanwen, et al. Microscopic phase-field simulation for the correlations of Ni3Al precipitates in Ni-Al alloys. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2009.38(11):1890-1893.39.  Lu Yanli, Chen Zheng, Lai Qingbo, et al. Microscopic phase field simulation on the nucleation incubation period of L12 and DO22 phases in Ni75Cr25-xAlx alloy. Acta Physica Sinica, 2009, 58(13):s319-s326.

