
主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 李鹏
学校 西北工业大学
部门 物理科学与技术学院
学位 博士
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 正高
联系方式 实用新型1875包写包过
邮箱 pengli@nwpu.edu.cn
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

综合介绍 General Introduction 李鹏,教授,博导。主要开展光场调控与光学成像研究,以第一或通讯作者在Nature Communications、Advanced Materials、Light: Science Applications、 Laser & Photonics Reviews、Photonics Research等期刊上发表论文40余篇,授权国家发明专利7项。入选西北工业大学“翱翔青年学者”。曾获陕西省自然科学一等奖、陕西高等学校科学技术奖一等奖、西北工业大学优秀教师奖、西北工业大学教学成果特等奖等。任西北工业大学光电信息科学与工程系副主任、光场调控与信息感知工业和信息化部重点实验室副主任、中国光学学会光学全息与光信息处理专业委员会委员、西安红外激光学会理事、《光学学报》/中国激光杂志社青年编委等职。招生信息:博士:光学工程、光电信息工程硕士:光学工程、光学、光电信息工程 个人相册


教育教学 Education and teaching 招生信息 教育信息 博士:光学工程、光电信息工程硕士:光学工程、光学、光电信息工程 指导研究生获奖情况:·      中国光学学会王大珩光学奖高校学生奖2人·      陕西省优秀博士学位论文1人·      陕西省高等学校优秀毕业生2人·      校优秀毕业生3人·      研究生国家奖学金3人 本科生课程:《信息光学》、《大学物理》硕博士课程:《光场调控技术及应用》、《奇异光学导论》、《光学全息及信息处理》·       指导本科生获得大学生创新创业项目6项·       指导本科生获得全国光电设计竞赛国家级一等奖


科学研究 Scientific Research 主要研究方向:1、光场调控与光束传输:光场多维调控机理、新型空间结构光场的产生、传输及应用2、光场多维成像:偏振成像、光谱成像、三维成像与深度感知3、光学超表面:光场多维调控超表面、基于超表面的光场信息感知与光学运算 主持的科研项目:n  国家自然科学基金项目4项n  陕西省科学研究项目3项n  中央高校科研业务费项目4项


学术成果 Academic Achievements 主要发表的文章: [50] Peng Li*, Jiamin Xue, Xinhao Fan, Xuanguang Wu, Liang Zhou, Weiqi Chen, Sheng Liu, Bingyan Wei*, Xuetao Gan*, and Jianlin Zhao, Multidimensional multiplexing liquid crystal holograms, Laser & Photonics Reviews (2024). In Press[49] Jiwei Zhang, Shuqi Wang, Wenrui Li, Xiangyuan Luo, Lingke Wang, Jingyu Mi, Jiazhen Dou, Siqing Dai, Fanfan Lu, Peng Li*, and Jianlin Zhao*, Azimuthal Scanning Excitation Surface Plasmon Resonance Holographic Microscopy, Laser & Photonics Reviews (2024). In Press[48] Yanke Li, Yu Zou, Zhaojin Guo, Sheng Liu*, Peng Li*, Bingyan Wei, Dandan Wen, and Jianlin Zhao, Constructing arbitrary self-similar Bessel-like beams via transverse-longitudinal mapping, Chinese Optics Letters, 22(2): 022601 (2024). Cover story[47] Xinyi Bi, Xuyue Guo, Xuanguang Wu, Xinhao Fan, Bingyan Wei, Dandan Wen, Sheng Liu, Jianlin Zhao, and Peng Li*, Wideband optical edge detection based on dielectric metasurface, Applied Physics Letters, 123, 061702 (2023). Featured article[46] 樊鑫豪,武炫光,周亮,刘圣,赵建林,李鹏*,基于超表面的阵列光场纵向维度信息编解码,中国激光,50(18): 1805001 2023 特邀文章,亮点报道[45] Yanke Li, Yu Zou, Sheng Liu*, Peng Li*, Bingyan Wei*, and Jianlin Zhao, Linear and nonlinear photonic spin Hall effect induced by analogue circular birefringence of Bessel-like beams, Photonics Research, 11(9): 1553-1561 (2023).[44] Zhaojin Guo, Mingshuai Huang, Sheng Liu*, Peng Li*, Bingyan Wei, and Jianlin Zhao, Constructing ultra-long focal fields via tightly focused Bessel beams, Chinese Optics Letters, 21(7): 072601 (2023).[43] Zhaojin Guo, Sheng Liu*, Peng Li*, Bingyan Wei, and Jianlin Zhao, Mathieu and Weber tightly autofocusing beams, Optics Express, 31(11): 17345017353 (2023).[42] Peng Li*, Sheng Liu, and Jianlin Zhao*, Spatially structured light fields and their propagation manipulation, Progress in Optics, 68: 191-252 (2023) Chapter 4.[41] Bingjie Li, Yujie Xin, Xuyue Guo, Xinhao Fan, Sheng Liu, Jianlin Zhao, and Peng Li*, Constructing spin-structured focal field for chiral-sensitive trapping with dielectric metalens, Frontiers in Physics, 10: 1067825 (2022).[40] Xuyue Guo, Peng Li*, Jinzhan Zhong, Dandan Wen, Bingyan Wei, Sheng Liu, Shuxia Qi, and Jianlin Zhao*, Stokes meta-hologram toward optical cryptography, Nature Communications, 13: 6687 (2022).[39] Yu Li, Xinhao Fan, Yunfeng Huang, Xuyue Guo, Liang Zhou, Peng Li*, and Jianlin Zhao*, Dielectric metalens for superoscillatory focusing based on high-order angular Bessel function, Nanomaterials, 12: 3485 (2022).[38] Yu Li, Xinhao Fan, Xuyue Guo, Yi Zhang, Sheng Liu, Bingyan Wei, Dandan Wei, Peng Li*, and Jianlin Zhao*, Metasurface for oscillatory spin splitting along the optical path, Photonics Research, 10(9): B7-B12 (2022). Cover story[37] Sheng Liu, Shuxia Qi, Yanke Li, Bingyan Wei*, Peng Li*, and Jianlin Zhao*, Controllable oscillated spin Hall effect of Bessel beam realized by liquid crystal Pancharatnam-Berry phase elements, Light: Science & Applications, 11: 219 (2022).[36] Zhaojin Guo, Sheng Liu*, Peng Li*, Bingyan Wei, and Jianlin Zhao, Tightly autofocusing beams along the spherical surface, Optics Express, 30(15): 26192-26200 (2022).[35] Yanke Li, Shuxia Qi, Yuqing Xie, Sheng Liu*, Peng Li*, Bingyan Wei, and Jianlin Zhao, Flexible trajectory control of Bessel beams with pure phase modulation, Optics Express, 20(14): 25661-25671 (2022).[34] Ling-jun Kong+, Weixuan Zhang+, Peng Li+, Xuyue Guo, Jingfeng Zhang, Furong Zhang, Jianlin Zhao, and Xiangdong Zhang*, High capacity topological coding based on nested vortex knots and links, Nature Communications, 13: 2705 (2022).[33] Huachao Cheng, Sheng Liu*, Peng Li*, Feng Liu, Xuetao Gan, Xuyue Guo, Shuxia Qi, Jinzhan Zhong, and Jianlin Zhao*, Femtosecond laser plasmonic nano-printing metasurfaces for multiple-dimensional manipulation of light fields, Optics Letters, 47(9): 2290-2293 (2022).[32] 李鹏*,樊鑫豪,李渝,刘圣,魏冰妍,赵建林,光场纵向调控研究进展(特邀),光子学报, 51(1): 0151104 (2022). [31] Xuyue Guo, Jinzhan Zhong, Peng Li*, Dandan Wen, Sheng Liu, Bingyan Wei, Shuxia Qi, and Jianlin Zhao*, Metasurface-assisted multidimensional manipulation of a light wave based on spin-decoupled complex amplitude modulation, Optics Letters, 47(2): 353-356 (2022). Editor's pick[30] 焦晗,张蒙蒙,李鹏*,刘圣,赵建林,基于焦散线理论的表面波激发光栅结构设计,光学学报, 41: 2324001  (2021).[29] Xuyue Guo, Jianzhan Zhong, Bingjie Li, Shuxia Qi, Yu Li, Peng Li*, Dandan Wen, Sheng Liu, Bingyan Wei, and Jianlin Zhao*, Full-color holographic display and encryption with full-polarization degree of freedom, Advanced Materials, 34: 202103192 (2022).[28] Xuyue Guo, Bingjie Li, Xinhao Fan, Jinzhan Zhong, Shuxia Qi, Peng Li*, Sheng Liu, Bingyan Wei, and Jianlin Zhao*, On-demand light wave manipulation enabled by single-layer dielectric metasurfaces, APL Photonics, 6: 086106 (2021).[27] Peng Li*, Xuyue Guo, Jinzhan Zhong, Sheng Liu, Yi Zhang, Bingyan Wei, and Jianlin Zhao*, Optical vortex knots and links via holographic metasurfaces, Advances in Physics: X, 6(1): 1843535 (2020). 特邀综述[26] 郭旭岳,李冰洁,樊鑫豪,钟进展,刘圣,魏冰妍,李鹏*,赵建林*,基于电介质超表面的光场复振幅调制及应用,红外与激光工程,49(9): 20201031 (2020). 特邀综述[25] Huachao Cheng, Peng Li*, Sheng Liu*, Lei Han, and Jianlin Zhao, Polarization-switchable nanoripples fabricated on a silicon surface by femtosecond-laser-assisted nanopatterning, Applied Optics, 59: 7211-7216 (2020).[24] Xinhao Fan, Peng Li*, Xuyue Guo, Bingjie Li, Yu Li, Sheng Liu, Yi Zhang, and Jianlin Zhao*, Axially Tailored Light Field by Means of a Dielectric Metalens, Physical Review Applied, 14: 024035 (2020).[23] Xuyue Guo, Peng Li*, Bingjie Li, Sheng Liu, Bingyan Wei, Wei Zhu, Jinzhan Zhong, Shuxia Qi, and Jianlin Zhao*, Visible-frequency broadband dielectric metahologram by random Fourier phase-only encoding, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 64(1): 214211 (2021).[22] Xiang Zhang, Peng Li*, Sheng Liu, Bingyan Wei, Shuxia Qi, Xinhao Fan, Shouheng Wang, Yuan Zhang, and Jianlin Zhao*, Autofocusing of ring Airy beams embedded with off-axial vortex singularities, Optics Express, 28(6): 7953-7960 (2020).[21] Xuyue Guo, Jinzhan Zhong, Peng Li*, Bingyan Wei*, Sheng Liu, and Jianlin Zhao*, Creation of topological vortices using Pancharatnam-Berry phase liquid crystal holographic plates, Chinese Physics B, 29(4): 040305 (2020).[20] Peng Li*, Xinhao Fan, Dongjing Wu, Sheng Liu, Yu Li, and Jianlin Zhao*, Self-accelerated optical activity in free space induced by Gouy phase, Photonics Research, 8(4): 475-481 (2020).[19] Xuyue Guo, Peng Li*, Jinzhan Zhong, Sheng Liu, Bingyan Wei, Wei Zhu, Shuxia Qi, Huachao Cheng and Jianlin Zhao*, Tying Polarization-Switchable Optical Vortex Knots and Links via Holographic All-Dielectric Metasurfaces, Laser & Photonics Reviews, 14: 1900366 (2020).[18] Peng Li*, Xinhao Fan, Dongjing Wu, Xuyue Guo, Yu Li, Sheng Liu, and Jianlin Zhao, Shaping vector fields in three dimensions by random Fourier phase-only encoding, Optics Express, 2019 27(21): 30009-30019.[17] Yi Zhang, Peng Li*, Jinzhan Zhong, Shuxia Qi, Xuyue Guo, Dongjing Wu, Sheng Liu, and Jianlin Zhao*, Measuring singularities of cylindrically structured light beams using a radial grating, Applied Physics Letters, 2018 113: 221108.[16] Peng Li*, Dongjing Wu, Sheng Liu, Yi Zhang, Xuyue Guo, Shuxia Qi, Yu Li, and Jianlin Zhao*, Three-dimensional modulations on the states of polarization of light fields, Chinese Physcis B, 2018, 27: 114201-1-13[15] Peng Li*,Dongjing Wu, Yi Zhang, Sheng Liu, Yu Li, Shuxia Qi, and Jianlin Zhao*, Polarization oscillating beams constructed by copropagating optical frozen waves, Photonic Research, 2018, 6: 756 . [14] Peng Li*, Sheng Liu, Yi Zhang, Lei Han, Dongjing Wu, Huachao Cheng, Shuxia Qi, Xuyue Guo, and jianlin Zhao*, Modulation of orbital angular momentum on the propagation dynamics of light fields, Frontier of Optoelectronics, 2019, 12(1): 69–87. [13] Yi Zhang, Xuyue Guo, Lei Han, Peng Li*, Sheng Liu, Huachao Cheng, and Jianlin Zhao*, Gouy phase induced polarization transition of focused vector vortex beams, Optics Express, 2017, 25(21): 25725-25733.[12] Yi Zhang, Peng Li*, Chaojie Ma, Sheng Liu, Huachao Cheng, Lei Han, and Jianlin Zhao*, Efficient generation of vector beams by calibrating the phase response of a spatial light modulator, Applied Optics, 2017, 56(17): 4956-4960.[11] Peng Li*, Yi Zhang, Sheng Liu, Huachao Cheng, Lei Han, Dongjing Wu, and Jianlin Zhao*, Generation and self-healing of vector Bessel-Gauss beams with variant state of polarizations upon propagation, Optics Express, 2017, 5(6):5821-5831.[10] Yi Zhang, Peng Li*, Sheng Liu, Lei Han, Huachao Cheng, and Jianlin Zhao*, Manipulating spin-dependent splitting of vector abruptly autofocusing beam by encoding cosine-azimuthal variant phases, Optics Express, 2016, 24(25): 28409-28418.[9] Yi Zhang, Peng Li*, Sheng Liu, Lei Han, Huachao Cheng, and Jianlin Zhao*, Optimized weak measurement for spatial spin-dependent shifts at Brewster angle, Applied Physics B, 2016, 122(7): 1-6.[8] Peng Li, Yi Zhang, Sheng Liu, Lei Han, Huachao Cheng, Fan Yu, and Jianlin Zhao, Quasi-Bessel beams with longitudinally varying polarization state generated by employing spectrum engineering, Optics Letters, 2016, 41(20): 4811-4814.[7] Peng Li, Yi Zhang, Sheng Liu, Chaojie Ma, Lei Han, Huachao Cheng, and Jianlin Zhao, Generation of perfect vectorial vortex beams, Optics Letters, 2016, 41(10): 2205-2208. [6] Peng Li, Sheng Liu, Yi Zhang, Gaofeng Xie, and Jianlin Zhao, Experimental realization of focal field engineering of the azimuthally polarized beams modulated by multi-azimuthal masks, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2015, 32(9):1867-1872.[5] Peng Li, Sheng Liu, Gaofeng Xie, Tao Peng, and Jianlin Zhao, Modulation mechanism of multi-azimuthal masks on the redistributions of focused azimuthally polarized beams, Optics Express, 2015, 23(6): 7131-7139.[4] Peng Li and Jianlin Zhao, Polarization-dependent coupling in gold-filled dual-core photonic crystal fibers, Optics Express, 2013, 21(5): 5232-5238.[3] Peng Li, Jianlin Zhao, Sheng Liu, Xietao Gan, Tao Peng, and Xiangyang Jiao, Dynamic behaviors of optical vortices in dual-core photonic crystal fibers, Optics Communications, 2012, 285: 2355-2359.[2] Peng Li, Jianlin Zhao, and Xiaojuan Zhang, Nonlinear coupling in triangular triple-core photonic crystal fibers, Optics Express, 2010, 18(26): 26828-26833.[1] Peng Li, Jianlin Zhao, Xiaojuan Zhang, Jianping Hou, Analysis of model coupling in photonic crystal fiber with triangular structure triple-core, Acta Phys. Sin., 2010, 59(12): 8625-8631.


