姓名 | 李建瀛 |
教师编号 | 5541 |
性别 | 男 |
学校 | 西北工业大学 |
部门 | 电子信息学院 |
学位 | 博士 |
学历 | 博士研究生毕业 |
职称 | 正高 |
联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
邮箱 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
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个人经历 Personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 西安电子工程研究所 工程师 (1992-1996) 新加坡国立大学 博士后(1999-2001),Research Scientist (2001-2010) 博士,西安电子科技大学, 1999 教育教学教育教学 Education and teaching 教育教学 开设课程天线理论与设计 (本科课程)天线阵列分析与综合 (研究生课程) 荣誉获奖科学研究 Scientific Research 研究方向1.计算电磁学2.天线理论与工程设计3.电磁散射、电磁兼容、隐身结构分析4.相控阵天线 、圆极化天线5.人工电磁材料主持或参与过许多科研项目,如:某型号雷达波导裂缝阵列搜索天线;某弹载斜视天线;超宽带阵列天线研究;电小尺寸天线研究;大尺寸复杂目标的电磁兼容研究;DBF天线阵列系统;共形宽带天线阵列研究;紧缩尺寸低频段天线研究等。 科学研究学术成果 Academic Achievements 发表的期刊文章 1. Liu Jie, Li Jian Ying, Broadband Polarization Conversion Meta-surface for Antenna RCS Reduction, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2022, 70(5): 3834-3839. 2. Hao sisi, Li Jianying, Feng Yao, Yu Xujing, Sign coherence factor-based double-stage delay multiply and sum beamforming algorithm for breast cancer detection, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Jun 2022, Vol.: 63, Issue:63. Du Yu, Li Jianying, Li Dong, Zhang Linkai, Shu Wenjuan, A linear wide‐angle scanning phased array based on pattern reconfigurable elements, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Jun 2022, Vol.: 63, Issue:64. Yao Feng; Jianying Li; Lingkai Zhang; Xujing Yu; Yang-xiao Qi; Dong Li; Shi gang Zhou, A Broadband Wide-Angle Scanning Linear Array Antenna With Suppressed Mutual Coupling for 5G Sub-6G Applications, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Volume: 21, Issue: 2, 2022, PP. 366-3705. Zhu-Bin Han, Jian-ying Li, Zhi-Ying Li, Yang-Xiao Qi, Dong Li,A broadband circularly polarized e‐shaped patch antenna,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, April 2022, Vol.: 63, Issue:4 6. Rui Xu; Jie Liu; Kun Wei; Wei Hu; Zi-Jian Xing; Jian-Ying Li; Steven Gao, Dual-Band Circularly Polarized Antenna with Two Pairs of Crossed-Dipoles for RFID Reader, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Dec. 2021, Vol.: 69, Issue:12 ,Page(s): 8194-8203.7. Ling-Kai Zhang; Yue-Xian Wang; Jian-Ying Li; Yao Feng; Wei Zhang Cavity-Backed Circularly Polarized Cross-Dipole Phased Arrays IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Volume: 20, Issue: 9, Sept. 2021,Page(s): 1656 – 1660.8. 谢静,李建瀛,舒文娟, 基于螺纹槽结构的90°波纹喇叭性能研究,电波科学学报, 2021, 36(5): 661-666.9. Yang-Xiao Qi; Jian-Ying Li, Difference Pattern Synthesis Based on Superposition Principle, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, May 2021, Vol.: 69, Issue:5 ,Page(s): 3005-3009.10. Shu Wen Juan; Li Jian Ying; Hao Si Si; Study on A Broadband New Structure Dipole-Shaped Circularly Polarized Antenna, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Jun 2021, Vol.: 63, Issue:6 ,Page(s): 1786-1791.11. Jie Liu ; Jianying Li ; Jiang-Jun Yang ; Yang-xiao Qi ; Rui Xu, AMC Loaded Low-Profile Circularly Polarized Reconfigurable Antenna Array, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, July 2020, Volume: 19, Issue: 7, Page(s): 1276-128012. Si-Si Hao ; Qing-Qing Chen ; Jian-Ying Li ; Jing Xie, A High-Gain Circularly Polarized Slotted Patch Antenna, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, VOL. 19, NO. 6, JUNE 2020, pp. 1022-102613. Guangwei Yang ; Shuai Zhang ; Jianying Li ; Yiming Zhang ; Gert Fr?lund Pedersen, A Multi-Band Magneto-Electric Dipole Antenna with Wide Beam-width, IEEE Access, 2020,Volume 8, pp. 68819- 6882714. Feng Yao, Jianying Li, Bao Cao , Jie Liu, Guangwei Yang , Du-juan Wei. Cavity-backed Broadband Circularly Polarized Cross-Dipole Antenna, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Dec. 2019, Volume: 18, Issue:12, Page(s): 2681-268515. Liu Jie, Li Jian-ying, A Reconfigurable Printed Antenna With Frequency and Polarization Diversity Based on Bow-Tie Dipole Structure , IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Dec. 2019, Vol.: 67, Issue:12,Page(s): 7628-7632.16. Guangwei Yang, Li Jian-Ying, “Improving Wide-Angle Scanning Performance of Phased Array Antenna by Dielectric Sheet,”IEEE Access, Dec. 2019, Volume: 7, Issue:1 PP: 71897-7190617. Liu Jie, Li Jian-ying, "Polarization Conversion Metamaterial Surface With Staggered-Arrangement Structure for Broadband Radar Cross Section Reduction", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, May 2019, Volume: 18, Issue:5, Page(s): 871-87518. Chen Qing-qing, Li Jian-ying, "A Polarization-Reconfigurable High-Gain Microstrip Antenna", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, May 2019, Volume: 67, Issue:5,PP: 3461-346619. Yang Guang-wei, Li Jian-ying, "Pattern Reconfigurable Microstrip Antenna With Multidirectional Beam for Wireless Communication", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Mar. 2019, Volume: 67, Issue:3, Page(s): 1910-1915.20. 于绪景, 李建瀛, 侧馈偏置卡塞格伦天线的波束扫描特性研究, 电波科学学报, 2019, 34(5): 628-63221. 陈青青,李建瀛,丁宇昕,张凌凯,冯耀,谢静, 宽带高增益环形圆极化微带天线, 西安电子科技大学学报, 2019, 46(6): 46-5122. Wei Du-juan, Li Jian-ying, "Dual-Band Substrate-Integrated Waveguide Leaky-Wave Antenna With a Simple Feeding Way", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Apr. 2019, Volume: 18, Issue:4, Page(s): 591-595.23. Yang Guang-wei, Li Jianying, "A Compact Reconfigurable Microstrip Antenna With Multidirectional Beam and Multipolarization", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Feb. 2019, Volume: 67, Issue:2, Page(s): 1358-136324. Wei Du-Juan, Li Jianying, "Wide-Scanning-Angle Leaky-Wave Array Antenna Based on Microstrip SSPPs-TL", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Aug. 2018, Volume: 17, Issue:8, On Page(s): 1566-1570.25. Rui Xu, Jian ying Li, Jie Liu, Shi Gang Zhou, and Kun Wei, A Simple Design of Compact Dual-wideband Square Slot Antenna with Dual-sense Circularly Polarized Radiation for WLAN/Wi-Fi Communications, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 66, no. 9, pp. 4884-4889, 201826. Yang-Xiao Qi;Jian-Ying Li, Superposition Synthesis Method for 2-D Shaped-Beam Array Antenna, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Year:2018 Volume: 66 Pages: 6950 - 695727. Guangwei Yang, Jianying Li, Jiangjun Yang, Shi-gang Zhou, A Wide Beamwidth and Wideband Magneto Electric Dipole Antenna, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 66, no. 12, pp.6724-6733, 201828. Guangwei Yang, Jianying Li, Dujuan Wei, Rui Xu, Study on Wide-Angle Scanning Linear Phased Array Antenna, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 66, no. 1, pp.450-455, 2018.29. Rui Xu , Jian ying Li, Jie Liu, Shi Gang Zhou, and Kun Wei, A Design of Dual-Wideband Planar Printed Antenna for Circular Polarization Diversity by Combining Slot and Monopole Modes, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 66, no. 8, pp. 4326-331, 2018.30. Guangwei Yang, Jianying Li, Dujuan Wei, Shi-gang Zhou, Jiangjun Yang, Broadening the Beam-Width of Microstrip Antenna by the Induced Vertical Currents, IET Microwaves Antennas & Propagation vol. 12, no. 2, pp.190-194, 201831. Rui Xu, Jian ying Li, Jie Liu. A Design of Broadband Circularly Polarized C-shaped Slot Antenna with Sword-shaped Radiator and Its Array for L/S-Band Applications, IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 5891-5896, 201832. Rui Xu, Jian ying Li, Jie Liu UWB circularly polarized slot antenna with modified ground plane and L-shaped radiator, Electronics Letters, vol. 54, no. 15, pp. 918-919, 201833. Rui Xu, Jian ying Li, Jie Liu, Frequency Selective Polarization Antenna (FSPA) Based on Simple Rotational Symmetric Printed Bow-Tie Dipole Structure IET, Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, vol. 12, no. 7, pp. 1107-1111, 201834. Yang Jiangjun; Li Jianying; Zhou SG, Study of Antenna Position on Vehicle by Using a Characteristic Modes Theory, IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS, vol. 17 No. 7 pp. 1132-1135; JUL 201835. Du-Juan Wei Li Jianying, Wide Scanning Angle LWA Based on DIL with H-Shaped Grooves, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 201836. Wei Zhang; Jian-ying Li; Jian Xie; Rui Xu, High sensitivity refractive index sensor based on Frequency Selective Surfaces absorber, IEEE Sensors Letters, vol.2, no.3,Sept.2018. PP (99):1-437. Wei Zhang; Jian-ying Li; Jian Xie, High sensitivity refractive index sensor based on metamaterial absorber, Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, 2018, PP (71): 107-115.38. Jie Liu, Jian ying Li, Rui Xu, Design of very simple frequency and polarisation reconfigurable antenna with finite ground structure, Electronics Letters, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 187-188, 201839. Du-Juan Wei Li Jianying, Design of Compact Dual-Band SIW Slotted Array Antenna, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 1085-1089, 201840. Du-Juan Wei Li Jianying, Wide Scanning-Angle Leaky Wave Array Antenna Based on Microstrip SSPPs-TL, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 17, no. 8, pp. 1566-1570, 201841. Du-Juan Wei Li Jianying, Small size DIL-based LWA with 3 H-shaped patches Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters, vol. 76, pp. 85-90, 201842. Li Jian-Ying, Qi Yangxiao, Zhou Shigang, Shaped Beam Synthesis Based on Superposition Principle and Taylor Method , IEEE Transactions on Antennas & Propagation, Vol. 65 No. 11,2017.43. Wei Zhang, Jian-ying Li, Jian Xie, “A Broadband Circular Polarizer Based on Cross-Shaped Composite Frequency Selective Surfaces,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 65, Issue.10, 2017, Pages: 5623-562744. Guangwei Yang, Li Jian-Ying, et al. "A wide-angle scanning E-plane linear array antenna with wide beam elements," IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., Vol.16, pp2923-2926, Oct. 2017.45. Kun Wei, Li Jian-Ying, Ling Wang. Microstrip Antenna Array Mutual Coupling Suppression Using Coupled Polarization Transformer. IET Microwave and Antennas Propagation. Vol. 11, Issue.13, 2017, Pages: 1836-1840. 46. Yihan Ma, Jian-Ying Li, Rui Xu, “Design of an Omnidirectional Circularly Polarized Antenna,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Year: 2017, Volume: 16, Pages: 226 - 22947. Rui Xu, Li Jian-Ying, Kun Wei , Guang-wei Yang, ‘A Broadband Slot Antenna with Unidirectional Circularly Polarised Patterns’, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol.16, pp. 317-320, 201748. Rui Xu, Li Jian-Ying, Yang-xiao Qi, Guang-wei Yang, Jiang-jun Yang, ‘A Design of Triple-Wideband Triple-Sense Circularly Polarized Square Slot Antenna’, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol.16, pp. 1763-1766, 201749. Xu Rui, Li Jian-Ying, J.-J. Yang, K. Wei, and Y.-X. Qi, ‘A Design of U-sahped slot antenna with dual circularly polarized radiation’, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 65, no. 6, pp.3217-3220, 201750. Kun Wei, Li Jian-Ying, Ling Wang. A New Technique to Design Circularly Polarized Microstrip Antenna by Using Fractal Defected Ground Structure. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 65, no. 7, pp. 3721-3725, 2017. 51. Kun Wei, Li Jian-Ying, Ling Wang. Study of Horizontally Polarized Omnidirectional Microstrip Antenna Arrays. Radioengineering, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 107-113, 2017. 52. Zijian Xing, Kun Wei, Ling Wang, and Li Jian-Ying, Dual-Band RFID Antenna for 0.92 GHz Near-Field and 2.45 GHz Far-Field, Applications, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2017 :1-953. Zhou S G, Dong P, Huang G L, Li Jian-Ying et al. Wideband Antenna Array with Full Metal Structure and Air-Filled Microstrip Feeding Network. IEEE Transactions on Antennas & Propagation, 2017, Volume: 65, Issue: 6, Pages: 3041 - 304854. Guangwei Yang, Li Jian-Ying, Rui Xu, Yihan Ma,Yangxiao Qi. "Improving the Performance of Wide-Angle Scanning Antenna Array with High Impedance Periodic Structure," IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., vol. 15, pp. 1819–1822, Mar. 2016.55. Wei Zhang, Li Jian-Ying, Ling Wang, “Broadband Circular Polarizer Based on Multilayer Gradual Frequency Selective Surfaces,” International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 2016, pp. 1-5, 201656. Kun Wei, Li Jian-Ying, Ling Wang, Zi-Jian Xing, and Rui Xu, “Mutual Coupling Reduction by Novel Fractal Defected Ground Structure Band-gap Filter,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 64, no. 10, pp. 4328-4335, 2016.57. Yang Guangwei, Li Jian-Ying, “Improving the Performance of Wide-Angle Scanning Antenna Array with High Impedance Periodic Structure,” IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., 2016.58. Zhang W, Li Jian-Ying, Wang L. Broadband Circular Polarizer Based on Multilayer Gradual Frequency Selective Surfaces. 2016, 2016:1-5.59. Kun Wei, Li Jian-Ying, Ling Wang. S-shaped Periodic Defected Ground Structures (PDGS) to Reduce Microstrip Antenna Array Mutual Coupling. Electronics Letters, vol. 52, no. 15, pp. 1288-1290, 2016. 60. Kun Wei, Li Jian-Ying, Ling Wang. Study on Horizontally Polarized Omnidirectional Microstrip Antenna. International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, vol. 2016, pp. 1-8, 2016. 61. Kun Wei, Li Jian-Ying, Ling Wang. Mutual Coupling Reduction by Novel Fractal Defected Ground Structure Band-gap Filter. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 64, no. 10, pp. 4328-4335, 2016. 62. Kun Wei, Li Jian-Ying, Ling Wang, “S-shaped Periodic Defected Ground Structures (PDGS) to Reduce Microstrip Antenna Array Mutual Coupling,” Electronics Letters, Vol. 52, no. 15, pp. 1288-1290, 2016.63. Li Jian-Ying, Rui Xu, Shi-Gang Zhou, Xuan Zhang, and Guang-wei Yang, ‘A Wideband High-Gain Cavity-Backed Low-Profile Dipole Antenna’, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 64, no. 12, pp.5465-5469, Oct. 201664. Rui Xu, Li Jian-Ying, Kun Wei , Guang-wei Yang, ‘Broadband rotational symmetry circularly polarised antenna’, Electronics Letters, vol. 52, no. 6, pp. 414-416, 2016 65. Rui Xu, Li Jian-Ying, Kun Wei,’Dual-band dual-sense circularly polarised square slot antenna with simple’, Electronics Letters, vol. 52, no. 8, pp. 578-579, 201666. Rui Xu, Li Jian-Ying, Kun Wei, ‘A Broadband Circularly Polarised Crossed-dipole Antenna’, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 64, no. 10, pp.4509-4513, 201667. Rui Xu, Li Jian-Ying, Shi-Gang Zhou, Xuan Zhang, and Guang-wei Yang, ‘A Wideband High-Gain Cavity-Backed Low-Profile Dipole Antenna’, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 64, no. 12, pp.5465-5469, 201668. Kun Wei, Li Jian-Ying, Ling Wang, “Study on Horizontally Polarized Omnidirectional Microstrip Antenna,” International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, vol. 2016, pp. 1-8, 2016.69. Zhou S G, Peng Z H, Huang G L, Li Jian-Ying et al. Design of Wideband and Dual Polarized Cavity Antenna Planar Array. IEEE Transactions on Antennas & Propagation, 2016, 64(10):4565-4569.70. 李建瀛,杨光伟,‘周期结构对小型天线阵宽角扫描性能的影响,’电波科学学报, 2016(6). 71. Kun Wei, Li Jian-Ying, Ling Wang. Study of Multi-Band Circularly Polarized Microstrip Antenna with Compact Size. Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, vol. 58, pp. 11-19, 2015. 72. Kun Wei, Li Jian-Ying, Ling Wang. A New Omnidirectional Circular Polarization Microstrip Antenna. Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, vol. 53, pp. 45-50, 2015. 73. Zijian Xing, Ling Wang, Li Jian-Ying and Kun Wei, Mutual coupling efficient analysis of rectangle microstrip circular polarization antenna array. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2015, 29 (4): 425-435 74. Yang Yi, Li Jian-Ying, Wei Kun, Xu Rui. Circularly-Polarized Cut Ring Microstrip Antenna. Electronics Letters. February, 2015: Vol. 51 No. 3, pp. 199–200;75. Kun Wei, Li Jian-Ying, Ling Wang, Zi-Jian Xing, and Rui Xu, “A new omnidirectional circular polarization microstrip antenna,” Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 53, pp. 45-50, 2015.76. Kun Wei, Li Jian-Ying, Ling Wang, Zi-Jian Xing, and Rui Xu, “Study of Multi-Band Circularly Polarized Microstrip Antenna with Compact Size,” Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 58, pp. 11–19, 2015.77. Zijian Xing, Ling Wang, Li Jian-Ying and Kun Wei, Radiation Efficiency Improvement Method for Multi-feed Circular Polarization Antenna Array with Mutual Coupling Effect. International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2014:1-978. Xing Z, Wang L, Li Jian-Ying, et al. Radiation Efficiency Improvement Method for Multifeed Circular Polarization Antenna Array with Mutual Coupling Effect, International Journal of Antennas And Propagation, 2014.79. Wu C, Xu Y, Li Jian-Ying, et al. Effects of the Length of Thru on the Measurement Precision in TRL Technique, IEEE Microwave And Wireless Components Letters, Dec. 2014, Vol. 24, PP: 905-907. 80. Ling Wang, Zijian Xing, Li Jian-Ying, Kun Wei, M.S. Sandikie, and Jiadong, Xu, Fast carrier cancellation for UHF near field RFID systems. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2012, 26(7): 863-874 81. Wang L, Xing Z J, Li Jian-Ying, et al. Fast Carrier Cancellation for UHF Near Field RFID Systems. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves & Applications, 2012, 26(7):863-874. 82. C.Y. Wu, K.S. Zheng, Li Jian-Ying. A chip antenna in via-free LTCC with symmetric structure for Bluetooth applications. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves & Applications, 83. Ma, C., Yeo, T. S., Tan, C. S., Li Jian-Ying., & Shang, Y. Three-Dimensional Imaging Using Colocated MIMO Radar and ISAR Technique, IEEE Transactions On Geoscience And Remote Sensing, Aug. 2012, Vol.50, PP:3189-3201.84. Zijian Xing, Ling Wang, Changying Wu, Li Jian-Ying, and Meng Zhang, Characteristics and application of a novel loop antenna to UHF RFID receivers. International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2011, 2011: 1-785. L. Sun, B.H. Sun, Li Jian-Ying., et al. Reconfigurable Dual Circularly Polarized Microstrip Antenna Without Orthogonal Feeding Network, Journal Of Electromagnetic Waves And Applications, No.10, 2011, Vol.25, PP:1352-1359.86. Li Jian-Ying., “Design of Broadband Compact Size Antenna Comprised of Printed Planar Dipole Pairs,” PIER Letter, No. 12, page 99-109, 200987. Y. Hua and Li Jian-Ying., “Analysis of Longitudinal Shunt Waveguide Slots Using Febi,” J. of Electromagn. Waves and Appl., Vol. 23, 2041–2046, 200988. Li Jian-Ying., “A Bi-Swarm Optimizing Strategy and Its Application of Antenna Design,” J. of Electromagn. Waves and Appl. (JEMWA), volume 23, no. 14/15, page 1877-1886, 2009.89. Jing-Li Guo; Li Jian-Ying, “Pattern Synthesis of Conformal Array Antenna in the Presence of Platform Using Differential Evolution Algorithm,” IEEE Trans. Antennas And Propagation, Vol. 57, NO. 9, Sept. 2009, pp: 2615-262190. Yu Yu Kyi, Li Jian-Ying., “Broadband small-size wire cone antenna,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Volume 51, Issue 9, Date: September 2009, Pages: 2040-2043.91. Li Jian-Ying, “Study of Broadband Printed Dipole Antennas,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2009.92. Li Jian-Ying. and J. L. Guo, “Optimization Technique Using Differential Evolution For Yagi-Uda Antennas”, J. of Electromagn. Waves and Appl., Vol. 23, 449–461, 2009.93. Li Jian-Ying, “A Novel Compact Size Dipole Antenna,” Electrical Letters, 2008, Vol. 44, No.2194. Li Jian-Ying, Jing-Li Guo, Yan-Lin Zou, and Qi-Zhong Liu, “Analysis of a Cylindrical Dielectric Radome Covering Omnidirectional Waveguide Slot Antennas,” Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, No. 6, 200895. Z. Xu, H. Li, Q.-Z. Liu, and Li Jian-Ying., “Pattern Synthesis of Conformal Antenna Array by the Hybrid Genetic Algorithm,” Progress In Electromagnetics Research, PIER 79, 75-90, 2008.96. Y. Kyi and Li Jian-Ying., "Analysis of Electrically Small Size Conical Antennas," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 1, 85-92, 2008.97. 李建瀛,郭景丽,张群,刘其中, “差分进化及其在天线优化设计中的应用,”微波学报,2008年,06期98. 郭景丽, 李建瀛, 邹艳林,刘其中, “金属目标快速计算的ILU预处理技术”,电波科学学报, 2008年 第23卷 第1期99. Yan-Lin Zou, Li Jian-Ying, and Qi-Zhong Liu, “Modified mode decomposition for analyzing antennas with body of revolution radome,” ", Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol. 21, no. 10, pp. 1403-1410, 2007100. Tao Yuan, Le-Wei Li, Mook-Seng Leong, Li Jian-Ying and Ning Yuan, "Efficient Analysis and Design of Finite Phased Arrays of Printed Dipoles Using Fast Algorithm: Some Case Studies", Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 737-754, 2007101. Jing-Li Guo; Li Jian-Ying; Qi-Zhong Liu, “Analysis of Antenna Array With Arbitrarily Shaped Radomes Using Fast Algorithm Based On Vsie,” J. of Electromagn. Waves and Appl., Vol. 20, No. 10, 1399–1410, 2006102. Jing-Li Guo; Li Jian-Ying; Qi-Zhong Liu, “Analysis of arbitrarily shaped dielectric radomes using adaptive integral method based on volume integral equation,” IEEE Trans. Antennas And Propagation, Vol. 54, NO. 7, 2006, pp: 1910- 1916103. Y. Q. Lu; Li Jian-Ying, “Optimization of Broadband Top-Load Antenna Using Micro-Genetic Algorithm,” J. of Electromagn. Waves and Appl., Vol. 20, No. 6, 793–801, 2006104. Li Jian-Ying. and Y.-B. Gan, "Multi-band characteristic of open sleeve antenna," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, PIER 58, 135-148, 2006.105. 郭景丽, 李建瀛, 刘其中, “任意形状天线罩的快速分析,” 电波科学学报 2006年02期106. 郭景丽, 刘其中, 李建瀛, 周斌, “金属介质混合结构目标电磁特性的矩量法分析,”西安电子科技大学学报(自然科学版) 2006年01期107. Li Jian-Ying., L.-W. Li, and Y.-B. Gan, “Method of Moments Analysis of Waveguide Slot Antennas Using the EFIE,” Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol. 19, no. 13, pp. 1729-1748, 2005.108. Li Jian-Ying., J.-L. Guo, Y.-B. Gan, and Q.-Z. Liu. “The Tri-Band Performance Of Sleeve Dipole Antenna,” J. of Electromagn. Waves and Appl., Vol. 19, No. 15, 2081–2092, 2005109. Li, Jian-Ying and L W Li, "Smaller Offset Broad-Wall Longitudinal Waveguide Slots: A New Analysis Using a New Idea." IEE Proceedings - Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, 152, no. 3 (2005): 179-182.110. J.-L. Guo, Li Jian-Ying., and Q.-Z. Liu. “Electromagnetic Analysis Of Coupled Conducting And Dielectric Targets Using Mom With A Pre-Conditioner,” J. of Electromagn. Waves and Appl., Vol. 19, No. 9, 1223–1236, 2005111. 李建瀛,唐松,刘其中,“大型目标RCS的快速计算及分析,”西安电子科技大学学报,No.3, 2005.112. 李建瀛,李乐伟, “全向波导裂缝阵列天线的数值分析,” 现代雷达, No.8, 2004.113. Y. Zhang, Li Jian-Ying., C. H. Liang, and Y. Xie. “A Fast analysis of large finite-slot phased arrays fed by rectangular waveguide,” J. Electromagn. Waves Applic., Vol.18, No.6, pp: 715-727, 2004.114. Li Jian-Ying and Le-Wei Li, “Characterizing scattering by 3-D arbitrarily shaped homogeneous dielectric objects using fast multipole method,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 3, no.1, pp. 1-4, June 2004. 115. Li Jian-Ying and Le-Wei Li, “Electromagnetic scattering by a mixture of conducting and dielectric objects: Analysis using method of moments,” IEEE Trans. Vehicular Tech., vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 514—520, March 2004.116. 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