

主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 刘亚红
教师编号 5503
学校 西北工业大学
部门 物理科学与技术学院
学位 博士
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 正高
联系方式 【发送到邮箱】
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个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 刘亚红 教授,博士生导师。2010年获得凝聚态物理专业博士学位,2012年入选西北工业大学“翱翔之星”计划。2016年12月至2017年12月受国家留学基金委资助赴世界百强名校英国伯明翰大学开展合作研究。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、航空科学基金、陕西省重点研发计划等十余项课题。在国内外著名学术期刊Adv.  Funct. Materials, Adv. Optical Mater., Phys. Rev. B, Phys. Rev. Applied, Appl. Phys. Lett.等发表SCI研究论文60余篇,论文的总引用次数近千次,论文被美国、英国、德国、日本、澳大利亚、新加坡等20多个国家的科研工作者正面引用与评价,论文入选西北工业大学顶级论文资助计划。出版学术专著一部《微波超材料与超表面中波的行为》(科学出版社);参加编写英文学术专著2章。获授权国家发明专利8项。主要研究方向为人工电磁超材料与超表面、拓扑光学、电磁波及其应用。招生情况:博士研究生(凝聚态物理);硕士研究生(凝聚态物理、材料物理与化学、材料工程)。2020- 今           西北工业大学 物理科学与技术学院     教授 2016-2017    英国伯明翰大学  物理与天文学院   访问学者2006-2019    西北工业大学 理学院     助教  讲师  副教授


教育教学 Education and teaching 教育教学 招生信息 1 主讲课程(1) 本科生公共课: 《大学物理实验》(2) 本科生专业课: 《测试与传感技术》(3) 研究生专业课:《超介质物理》(4) 研究生专业课:《微波激励与测试技术》(5) 研究生前沿基础课:《超材料研究中的物理建模与分析方法》2 教学项目(1) 主持教改项目《大学物理实验》课程的改革与实践研究(2020)(2) 英国牛津参加EMI境外教学研修项目(2019)(3) 主持西北工业大学2022年度研究生培养质量提升工程建设项目(2022)(4)主持西北工业大学2022年度本科专业建设项目(2022) 博士研究生:凝聚态物理(接收推免、考试录取);硕士研究生:凝聚态物理、材料物理与化学、材料工程(接收推免、考试录取);欢迎具有物理、材料、光学等专业背景的同学们报考。课题组与英国、香港等知名高校保持长期合作,为优秀研究生提供境内外交流平台。联系方式:陕西省西安市西北工业大学长安校区物理科学与技术学院E-mail: yhliu@nwpu.edu.cn


荣誉获奖 Awards Information (1) 全国高等学校物理基础课程讲课比赛陕西赛区二等奖(2019年)(2) 第一作者论文获得西北工业大学顶级论文(2012年)(3) 西北工业大学“翱翔之星”人才计划(2012年)(4) 发明专利获得全国发明展览会银奖 (2011年)


科学研究 Scientific Research 1  主持项目(1)    国家自然科学基金面上项目 (2024.01-2027.12)(2)  国家自然科学基金面上项目 (2019.01-2022.12)(3)   陕西省重点研发计划 (2023.01-2024.12)(4)    陕西省自然科学基础研究计划面上项目 (2020.01-2021.12)(5)    航空科学基金 (2016.10-2018.10)(6)    中央高校基本科研业务费(2019.01-2019.12)(7)    陕西省自然科学基础研究计划面上项目 (2017.01-2018.12)(8)    陕西省自然科学基础研究计划青年项目 (2014.05-2016.05)(9)    西北工业大学基础研究基金 ( 2014.06-2016.06)(10)  国家自然科学基金青年项目 (2013.01-2015.12)(11) 西北工业大学“顶级论文”资助计划 (2013)(12)  西北工业大学“翱翔之星”人才计划 (2013.01-2015.12)(13)   西北工业大学基础研究基金 (2011.06-2013.06)2  研究方向(1)  人工电磁超材料与超表面具有反常电磁参数的材料,由于具有奇异的物理特性诸如负折射率、完美成像、隐身等受到广泛关注。提出了一系列的超常材料包括负折射率超材料、手性超材料、近零折射率超材料及其二维形态-超表面,这些超常材料的研究极大扩展了以往受限于材料本身的电磁波理论和应用的研究范畴。(2) 拓扑光子学拓扑绝缘体的发现使得拓扑材料作为一种由于整体拓扑效应所导致的全新量子物态受到人们的广泛关注。拓扑材料中最具吸引力的性质就是受拓扑性质保护的边界态,其具有自旋依赖的无耗散载流子输运行为。主要开展谷霍尔拓扑材料、深亚波长可重构拓扑超材料、高阶拓扑超材料等。(3)  电磁波及其应用基于电磁超常材料的新型器件研究,包括高性能小型化的天线、完美吸收器、滤波器件、极化选择传输器等。


学术成果 Academic Achievements 1  部分代表论文:[46].    Liyun Tao, Yahong Liu,* Xin Zhou,Lianlian Du, Meize Li, Ruonan Ji, Kun Song, and Xiaopeng Zhao Multi-Type Topological States in Higher-Order Photonic Insulators Based on Kagome Metal Lattices, Adv. Optical Mater., 2300986, 2023. [45].    Kun Song, Yunshan Cao, Qiang Chen, Xuejian Gong, Ruonan Ji,* Yahong Liu, Xiaopeng Zhao, Min Wang,* Miguel Navarro-Cía, and Qian Zhao*,Frequency and Angle Multiplexed Metadevices with Multifunctional Polarization Modulation, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2305145, 2023.[44].    Kun Song, Xuejian Gong, Yunshan Cao, Qiang Chen, Ruonan Ji, Yahong Liu*, Xiaopeng Zhao, Jiangfeng Zhou, Miguel Navarro-Cía, Modular design for versatile broadband polarizing metasurfaces with freely switching functions, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2215105, 2023.[43].    Liyun Tao, Yahong Liu*, Lianlian Du, Meize Li, Xin Yuan, Xiang Xiao, Miguel Navarro-Cía, Xiaopeng Zhao, Evolution of the edge states and corner states in multilayer honeycomb valley-Hall topological metamaterial, Physical Review B, 107: 035431, 2023.[42].    Yahong Liu,* Huiling Ren, Liyun Tao, Xin Zhou, Lianlian Du, Meize Li, Kun Song, Ruonan Ji, Xiaopeng Zhao, Miguel Navarro-Cía, Mechanically-reconfigurable edge states in an ultrathin valley-hall topological metamaterial, Advanced Materials Interfaces,202200998(1-11), 2022. [41].    Lianlian Du, Yahong Liu*, Xin Zhou, Liyun Tao, Meize Li, Huiling Ren, Ruonan Ji, Kun Song, Xiaopeng Zhao, Miguel Navarro-Cía,Dual-band all-dielectric chiral photonic crystal, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 55: 165303, 2022.[40].    Meize Li, Yahong Liu*, Lianlian Du, Xin Zhou, Kun Song, Ruonan Ji, and Xiaopeng Zhao, Weyl Point and Nontrivial Surface States in a Helical Topological Material, Frontiers in Materials, 8:805862,2022.[39].    Ruonan Ji, Kun Song, Xuyue Guo, Xin Xie, Yang Zhao Chuan Jin, Shaowei Wang, Chengming Jiang, Jianbo Yin, Yahong Liu, Shilong Zhai, Xiaopeng Zhao, and Wei Lu, Spin-decoupled metasurface for broadband and pixel-saving polarization rotation and wavefront control, Optics Express, 29(16): 25720-25730, 2021.[38].    Ruonan Ji, Xin Xie, Xuyue Guo, Yang Zhao, Chuan Jin, Kun Song, Shaowei Wang, Jianbo Yin, Yahong Liu, Chengming Jiang, Chaoshun Yang, Xiaopeng Zhao, and Wei Lu, Chirality-assisted aharonov?anandan geometric-phase metasurfaces for spin-decoupled phase modulation, ACS photonics, 8(6):1847-1855, 2021.[37]. Yahong Liu*, Meize Li, Kun Song, Dingshan Hu, Hongchao Liu, Xiaopeng Zhao, Shuang Zhang, and Miguel Navarro-Cía, Leaky-Wave Antenna With Switchable Omnidirectional Conical Radiation via Polarization Handedness, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 68(3):1282-1288, 2020.  [36]. Lianlian Du, Yahong Liu*, Meize Li, Huiling Ren, Kun Song, and Xiaopeng Zhao,Non-trivial transport interface in a hybrid topological material with hexagonal lattice arrangement, Frontiers in Physics, 8: 595621, 2020.[35]. Song, Kun; Ji, Ruonan; Shrestha, Duman; Ding, Changlin; Liu, Yahong*; Zhu, Weiren; He, Wentao; Liu, Huidong; Guo, Yuhua; Tang, Yongkang; Zhao, Xiaopeng; Zhou, Jiangfeng,High-Efficiency and Wide-Angle Versatile Polarization Controller Based on Metagratings,Materials, 12(4):623, 2019.[34]. Yahong Liu, Xiaopeng Zhao, Metamaterials and metasurfaces for designing metadevices: perfect absorbers and microstrip patch antennas, Chin. Phys. B, 27(11): 117805, 2018.[33]. Yahong Liu*, Qinghua Guo, Hongchao Liu, Congcong Liu, Kun Song, Biao Yang, Quanwen Hou, Xiaopeng Zhao, Shuang Zhang, and Miguel Navarro-Cía, Circular-polarization-selective transmission induced by spin-orbit coupling in a helical tape waveguide, Phys. Rev. Applied, 9: 054033, 2018.  [32]. Yahong Liu*, Congcong Liu, Kun Song, Meize Li and Xiaopeng Zhao, A broadband high-transmission gradient phase discontinuity metasurface, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 51: 095103, 2018. [31]. Kun Song, Zhaoxian Su, Sinhara Silva, Clayton Fowler, Changlin Ding, Ruonan Ji, Yahong Liu, Xiaopeng Zhao, and Jiangfeng Zhou, Broadband and high-efficiency transmissive-type nondispersive polarization conversion meta-device, Optical Materials Express, 8(8): 2430, 2018.[30]. Yahong Liu*, Yang Luo, Congcong Liu, Kun Song, and Xiaopeng Zhao, Linear polarization to left/right-handed circular polarization conversion by using ultrathin planar chiral metamaterials, Appl. Phys. A, 123: 571, 2017. [29]. Yahong Liu*, Yang Luo, Xueyu Jin, Xin Zhou, Kun Song, and Xiaopeng Zhao, High-Q Fano resonances in asymmetric and symmetric all-dielectric metasurfaces, Plasmonics, 12:1431-1438, 2017. [28]. Kun Song, Zhaoxian Su, Min Wang, Sinhara Silva, Khagendra Bhattarai, Changlin Ding, Yahong Liu, Chunrong Luo, Xiaopeng Zhao, and Jiangfeng Zhou, Broadband angle- and permittivity-insensitive nondispersive optical activity based on planar chiral metamaterials, Sci. Reports, 7: 10730, 2017.[27]. Yahong Liu*, Xueyu Jin, Xin Zhou, Yang Luo, Kun Song, Lvhongzi Huang and Xiaopeng Zhao, A phased array antenna with a broadly steerable beam based on a low-loss metasurface lens, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 49: 405304, 2016. [26]. Yahong Liu*, Xin Zhou, Zhennan Zhu, and Xiaopeng Zhao, Broadband impedance-matched near-zero-index metamaterials for a wide scanning phased array antenna design, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 49: 075107, 2016.  [25]. Kun Song, Changlin Ding, Zhaoxian Su, Yahong Liu, Chunrong Luo, Xiaopeng Zhao, Khagendra Bhattarai, and Jiangfeng Zhou, Planar composite chiral metamaterial with broadband dispersionless polarization rotation and high transmission, J. Appl. Phys., 120, 245102, 2016.[24]. Yahong Liu*, Xin Zhou, Kun Song, Mei Wang, and Xiaopeng Zhao, Ultrathin planar chiral metasurface for controlling gradient phase discontinuities of circularly polarized waves, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 48: 365301, 2015. [23]. Yahong Liu*, Xin Zhou, Kun Song, Shuai Gu, Zhaojun Liu, Lei Guo, and Xiaopeng Zhao, Quasi-phase-matching of the dual-band nonlinear left-handed metamaterial, Appl. Phys. Lett., 105, 201911, 2014. [22]. Yahong Liu* and Xiaopeng Zhao, Perfect absorber metamaterial for designing Low-RCS patch antenna, IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., 13,1473-1476, 2014. [21]. Kun Song, Yahong Liu, Chunrong Luo, and Xiaopeng Zhao, High-efficiency broadband and multiband cross-polarization conversion using chiral metamaterial, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 47, 505104, 2014.[20]. Yahong Liu*, Kun Song, Ying Qi, Shuai Gu, and Xiaopeng Zhao, Investigation of circularly polarized patch antenna with chiral metamaterial, IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., 12, 1359-1362, 2013.  [19]. Yahong Liu*, Xiaojing Guo, Shuai Gu, Xiaopeng Zhao, Zero index metamaterial for designing high-gain patch antenna, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2013, 215681(1-12), 2013.  [18]. Liu Ya-Hong*, Fang Shi-Lei, Gu Shuai, and Zhao Xiao-Peng, Multiband and broadband metamaterial absorbers, Acta Phys. Sin., 63 (12), 134102(1-8), 2013. [17]. Kun Song, Xiaopeng Zhao, Yahong Liu, Quanhong Fu, and Chunrong Luo, A frequency-tunable 90°-polarization rotation device using composite chiral metamaterials, Appl. Phys. Lett., 103, 101908, 2013.[16]. Hangfei Tang, Quanwen Hou, Yahong Liu, and Xiaopeng Zhao, A high gain omnidirectional antenna using negative permeability metamaterial, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2013, 575062(1-7), 2013.[15].  Kun Song, Yahong Liu, Quanhong Fu, Xiaopeng Zhao, Chunrong Luo, and Weiren Zhu, 90° polarization rotator with rotation angle independent of substrate permittivity and incident angles using a composite chiral metamaterial, Opt. Express, 21(6), 7439-7446, 2013.[14]. Yahong Liu*, Shuai Gu, Chunrong Luo, and Xiaopeng Zhao, Ultra-thin broadband metamaterial absorber, Appl. Phys. A, 108, 19-24, 2012. [13]. Liu Ya-Hong*, Liu Hui, and Zhao Xiao-Peng, Isotropic negative permeability metamaterials and left-handed metamaterials based on miniature structure, Acta Phys. Sin., 61(8), 084103(1-8), 2012. [12].  Quanwen Hou, Hangfei Tang, Yahong Liu, and Xiaopeng Zhao, Dual-Frequency and broadband circular patch antennas with a monopole-type pattern based on epsilon-negative transmission line, IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., 11, 442-445, 2012. [11]. K. Song, X. P. Zhao, Q. H. Fu, Y. H. Liu, and W. R. Zhu, Wide-angle 90°-polarization rotator using chiral metamaterial with negative refractive index, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 26(14-15), 1967-1976, 2012.[10]. Yahong Liu*, Haifeng Gu, and Xiaopeng Zhao, Enhanced transmission and high directivity radiation based on composite right/left-handed transmission line structure, IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., 10, 658-661, 2011. [9]. Yahong Liu, and Xiaopeng Zhao, High-gain ultrathin resonant cavity antenna, Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett., 53(9), 1945-1949, 2011. [8]. Yahong Liu and Xiaopeng Zhao, High gain patch antenna with composite right-left handed structure and dendritic cell metamaterials, J. Infrared Milli. Terahz. Waves, 31(4), 455-468, 2010.  [7]. Xin Zhou, Yahong Liu, and Xiaopeng Zhao, Low losses left-handed materials with optimized electric and magnetic resonance, Appl. Phys. A, 98(3), 643-649, 2010.[61]. Y. H. Liu and X. P. Zhao, Investigation of anisotropic negative permeability medium cover for patch antenna, IET Microw. Antennas Propag., 2008, 2(7): 737-744.  [5]. Liu Ya-Hong, Song Juan, Luo Chun-Rong, Fu Quan-Hong and Zhao Xiao-Peng, The thick ring resonators to achieve negative permeability and its left-handed behavior in perpendicular propagation, Acta Phys. sin., 52(2), 934-939, 2008.  [4]. Liu Ya-Hong, Luo Chun-Rong, and Zhao Xiao-Peng, H-shaped structure of left-handed metamaterials with simultaneous negative permittivity and permeability, Acta Phys. sin., 56(10), 5883-5889, 2007. [3]. Xiaopeng Zhao, Qian Zhao, Fuli Zhang, Wei Zhao, and Yahong Liu, Stopband Phenomena in the Passband of Left-Handed Metamaterials, Chin. Phys. Lett., 23, 99-102, 2006.[2]. F. L. Zhang,Q. Zhao, Y. H. Liu, C. R. Luo,X. P. Zhao. The behavior of hexagon split ring resonators and left-handed metamaterials, Chin. Phys. Lett., 21, 1330-1332, 2004.[1]. Qian Zhao, Xiaopeng Zhao, Lei Kang, Fuli Zhang, Yahong Liu, and Chunrong Luo, The defect effect in the one-dimensional negative permeability material), Acta Phys. sin., 53: 2206-2211, 2004.2  出版专著[1]. Yahong Liu, Kun Song, and Xiaopeng Zhao, Electromagnetic Metamaterials and Their Applications for Designing Novel Microwave Antennas, Advances in Materials Science Research (Chapter 1, pp.1-52), Volume 31, ISBN: 978-1-53612-769-0, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 2017.[2]. 赵晓鹏,刘亚红,《微波超材料与超表面中波的行为》,ISBN: 978-7-03-047793-4,科学出版社,75万字,2016年4月第一版(2018年1月第三次印刷).[3]. X. P. Zhao and Y. H. Liu, Patch antenna and perfect absorber with dendritic cell metamterials, Metamaterials: Classes, Properties and Applications (Chapter 2, pp.43-85), ISBN: 978-1-61668-958-2, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2010. 3  授权专利[1]. 刘亚红,顾帅,罗春荣,赵晓鹏,基于完全吸收器的低RCS微带天线,中国发明专利,授权公告日:2016年1月20日, 专利号:ZL201110321595.7.[2]. 赵晓鹏,刘亚红,一种负磁导率介质手机天线电磁屏蔽装置,中国发明专利,授权公告日:2011年12月14日, 专利号:ZL200610104712.3.[3]. 赵晓鹏,刘亚红,罗春荣,C波段负磁导率介质微带天线,中国发明专利,授权公告日:2011年5月18日,专利号:ZL200510096103.3.[4]. 赵晓鹏,刘亚红,宋娟,一种可用于微波炉和电脑的负磁导率介质电磁屏蔽装置,中国发明专利,授权公告日:2009年11月18日,专利号:ZL 200610105225.9.[5]. 赵晓鹏,刘亚红,赵伟,罗春荣,高灵敏度手机天线用左手介质基板,中国发明专利,授权公告日:2009年1月21日,专利号:ZL 200510042741.7.[6]. 赵晓鹏,宋娟,刘亚红,一种具有适当厚度环结构的负磁导率介质,中国发明专利,授权公告日:2009年9月9日,专利号:ZL 200610105226.3.[7]. 赵晓鹏,赵伟,刘亚红,罗春荣,含有负磁导率介质的手机天线,中国发明专利,授权公告日:2009年1月21日,专利号:ZL 200510042740.2.[8]. 赵晓鹏,赵乾,刘亚红,张富利,赵伟,周欣,含有禁带的微波左手材料,中国发明专利,授权公告日:2008年3月26日,专利号:ZL 200410073520.1.

