

主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 刘雁
教师编号 5501
学校 西北工业大学
部门 机电学院
学位 工学博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 副高
联系方式 【发送到邮箱】
邮箱 【发送到邮箱】
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

个人经历 Personal experience 教育经历 工作经历 1.2008.6,西北工业大学,模式识别与智能系统专业,博士 2.1999.4,西北工业大学,电力电子与电力传动专业,硕士 3. 1996.7,西北工业大学,电气技术专业,学士  1. 1996.7-至今,西北工业大学,机电学院,副教授; 2. 2010.4-2012.4,西北工业大学与陕鼓动力股份有限公司联合培养,博士后; 3. 2015.1-2016.1 美国南伊利诺伊大学爱德华兹维尔分校,访问学者。


教育教学 Education and teaching 教育教学 主讲课程: 1. 本科课程:《电工技术》,《电子技术》,《电工电子技术》,《单片机原理与应用(英文)》, 《机电一体化技术》,《生物医学传感器及应用技术》,《专业外语》,《电力拖动》; 2. 硕士研究生课程:《系统建模与仿真实验》,《现代传感器技术》。 参编教材及辅导用书:《电工技术》,《电子技术》,《电工电子应用技术》,《电工电子实验技术》,《电工技术学习与考研指导》,《电子技术学习与考研指导》,《电工技术典型题解析及自测试题》《电子技术典型题解析及自测试题》


荣誉获奖 Awards Information 获陕西省教学成果二等奖、教育部普通高等学校精品教材奖、陕西省优秀教材一等奖、二等奖、西北工业大学教学成果一等奖各1项。


科学研究 Scientific Research 主要研究方向:1. 理论研究(1)机器学习框架下旋转机械故障的非线性动力学特征及动态预测算法;(2)基于大数据的旋转机械故障诊断算法;(3)直升机弹性机翼壁面振动的蒙皮流动失稳特性;(4)透平压缩机的流道流动失稳机理及混沌控制;(5)计算机网络拥塞的非线性动力学的数学描述及稳定性;(6)广义傅里叶变换在高阶电路系统中的分岔、稳定性。2. 应用研究(1)电动机故障的人工智能检测技术及软、硬件平台实现;(2)云平台在线技术在旋转机械故障诊断中的应用;(3)透平压缩机旋转失速及初始喘振的预测及标定;(4)机载航空开关电源开发。科研项目:主持2项国家自然科学基金,1项国家级重点实验室基金;主持校企合作项目6项。1.主持,国家自然科学基金青年项目,《壁面振动诱发流固界面上流体粘滞-滑移流动机制的研究》,51305355,2014/01-2016/12;2.主持,国家自然科学基金项目,《局部柔性结构翼型激振诱发流-固界面流体能量靶向输运的机制研究 》,51775437 ,2018/01-2021/12。3.主持,压缩机技术国家重点实验室开放基金,《基于非线性动力学的离心压缩机初始喘振机理及预测方法研究》,SKL-YSL201902,2019/12-2021/10


学术成果 Academic Achievements   一、期刊论文(1)第一作者论文1. Liu Yan, MA Kai, HE Hao, et al. Obtaining information about operation of centrifugal compressor from pressure by combining EEMD and IMFE. Entropy, 2020, 22(4),424. (SCI)2. 刘雁, 宁飞. 基于雨课堂的系统建模与仿真课程混合教学模式改革.大学教育.2020,5:53-553. Yan Liu, Kai Ma, Hao He and Qiang Huang. Experimental and analytical periodic motions in a first-order nonlinear circuit system. The European physical Journal Special Topics, 2019, 228(9):1867-1780 (SCI)4. Yan Liu, Dongxiao Ding, Kai Ma, Kuan Gao. Descriptions of Entropy with Fractal Dynamics and Their Applications to the Flow Pressure of Centrifugal Compressor. Entropy. 2019, 21(3):266. (SCI)5.刘雁, 丁冬晓. 基于分形的心电信号非线性特征研究. 西北工业大学学报. 2018, 36(2):287-293(EI)6. Liu Yan,Zhang Jiazhong,Predicting Traffic Flow in Local Area Networks by the Largest Lyapunov Exponent. Entropy. 2016,18(1). (SCI)7. Yan Liu,Jiazhong Zhang,Jiahui Chen,Yamiao Zhang,Model Reduction for Second Order in Time Nonlinear Dissipative Autonomous Dynamic Systems. Journal of Vibration Testing and System Dynamics. 2017, 1(1): 53-63.8. Yan Liu, Sheng Ren, Jiazhong Zhang. Cavitating Flow between Two Shear Moving Parallel Plates and Its Control. Discontinuity, Nonlinearity, and Complexity. 2015, 4(3): 371-379.9. Liu Yan, Liu Li-Guang, Wang, Hang. Prediction of Congestion and Bursting Phenomena in Network Traffic Based on Multifractal Spectrums. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control of the ASME, 2013, 135(3), 031012-6. (SCI)10. Liu Yan, Li Kailun, Zhang Jiazhong, Wang Hang, Liu Liguang. Numerical Bifurcation Analysis of Static Stall of Airfoil and Dynamic Stall under Unsteady Perturbation. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2012, 17(8):3427-3434. (SCI)11. Liu Yan, Liu Liguang, Wang Hang. Study on Congestion and Bursting in Small-World Networks with Time Delayfrom Viewpoint of Nonlinear Dynamics. Chinese Physics Letters. 2012, 29(6): 060504. (SCI)12. 刘雁, 陈党民, 柳黎光, 王航, 陈凯. 离心式压缩机出口动态压力的单重分形特征研究. 西北工业大学学报. 2013, 31(1): 60-66. (EI)13. 刘雁, 慕德俊. 最大Lyapunov指数实现局域网络流量预测的方法. 西北工业大学学报. 2009, 27(2): 219-223. (EI)14. 刘雁, 慕德俊, 张家忠. 基于多重分形谱的局域网流量预测. 系统仿真学报. 2009, 21(12): 3743-3747. 15. 刘雁, 慕德俊. 相空间重构实现局域网流量的关联维数研究. 计算机工程与应用, 2009, 43(13): 107-110.16. Liu Yan, Zhang Jiazhong, Mu Dejun. Study on the Nonlinear Dynamics in the Small-World Networks—Hopf Bifurcation, Sequence of Period-Doubling Bifurcations and Chaos. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 96, 012061, 2008 (ISTP)17. 刘雁, 慕德俊. 小世界网络模型的非线性动力学研究. 系统仿真学报. 2009, 21(5): 1254-1257. 18. 刘雁, 慕德俊. 局域网流量的多重分形谱及关联性研究. 计算机应用研究. 2008, 25(10): 3153-3155.19. 刘雁, 慕德俊. R-R Lorenz图实现心电信号混沌特征识别的研究. 北京生物医学工程. 2008, 27(1): 37-40.20. 刘雁, 慕德俊. 基于USB技术的便携式动态心脏监护仪的设计. 医疗卫生装备. 2007, 28(6): 93-95. (2)非第一作者1. Zuo Wang, Yan Liu, Jiazhong Zhanga, Nannan Dang. Study of laminar natural convection in a vertical annulus with inner wall covered by a porous layer by using lattice Boltzmann method. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2019, 135: 386-397.2. Zhuopu Wang, Jiazhong Zhang, Le Wang, and Yan Liu. A general objective shock wave detection from a geometric singular perturbation approach, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2019, 66: 1-19.3. Zuo Wang, Yan Liu, Jiazhong Zhang. Regularized lattice Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook model for thermal flow in porous media. Proceedings of the iMeche, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2018, 3: 232-240.4. 张家忠,刘雁,孙旭,陈嘉辉,王乐. 柔性结构气弹效应在流动控制中的应用及进展. 力学进展,2018,48(5),201805(19页).5. Zuo Wang, Heng Wang, Jiazhong Zhang, Yan Liu. A modified double distribution lattice Boltzmann model for axisymmetric thermal flow. Physics Letters A. 2017, 381(13):1150-1157.6. Feng, Peihua, Zhang, Jiazhong, Cao Shengli, Prants S.V, Liu Yan. Thermalized solution of the Galerkin-truncated Burgers equation: From the birth of local structures to thermalization. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. 2017, 45: 104-116.7. Wang Zuo, Zhang Jia-Zhong, Liu Yan. Simulation of micro flow in the transition regime using effective-viscosity-based multi-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann model. Acta Physica Sinica. 2016, 65(1).8. 王佐, 刘雁, 张家忠. 过渡区微尺度流动的有效黏性多松弛系数格子Boltzmann 模拟. Acta Physica Sinica. 2015,(01): 299-308.9. Zhang Jia-Zhong, Feng Pei-Hua, Liu Yan. Approximate inertial manifolds of Burgers equation approached by nonlinear Galerkin's procedure and its application. Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation. 2011, 16(12): 4666-4670.10. Zhang Jia-zhong, Kang Wei, Liu Yan. Numerical Method and Bifurcation Analysis of Jeffcott Rotor System Supported in Gas Journal Bearings. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics. 2009, 4(1)   二、会议论文(1)第一作者1. Liu, Yan(#)(*) ,Zhang, Jia-Zhong,Mu, De-Jun, Nonlinear Dynamics of the Small-World Networks-Hopf Bifurcation, Sequence of Period-Doubling Bifurcations and Chaos - art. no. 012061,International Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics,Shanghai, PEOPLES R CHINA,2007.10.01-2007.10.01 (2)非第一作者1. Jiazhong Zhang, Peihua Feng, Yan Liu, Pengyu Fan. Discontinuity in boundary-layer transition induced by plane waves. 1st International Symposium on Advances in Aerodynamics (SAIA), December 13-15, 2018, Chengdu, China.2.  Jiazhong Zhang*, Yan Liu, Wei Wang and Zhengyuan Zhang. Key Note Speech: Singularities in Aerodynamics: Lagrangian Coherent Structures, Applications to Improvement of Aerodynamic Performance. The Third Chinese International Turbo-machinery Conference, April12-15, 2018 Chong Qing, China.3. Jiazhong Zhang*, Yan Liu and Zhaobo Wang. Key Note Speech: Studying Pattern Dynamics in Combustion Using Lagrangian Coherent Structures. International Symposium on Advanced Laser Measurement Technology ISALMT2018, March 10th, 2018, Tokushima, Japan.4.  Jiazhong Zhang*, Yan Liu. Shengli Cao and Wei Wang. Invited speaker: STUDYING PATTERN DYNAMICS IN AERODYNAMICS USING LAGRANGIAN COHERENT STRUCTURES. Conference on TOPICAL PROBLEMS OF NONLINEAR WAVE PHYSICS, 22-28 July, 2017, Moscow-St. Petersburg, Russia.5.  Jiazhong Zhang*, Yan Liu. Invited speaker: Lagrangian Dynamics of Separation Bubble in Its Evolution from Generating to Breaking. International Conference on Chaos, Complexity and Transport, June 1st to 5th, 2015, Marseilles, France.6. Jiazhong Zhang*, Yan Liu. Key Note Speech: Singular Phenomena in Fluid Dynamics and Their Applications under Controlling. International Forum on Advanced Technologies, March 9th, 2015, Tokushima, Japan.  三、专著(1)第一作者1. Yan Liu. Jiazhong Zhang. Study on the Multifractal Spectrum of Local Area Networks Traffic and Their Correlations. Dynamical Systems: Discontinuity, Stochasticity and Time-Delay, Springer New York, 2010, ISBN-13: 9781441957535, 23-30 (EI) (2)非第一作者2.   Jiazhong Zhang* (Editor), Yan Liu. Complex Motions and Chaos in Nonlinear Systems, Chapter 2: Some Singularities in Fluid Dynamics and Their Bifurcation Analysis. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2016, ISBN 978-3-319-28762-1. 3.   Jiazhong Zhang*, Yan Liu, Pei-Hua Feng, and Jia-Hui Chen. Discontinuity and Complexity in Nonlinear Physical Systems, Chapter 19: Formations of Transitional Zones in Shock Wave with Saddle-Node Bifurcations. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2013, ISBN: 3319014102.四、教材主编 《系统建模与仿真》2020.1 西北工业大学出版社


社会兼职 Social Appointments 《Journal of Vibration Testing and System Dynamics  》期刊编委
