
主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 姚尧
学校 西北工业大学
部门 力学与土木建筑学院
学位 博士
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 教授
联系方式 实用新型1875包写包过
邮箱 软件测试报告2199包写包过
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急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

个人经历 Personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 姚尧,男,1978年6月生,本科、硕士分别毕业于同济大学、新加坡南洋理工大学土木工程专业,博士毕业于美国西北大学理论与应用力学专业。曾任美国埃克森美孚公司高级研究员、工程专家等职。德国洪堡资深学者。入选国家海外高层次引进人才。姚尧教授主要从事多物理场及极端荷载作用下多尺度材料与结构力学性能的研究,主要研究方向包括多物理场耦合等复杂荷载下先进材料的本构关系、疲劳及损伤等力学行为、电子芯片及封装结构损伤与加固、高温下钢筋混凝土及复合结构防灾与稳定分析,岩土水工压裂数值模拟分析,非晶材料力学性能等。目前发表学术论文200余篇,其中在Internatonal Journal of Plasticity,Acta Materialia, Progress in Materials Science, Applied Mechanics Reviews , International Journal of Solids and Structures, Mechanics of Materials, J Structural Engineering, Engineering Structures等本领域知名国际学术期刊发表SCI论文100余篇,他引1000余次。发表专著两部,英文书章5章;专利10余项。担任ASME IMECE、ASCE EMI、MS&T、力学大会等国际学术会议的分会主席及作大会邀请报告20余次。担任10余种国际SCI期刊及规范的长期评审人。目前,任中国力学学会高级会员,美国岩石力学学会编委会委员;ASCE、ASME、IEEE等协会会员;ABAQUS断裂研究国际专家组成员。教育部科技进步奖、国家自然科学基金、陕西省科技重大专项、科技部国际合作等项目评审专家。任本领域国际知名SCI期刊RMRE编委,JMMP副主编。 博士学位 (PhD):美国西北大学土木/机械工程系理论与应用力学专业, 2005-2008   硕士学位 (ME):新加坡南洋理工大学土木工程系结构工程专业,           2000-2002 学士学位 (BA):同济大学土木工程系结构工程专业,                               1995-1999


教育教学 Education and teaching 招生信息 招收力学、结构工程、材料科学、微机电等相关背景的博士、硕士研究生;以及国内外博士后研究员。


荣誉获奖 Awards Information 德国洪堡资深学者国家海外高层次引进人才陕西青年科技奖2017、2019年两次获得陕西高校科学技术一等奖(均排名第一) 翱翔青年学者美孚公司总裁创新奖团队美孚公司专利创新奖 美国西北大学Smith优秀博士毕业生奖Walter P. Murphy奖IUMRS等优秀会议论文奖


科学研究 Scientific Research 主持省部级以上科研项目10余项,其中国家自然科学基金项目3项,部分代表性论文及专著(*通讯作者):2019Liu L., Yao Y.*, Zeng T., “Micromechanical modeling of the elasto-viscoplastic behavior of solder alloys with a polycrystalline approach”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 159, 211-220, 2019Yao Y.*, Liu M.J., Guo H.C., “Concrete filled double skin steel tubular columns subjected to non-uniform heating”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 158, 263-278, 2019Qiao J.C.*, Wang Q., Pelletier J.M., Kato H.*, Casalini R., Crespo D., Pineda E., Yao Y.*, Yang Y.*, “Structural heterogeneities of amorphous alloys: Based on mechanical relaxation, mechanical and physical properties”, Progress in Materials Science, 104, 250-329, 2019Liu L., Yao Y.*, Zeng T., Keer L.M, “A micromechanical model considering dislocation density based intra-granular backstress under cyclic loading”, Mechanics of Materials, 129, 41-49, 2019Yuan W.F.*, Yao Y.*,  Keer L.M., Jiao Y., Xu J., Li Q.Y., Feng  X.Q.*, “3D-printed biomimetic surface structures with abnormal friction properties”, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 26, 46-52, 2019Zhu Y.F., Chen C.H.*, Keer L.M., Huang Y., Yao Y.*, “Structural resilience of a steel frame with posttensioned connections under a column-removal scenario”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 158, 107-119, 2019J.C. Qiao*, T. P. Rena, L. Zhang*, H.F. Zhang, J.M. Pelletier, Yao Y.*, “Physical mechanism of internal friction behavior of β-type bulk metallic glass composites”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 739, 193-197, 2019Yao Y.*, Yu X.M., “Thermal cycling aging effects on the tensile property and constitute behavior of Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu solder alloy”, Journal of Materials Science-Material in Electronics, 30, 1, 867-875, 2019Liu L., Wang J.D., Zeng T., Yao Y.*,“A phase transformation theory based crystal plasticity model to predict fatigue crack nucleation of polycrystalline materials”, Acta Mechanica Sinica, DOI:10.1007/s10409-019-00876-9, 2019Wang Y.X., Yao Y.*, “An energy approach to predict electromigration induced grain rotation under high current density”, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 9, 1, 21-29, 2019Tong Y., Qiao J.C.*, Pelletier J.M., Yao Y.*, “Rate-dependent plastic deformation of Ti16.7Zr16.7Hf16.7Cu16.7Ni16.7Be16.7 high entropy bulk metallic glass”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 785, 542-552, 2019Qiao J.C.*, Chen Y.H., Casalini R., Pelletier J.M., Yao Y.*, “Mainαrelaxation and slowβrelaxation processes in protocol La30Ce30Al15Co25 metallic glass”, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 35, 6, 982-986, 20192018Yao Y.*, Wang W.H., Keer L.M., “An energy based analytical method to predict natural fracture effects on hydraulic fracture propagation”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 189, 232-245, 2018Yao Y.*, Wang K.M., Zeng T., Keer L.M., “The effects of inclusions and heterogeneous stress field to hydraulic fracture”, Geophysics, 83, 3, 153-166, 2018Wang S.B., Yao Y.*, Wang W.J., “Microstructure and size effect of interfacial intermetallic on fracture toughness of Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu solder interconnects”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 202, 259-274, 2018  Liu J.C., Tan K.H.*, Yao Y., “A new perspective on nature of fire-induced spalling in concrete”, Construction& Building Materials, 184, 581-590, 2018Lyu G.J., Qiao J.C.*, Pelletier J.M., Yao Y.*, “The dynamic mechanical characteristics of Zr-based bulk metallic glasses and composites”, Materials Science and Engineering A, v711, 356-363, 2018Yao Y.*, Li X., He X., “Effect of Deep Cryogenic Treatment on Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu Solder”, Journal of Materials Science-Material in Electronics, 29, 6, 4517-4525, 2018Lyu G.J., Qiao J.C.*, Gu J., Song M., Pelletier J.M., Yao Y.*, “Experimental analysis to the structural relaxation of Ti48Zr20V12Cu5Be15 metallic glass matrix composite”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 769, 443-452, 2018Qiao J.C.*, Chen Y.X., Pelletier J.M., Kato H., Crespo D., Yao Y.*, Khonik V.A., “Viscoelasticity of Cu- and La-based bulk metallic glasses: Interpretation based on the quasi-point defects theory”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 719, 164-170, 2018 Long X.*, Tang W.B., Feng Y.H., Chang C., Keer L.M., Yao Y.*, “Strain rate sensitivity of sintered silver nanoparticles using rate-jump indentation”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 140, 60-67, 2018 Tong Y., Qiao J.C.*, Yao Y.*, “The constitutive model and threshold stress for characterizing the deformation mechanism of Al0.3CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 730, 137-146, 2018Chen C.H., Zhang Q., Keer L.M.*, Yao Y., Huang Y., “Research on the multi-factor effect of tensile strength of concrete based on the Monte Carlo random aggregate model”, Construction and Building Materials, 165, 585-595, 2018Qiao J.C.*, Cong J., Wang Q., Pelletier J.M., Yao Y.*, “Influence of iron addition to the dynamic mechanical relaxation of Zr55Cu30Ni5Al10 bulk metallic glasses”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 749, 262-267, 2018He X., Yao Y.*, “A dislocation density based viscoplasticity model for cyclic deformation: Application to P91 steel”, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 10, 05, 1850055, 2018Qiao J.C.*, Wang Q., Pelletier J.M., Yao Y.*, “Relaxation of Ni-free Ti40Zr10Cu36Pd14 bulk metallic glass under mechanical stress”, Intermetallics, 102, 6-10, 20182017He X., Yao Y.*, “A dislocation density based multiaxial constitutive model for lead free solder under drop impact”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 120, 236-244, 2017 Yao Y.*, Wang J.D., Keer L.M., “A phase transformation based method to predict fatigue crack nucleation and propagation in metals and alloys”, Acta Materialia, 127, 244-251, 2017Yao Y.*, Long X., Keer L.M.*, “A review of recent works on mechanical behaviour of lead-free solder materials”, Applied Mechanics Reviews (ASME), 69, 4, 040802, 2017 Yao Y.*, An R., Long X., “Effect of electric current on mechanical behaviour of Sn-Ag-Cu solder joints”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 171, 85-97, 2017 Yao Y.*, Wang K.M., Hu X.X., “A thermodynamic based elasto-plasticity multiaxial constitutive model for concrete at elevated temperatures”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), 143, 10, 04017039, 2017Wang J.D., Long X., Yao Y.*, “Effects of aging temperature on tensile and fatigue behavior of Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu solder joints”, Journal of Materials Science-Material in Electronics, 28, 19, 14884-14892, 2017 Yao Y.*, Wang K.M., “An elastic-plastic damage model to predict pore pressure effect on concrete spalling at elevated temperatures”,Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), 143, 10, 04017122, 2017 Wang Y.X., Yao Y.*, “A theoretical analysis to current exponent variation regularity and electromigration induced failure”, Journal of Applied Physics, 121, 065701, 2017He X., Yao Y.*, Keer L.M., “A rate and temperature dependent unified creep-plasticity model for high strength steel and solder alloys”, Mechanics of Materials, v106, 35-43, 2017Wang Y.X., Yao Y.*, Keer L.M., “Surface diffusion induced multiple circular voids shape evolution under high current density”, Journal of Applied Physics, 121, 21, 205111, 2017 Guo H.C., Long X., Yao Y.*, “Fire resistance of concrete filled steel tube columns subjected to non-uniform heating”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v128, 542-554, 2017Qiao J.C., Sun B.A., Gu J., Song M.*, Pelletier J.M., Qiao J.W., Yao Y.*, Yang Y.*,  “Unraveling abnormal internal friction behavior and plasticity in an in-situ Ti-based bulk metallic glass composite”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 724, 921-931, 2017 Long X.*, Wang S.B., He X., Yao Y.*, “Experimental and theoretical analysis of annealing effect on Tin-Lead eutectic solder”, Journal of Materials Research, 32, 16, 3089-3099, 2017 Wang Y.X., Yao Y.*, “A theoretical analysis to the electromigration induced void morphological evolution under high current density”, Acta Mechanica Sinica, v33, 5, 868-878, 2017 Zhang C., Qiao J.C.*, Pelletier J.M., Yao Y.*, “Arrhenius activation of Zr65Cu18Ni7Al10 bulk metallic glass in supercooled liquid region”, Intermetallics, v86, 88-93, 2017 Wang J.D., Yao Y.*, “An entropy based low-cycle fatigue model for solder materials” , Entropy, 19, 503, 2017Qiao J.C.*, Feng S.D., Pelletier J.M., Crespo D., Pineda E., Yao Y.*, “Physical aging effects on the dynamic relaxation behavior and mechanical properties of Cu46Zr46Al8 metallic glass” , Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 726, 195-200, 2017 Wang Y.X., Yao Y.*, Keer L.M., “A statistical mechanics model to predict electromigration induced damage and void growth in solder interconnects”, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, v468, 195-204, 2017 Long X.*, He X., Yao Y.*, “Improved unified creep and plasticity model for SAC305 solder alloy under a wide range of strain rates”, Journal of Materials Science, v52, 10, 6120–6137, 2017 Yao Z.F., Qiao J.C.*, Pelletier J.M., Yao Y.*, “Characterization and modeling of dynamic relaxation of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v690, 212-220, 2017 Yao Z.F., Qiao J.C.*, Liu Y., Pelletier J.M., Yao Y.*, “Aspect ratio effects on the serration dynamics of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass”, Journal of Materials Science, v52, 1, 138-144, 2017 2016Qiao J.C.*,Yao Y.*, Pelletier J.M., Keer L.M., “Experimental and theoretical analysis of plasticity in Cu46Zr47-xAl7Dyx (0≤x≤8) bulk metallic glasses”, International Journal of Plasticity, v82, 62-75, 2016Qiao J.C., Wang Y.J.*, Zhao L.Z., Dai L.H.,  Crespo D., Pelletier J.M.,KeerL.M., Yao Y.*, “Transition from stress-driven to thermally activated stress relaxation in metallic glasses”, Physical Review B, v94,10, 104203, 2016Yao Y.*, Li H., Guo H.C., Tan K.H., “Fire resistance of eccentrically loaded slender concrete-filled steel tubular columns”, Thin-Walled Structures, v106, 102-112, 2016 Zhang C., Qiao J.C.*, Pelletier J.M., Yao Y.*, “Bulk metallic glasses: “defects” determines performance”, Materials Science and Engineering A, v675, 379-385, 2016 Yao Y.*, Li H., Tan K.H., “Theoretical and numerical analysis to concrete filled double skin steel tubular columns under fire conditions”, Thin-Walled Structures, v98, 547-557, 2016Zhang C., Qiao J.C.*, Pelletier J.M., Yao Y.*, “Thermal activation in the Zr65Cu18Ni7Al10 metallic glass by creep deformation and stress relaxation”, Scripta Materialia, 113, 180-184, 2016Yao Z.F., Qiao J.C.*, Pelletier J.M., Yao Y.*, “High temperature deformation behaviors of Zr63.36Cu15.52Ni10.12Al12 bulk metallic glass”, Journal of Materials Science, 51, 4079-4087, 20162015Yao Y.*, He X., Keer L.M., Fine M.E., “A continuum damage mechanics-based unified creep and plasticity model for solder materials”, Acta Materialia, v83, 2, 160-168, 2015Yao Y.*, Wang Y.X., Keer L.M., Fine M.E., “An analytical method to predict electromigration-induced finger-shaped void growth in SnAgCu solder interconnect”, Scripta Materialia, v95, 2, 7-10, 2015Qiao J.C., Wang Y.J., Pelletier J.M.*, Keer L.M., Fine M.E., Yao Y.*, “Characteristics of stress relaxation kinetics of La60Ni15Al25 bulk metallic glass”, Acta Materialia, v98, 43-50, 2015 Yao Y.*, Liu L., Keer L.M., “Pore pressure cohesive zone modeling of hydraulic fracture in quasi-brittle rocks”, Mechanics of Materials, v83, 17-29, 2015Yao Y.*, Hu X.X., “Cooling behavior and residual strength of post-fire concrete filled steel tubular columns”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v112, 282-292, 2015 Before 2015Yao Y.*, Fry J., Fine M.E., Keer L.M., “The Wiedemann-Franz-Lorenz relation for lead free solder and intermetallic materials”, Acta Materialia, v61, 5, 1525-1536, 2013Yao Y.*, “Linear elastic and cohesive fracture analysis to model hydraulic fracture in brittle and ductile Rocks”, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, v45, I3, 375-387, 2012 Yao Y.*, Keer L.M., Fine M.E., “Modeling the failure of intermetallic/solder interfaces”, Intermetallics, v18, I8, 1603-1611, 2010Yao Y., Keer L.M., Fine M.E., “Phase Transformation Theory Applied to Predict Fatigue Crack Propagation in Solid Materials”, “Fatigue of Materials: Advances and Emergences in Understanding”-Srivatsan and Imam (eds), DOI: 10.1002/9781118013373, Wiley, USA, 2010Yao Y., Vaynman S., Fine M.E., Keer L.M., “Experimental and Micromechanics Analysis on Fatigue Crack Propagation Behavior in Sn-Ag Eutectic Solder”, “Fatigue of Materials: Advances and Emergences in Understanding”-Srivatsan and Imam (eds), DOI: 10.1002/9781118013373, Wiley, USA, 2010Yao Y., Keer L.M.*, Fine M.E., “Electromigration effect on pancake type void propagation near the interface of bulk solder and intermetallic compound”, Journal of Applied Physics, 105, 063710, 2009 Yao Y.*, Fiedler B.A., Keer L.M., Fine M.E., “Fatigue crack propagation behavior of Sn-Ag-Cu solder interconnects”, IEEE Transactions on Components Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology, v32, I2, 317-324, 2009 Yao, Y.*, Tan, K.H., “Extended Rankine approach for bi-axially loaded steel columns under natural fire”, Engineering structures, v31, I5, 1024-1031, 2009Yao Y.*, Tan K.H., “Fire modeling and resistance of RC structure subject to natural fire”, Magazine of Concrete Research,  v61, I10, 837-847, 2009  Yao Y.*, Tan K.H., Tang C.Y., “Effect of shear bond in Rankine method for fire resistance of RC columns”, Engineering structures, v30, 3595-3602, 2008 Yao Y.*, Vaynman S., Keer L.M., Fine M.E., “Energy based micromechanics analysis on fatigue crack propagation behavior in Sn-Ag Eutectic Solder”, Journal of Electronic Materials, v37, n3,339-346, 2008 Yao Y.*, Fine M.E., Keer L.M., “An energy approach to predict fatigue crack propagation in metals and alloys”, International Journal of Fracture, v146, n3, 149-158, 2007 Yao Y., Tan K.H., “Rankine Method for Reinforced Concrete Columns under fire conditions”, “Developments in Mechanics of Structures and Materials”-Deeks & Hao (eds), Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 9058096599 (United Kingdom), 2005Tan K.H.*, Yao Y., “Fire resistance of reinforced concrete columns subjected to 1-, 2-, and 3-face heating”, Journal of Structural Engineering - ASCE, 1820-1828, 2004 Tan K.H.*, Yao Y., “Fire resistance of four-face heated reinforced concrete columns”, Journal of Structural Engineering - ASCE, 1220-1229, 2003


