
主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 赵虎
学校 西北工业大学
部门 自动化学院
学位 博士
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 副高
联系方式 实用新型1875包写包过
邮箱 软件测试报告2199包写包过
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

个人经历 Personal experience 教育经历 2011年9月~2015年6月     西安交通大学     工学博士学位 2010年9月~2011年7月     西安交通大学     硕士研究生  2004年9月~2008年7月     西北工业大学     工学学士学位


教育教学 Education and teaching 教育教学 招生信息 本科生:讲授课程《高电压工程》,每年指导本科毕业设计3-4名,科研训练2-3名研究生:讲授课程《飞机电器》、《Aircraft Electrics 》 每年招收硕士研究生2-4名


荣誉获奖 Awards Information 1、陕西省高等学校科学技术奖一等奖, 新能源用高性能低压断路器分断关键技术及应用,2018.03。 2、陕西省优秀博士学位论文,CO2及其混合气体高压断路器弧后击穿特性研究,2017.12。


科学研究 Scientific Research 一、研究方向:1、智能电网与智能电器装备及关键技术2、新能源用电器设备及关键技术3、环境友好型电力设备及关键技术二、在研课题1、新型环保混合气体的冷态与热态电击穿协同效应研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,51607143,2017.01 -2019.12。(主持)2、限流器过电压保护及控制要求研究,国家重点研发计划项目“500kV及以上电压等级经济型高压交流限流器的研制(2018YFB0904300)”子任务,2018.07 -2021.06。 (主持)3、直接驱动型超高功率电脉冲产生与调制的基础研究,国家自然科学基金重大项目,5179520014,2018.01 -2022.12。 (主要参与)4、复杂电场下新型环保气体的电击穿特性研究,中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2017M613199,2017.03 -2019.03。(主持) 5、新型环保混合气体的电击穿协同效应研究,陕西省自然基金青年项目,2017JQ5021,2017.01.01 -2018.12.31。(主持) 6、主持南方电网公司、中航工业贵州天义电器有限责任公司、厦门宏发开关设备有限公司、上海永继电气股份有限公司、上海思源电气股份有限公司等横向合作项目多项,形成了长期、稳定的合作关系。


学术成果 Academic Achievements [1]  Xingwen Li, Hu Zhao and Anthony B Murphy. SF6-alternative gases for application in gas-insulated switchgear[J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,2018, 51(15): 153001.[2]  Hu Zhao, Xingwen Li, and Hui Lin. Insulation Characteristics of c-C4F8-N2 and CF3I-N2Mixtures as Possible Substitutes for SF6 [J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2017, 32(1): 254-262. (SCI,WOS:000394539200028)[3]  Hu Zhao, Zengyao Tian, Yunkun Deng, Xingwen Li, and Hui Lin. Study of the dielectric breakdown properties of CO2-O2 mixtures by considering electron detachments from negative ions [J]. Journal of Applied Physics, 2017, 122(23): 233303. (SCI)[4]  Hu Zhao, Yunkun Deng, and Hui Lin. Study of the synergistic effect in dielectric breakdown property of CO2-O2 mixtures [J]. AIP Advances, 2017, 7(9): 095102. (SCI)[5]  Xiaoxue Guo, Xingwen Li , Anthony B Murphy and Hu Zhao. Calculation of thermodynamic properties and transport coefficients of CO2–O2–Cu mixtures [J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2017, 50(17): 345203. (SCI)[6]  Jiayu Xiong, Xingwen Li, Jian Wu, Xiaoxue Guo and Hu Zhao. Calculations of total electron-impact ionization cross sections for Fluoroketone C5F10O and Fluoronitrile C4F7N using modified Deutsch–M?rk formula [J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2017, 50(17): 445206. (SCI).[7]  Xingwen Li, Xiaoxue Guo, Anthony B. Murphy, Hu Zhao, Jian Wu, and Ze Guo. Calculation of thermodynamic properties and transport coefficients of C5F10O-CO2 thermal plasmas [J]. Journal of Applied Physics, 2017, 122(14): 143302. (SCI)[8]  Hu Zhaoand Hui Lin. Dielectric breakdown properties of N2-O2mixtures by considering electron detachments from negative ions [J]. Physics of Plasmas, 2016, 23(7): 073505. (SCI)[9]  Jianyu Qu, Qian Wang, Zhiwei Liu, Hu Zhao, and Xingwen Li. Influences of Closing Phase Angle and Frequency on Electrodynamic Stability of Air Circuit Breaker [J]. IEEE Transactions on Components, Packing and Manufacturing Technology, 2016, 6(2): 249-255. (SCI)[10]  Hu Zhao, Xingwen Li, Kai Zhu, Qian Wang, Hui Lin and Xiaoxue Guo. Study of the Arc Interruption Performance of SF6-CO2 Mixtures as a Substitute for SF6 [J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2016, 23(5): 2657-2667. (SCI)[11]  Qingchao Zhang, Hu Zhao, Heng Fan, and Hui Lin. Determination of Electron Density and Attenuation of Electromagnetic Waves in Ar DBD Plasmas [J]. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2016, 44(12): 3361-3368. (SCI)[12]  Jianyu Qu, Qian Wang, Junmin Zhang, Hu Zhao, Gang Wu, and Xingwen Li. 3-D Transient Finite-Element Analysis and Experimental Investigation of Short-Circuit Dynamic Stability for Air Circuit Breaker [J]. IEEE Transactions on Components, Packing and Manufacturing Technology, 2015, 5(11): 1610-1617. (SCI)[13]  Xingwen Li, Guo XX, Hu Zhao, Shenli Jia, Murphy AB. Prediction of the critical reduced electric field strength for carbon dioxide and its mixtures with copper vapor from Boltzmann analysis for a gas temperature range of 300 K to 4000 K at 0.4 MPa [J]. Journal of Applied Physics, 2015, 117(14): 143302.(SCI)[14]  Hu Zhao, Xingwen Li, Shenli Jia, et al. [J]. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 2014, 47(32): 325203. (SCI)[15]  Jianyu Qu, Qian Wang, Junmin Zhang, Hu Zhao, Gang Wu, and Xingwen Li. 3-D Transient Finite-Element Analysis and Experimental Investigation of Short-Circuit Dynamic Stability for Air Circuit Breaker [J]. IEEE Transactions on Components, Packing and Manufacturing Technology, 2015, 5(11): 1610-1617. (SCI)[16]   Hu Zhao, Xingwen Li, Shenli Jia, et al. Dielectric breakdown properties of SF6–N2 mixtures at 0.01–1.6 MPa and 300–3000 K[J]. J. Appl. Phys., 2013, 113(14): 143301. (SCI)[17]  Xingwen Li, Hu Zhao, Shenli Jia. Study of the dielectric breakdown properties of hot SF6–CF4mixtures at 0.01–1.6 MPa [J]. J. Appl. Phys., 2013, 114(5): 053302. (SCI) [18]   Xingwen Li, Jianyu Qu, Qian Wang, Hu Zhao, D Chen. Numerical and experimental of the short-time withstand current capability for air circuit breaker[J]. IEEE Trans. Power Deliv., 2013, 28(4): 2610-2615. (SCI)


社会兼职 Social Appointments 中国电工学会电接触与电弧专委会委员 ,IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery、中国电机工程学报等国内外知名期刊审稿人。
