

主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 秦卫阳
教师编号 5258
学校 西北工业大学
部门 力学与土木建筑学院
学位 工学博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 正高
联系方式 【发送到邮箱】
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个人经历 Personal experience 工作经历 秦卫阳,1967年生,西北工业大学力学与土木建筑学院工程力学系教授,博士生导师。目前主要从事非线性动力学、振动能量采集、转子动力学等方面的研究。 教育经历 1985/09-1989/07,复旦大学,应用力学系,学士 1989/09-1992/04,西北工业大学,振动工程研究所,硕士 1997/09-2001/12,西北工业大学,工程力学系,博士 工作经历 1992/04-2003/04,西北工业大学,振动工程研究所,助教、讲师 2003/05-2008/04,西北工业大学,工程力学系,副教授 2008/05-现在,西北工业大学,工程力学系,教授


科学研究 Scientific Research 科研经历主要从事非线性动力学、振动能量采集、转子动力学、机械振动与信号处理等方面的研究。主持国家自然科学基金3项,主持和参加863项目、航空科学基金等其他项目共15项。博士学位论文被评为2004年陕西省优秀博士学位论文。2019年指导的博士生获得陕西省优秀博士学位论文。获航空科技进步三等奖一次,陕西省科技进步二等奖一次。出版学术专著2部。在国内外期刊和学术会议上发表论文70多篇,其中SCI检索40篇。近年来代表性论文[1] Qin, W.Y., Deng, W.Z. et al, Harvesting wind energy with bi-stable snap-through excited by vortex-induced vibration and galloping.  Energy, 189: 116237, 2019[2] Li, H.T., Qin, W.Y., Nonlinear dynamics of a pendulum-beam coupling piezoelectric energy harvesting system. European Physical Journal Plus, 134 (12): 595, 2019[3] Pan, J.N., Qin, W.Y., Deng, W.Z., Promote efficiency of harvesting vibration energy by tailoring potential energy with addition of magnets.  AIP Advances, 9 (7): 075323, 2019[4] Zhou, Z.Y., Qin, W.Y., Zhu, P. et al, Scavenging wind energy by a dynamic-stable flutter energy harvester with rectangular wing. Applied Physics Letters, 114 (24): 243902, 2019[5] Lan, C.B., Tang, L.H., Hu, G.B., Qin, W.Y., Dynamics and performance of a two degree-of-freedom galloping-based piezoelectric energy harvester. Smart Materials and Structures, 28 (4): 45018, 2019[6] Pan, J.N., Qin, W.Y., Harvesting base vibration energy by a piezoelectric inverted beam with pendulum. Chinese Physics B, 28 (1): 017701, 2019[7] Zhou, Z.Y., Qin, W.Y., Zhu, P. et al, Harvesting performance of quad-stable piezoelectric energy harvester: Modeling and experiment. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 110: 260-272, 2018.[8] Zhou, Z.Y., Qin, W.Y., Zhu, P. et al, Scavenging wind energy by a Y-shaped bi-stable energy harvester with curved wings. Energy, 153: 400-412, 2018[9] Li,H.T.,Qin,W.Y.,Zu,J. et al,Modeling and experimental validation of a buckled compressive-mode piezoelectric energy harvester. Nonlinear Dynamics, 92 (4): 1761-1780, 2018[10] Li, H.T., Qin, W.Y., Deng, W.Z., Coherence resonance of a magnet-induced buckled piezoelectric energy harvester under stochastic parametric excitation. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 29 (8): 1620-1631, 2018[11] Lan C.B., Tang, L.H., Qin,W.Y. et al, Magnetically coupled dual-beam energy harvester: Benefit and trade-off. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 29 (6): 1216-1235, 2018[12] Zhou, Z.Y., Qin, W.Y., Yang Y.F. et al, Improving efficiency of energy harvesting by a novel penta-stable configuration. Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 265: 297-305, 2017[13] Lan, C.B., Tang, L.H., Qin, W.Y., Obtaining high-energy responses of nonlinear piezoelectric energy harvester by voltage impulse perturbations. EPJ Applied Physics, 79 (2), 2017[14] Li, H.T., Yang, Z., Zu, J., Qin, W.Y., Numerical and experimental study of a compressive-mode energy harvester under random excitations. Smart Materials and Structures, 26 (3): 035064, 2017[15] Lan, C.B., Qin, W.Y., Enhancing ability of harvesting energy from random vibration by decreasing the potential barrier of bistable harvester. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 85: 71-81, 2017[16] Zhou, Z.Y., Qin, W.Y., Zhu, P., A broadband quad-stable energy harvester and its advantages over bi-stable harvester: Simulation and experiment verification. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 84: 158-168, 2017[17] Zhou, Z.Y., Qin, W.Y., Zhu, P., Harvesting acoustic energy by coherence resonance of a bi-stable piezoelectric harvester. Energy, 126: 527-534, 2017[18] Li, H.T., Zu, J., Yang, Y.F., Qin, W.Y., Investigation of snap-through and homoclinic bifurcation of a magnet-induced buckled energy harvester by the Melnikov method. Chaos, 26 (12): 123109, 2016[19] Li, H.T., Qin, W.Y., Prompt efficiency of energy harvesting by magnetic coupling of an improved bi-stable system. Chinese Physics B, 25 (11): 110503, 2016[20] Zhou, Z.Y., Qin, W.Y., Zhu, P., Improve efficiency of harvesting random energy by snap-through in a quad-stable harvester. Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 243: 151-158, 2016[21] Lan C.B., Qin, W.Y., Deng, W.Z.,Energy harvesting by dynamic unstability and internal resonance for piezoelectric beam. Applied Physics Letters, 107(9): 093902, 2015[22] Li, H.T., Qin, W.Y., Dynamics and coherence resonance of a laminated piezoelectric beam for energy harvesting. Nonlinear Dynamics, 81(4): 1751-1757, 2015[23] Lan, C.B., Qin, W.Y., Energy harvesting from coherent resonance of horizontal vibration of beam excited by vertical base motion. Applied Physics Letters, 105(11): 113901, 2014 [24] Qin, W.Y., Jiao, X.D., Synchronization and anti-synchronization of chaos for a multi-degree-of-freedom dynamical system by control of velocity. Journal of Vibration and Control, 20(1), pp146, 2014  [25] 李海涛,秦卫阳,宽频随机激励下非线性压电能量采集器的相干共振. 物理学报, 63(12), 120505, 2014 [26] 李海涛,秦卫阳,带有分数阶阻尼的压电能量采集系统相干共振,物理学报,63(22), 220504, 2014 [27] 秦卫阳, 孙涛等, 一类动力学系统通过函数耦合实现混沌同步,物理学报, 61(9), pp90502, 2012




