
主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 杨坤德
学校 西北工业大学
部门 海洋研究院
学位 工学博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 正高
联系方式 实用新型1875包写包过
邮箱 软件测试报告2199包写包过
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急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

荣誉获奖 Awards Information 科研成果:1、国家技术发明二等奖,排第12、教育部科技进步一等奖,排第13、部级科学技术奖一等奖,排第14、部级科学技术奖二等奖,排第15、教育部自然科学奖二等奖,排第16、陕西省科学技术奖二等奖2项,排第1、第27、中国电机协会科学技术奖一等奖,排第38、国网科技进步二等奖,排第2  9、部级科学技术奖二等奖,排第710、陕西省科学技术奖三等奖,排第311、陕西省自然科学优秀论文二等奖,排第112、陕西省研究生优秀教学成果奖二等奖,排第113、陕西省优秀教学成果奖一等奖,排第314、陕西省优秀教学成果奖二等奖,排第515、西工大首届十大重大科技进展,排第116、中国造船工程学会创新团队奖,排第1 奖励荣誉:1、2005年被评为“973先进个人”2、2008年被评为“教育部新世纪优秀人才”3、2008年被评为“西工大优秀青年教师”(共10位)4、2009年被评为“陕西省优秀留学回国人员”5、2010年被评为“陕西省青年科技新星”6、2012年被评为“陕西省航空学会青年科技奖”7、2014年被评为“陕西省青年科技奖”8、2015年被评为“西工大翱翔青年学者”9、2017年被评为“科技部中青年科技创新领军人才”10、2018年被评为“科学中国人2017年度人物(杰出青年科学家奖)”11、2018年被评为“国家级科技创新领军人才”、“卓越青年人才”12、2018年被评为“西工大研究生教育优秀导师”(共9位) 13、2018年被评为“陕西省科技创新团队”(负责人)14、2019年被评为“陕西省优秀青年科技新星”15、2020年被评为“西工大首批科研育人示范团队”(负责人,共10个)16、2020年被授予 “国务院政府特殊津贴”17、2021年被评为“西工大三全育人先进集体”(负责人)18、2021年入选教育部“国家重大人才工程”19、2022年被评为“陕西省三秦学者创新团队”(负责人)20、2023年获第三届全国创新争先奖联系方式    电话:029-88460586   Email:ykdzym@nwpu.edu.cn


科学研究 Scientific Research 先后主持国家自然基金5项、“探索一代”重大创新、国家重大专项课题、预研重大项目和重点项目、973子专题、国家自然科学重点基金、基础加强重点项目、演示验证等项目30余项。参加海上实验20余次,担任国家重大专项海洋声学调查航次技术首席7次。作为第2负责人承担国家重大创新项目及其成果转化应用重大项目各1项。主要包括:1、国家自然科学基金(1)作为项目负责人,承担国家自然科学基金重点项目1 项,基于深海大深度声场特性的主动探测关键理论与技术,批准号52231013,研究期限2023 年1 月-2027 年12 月。(2)作为项目负责人,承担国家自然科学基金1 项,非均匀大面积海域的蒸发波导监测与反演方法,批准号42076198,研究期限2021 年1 月-2024 年12 月。(3)作为项目负责人,完成国家自然科学基金1 项,基于小尺度拖线阵的高速运动声源稳健定位方法,批准号11174235,研究期限2012 年1 月-2015 年12 月。(4)作为项目负责人,完成国家自然科学基金面上项目1 项,基于拖曳线列阵的海底参数高分辨反演方法,批准号10774119,研究期限2008 年1 月-2010年12 月。(5)作为项目负责人,完成国家自然科学基金青年基金1 项,复杂条件下的匹配场处理新技术,批准号10304015,研究期限2004 年1 月-2006 年12 月。2、国家973、国家重大专项、重点预研及其他重要项目(1)作为项目负责人,承担探索一代、预先研究重大项目、重点项目4 项。(2)作为项目负责人,承担国家某重大专项课题10项。(3)作为项目组副组长,承担国家某重大创新成果转化项目1 项。(4)作为项目组副组长,完成国家某重大创新项目1 项。(5)作为项目负责人,承担国家重大基础研究项目(973)子专题1 项。(6)作为项目负责人,完成教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”基金1 项。(7)作为项目负责人,完成国家重大基础研究项目(973)子专题1 项。(8)作为项目负责人,承担其他课题20余 项。


学术成果 Academic Achievements 在JASA、IEEE等期刊上,发表SCI/EI论文300余篇,SCI检索170余篇,授权发明专利70余项,获得软件著作权9项,出版专著教材8部。2021年发表:1.           Ying Zhang, Qiulong Yang, and Kunde Yang ,Prediction uncertainty of wind-generated noise spectra from wind speed,Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2021,150(1): 215-2242.           Fushi Bai,Liang Wang,Kunde Yang, Zhengyao He, Gang Qi,and Jens Twiefel,Experimental investigation of peening cylindrical workpieces utilizing a transducer with ring sonotrode,Applied Sciences-Basel,2021,11(1): 943.           Fushi Bai,Liang Wang,Kunde Yang, Zhengyao He, Xue Chengyang,and Jens Twiefel,Theoretical modeling and experimental investigation of a V-shaped traveling wave piezoelectric transducer for ultrasonic cavitation Peening: Part A, Applied Acoustics, 2021, 178: 1079714.           Fushi Bai,Liang Wang,Kunde Yang, Zhengyao He, Qi Gang,and Jens Twiefel,Theoretical modeling and experimental investigation of a V-shaped traveling wave piezoelectric transducer for ultrasonic cavitation Peening: Part B, Applied Acoustics, 2021, 178: 1079725.           Bai Fushi; Wang Liang; Yang Kunde; He Zhengyao; Liu Chang; Twiefel Jens, A novel inner surface enhancement method for holes utilizing ultrasonic cavitation, Ultrasonics, 2021, 115: 1064536.           Li Hui, Xu Zhezhen, Yang Kunde, Duan Rui, Use of multipath time-delay ratio for source depth estimation with a vertical line array in deep water, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2021,149(1): 524-5397.           Huang Chunlong, Yang Kunde, Yang Qiulong, and Zhang Hao,Line spectrum extraction based on autoassociative neural networks,Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2021,1 (1), 016003:1-78.           Qiulong Yang, Kunde Yang,Seasonal comparison of underwater ambient noise observed in the deep area of the South China Sea,Applied Acoustics,2021,172:1076729.           Huang Chunlong, Qiulong Yang, Kunde Yang,Hong Liu,Ma Yuanliang,Numerical and experimental study on spectrum and temporal coherence analyses of flow noise caused by sinusoidal vertical motion of sonobuoy,Ocean Engineering,2021,234,p.10924110.        Sun Quan, Wu Feiyun, Kunde Yang, Ma Yuanliang, Estimation of multipath delay-Doppler parameters from moving LFM signals in shallow water, Ocean Engineering, 2021,232,p.10912511.        Hong Liu,Kunde Yang,Qiulong Yang,Sequential Parameter Estimation of Modal Dispersion Curves with an Adaptive Particle Filter in Shallow Water: Experimental Results, Remote Sensing, 2021,13(12),p.238712.        Lu Da, Duan Rui, Kunde Yang, Closed-form Hybrid Cramer-Rao Bound for DOA Estimation by an Acoustic Vector Sensor Under Orientation Deviation, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2021,28,pp.2033-203713.        Sun Quan,Wu Feiyun, Yang Kunde, Huang Chunlong, Sparse signal recovery from noisy measurements via searching forward OMP, Electronics Letters, 2021,online  2020年发表:14.        Duan Rui, Yang Kunde, Wu Feiyun, Ma Yuanliang, Formulas for source depth estimation from multipath arrivals in deep water, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2020, 56(6):4856-487115.        Wu Feiyun, Yang Kunde, Hu Yang, Sparse estimator with l0-norm constraint kernel maximum correntropy criterion, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2020, 67(2): 400-404.16.        Wu Feiyun, Yang Kunde, Sheng Xuli, Huang Fuyi, A blocked MCC estimator for group sparse system identification, AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications,2020,115:153033.17.        Wu Feiyun, Yang Kunde, Sheng Xuli, Optimized compression and recovery of electrocardiographic signal for IoT platform, Applied Soft Computing, 2020, 96: 10665918.        Zhou Xingyue, Yang Kunde, A denoising representation framework for underwater acoustic signal recognition, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2020, 147(4): EL377-EL383.19.        Zhang Ying, Yang Kunde , Yang Qiulong , Probability density function of ocean noise based on a variational Bayesian Gaussian mixture model, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2020, 147(4):2087-2097.20.        Hui Li , Kunde Yang , and Rui Duan, Robust Multipath Time-Delay Estimation of Broadband Source Using a Vertical Line Array in Deep Water, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2020,27:51-5521.        Miao Dai, Yaan Li, Jinying Ye, Kunde Yang,An improved particle filtering technique for source localization and sound speed field inversion in shallow water, IEEE Access, 2020,8:  177921-17793122.        Zhang Hao, Yang kunde, Subchannel Allocation Based on Clustered Interference Alignment for Differentiated Data Streams in Dense Small Cell Networks, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,2020,69(11):14049-1405423.        Zhang Hao, Yang kunde, Shun Zhang , and Xianbin Wang,Efficient Subchannel Allocation Based on Partial Clustered Interference Alignment and Clusters Merging in Dense Small Cell Networks, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,2020,69(12):16191-1619624.        Hong Liu , Kunde Yang, Yuanliang Ma , Qiulong Yang, Chunlong Huang,Synchrosqueezing transform for geoacoustic inversion with air-gun source in the East China Sea,Applied Acoustics,2020,169:10746025.        Hong Liu, Qiulong Yang, Kunde Yang, Sequential Geoacoustic Inversion Using an Improved Kalman Particle Filter, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2020, 8(12): 97426.        Lu Yanyang, Yang Kunde, Effect of Emergence Angle on Acoustic Transmission in a Shallow Sea,Archives of Acoustics,2020,45(1):3-927.        Tian Tian,Fei-Yun Wu, Kunde Yang,Block-sparsity regularized maximum correntropy criterion for structured-sparse system identification,Journal of the Franklin Institute,2020,357(17): 12960-12985. 28.        Zhezhen Xu, Hui Li, and Kunde Yang,A Modified Differential Beamforming and Its Application for DOA Estimation of Low Frequency Underwater Signal,IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL,2020,  20(16): 8890-890229.        Wang Honglei, Yang Yixin, Yang Kunde, and Ma Yuanliang,Verification and evaluation of lateral wave propagation in marine environment,IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2020,19(12): 2413-2417. 30.        Yunchao Zhu, Rui Duan, Kunde Yang, Runze Xue, and Ning Wang, Reverberation reduction based on multi-ping association in a moving target scenario, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,2020,148(4):2195-220831.        Yunchao Zhu,Kunde Yang,Rui Duan,Feiyun Wu, Sparse Spatial Spectral Estimation with Heavy Sea Bottom Reverberation in the Fractional Fourier Domain, Applied Acoustics,2020,160:10713232.        Yan Xidang, Yang Kunde, Influence of wind speed on electromagnetic wave propagation under evaporation duct condition based on sea surface model, Oceanologia et Limnologia Sinica, 2020, 51(1): 13-19 2019年发表:33.        Chunlong Huang, Kunde Yang, Hui Li and Yukun Zhang, The Flow Noise Calculation for an Axisymmetric Body in a Complex Underwater Environment, Journal of Marine Science And Engineering, 2019,7(9):32334.        Zhang Hao, Yang Kunde, Resource Allocation Based on Interference Alignment  with Clustering for Data Stream Maximization in Dense Small Cell Networks,IEEE Access,2019,7(1):161831-16184835.        Lu Yanyang, Yang Kunde, A simple method for depth estimation of a sound source at known range in the deep sea,The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,2019,146(6):4097-410736.        Yang Kunde, Zhou Xingyue, Deep learning classification for improved bicoherence feature based on cyclic modulation and cross-correlation, Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 2019, 146(4): 2201~2211.37.        Dai Miao, Ya-an Li and Kunde Yang,Joint Inversion for Sound Speed Field and Moving Source Localization in Shallow Water,Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2019,7(9):29538.        Ran Cao, Kunde Yang, Qiulong Yang, Peng Chen and Quan Sun and Runze Xue,Localization of Two Sources Based on Compressed Matched Field Processing with a Short Array in the Deep Ocean,sensors, 2019,19:381039.        Yang Shi, Qi Zhang, Shuwen Wang, Kunde Yang, Yixin Yang, And Yuanliang Ma,Impact of Typhoon on Evaporation Duct in the Northwest Pacific Ocean,IEEE ACCESS, 2019,7:109111-10911940.        Yang Shi, Qi Zhang, Shuwen Wang, Kunde Yang, Yixin Yang, Xidang Yan, and Yuanliang Ma,A Comprehensive Study on Maximum Wavelength of Electromagnetic Propagation in Different Evaporation Ducts,IEEE ACCESS, 2019,7:82308-8231941.        Ran Cao, Kunde Yang, Yuanliang Ma, Qiulong Yang, and Yang Shi,Passive broadband source localization based on a Riemannian distance with a short vertical array in the deep ocean,Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 2019, 145(6): EL567~EL573.42.        Xingyue Zhou, Kunde Yang, Rui Duan,Deep learning based on striation images for underwater and surface target classification,IEEE Signal Processing Letters,2019, 26(9): 1378-1382.43.        Zhang Ying, Kunde Yang, Mapping sea surface observations to spectra of underwater ambient noise through self-organizing map method, Journal of Acoustical Society of America,2019,146(2):EL111-EL11644.        Cheng Chen,Kunde Yang,Yuanliang Ma,Sensitivity of sound speed fluctuation on acoustic arrival delay of middle range in deep water,Applied Acoustics,2019, 149:68-7345.        Rui Duan, Kunde Yang, Hui Li, Qiulong Yang, Feiyun Wu, Yuanliang Ma, A performance study of acoustic interference structure applications on source depth estimation in deep water, Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 2019, 145(2): 903~916.46.        Yang Kunde, Zhou Xingyue, Unsupervised Classification of Hydrophone Signals with an improved Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficient Based on Measured Data Analysis,IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 124937 - 124947 47.        Ran Cao, Kunde Yang, Yuanliang Ma, Qiulong Yang, Huijun Xia, Yang Shi,Source Localization Using Multi-Path Time Delays Measured by Two Hydrophones in the Deep Ocean,Acta Acustica United with Acustica,2019,105(1):248-25248.        Wang, Honglei; Yang, Kunde; Yang, Yixin,Electromagnetic fields in air produced by underwater magnetic dipoles with attitude variation in real marine environment,Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2019, 33(15):1978-199549.        杨坤德,段睿,李辉,马远良 著, 水下声源定位的理论与技术, 电子工业出版社, 2019.50.        汪洋; 刘清宇; 段睿; 杨坤德; 马远良,波束形成后多干扰抵消方法,声学学报(中文版), 2019, (04): 687-69751.        杨坤德; 李辉; 段睿,深海声传播信道和目标被动定位研究现状,中国科学院院刊, 2019, (03): 314-320. 2018年发表:52.        Yang Kunde,Xu Liya, Yang Qiulong, Duan Rui, Striation-based source depth estimation with a vertical line array in the deep ocean, Journal of Acoustical Society of America. 2018, 143(1): EL8-EL12.(SCI:声学领域顶级期刊)53.        Feiyun Wu, Kunde Yang and Zhi Yang,Compressed acquisition and denoising recovery of EMGdi Signal in WSNs and IoT,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics(IF=6.764),2018, 14(5): 2210~221954.        Han Y,Yang Kunde,Yang Yixin,Ma Yuanliang,Localized multiple kernel learning with dynamical clustering and  matrix regularization,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems(IF=6.108),2018,29(2):486~49955.        Han Y,Yang Kunde,Yang Yixin,Ma Yuanliang,On the impact of regularization variation on localized multiple kernel learning,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems(IF=6.108),2018,29(6):2625-263056.        Qi Zhang,Kunde Yang,Study on evaporation duct estimation from point-to-point propagation measurements,IET Science,Measurement &Technology,2018,12(4):456-46057.        Qiulong Yang,Yang Kunde,Ran Cao,Shunli Duan,Spatial vertical directionality and correlation of low-frequency ambient noise in deep ocean direct-arrival zones,Sensors,2018,18(2):31958.        Qiulong Yang,Kunde Yang,A method for noise source levels inversion with underwater ambient noise generated by typhoon in deep ocean,Journal of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics,2018,26(2):185000701~18500071959.        Qiulong Yang,Kunde Yang,Sound source depth estimation based on multipath time delay in deep water,Acta Acustica United with Acustica,2018,104(2): 363~36860.        Kunde Yang,Liya Xu,Qiulong Yang,Ganxian Li,Two-step inversion of geoacoustic parameters with bottom reverberation and transmission loss in the deep ocean,Acoustics Australia,2018,46(1):131~14261.        Rui Duan, Kunde Yang, Zhixiong Lei,Analysis of array gain degradation of near-field passive synthetic aperturemethod,Applied Acoustics,2018 ,141 :151–16162.        Rui Duan, Kunde Yang,Feiyun Wu, and Yuanliang Ma,Particle filter for multipath time delay tracking from correlation functions in deep water,J. Acoust. Soc. Am.,2018,144 (1):397-41163.        Kunde Yang, Yanyang Lu, RunzeXue, Quan Sun,Transmission characteristics of convergence zone in deep-sea slope,Applied Acoustics,2018,139: 222–22864.        Fei-Yun Wu, Kunde Yang, and RuiDuan, Compressed Sensing of Underwater Acoustic Signals via Structured Approximation L0 Norm, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2018, 2018,67,(9):8504-851365.        Fei-Yun Wu, Kunde Yang,Feng Tong, Tian Tian, Compressed Sensing of Delay and Doppler Spreading in Underwater Acoustic Channels, IEEE Access,2018,6(1):36031-3603866.        Fei-Yun Wu,Kunde Yang,Rui Duan,Tian Tian, Compressive Sampling and Reconstruction of Acoustic Signal in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2018, 18(14): 5876 - 588467.        Cheng Chen, Kunde Yang, Yuanliang Ma, Yang Wang, Reconstructing the subsurface temperature field by using sea surface data through Self-Organizing Map method, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2018, 15(12):1812-181668.        Xidang Yan, Kunde Yang*, and Yuanliang Ma, calculation method for evaporation duct profiles based on artificial neural network, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2018, 17(12):2274-227869.        Xu Liya, Yang Kunde, Yang Qiulong, Joint time-frequency inversion for seabed properties of ship noise on a vertical line array in South China Sea, IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 62856-62864.70.        Xu Liya, Yang Kunde, Experimental study of geoacoustic inversion with reliable acoustic path in the Philippine Sea, Journal of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics, 2018,26(4): 1850061.71.        Yang Kunde, Zhang Ying, Lei Zhixiong,Direction of Arrival Estimation in Linear Arrays with Intersubarray Displacement Errors Using Sparse Bayesian Inference,IEEE Access, 2018,6:67235-6724372.        Chuanlin He,Kunde Yang,Yuanliang Ma,and Bo Lei,A direct approach to separate forward-scattered waves from the direct blast in doppler domain for forward-scattering detection,Journal of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics,2018,26(1):175003601~17500361973.        伍飞云,杨坤德,孙权,朱云超,近似零伪范数约束的水声信号压缩与重构,声学学报,2018,43(4):538-54574.        杨益新,杨坤德,鲲鹏声鸣惊大海-桃李芬芳铸华章——贺马远良院士八十华诞,声学学报,2018,43(4):417-41975.        何传林,杨坤德,马远良,雷波,自适应直达波抑制方法在前向散射宽带信号中的应用,声学学报,2018,43(4):575-58176.        杨坤德,雷波,卢艳阳,海洋声学典型声场模型的原理及应用,西北工业大学出版社, 2018.77.        伍飞云,杨坤德,童峰,稀疏水声信号处理与压缩感知应用,电子工业出版社, 2018. 2017年发表:78.        Rui Duan,Kunde Yang,Hui Li and Yuanliang Ma,Acoustic-intensity striations below the critical depth: Interpretation and modeling,Journal of the Acoustical Society of America(声学领域顶尖期刊),2017,142(3):EL245-EL25079.        Yang Kunde,Zhang Qi,Shi Yang,Interannual variability of the evaporation duct over the south china sea and its relations with regional evaporation,Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans,2017,122:1~1680.        Huijun Xia,Kunde Yang,Yuanliang Ma,Yong Wang,and Yaxiong Liu,A noise removal method for uniform circular arrays in complex underwater noise environments with low SNR,Sensors,2017,17(6):134501~13451981.        Hui Li,Kunde Yang,Rui Duan and Zhixiong Lei,Joint estimation of source range and depth using a bottom-deployed vertical line array in deep water,Sensors,2017,17(6):131501~13151282.        Kunde Yang,Hui Li,Rui Duan,Qiu-Long Yang,Analysis on the characteristic of cross-correlated field and its potential application on source localization in deep water,Journal of Computational Acoustics,2017,25(1):175000101~17500011583.        Kunde Yang, Peng Xiao,Rui Duan and Yuanliang Ma,Bayesian inversion for geoacoustic parameters from ocean bottom reflection loss,Journal of Computational Acoustics,2017,25(3):175001901~17500191784.        Qi Zhang,Kunde Yang,Qiulong Yang,Statistical analysis of the quantified relationship between evaporation duct and oceanic evaporation for unstable conditions,Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology,2017,34(11):2489~249785.        Cheng Chen,Kunde Yang,Rui Duan,Yuan-Liang Ma,Acoustic propagation analysis with a sound speed feature model in the front area of Kuroshio Extension,Applied Ocean Research,2017,68:1~1086.        KundeYang,Lu Yanyang,Passive localization based on multipath time-delay difference with two hydrophones in deep ocean,Acoustics Australia,2017,45(1):51-6087.        Kunde Yang,Qiulong Yang,Peng Xiao,Xuegang Li,Rui Duan,Yuanliang Ma,Flow noise calculation and experimental study for hydrophones in fluid-filled towed arrays,Acoustics Australia,2017,45(2):313~32488.        Xiaole Guo,Kunde Yang,Rui Duan,Yuanliang Ma,Sequential inversion for geoacoustic parameters in the south china sea using modal dispersion curves,Acoustics Australia,2017,45(1):119~12989.        Hui Li,Kunde Yang,Zhixiong Lei,Rui Duan,Vertical correlation of the acoustic field in deep water measured with explosive sources,Acoustics Australia,2017,45(3):529~53890.        Guo Xiao-Le,Yang Kun-De,Ma Yuanliang, Geoacoustic inversion for bottom parameters via bayesian theory in the deep ocean, Chinese Physics Letters,2017,34(3):03430101~0343010891.        Kunde Yang,Hui Li,Rui Duan,Horizontal–longitudinal spatial correlation of acoustic field with deep receiver in the direct zone in deep water,Chinese Physics Letters,2017,34(2):0243011~024301592.        Chuanlin He,Kunde Yang,Yuanliang Ma,Bo Lei,Simultaneous detection of the acoustic-field aberration and Doppler shift in forward acoustic scattering,Chinese Physics B,2017,26(1):0143011~014301893.        Peng Xiao,Kunde Yang,Zhixiong Lei,Sequential filtering for surface wind speed estimation from ambient noise measurement,China Ocean Engineering,2017,31(1):74~7894.        Bo Lei, Yixin Yang, Kunde Yang, and Yuanliang Ma, Detection of forward scattering from an intruder in a dynamic littoral environment, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,2017,141(3):1704-171095.        郭晓乐,杨坤德,马远良,浅海声速剖面与移动声源的跟踪定位,声学学报,2017,42(1):1-13 2016年发表:96.        Yang Kunde, Zhang Qi, Shi Yang, He Zhengyao, Lei Bo, Han Yina, On 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Honglei Wang,Kunde Yang,Kun Zheng,Yixin Yang,Yuanliang Ma,Estimation of electromagnetic field in air by a magnetic dipole in the sea based on a current sheet model,IET Microwaves Antennas & Propagation,2016,10(7):709~718104.     Kunde Yang,Qiulong Yang,Rui Duan,Xiaole Guo,Ran Cao,A simple method for source depth estimation with multipath time delay in the deep ocean,Chinese Physics Letters,2016,33(12):1243021~1243025105.     Cheng Chen,Kunde Yang,Yuanliang Ma,Rui Duan,Comparison of surface duct energy leakage with bottom-bounce energy of close range propagation,Chinese Physics Letters,2016,33(10):1043021~1043025106.     Xiaole Guo,Kunde Yang,Yang Shi,Rui Duan,An underwater acoustic data compression method based on compressed sensing,Journal of Central South University,2016,23(8):1981~1989107.     Peng Xiao,Kunde Yang,Bo Lei,Model of shipping noise in the deep water: directional density and spatial coherence functions,China Ocean Engineering,2016,30(4):591~601108.     Peng Xiao,Kunde 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