
主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 呼加璐
学校 西北工业大学
部门 计算机学院
学位 博士
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 副高
联系方式 实用新型1875包写包过
邮箱 软件测试报告2199包写包过
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

个人经历 Personal experience 教育经历 工作经历 德国柏林自由大学计算机与数学学院          博士美国密歇根大学                                          博士后 西北工业大学计算机学院  副教授 博士生导师


教育教学 Education and teaching 招生信息 1)常年招收对博士生,硕士生;欢迎对生物信息学(Bioinformatics)、数据挖掘(Data mining)、机器学习(machine learning)有科研热情的本科生、研究生参与我们的科研项目;联系请发送邮件到 jhu[at]nwpu.edu.cn;更多团队信息请访问实验室主页:http://www.nwpu-bioinformatics.com2)主要目的是:培养学生的科研能力,为将来他们参与科研活动打下良好的基础。科研能力包括:文献阅读能力、数学建模能力、计算机编程能力、学术沟通表达能力、团队合作能力;3)科研奖励:除了助研费外,对于科研项目中表现优异的同学,我们提供丰厚的科研奖励;4)优先招收有特长、有创新力的学生,为这些学生提供平台、提供资金,如果需要,可以增配科研助手帮助完成;5)优先招收有以下两种以上编程经验的学生:C++、R、python、perl、Java、html、javascript、PHP、css、MYSQL、Shell语言。指导过的研究生、本科生:Kim本科生,美国俄勒冈州立大学大二本科生,经过一学期的科研训练,研究微生物对癌症的影响,获得学校5000美金的科研奖励;高**硕士生,获硕士生国家奖学金2次;经过一学期的本科毕设,完成了西北工业大学数据挖掘与生物信息学实验室的网站开发,获得优秀本科毕设称号,研一在国际知名期刊《BMC Systems Biology》等上发表SCI 2区文章5篇,优秀毕业硕士论文,资助赴西班牙参加国际会议;钟**硕士生,获硕士生国家讲学金1次;发表SCI文章2篇,CCF B类会议一篇,资助参加国际会议2次,国内会议2次,发表SCI 2区文章1次。郑**博士生,该同学已经被直接录取为博士生,开发了水稻基因组转座子的查询工具,在CCF B类会议发表一篇文章,在《BMC Medical Genomics》上发表SCI文章两篇,实验室资助去美国参加国际会议一次,去新加坡国立大学联合培养;王**硕士生,发表SCI 2区文章1篇,资助参加国内会议1次;何**硕士生,开发蛋白质相互作用网络的比对软件, 资助参加国内会议1次,在《BMC Genomics》、《BMC bioinformatics》上发表SCI 2区文章两次;研究生毕业去向:新加坡国立大学联合培养1人、百度1人、字节跳动1人、蚂蚁金服1人、阿里巴巴1人、OPPO1人


科学研究 Scientific Research 数据挖掘基础与应用   1、数据挖掘、机器学习理论与方法   2、图挖掘技术及社交网络数据分析   3、文本挖掘方法 生物数据分析及在疾病中的应用   1、生物数据网络建模与高效分析算法   2、癌症疾病中模式挖掘与分析方法   3、基因组转座子分析方法 图论及其算法的应用   1、图同构算法   2、复杂网络拓扑结构特征分析


学术成果 Academic Achievements 最近更新于2022年9月15日[27] Jialu Hu, Mengjie Chen, Xiang Zhou, Effective and scalable single-cell data alignment with non-linear canonical correlation analysis, Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 50, Issue 4, 28 February 2022, Page e21, https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkab1147[26] Jialu Hu, Yuanke Zhong, Xuequn Shang, A versatile and scalable single-cell data integration algorithm based on domain-adversarial and variational approximation, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2021, bbab400,  https://doi.org/10.1093/bib/bbab400[25] Yan Zheng, Yuanke Zhong, Jialu Hu, Xuequn Shang, SCC: an accurate imputation method for scRNA-seq dropouts based on a mixture model, BMC bioinformatics, 2021, 1(22), 1-12[24] Fashuai Wu, Yu Huang, Jialu Hu, Zengwu Shao, Mendelian randomization study of telomere length and bone mineral density, Aging, 2021, 13(2), 2015-+[23] Zhong, Y., J. Li, J. He, Y. Gao, J. Liu, J. Wang, X. Shang & J. Hu(2020) Twadn: an efficient alignment algorithm based on time warping for pairwise dynamic networks. BMC Bioinformatics, 21, 385.[22] Wu, F., Y. Huang, J. Hu & Z. Shao (2020) Mendelian randomization study of inflammatory bowel disease and bone mineral density. BMC Med, 18, 312.[21] Zhong, Y., J. Li, J. Liu, Y. Zheng, X. Shang & J. Hu. 2019. Deep learning enables accurate alignment of single cell RNA-seq data. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 778-781. IEEE.[20] Hu, J. L., Y. Q. Gao, J. Li, Y. Zheng, J. R. Wang & X. Q. Shang (2019c) A novel algorithm based on bi-random walks to identify disease-related lncRNAs. Bmc Bioinformatics, 20, 11.[19] Hu, J., J. He, J. Li, Y. Gao, Y. Zheng & X. Shang (2019a) A novel algorithm for alignment of multiple PPI networks based on simulated annealing. BMC Genomics, 20, 932.[18] Hu, J. L., Y. Q. Gao, J. Li & X. Q. Shang (2019b) Deep Learning Enables Accurate Prediction of Interplay Between lncRNA and Disease. Frontiers in Genetics, 10, 7.[17] Jialu Hu, Jingru Wang, Xuequn Shang, MD-SVM: A novel SVM-based algorithm for the motif discovery of transcription factor binding sites, BMC Systems Biology, (2019), 20(7)[16] Jialu Hu, Yan Zheng, and Xuequn Shang, MiteFinderII: A novel tool to identify miniature inverted-repeat transposable elementshidden in eukaryotic genomes, BMC Medical Genomics (2018), 11(5):101[15] Jialu Hu, Yiqun Gao, Xuequn Shang, KF-finder: Identification of key factors from host-microbial networks in cervical cancer, BMC Systems Biology (2018) ,12(4):54[14] Jialu Hu, Yiqun Gao, Junhao He, Yan Zheng and Xuequn Shang, WebNetCoffee: a web-based application to identify functionally conserved proteins from multiple PPI networks,BMC Bioinformatics (2018), 19(1):422 [13] Hu J., He J., Gao Y., Zheng Y., Shang X. NetCoffee2: A Novel Global Alignment Algorithm for Multiple PPI Networks Based on Graph Feature Vectors. In: Huang DS., Jo KH., Zhang XL. (eds) Intelligent Computing Theories and Application. ICIC 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10955. pp 241-246, Springer, Cham[12] Jialu Hu, Yan Zheng, and Xuequn Shang. MiteFinder: A fast approach to identify miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements on a genome-wide scale. IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM2017), Kansas city, Nov. 13-16, 2017:164-168[11] Jialu Hu, Xuequn Shang, Detection of Network Motif Based on A Novel Graph Canonization Algorithm from Transcriptional Regulation Networks, Molecules(2017), 22(12),2194[10] Khiem Lam, Dariia Vyshenska, Jialu Hu el ta. Transkingdom network reveals bacterial players associated with cervical cancer gene expression program, PEERJ, 2018, 6:e5590, doi:10.7717/peerj.5590[9] Danelishvili, L and Shulzhenko, N and Jjj, Chinison and Babrak, L and Hu, J. and Morgun, A and Burrows, G and Bermudez, L. E., "Mycobacterium tuberculosis proteome response to anti-tuberculosis compounds reveals metabolic "escape" pathways that prolong bacterial survival", Antimicrobial Agents & Chemotherapy, 2017.  [8] Jialu Hu, Birte Kehr and Knut Reinert, NetCoffee: a fast and accurate global alignment approach to identify functionally conserved proteins in multiple networks, Bioinformatics (2014) 30 (4): 540-548, doi: 10.1093 /bioinformatics / btt715 (IF=7.307)[7] Jialu Hu and Knut Reinert, LocalAli: an evolutionary-based local alignment approach to identify functionally conserved modules in multiple networks, Bioinformatics (2015) 31 (3): 363-372, doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btu652 (IF=7.307)[6] Jialu Hu, Birte Kehr, and Knut Reinert, M-NetAligner: a novel global alignment approach to identify functional orthologs in multiple networks, 17th Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB) 2013, Beijing, Apr 7-10, 2013, P207[5] Jiajie Peng, Qianqian Li, Bolin Chen, Jialu Hu, Xuequn Shang, Analyzing factors involved in the HPO-based semantic similarity calculation, IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 2016, Shenzhen, Dec, DOI: 10.1109/BIBM.2016.7822766[4] Jialu Hu, Khiem Lam, Xiaoxi Dong, Heidi Lyng, Natalia Shulzhenko, and Andrey Morgun, Identification of bacterial pathogens from host-microbe interaction networks, CGRB fall conference, Corvallis, Sep 18, 2015[3] Khiem Lam, Jialu Hu, Xiaoxi Dong, Heidi Lyng, Natalia Shulzhenko, and Andrey Morgun, The Microbiome of Cervical Cancer, Microbiome of cervical cancer, Symposium on Host-Microbe Systems Biology: Synthesis and Selection of Host-Microbe Systems, Eugen, July 31-August 2, 2015 [2] Jialu Hu, Lin Gao, and Guimin Qin, Evaluation of subgraph searching algorithms detecting network motif in biological networks, Frontiers of Computer Science in China (2009) 3(3):412-416 [1] Qin Gui-min,Hu Jia-lu,Gao Lin,A review on algorithms for network motif discovery in biological networks,Chinese Journal of Electronics(2009)37(10):2258-2265


