
主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 王毅
学校 西北工业大学
部门 材料学院
学位 哲学博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 正高
联系方式 029-88460294
邮箱 软件测试报告2199包写包过
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个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 2022年06月 ~ 至今,            西北工业大学                       教授    (博士生导师)2016年05月 ~ 2022年6月,  西北工业大学                       副教授 (博士生导师)2014年01月 ~ 2016年05月,美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学      博士后 2009年10月 ~ 2013年12月   美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学  博士 2009年10月 ~ 2012年12月   美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学   硕士 2006年09月 ~ 2009年09月   北京科技大学     硕士提前攻博,国家公派赴外攻读学位 2001年09月 ~ 2005年06月   河北理工大学    学士


教育教学 Education and teaching 教育教学 招生信息 材料学院本科课程 《Foundation of Materials Science and Engineering》伦敦玛丽女王大学工程学院本科课程 《Fatigue and Creep Failure》研究生课程 《Materials Science and Engineering》 本人招收有志于从事先进金属材料集成计算材料工程(ICME)和材料基因组工程(MGI/MGE)研究的博士和硕士研究生,欢迎同学们积极报考和加入(直博、硕博连读、推免等)


团队信息 Team Information 团队名称:稀有金属材料与加工研究团队团队负责人:李金山教授


科学研究 Scientific Research 研究方向为极端条件先进材料的材料基因工程(MGE)&集成计算材料工程(ICME),具体包括(1) 材料结构与性能的第一原理和分子动力学研究(2) 新型材料的强韧化机理和热力学稳定性的研究(3) 表面与界面对新型材料结构与性能的作用机理(4) 基于数字孪生技术的智能制造主持和参研科技部、预研重点基金、领域重点基金、自然科学基金委员会、中车唐山公司等资助的10余项科研项目。


社会兼职 Social Appointments 2018年03月 ~至今, 矿物、金属与材料学会(TMS)合金与相图委员会(APC)委员2022年06月 ~至今, 中国材料学会青年工作委员会-理事2022年06月 ~至今, 中国材料学会计算分会-青年委员2019年01月 ~至今, 中国CSTM材料基因工程数据通则委员会-委员2012年10月 ~ 2013年10月, 美国材料研究学会宾夕法尼亚州立大学分会(PSU Chapter)副主席2010年10 月              智利FONDECYT项目评审专家国际学术期刊:《Journal of Materials Research》执行编辑(Princile Editor);《Diffusion Foundations and Materials》、《Journal of Materials Informatics》、《Journal of Magnesium and Alloys》、《粉末冶金材料科学与工程》青年编委;《铸造技术》“集成计算材料工程与智造”专刊客座编辑。国际学术期刊审稿人:《NPJ Computational Materials》《Acta Materialia》《Journal of Materials Science & Technology》《Applied Physics Letters》《Journal of Materials Science》《Materials Chemistry and Physics》《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》《Journal of Applied Physics》《Materials Characterization》, 《Computational Materials Science》 《Physics Status Solidi B》《Philosophical Magazine》等。《Acta Materialia》(2019)和《Computational Materials Science》(2017和2015)“国际杰出评审人”;《Journal of Materials Informatics》青年编委“2022杰出贡献奖”。


学术成果 Academic Achievements 科技专著(章节)1. B. C. Zhou,  W. Y. Wang,  Z. K. Liu, and R. Arroyave,  Chapter 8 – Electronics to Phases of Magnesium, in: M. F. Horstemeyer Editor.  Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) for Metals: Case Studies.,  John Wiley & Sons, 2018. pp.237-282. ( PDF ).已发表论文20245. Y. Zhang, W. Y. Wang*,  P. X. Li, K. Ren, X. Y. Gao, H. C. Kou, J. Wang, Y. G. Wang, H. F. Song*, X. B. Liang, J. S. Li*, Hook's law scaled broken-bond model for surface energy: From metals to ceramics, Scripta Materialia. 2024, 224:116026 (PDF)4. Y. Zhang, K. Ren, W. Y. Wang*, X. Y. Gao, R. H. Yuan, J. Wang, Y. G. Wang, H. F. Song*, X. B. Liang, J. S. Li*, Discovering the ultralow thermal conductive high-enthropy pyrochlore oxides through the hybrid knowledge-assisted data-driven machine learning, Journal of Materials Science & Technology. 2024, 168:131-142 (PDF)3. P. X. Li, W. Y. Wang*, X. D. Sui, X. L. Fan, J. S. Li*, Effects of lattice distortion and p bond of Moiré pattern on the superlubricity of twist MoS2/Graphene and MoS2/BN heterointerfaces. Journal of Materials Science and Technology. 2024, (PDF) 2. Z. Chai, W. Y. Wang*, Y. Ren, X. Wang, Y. Zhang, F. Sun, F. Hao, J. S. Li*, Hot deformation behavior and microstructure evolution of TC11 dual-phase titanium alloy. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2024, (PDF) 1. D. X. Gao, S. L. Luan, P. X. Li, K. Ren, W. Y. Wang *, J. S. Li, Y. G. Wang*, Atomic transport properties of water in barium–strontium aluminosilicates: Coupling of alkaline earth elements, reactions and diffusion. Journal of American Ceramic Society. 2024,  (PDF) 202315. P. X. Li, W. Y. Wang *, C. X. Zou, X. Y. Gao, J. Wang, X. L. Fan, H. F. Song *, and J. S. Li, Lattice Distortion Optimized Hybridization and Superlubricity of MoS2/MoSe2 Heterointerfaces via Moiré Patterns. Applied Surface Science. 2023, 613:155760. (PDF)14. G. Yao, W. Y. Wang *, P. X. Li, K. Ren, J. Q. Lu, X. Y. Gao, D. Y. Lin, J. Wang, Y. G. Wang, H. F. Song *, and J. S. Li, Investigation of electronic structure and hardening mechanism of high-entropy diboride ceramics: A comprehensive first-principles study. Rare Matals, 2023, 42:614-628. (PDF)13. J. Q. Lu, F. P. Zhang, W. Y. Wang *, G. Yao, X. Y. Gao, Y. Liu, J. Wang, H. F. Song, Y. G. Wang, J. S. Li*, and P. X. Zhang, Revealing the materials genome of superhard high-entropy diborides via the hybrid data-driven and knowledge-enabled model. Journal of American Ceramic Society. 2023, 106:6923-6936. (PDF)12. Y. Liu, Y. H. Lu, W. Y. Wang *, J. Li, Y. Zhang, J. L. Yin, X.Q. Pan, X. Y. Gao*, Y. Chen, H. F. Song, J. S. Li*, Effects of solutes on thermodynamic properties of (TMZrU)C (TM = Ta, Y) medium-entropy carbides: a first-principles study. Journal of Materials Informatics, 2023, 3:17  (PDF)11.  D. Jia, J. S. Li*, Y. Zhang, P. X. Li, Y. Liu, W. J. Gong, W. Y. Wang *, The Helium-vacancy complexes and Helium bubbles formation mechanism in chromium: A comprehensive first-principles study. Journal Materials Science,  2023, 58:14371-14389. 10. D. X. Gao, D. Y. Lin, K. Ren, S. L. Luan, G. X. Zhao, W. Y. Wang *, J. S. Li, Y. G. Wang*, Transportation pathway of oxygen in the cage-to-cage network of Barium–Strontium Aluminosilicates, Ceramic International. 2023, 49:16235-16244. (PDF)9. L.T. Fan *, X. C. Wang, Y. S. Chen, L. Wang, S. M. Liu, Y. F. Wang, X. W. Li, K. Du, J. Zhang, X. Y. Gao, F. Sun, H. F. Song, W. Y. Wang *, J. S. Li,*. Smart design and manufacturing the welded Q350 steel Frames via lifecycle management strategy of digital twin. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology.  2023, 32:385-395. (PDF)8.王晓亮,杨卿卫,李宇露,张瑞玥,巨彪,郝芳*,陈海生,王毅*. TC11钛合金双级退火组织对其动态冲击性能的影响规律. 材料热处理学报. 2023, 44:92-100. (PDF)7. 柴再先,王毅*,张嘉,孙峰,杨超,张志远,刘希林,李强,王军,寇宏超,李金山*,基于数字孪生技术的钛合金管件智能制造与质量管控的数字线程. 铸造技术.2023, 44:161-168. (PDF)6. 汪欣朝,杜坤,王毅*,柴再先,孙峰,张嘉,杨超,刘希林,张志远,唐斌,寇宏超,李金山*,基于机器视觉的钛合金焊接过程非平衡凝固组织性能智能控制. 铸造技术. 2023, 44:169-184. (PDF)5. 李佩璇,王毅*,隋旭东,集成计算材料工程在固体润滑领域的应用,铸造技术.  2023, 44:132-146. (PDF)4. W. X. Zhang, Y. Z. Chen, L. Zhou, T. T. Zhao, W.Y. Wang, F. Liu, X. X. Huang, Simultaneous increase of tensile strength and ductility of Al-Si solid solution alloys: The effect of solute Si on work hardening and dislocation behaviors, Materials Science and Engineering: A,  2023, 869:144792.  (PDF)3. Y. Liu, J. S. Li, B. Tang*, W. Y. Wang, Y. D. Chu, L. Zhu, W. Q. Bi, X. F. Chen, H. C. Kou, The microstructure evolution and phase transformation behavior of a β-solidifying γ-TiAl alloy during creep, Progress in Natural Science: Materials International,  2023, 33:193-202.  (PDF)2. G. M. Zheng, B. Tang*, S. K. Zhao, J. Wang, Y. Z. Xie, X. F. Chen, W. Y. Wang, D. Liu, R. Yang, J. S. Li *, Resolving the high-temperature strength-ductility trade-off in TiAl alloys through microstructural optimization. International Journal of Plasticity. 2023, 170:103756.  (PDF)1.  Y. Liu, J. S. Li, B. Tang*, L. Song*, W. Y. Wang, D. Wang, D. Liu, R. Yang, H. C. Kou, Decomposition and phase transformation mechanisms of α2 lamellae in β-solidified γ-TiAl alloys. Acta Materialia, 2023, 242:118492. (PDF)202213. W. Y. Wang, J. L. Yin, Z. X. Chai, X. Chen, W. P. Zhao, J. Q. Lu, F. Sun, Q. G. Jia, X. Y. Gao, B. Tang, X. D. Hui, H. F. Song *, F. Xue *, Z. K. Liu, J. S. Li *, Big data assisted digital twin for smart design and manufacturing of advanced materials: From atom to product, Journal of Materials Informatics, 2022, 2:1. (PDF)  (2023 Best Paper Award of  JMI)12. G. Yao, W. Y. Wang *, C. X. Zou, K. Ren, P. X. Li, X. Y. Gao, D. Y. Lin, J. Wang, S. F. Yang*, Y. G. Wang, H. F. Song*, and J. S. Li, Local orders, lattice distortions and electronic structure dominated mechanical properties of (ZrHfTaM1M2)C (M= Nb, Ti, V). Journal of American Ceramic Society, 2022, 105:4260-4276. (PDF)11. T. T. Zhao, W.Y. Wang *, Y. Zhao, P. Li, Y. Zhang, J. Wang, S. F. Yang *, J. S. Li, Revealing sulfur- and phorspher-induced embrittlement and local structural phase transformation of superlattice intrinsic stacking faults of L12-Ni3Al, Journal Materials Science, 2022, (PDF)10. M. Q. Zhang, J. S. Li, B. Tang *, W. Y. Wang*, K. D. Li, T. L. Zhang, D. Wang, H. C. Kou, Quantification of α phase strengthening in titanium alloys: Crystal plasticity model incorporating α/β heterointerfaces. International Journal of Plasticity. 2022, 158: 103444. (PDF)9. Z. Wei, X. A. Zhang* F. Sun, W. Y. Wang*, Digital-twin-assistant active design and optimization of steel mega-sub controlled structural system under severe earthquake waves. Materials, 2022, 15: 6382. (PDF)8. 张颖,宋建丽,王毅*,高文强,王军,唐斌,谭超,王一川,寇宏超,李金山*,基于数字孪生技术的金属材料力学标准试样高通量制备与原位铸造性能测试系统,铸造技术,2022, 43:77-82. (PDF)7. F. Hao, Y. X. Du *, W. Y. Wang *, Y. C. Mao, J. L. Yin, K. X. Wang, X. H. Liu, Y. Feng, J. S. Li, Effect of high-strain-rate on adiabatic shearing of α+β dual-phase Ti alloy. Frontier in Materials, 2022, 8:808244. (PDF)6. H. C. Li, R. H. Yuan*, H. Liang, W. Y. Wang, J. S. Li, J. Wang*, Towards high entropy alloy with enhanced strength and ductility using domain knowledge constrained active learning, Materials & Design, 2022,223: 111186. (PDF)5. H. C. Li, J. Wang, N. Deng, W. Y. Wang, R. H. Yuan, J. S. Li, Eutectoid lamellar structure strengthened ultra-strong Al13Fe29Co29Ni29 high-entropy alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A 2022, 856: 143934. (PDF)4. B. Q. Yin, X. Y. Xue, B. Tang, W. Y. Wang, H. C. Kou, J. S. Li, Experiments and crystal plasticity simulations for the deformation behavior of nanoindentation: application to the α2 phase of TiAl alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2022, 831:142283. (PDF)3. X. Liu, Y. Wu, Y. Wang, J. Chen, R. Bai, L. Gao, Z. Xu, W. Y. Wang, C. Tan, X. Hui, Enhanced dynamic deformability and strengthening effect via twinning and microbanding in high density NiCoFeCrMoW high-entropy alloys, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2022, 127:164-176. (PDF)2. Y. Liu, J. S. Li, B. Tang *, W. Y. Wang, M. J. Lai, L. Zhu, H. C. Kou, Formation mechanism of γ twins β-solidified γ-TiAl alloys. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2022, 105:164-171.  (PDF)1. G. M. Zheng, B. Tang*, S. K. Zhao, W. Y. Wang*, X. F. Chen, L. Zhu, J. S. Li, Evading the strength-ductility trade-off at room temperature and achieving ultrahigh plasticity at 800 C in a TiAl alloy, Acta Materialia, 2022, 225: 117585. (PDF) (ESI高被引论文)202119.  W. Y. Wang*, Y. Zhang* and P. K. Liaw*, Editorial: Data-driven Integrated Computational Materials Engineering for High-entropy Materials. Frontier in Materials, 2021, 8:664829. (PDF)18. W. Y. Wang,* T. T. Zhao, C. X. Zou, H. Y. Kim, S. L. Shang, Y. Wang, L. J. Kecskes, J. S. Li, and Z. K. Liu, Site occupation and structural phase transformation of (010) antiphase boundary in Boron-modified L12 Ni3Al. JOM, 2021, 73, 2285-2292. (PDF)17. C. X. Zou, J. S. Li *, W. Y. Wang *, Y. Zhang, X. D. Wang, B. Tang, J. Wang, D. Y. Lin, R. H. Yuan, H. C. Kou, X. D. Hui, X. Q. Zeng, Q. Ma, H. F. Song *, Z. K. Liu, and D. S. Xu, Integrating data mining and machine learning to discover the high-strength ductile Ti alloys. Acta Materialia. 2021, 202:211-221. (PDF) (ESI高被引论文)(陕西省第十五届自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖)16. C. X. Zou, J. S. Li *, L. Zhu, Y. Zhang, B. Tang *, J. Wang, H. C. Kou, H. F. Song, W. Y. Wang *, Electronic structures and properties of Ti2AlNb/TiAl heterogeneous interfaces: A comprehensive first-principles study. Intermetallics, 2021, 107173. (PDF)15. P. X. Li #, J. Q. Lu #, W. Y. Wang *, X. D. Sui*, C. X. Zou, Y. Zhang, J. Wang *, D. Y. Lin, Z. B. Lu, H. F. Song, X. L. Fan, J. Y. Hao, J. S. Li, and W. M. Liu, Lattice distortion enhanced superlubricity of (Mo, TM)S2 (TM = Al, Cr, Ti, and V) with Moiré patterns. Nanoscale, 2021, 31:16234-16243. (PDF)14. P. X. Li #, Y. Zhang #, W. Y. Wang *, Y. X. He, J. X. Wang, M. X. Han, J. Wang, L. Zhang, R. F. Zhao, H. C. Kou, Q. Ma, and J. S. Li*, Coupling effect of high magnetic field and annealing on the optimized microstructures and mechanical properties of additive manufactured Ti-6Al-4V. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2021, 824:141815. (PDF) 13. X. P. Ruan, J. Q. Shi, X. M. Wang, W. Y. Wang, X. L. Fan, F. Zhou, Robust and Moiré lattice size-dependent superlubricity of Graphdiyne layers, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13:40901-40908. (PDF)12. K. D. Li, J. S. Li, B. Tang*, W. Y. Wang *, F. L. Chen, M. Q. Zhang, J. K. Fan, H. Zhong, Experimental and theoretical analysis of residual topography dominated deformation mechanism of nanoindentation: A case study of Inconel 625 superalloy. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2021, 13:1521-1533. (PDF)11. J. J. Ma,* Q. M. Guan, J. Sun, Q. W. Yang, J. Tang, C. X. Zou, B. Tang, J. Wang, H. C. Kou, H. S. Wang, J. Gao, J. S. Li,* and W. Y. Wang*, The localized corrosion and stress corrosion cracking of 6005A-T6 extrusion profile. Materials. 14:4924. (PDF)10. F. Hao, Y. X. Du *, P. X. Li, Y. C. Mao, D. Y. Lin, K. X. Wang, X. H. Liu, H. F. Song, Y. Feng, J. S. Li, W. Y. Wang *, Effect of high-strain-rate on adiabatic shearing of α+β dual-phase Ti alloy. Materials, 2021, 4:2044. (PDF)9. Y. Zhang, J. Tang, W. Y. Wang*, Y. D. Wu, D.Y. Lin, J. Wang, B. Tang, X. Hui, I. V. Belova, G. E. Murch and J. S. Li *. Kinetics and thermodynamics of Fe-X (X= Al, Cr, Mn, Ti, B, and C) melts under high pressure. Diffusion Foundations, 2021, 29:143-160.  (PDF)8. Y. Zhang, W. Y. Wang *, C.X. Zou, R. Bai, Y. D. Wu, D.Y. Lin, J. Wang*, X. Hui, X.B. Liang, and J. S. Li *. Revealing the configurational transformations of Fe-Mn-Al medium-entropy alloys: A comprehensive first-principles study. Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 2021, 34:1492-1502. (PDF)7. J. Wang *, H. C. Li, H. X. Yang, Y. Zhang, W. Y. Wang, J. S. Li, Hot deformation and subsequent annealing on the microstructure and hardness of an Al0.3CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy. Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 2021,34:1527-1536. (PDF)6. 李洪超, 王军, 袁睿豪, 王毅, 寇宏超, 李金山, AlCoCrFeNi 系高熵合金的强化方法研究, 材料导报, 2021,35:17010-17018. (PDF)5. 赵云松,赵婷婷,张迈,王毅,赵觅,张剑,李金山,骆宇时,姚志浩*,S元素对镍基高温合金及其涂层组织和性能的影响研究进展,航空材料学报(专刊),2021, 41:96-110. (PDF)4. J. S. Li *, H. X. Yang, W. Y. Wang, H. C. Kou, and J. Wang *, Thermal-mechanical processing and strengthen in AlxCoCrFeNihigh-entropy alloys. Frontier in Materials, 2021,7:585602. (PDF)3. C. D. Zhao, J. S. Li *, Y. Liu, Y. Jin, W. Y. Wang *, H. C. Kou, J. Wang *, Optimizing mechanical and magnetic properties of AlCoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy via FCC to BCC phase transformation. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2021, 86:117-126.(PDF)2.  C. D. Zhao, J. S. Li *, Y. X. He, W. Y. Wang, H. C. Kou, J. Wang *, Tailoring mechanical and magnetic properties of AlCoCrFeNihigh-entropy alloy via phase transformation. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2021, 73: 83-90. (PDF)1. H. X. Yang, J. S. Li *, X. Y. Pan, W. Y. Wang, H. C. Kou, and J. Wang*,Nanophase precipitation and strengthen in a dual-phase Al0.5CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy. Journal of Materials Science and Technology. 2021, 71:1-7. (PDF)202013. W. Y. Wang, P. X. Li, D. Y. Lin, B. Tang, J. Wang, Q. M. Guan, Q. Ye, H. X. Dai, J. Gao, H. C. Kou, H. F. Song, F. Zhou *, J. J. Ma *, Z. K. Liu, J. S. Li* and W. M. Liu, DID Code – A bridge connecting materials genome engineering database and inheritable integrated intelligence manufacturing. Engineering, 2020, 6:612-620. (PDF)12. W. Y. Wang#, B Gan#, D. Y Lin, J. Wang, Y. G. Wang, B. Tang, H. C. Kou, S. L. Shang, Y. Wang, X. Y. Gao, H. F. Song, X. D. Hui, L. J. Keckes, Z. H, Xia, P. K. Liaw, J. S. Li,* and Z. K. Liu, High-throughput investigations of configurational transition dominated serrations in CuZr/Cu nanolaminates. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2020, 53:192-199. (PDF)11. W. Y. Wang*, B Tang, D. Y Lin, C. X. Zou, Y. Zhang, S. L. Shang, Q. M. Guan, J. Gao, L. T. Fan, H. C. Kou, H. F. Song, J. J. Ma, X. D. Hui, M. Gao, Z. K. Liu, and J. S. Li, A brief review of data-driven ICME for intelligently discovering advanced structural metal materials: Insights into atomic and electronic building blocks. Journal of Materials Research. 2020, 35:872-889 (Invited Feature Paper for the Early Career Scholar in Materials Science 2020). (PDF)10.J. Tang, X. Y. Xue , W. Y. Wang,* D. Y. Lin, T. Ahmed, J. Wang, B. Tang, S. L. Shang, I. V. Belova, H. F. Song, G. E. Murch, J. S. Li, and Z. K. Liu, Activation volume dominated diffusivity of Ni50Al50 melt under extreme conditions. Computational Materials Science. 2020, 171:109263. (PDF)9. L. T. Fan, J. J. Ma *, C. X. Zou, J. Gao, H. S. Wang, J. Sun, Q. M. Guan, J. Wang, B. Tang, J. S. Li, and W. Y. Wang*, Revealing foundations of the intergranular corrosion of 5XXX and 6XXX Al alloys. Materials Letters. 2020, 271:127767.(PDF)8.  R. X. Li, L. Xie, W. Y. Wang, P. K. Liaw, and Y. Zhang, High-throughput calculations for high-entropy alloys: A brief review. Frontier in Materials. 2020, 7:290. (PDF)7. Y. D. Wu, Q. J. Wang, D. Y. Lin, X. H. Chen, T. Wang, W. Y. Wang, Y. D. Wang, and X. D. Hui *, Phase stability and deformation behavior of TiZrHfNbO high-entropy alloys. Frontier in Materials 2020, 7:589052. (PDF)6. B. Q. Yin, X. Y. Xue, B. Tang, W. Y. Wang, H. C. Kou, J. S. Li, Hot deformation behaviors of WE71 alloy under plain strain compression at elevated temperature, Progress in Natural Science: Materials International. 2020, 30:526-532. (PDF)5. M. Q. Zhang, B. Tang *, R. M. Yang, W. Y. Wang, H. C. Kou, J. S. Li, Combined crystal plasticity simulations and experiments for parameter identification: application to near β titanium alloy. Journal of Materials Science. 2020, 55:15043-15055. (PDF)4. H. X. Yang, J. S. Li*, T. Guo,  W. Y. Wang, H. C. Kou and J. Wang*, Grain size effect on the evolution of the microstructure and hardness in a dual-phase Al0.5CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy. Rare Metals, 2020, 39:156-161. (PDF)3. C. D. Zhao, J. S. Li, Y. X. He, W. Y. Wang, H. C. Kou, J. Wang, Effect of strong magnetic field on the microstructure and mechanical-magnetic properties of AlCoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 820:153407.(PDF)2. Y. J. Hu, Y. Wang,  W. Y. Wang, K. A. Darling, L. J. Kecskes, and Z. K. 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