姓名 | 马越 |
教师编号 | 5055 |
性别 | 男 |
学校 | 西北工业大学 |
部门 | 工程实践训练中心 |
学位 | 哲学博士学位 |
学历 | 博士研究生毕业 |
职称 | 正高 |
联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
邮箱 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
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个人经历 personal experience 教育经历 工作经历 2005.09—2009.06 南京大学化学化工学院 学士2009.07—2013.08 新加坡国立大学整合科学与工程(NGS项目)博士2013.11—2015.08 瑞典乌普萨拉大学结构化学系 博士后研究员 2015.09—2017.10 瑞典先进电池中心独立研究员2015.10—2017.06 西北工业大学纳米能源中心研究员2017.07—至今 西北工业大学纳米能源中心教授,博士生导师 教育教学教育教学 Education and teaching 招生信息 一、招生与招聘:1. 欢迎全国高校志于学、勤与学、笃于学的优秀同学保送/报考硕士、博士2. 招收相关研究领域的博士后(待遇优厚),具体的博士后待遇按照西北工业大学博士后管理规定提供工资和福利待遇,基础年薪为12-23万,缴纳医疗、养老保险和公积金。详见学校博士后管理网站:http://renshi.nwpu.edu.cn/bshwz/index.htm二、课题组研究条件:常规材料制备与表征:FTIR,UV-Vis,SEM, XRD,双温区CVD炉1台;TGA/DSC同步热分析,接触角,拉伸测试仪,台阶仪,粒度分析仪,BET ,静电纺丝,ALD。特殊表征设备:SEM, Raman-AFM联用 (四个激光器, AFM外罩手套箱惰性气氛保护)锂/钠/锌电池研究:新威电池通道,电化学工作站,原位XRD结合电化学循环测试,电池的高温测试烘箱。 三、编写教材:2023年编写教材《先进功能材料与应用技术》已在西北工业大学出版社出版。四、教育教学改革方面:1. 2023年,主持校级教改重点项目“双碳战略驱动下创新工程实践平台建设研究”(双碳专项);2. 2022年,参与校级一流本科课程及校级课程思政示范课建设。五、教学成果奖:1. 2020年,指导孙长春等学生在第十二届“挑战杯”中国大学生创新计划竞赛中获得国家级银奖、陕西赛区金奖;2. 2021年,指导李少雯等学生在“建行杯”第七届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛获得国赛铜奖、陕西赛区金奖项;3. 2022年,指导刘宇飞等学生在中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业陕西赛区中获得金奖3项;4. 2023年,指导姚宁、谢浩洋等学生在中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业陕西赛区中获得金奖3项;5. 2021年指导赵文宇硕士论文《基于二硫化相的柔性一体化薄膜电池设计》被评为2021年西北工业大学优秀硕士论文;6. 2022年指导赵婷硕士论文《基于MOF衍生界面防护层的锂金属电池设计》被评为2022年西北工业大学优秀硕士论文。 荣誉获奖荣誉获奖 Awards Information 1. 陕西省杰出青年科学基金项目;2. 陕西高等学校科学技术研究优秀成果一等奖;3. 陕西省百人计划青年项目;4. 陕西省高校科协青年人才托举计划;5. 西安市高层次人才认定(C类);6. 陕西省青年科技新星;7. Wiley杂志社杰出作者奖项。 科学研究社会兼职 Social Appointments 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目(2023,52373229)、国家自然科学基金面上项目(2021,52173229)、中瑞国际合作(NSFC-STINT)基金、国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(2016,51602261)、西部大开发环境工程重点预研项目、陕西省能源化工基建重点项目以及瑞典能源部(Energimyndigheten)的电池专项基金(Batterifonden)等。担任的学术兼职包括10 余本国际新能源期刊的独立审稿人和仲裁人,SCI期刊International Journal of Electrochemistry、Journal of Nanotechnology的客座编辑。 学术成果科学研究 Scientific Research 通过探索关键储能材料的可控制备及界面改性方法,利用多种原位/在线监测技术揭示电化学体系中电极电子结构、晶体结构以及表界面反应的动态变化规律和电池储能机制。主要研究方向包括:1. 锂(钠、锌)离子电池正负极电极材料、锂(钠)金属电池负极、固态电解质2. 同步辐射光电子能谱技术及原位XRD检测技术3. 柔性全固态储能体系设计4. 硅碳负极材料产业化技术 综合介绍学术成果 Academic Achievements 基于锂、钠、锌离子储能系统,微纳复合功能材料,原位相变技术表征等领域的研究经历,迄今为止发表SCI论文80余篇,包括:Adv. Mater, Mater. Today., Adv. Energy. Mater., Adv. Funct. Mater, ACS Nano, Nano Energy, Energy Storage Materials 等。申请发明专利30项,其中已授权专利11项,专利转化5项。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国际地区交流合作项目、省部级能源化工等10余项,入选第九届陕西省青年百人计划、陕西省科技新星、陕西省杰青等人才项目。 Publications:2023【66】Unleashing the Potential of High-Capacity Anodes through an Interfacial Prelithiation Strategy. ACS Nano, 2023,accepted. Helin Wang, Ahu Shao, Ruijun Pan, Wei Tian, Qiurong Jia, Min Zhang, Miao Bai, Zhiqiao Wang, Fu Liu, Ting Liu, Xiaoyu Tang, Shaowen Li, and Yue Ma*.【65】A Multiscale, Dynamic Elucidation of Li Solubility in the Alloy and Metallic Plating Process. Advanced Materials. 2023, 2306826. Shaowen Li, Zhigang Chai, Zhaohui Wang,* Cheuk-Wai Tai, Jiefang Zhu,*Kristina Edstrm, and Yue Ma*.【64】Na Storage in Sb2S3@C Composite: A Synergistic Capacity Contribution Mechanism with Wider Temperature Adaptability. ACS Appl..Mater. Interfaces 2023, 15, 16692 16701.Sundas Iqbal, Yue Ma,* Bingqing Wei, Mustehsin Ali, and Tingkai Zhao*.【63】Antimony-Coated Carbon Nanocomposites as High-Performance Anode Materials for High-Temperature Sodium Metal Batteries. ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2023, 6, 18247 18254. Sundas Iqbal, Yue Ma,* Bingqing Wei, Mustehsin Ali, and Tingkai Zhao*.【62】In-Situ Electrochemically-Bonded Self-Adapting Polymeric Interface for Durable Aqueous Zinc Ion Batteries, Advanced Functional Materials, 2023,202310995.Shanchen Yang, YaxiZhang, Ying Zhang, Jie Deng, Ningxin Chen, Sida Xie, Yue Ma*, Zhaohui Wang*.【61】 Designing Anti-Swelling Nanocellulose Separators with Stable and Fast Ion Transport Channels for Efficient Aqueous Zinc-Ion Batteries. Advanced Functional Materials, 2023, 2304280.Shanchen Yang, Yaxin Zhang, Ying Zhang, Jie Deng, Ningxin Chen, Sida Xie, Yue Ma*, Zhaohui Wang*.【60】A cellulose reinforced polymer composite electrolyte for the wide-temperature-range solid lithium batteries.,Chem Eng. J, 2023, 142537. Kefan Zhou , Min Zhang , Xiangni Zhang , Tianyu Wang , Helin Wang , Zhiqiao Wang ,Xiaoyu Tang , Miao Bai , Shaowen Li , Zhaohui Wang *, Yue Ma *.【59】 Enhancing Temperature Adaptability of Aqueous Zinc Batteries via Antifreezing Electrolyte and Site- Selective ZnSe-Ag Interface Layer Design. ACS Nano,2023,17, 17359 17371 .Ronggong Xue, Yiming Zou, Zhiqiao Wang, Lei Mao, Helin Wang, Min Zhang, Ahu Shao, Jiacheng Liu,Ning Yao, Yuyao Liu, and Yue Ma*.【58】A Hetero-Layered, Mechanically Reinforced, Ultra-Lightweight Composite Polymer Electrolyte for Wide-Temperature-Range, Solid-State Sodium Batteries. Advanced Functional Materials,., 2023, 33, 2215117.Tianyu Wang, Min Zhang, Kefan Zhou, Helin Wang, Ahu Shao, Liuyan Hou,Zhiqiao Wang, Xiaoyu Tang, Miao Bai, Shaowen Li, and Yue Ma*.【57】A Nanocellulose-Mediated, Multiscale Ion-Sieving Separator with Selective Zn2+ Channels for Durable Aqueous Zinc-based Batteries. Energy Storage Mater,2023, 57, 557. Ying Zhang, Zhi Zeng, Shanchen Yang, Yaxin Zhang, Yue Ma*, Zhaohui Wang*【56】One-step construction of hollow hybrid carbon spheres embedded with ultrafine Nb2O5. Carbon, 2023, 205, 171-179. Jiaying Yang, Haojie Han, Changzhen Qu, Xiuhai Zhang, Bin Bai, Rong Zhuang, Jinbo Zhang, Yuqian Qiu, Yue Ma*, Fei Xu*【55】Boosting the Reversible, High-Rate Na+ Storage Capability of the Hard Carbon Anode Via the Synergistic Structural Tailoring and Controlled Presodiation. Small, 2023, online, 2207638. Liuyan Hou, Ting Liu, Helin Wang, Miao Bai, Xiaoyu Tang, Zhiqiao Wang, Min Zhang, Shaowen Li, Tianyu Wang, Kefan Zhou, and Yue Ma*【54】Ultrafast Laser‐Induced Cathode/Electrolyte Interphase for High‐Voltage Poly(Ethylene Oxide)‐Based Solid Batteries. Advanced Functional Materials., 2023, 33, 2210465. Xiaoyu Tang, Xiaosa Xu, Miao Bai, Min Zhang, Heling Wang, Zhiqiao Wang, Ahu Shao, Hongqiang Wang*, Yue Ma*【53】Resuscitation of spent graphite anodes towards layer-stacked, mechanical-flexible, fast-charging electrodes. Energy Storage Mater., 2023, 55, 417. Ning Yao a, Fu Liu, Yiming Zou, Helin Wang, Min Zhang, Xiaoyu Tang, Zhiqiao Wang, Miao Bai, Ting Liu, Wenyu Zhao, Rongrong Xue, Yuyao Liu, and Yue Ma*【52】Enhanced Li-ion Migration Behavior in Li3V2O5 Rock-salt Anode via Stepwise Lattice Tailoring. Energy Storage Mater., 2023, 54, 284-293. Zhiqiao Wang, Song Yuan, Xiaoyu Tang, Helin Wang, Min Zhang, Fu Liu, Ning Yao, and Yue Ma*2022【51】Sustainable Phytic Acid Zinc Anticorrosion Interface for Highly Reversible Zinc Metal Anodes. ACS Appl..Mater. Interfaces 2022, 14, 10419 10427 .Ying Zhang, Chi Peng, Zhi Zeng, Xiangni Zhang, Lulu Zhang, Yue Ma,* and Zhaohui Wang*.【50】3D Co‐Doping α‐Ni(OH)2 Nanosheets for Ultrastable, High‐Rate Ni‐Zn Battery.Small, 2022,19, 2206287. Kaixin Wang, Xiaoyong Fan*, Shengjie Chen, Junkai Deng*, Lulu Zhang, Maosen Jing, Julong Li, Lei Gou*, Donglin Li, Yue Ma*【49】An anodeless, mechanically flexible and energy/power dense sodium battery prototype. Energy Environ..Sci., 2022, 15, 4686-4699. Miao Bai, Xiaoyu Tang, Siyuan Liu, Helin Wang, Yujie Liu, Ahu Shao, Min Zhang, Zhiqiao Wang, and Yue Ma*【48】Flexible PEDOT:PSS nanopapers as “anion-cation regulation” synergistic interlayers enabling ultra-stable aqueous zinc-iodine batteries. J. Energy Chem., 2022, 75, 310-320. Ying Zhang, Tianyu Zhao, Shanchen Yang, Yaxin Zhang, Yue Ma*, Zhaohui Wang*【47】Construction of a flexible, integrated rechargeable Li battery based on a coaxial anode with a carbon fiber core encapsulated in FeNiMnO4 and a nitrogen-doped carbon sheath. New Carbon Mater., 2022, 37, 944-955.Yi-ming Zou, Chang-chun Sun, Shao-wen Li, Miao Bai, Yu-xuan Du, Min Zhang, Fei Xu*, and Yue Ma*【46】Capillary force induced the sodium metal infusion in the Sn@HCNF scaffold: A mechanical flexible metallic battery. J. Power Sources, 2022, 545, 231885. Yujie Liu, Miao Bai, Helin Wang, Ting Zhao, Xiaoyu Tang, Fu Liu, Zhiqiao Wang, Min Zhang, and Yue Ma*【45】Boosting the Temperature Adaptability of Lithium Metal Batteries via a Moisture/Acid-Purified, Ion-Diffusion Accelerated Separator. Adv. Energy Mater. 2022, 2201390. Min Zhang, Kexin Liu, Yichen Gan, Shuai Yuan* and Yue Ma*【44】Phase Engineering and Alkali Cation Stabilization for 1T Molybdenum Dichalcogenides Monolayers. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2022, 2204601. Fu Liu, Yiming Zou, Xiaoyu Tang, and Yue Ma *【43】Unveiling the Stress‐Buffering Mechanism of the Deep Lithiated Ag Nanowires: A Polymer Segmental Motion Strategy toward the Ultra‐Robust Li Metal Anode. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2022, 2203010. Shaowen Li, Ting Zhao, Ke Wang, and Yue Ma *.2022, 220301020.2022, 2203010【42】Boosting Li-Ion Diffusion Kinetics of Na2Ti6–xMoxO13 via Coherent Dimensional Engineering and Lattice Tailoring: An Alternative High-Rate Anode. ACS Nano, 2022, 16, 6, 9117–9129. Fu Liu, Yiming Zou, Helin Wang, and Yue Ma *【41】Constructing the high-areal-capacity, solid-state Li polymer battery via the multiscale ion transport pathway design. Mater. Today, 2022, 56, 53-65. Min Zhang, Kefan Zhou, Donghao Ma, and Yue Ma *【40】Sustainable Phytic Acid–Zinc Anticorrosion Interface for Highly Reversible Zinc Metal Anodes. ACS Appl..Mater. Interfaces, 2022, 14, 8, 10419–10427. Ying Zhang, Chi Peng, Zhi Zeng, Yue Ma*, and Zhaohui Wang*.【39】Exploiting the capacity merits of Si anodes in the energy-dense prototypes via a homogeneous prelithiation therapy. Nano Energy, 2022, 95, 107026. Helin Wang, Min Zhang, Qiurong Jia, Dou Du, Fu Liu, Miao Bai, Wenyu Zhao, Zhiqiao Wang, Ting Liu, Xiaoyu Tang, Shaowen Li, and Yue Ma *【38】Affinity-Engineered Flexible Scaffold towards Energy-Dense, Highly-Reversible Na Metal Batteries. Energy Storage Mater., 2022, 10.1002/eem2.12350. Yujie Liu, Miao Bai, Dou Du, Xiaoyu Tang, Helin Wang, Min Zhang, Ting Zhao, Fu Liu, Zhiqiao Wang and Yue Ma *【37】Scalable Layer-by-Layer Stacking of the Silicon-Graphite Composite: Prelithiation Strategy of the High-Capacity Anode for Energy/Power-Dense Li Batteries. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2022, 10.1021/acs.iecr.1c04702, Helin Wang, Weiwei Wu, Qiurong Jia, Ting Liu, Fu Liu, Min Zhang, Miao Bai, Shaowen Li, Xiaoyu Tang, Bin Gan, and Yue Ma *【36】Challenges, Strategies, and Prospects of the Anode-Free Lithium Metal Batteries. Adv. Energy Stustainability Res., 2022, 2100197. Ahu Shao, Xiaoyu Tang, Min Zhang, Miao Bai, and Yue Ma *【35】Threading the MOF-Derived Mesoporous Carbon Host with CNT Network: An Effective Modification Layer for High-Areal-Capacity Li Metal Anodes. Chem. Eng. J., 2022, 431, 134194. Mustehsin Ali, Ting Zhao, Sundas Iqbal, Wenyu Zhao, Helin Wang, Siyuan Liu, Shaowen Li, Zhaohui Wang, and Yue Ma *【34】Molten-Li Infusion of Ultra-Thin Interfacial Modification Layer towards the Highly-Reversible, Energy-Dense Metallic Batteries. Energy Storage Mater., 2022, 45, 796-804. Ting Zhao, Shaowen Li, Fu Liu, Zhiqiao Wang, Helin Wang, Yujie Liu, Xiaoyu Tang, Miao Bai, Min Zhang, and Yue Ma *2021【33】Unveiling the Reversibility and Stability Origin of the Aqueous V2O5-Zn Batteries with a ZnCl2 “Water-in-Salt” Electrolyte. Adv. Sic., 2021, 8, 2102053. Xiaoyu Tang, Pan Wang, Miao Bai, Zhiqiao Wang, Helin Wang, Min Zhang and Yue Ma *【32】Riveting the atomically distributed lithiophilic centers in the CNT reinforced interfacial layer: an ultra-thin, light-weight deposition substrate toward superior Li utilization. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2021, 9, 21281-21290. Ting Zhao, Shaowen Li, Yanzhi Wang, Helin Wang, Min Zhang, Xiaoyu Tang, Fu Liu, Dou Du*, Haoquan Zheng*, Yue Ma*【31】SnSb binary alloy induced heterogeneous nucleation within the confined nanospace: Toward dendrite-free, flexible and energy/power dense sodium metal batteries. Energy Storage Mater., 2021, 42, 219-230. Miao Bai, Keren Zhang, Dou Du, Xiaoyu Tang, Yujie Liu, Helin Wang, Min Zhang, Siyuan Liu, Yue Ma*【30】Single Crystal Metal-Organic Framework Constructed by Vertically Self-Pillared Nanosheets and Its Derivative for Oriented Lithium Plating. Chinese J. Catal., 2021, 42, 0-0. Xiaomin Jia, Shaowen Li, Tu Sun, Yanzhi Wang, Yaqi Fan, Chaochao Zhang, Yang Xu, Zuozhong Liang, Haitao Lei, Wei Zhang, Yuye Zhou, Yanhang Ma, Haoquan Zheng*, Yue Ma*, Rui Cao*【29】Alloying-Triggered Heterogeneous Nucleation for the Flexible Sodium Metallic Batteries. Energy Storage Mater, 2021, 38, 499-508. Miao Bai, Yujie Liu, Yue Ma*.【28】Engineering Vanadium Pentoxide Cathode for the Zero-Strain Cation Storage via a Scalable Intercalation-Polymerization Approach. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2021, 202100164. Zhiqiao Wang, Xiaoyu Tang, Yue Ma*.【27】Metal Organic Frameworks Enabled Rational Design of Multifunctional PEO-Based Solid Polymer Electrolytes. Chem. Eng. J. 2021, 414, 128702. Changchun Sun, Abdulmalik Yusuf, Shaowen Li, Xiao-Lin Qi, Yue Ma*, De-Yi Wang*.【26】Enabling High-Performance Sodium Metal Anode via a Presodiated Alloy-Induced Interphase.Chem. Eng. J.. 2021,417,128997. Siyuan Liu, Miao Bai, Yue Ma*.【25】Macromolecule-Level Polymer Brush Layer Enabling the Geometric Customization of the Lithium Deposits. Cell. Rep. Phys. Sic., 2021, 2,100324. Min Zhang, Helin Wang, Yue Ma*.2020【24】Spatially Anchoring the Lithiophilic Composites within the Mixed-Conducting Phase: A Hybrid Storage Mechanism Enabled by the Al-Si@AlSiOx Composite.Chem. Eng. J. 2020, 2021, 417, 127915. Shaowen Li, Peie Jiang. Yue Ma*.【23】A Flexible, Integrated Film Battery Configuration for Ultrafast Sodium Ion Storage. J. Mater. Chem. A. 2021, 9, 1252-1259. Wenyu Zhao, Helin Wang. Yue Ma*.【22】 Honeycomb Inspired Lithiophilic Scaffold for Ultra-Stable, High-Areal-Capacity Metallic Deposition. Energy Storage Mater, 2021, 35, 378–387. Shaowen Li, Shu Zhang, Yue Ma*.【21】Encasing Prelithiated Silicon Species in the Graphite Scaffold: An Enabling Anode Design for the Highly Reversible, Energy-Dense Cell Model. ACS Appl . Mater. Interfaces, 2020, 12, 47490-47502. Miao Bai, Liyan Yang, Yue Ma*.【20】Towards the high-energy-density battery with broader temperature adaptability: Self-discharge mitigation of quaternary nickel-rich cathode. Energy Storage Mater, 2020, 33, 239–249. Xiaoyu Tang, Qiurong Jia, Yue Ma*.【19】Construction of the Na0.92Li0.40Ni0.73Mn0.24Co0.12O2 sodium-ion cathode with balanced high-power/energy-densities. Energy Storage Mater, 2020, 27, 252–260. Changchun Sun, Shaowen Li, Yue Ma*.【18】A Lightweight, Adhesive, Dual-Functionalized Over-Coating Interphase towards Ultra-Stable High-Current Density Lithium Metal Anodes. Energy Storage Mater., 2020, in press. DOI: 10.1002/eem2.12103. Shaowen Li, Yue Ma*, Bingqing Wei*. 2019 【17】Probing the Dynamic Evolution of Lithium Dendrites: A Review of the In-situ/Operando Characterizations for the Lithium Metallic Batteries. Nanoscale, 2019,11, 20429-20436. Yue Ma*, Shaowen Li, Bingqing Wei*.【16】Synthesis of 2D Li4Ti5O12 Nanosheets via the“Insertion-Exfoliation-Lithiation” Process ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2019, 2, 10, 7321-7329. Weiwei Wu, Changqing Lin, Yingchun Cheng*, Yue Ma*【15】In operando Raman investigation of Fe doping influence on catalytic NiO intermediates for enhanced overall water splitting Nano Energy. 2019, 66, 104118 DOI:10.1016/ j.nanoen.2019.104118. ZhenQiu, Yue Ma*, Tomas Edvinsson*【14】An Integrated, Flexible Lithium Metal Battery with Improved Mechanical and Electrochemical Cycling Stability. ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2019, 2, 5, 3642-3650. S. W. Li, Y. Ma*, B. Q. Wei*【13】Investigation of the self-discharge behaviors of the LiMn2O4 cathode at elevated temperatures: in situ X-ray diffraction analysis and a co-doping mitigation strategy. J. Mater. Chem. A. 2019, 7(21), 13364-13371. X. Y. Tang, J. Zhou, Y. Ma*【12】Integrated Thin Film Battery Design for Flexible Lithium Ion Storage: Optimizing the Compatibility of the Current Collector-Free Electrodes. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2019, 1903542. W. Y. Zhao, M. Bai, S. Yuan*, Y. Ma*【11】Ternary Anode Design for Sustainable Battery Technology: An Off-Stoichiometric Sn/SnSiOx+2@C Composite Recycled from Biomass. ACS Suatainable. Chem Engineering . 2019, 7, 12563-12573. M. Bai, X. Y. Tang, Y. Ma* 2013---2018 Selected Publications 【10】Multiscale Interfacial Strategy to Engineer Mixed Metal-Oxide Anodes toward Enhanced Cycling Efficiency. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2018, 10 (23), 20095–20105. Yue Ma*, Cheuk-Wai Tai, Shaowen Li, Kristina Edstrm*, and Bingqing Wei*【9】Fe-Doped MnxOy with Hierarchical Porosity as a High-Performance Lithium-ion Battery Anode. Advanced Materials. 2013, 25, 4646-4652. Yue Ma, Chunliu Fang, Jim Yang Lee*【8】Carbon-encapsulated F-doped Li4Ti5O12 as a high rate anode material for Li+ batteries. ACS Nano. 2013, 7, 10870-10878. Yue Ma, Bo Ding, Jim Yang Lee*【7】Encasing Si particles within a versatile TiO2-xFx layer as an extremely reversible anode for high energy-density lithium-ion battery. Nano Energy. 2016, 745-755. Yue Ma*, Habtom Desta Asfaw, Kristina Edstrm【6】Constraining Si Particles within Graphene Foam Monolith: Interfacial Modification for High-Performance Li+ Storage and Flexible Integrated Configuration. Advanced Functional Materials. 2016,26,6797-6806. Yue Ma*, Reza Younesi, Kristina Edstrm【5】A General Method to Fabricate Free-Standing Electrodes: Sulfonate Directed Synthesis and their Li+ Storage Properties. Chemistry of Materials. 2015, 27, 3957-3965. Yue Ma*, Habtom Desta Asfaw, Kristina Edstrm【4】Iron Doping in Spinel NiMn2O4: Stabilization of the Mesoporous Cubic Phase and Kinetics Activation toward Highly Reversible Li+, Chemistry of Materials. 2015, 27, 7698-7709. Yue Ma*, Cheuk-Wai Tai, Jim Yang Lee, Kristina Edstrm【3】N-doped carbon encapsulation of ultrafine silicon nanocrystallites for high performance lithium ion storage. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2013, 1, 13625-13631. Yue Ma, Ge Ji, Jim yang Lee*【2】Three-dimensional carbon foam supported tin oxide nanocrystallites with tunable size range: Sulfonate anchoring synthesis and high rate lithium storage properties. Journal of Power Sources. 2015, 294, 208-215. Yue Ma*, Habtom Desta Asfaw, Kristina Edstrm【1】Recycled PVA Sponge for Carbon Encapsulation of Size-Tunable SnO2 Nanocrystalline Composites: Flash Synthesis and Li+ Storage Properties. ChemSusChem. 2015, 8, 2084-2092, Yue Ma*, Cheuk-Wai Tai, Kristina Edstrm |