

主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 王峰会
教师编号 5046
学校 西北工业大学
部门 力学与土木建筑学院
学位 工学博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 正高
联系方式 【发送到邮箱】
邮箱 【发送到邮箱】
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

个人经历 Personal experience 教育经历 1992年在西北工业大学工程力学系获得硕士学位,1996年在西北工业大学材料科学与工程学院获得工学博士学位。2005年到丹麦科技大学国家实验室作访问教授。2006年4月到葡萄牙Porto大学访问。


教育教学 Education and teaching 教育教学 西北工业大学第一届学术委员会委员院学术委员会主任 材料力学国家精品课程负责人工程力学实验校精品课程负责人


科学研究 Scientific Research 研究方向:1、飞行器结构的断裂、疲劳寿命与损伤容限2.结构可靠性分析与试验3.纳米与仿生结构及力学4.结构先进测试技术研究5、先进材料力学-化学耦合主持项目1、国家自然科学基金:测试氧化生长应力的纳米级应力传感器技术研究2、国家自然科学基金:纳米级应力传感器在测试MEMS微纳器件及纳米尺度应力和变形中的应用研究3、国家自然科学基金:氧化还原固体氧化物燃料电池材料性能退化和结构变形的力学问题研究4、国家自然科学基金: 超疏水稳定性转变过程的测试方法研究 5、国家自然科学基金:氧化及离子迁移反应应变测试方法研究  6、国家自然科学基金:电池材料中活性金属相的流动扩散路径与累积应变的原位测试方法研究 主持飞行器结构强度相关等其他研究课题40多项。在国内外发表期刊和会议论文200多篇,研究成果获得省部级科技成果奖3项。出版专著教材10多部。


学术成果 Academic Achievements       2020     1、Xinlei Cao , Yongjun Lu, Hanqing Jiang, Fenghui Wang, Phase-field modeling of chemo-mechanical relaxation effect on the fracture tolerance of a tin-based electrode. Mechanics of Materials, 148, (2020) 103502, DOI: 10.1016/j.mechmat.2020.103502 2、Xu Song, Yongjun Lu, Fenghui Wang, Xiang Zhao, Haosen Chen A coupled electro-chemo-mechanical model for   all-solid-  state thin film Li-ion batteries: The effects of bending on battery performances ,Journal of Power  Sources,452, (2020),227803 DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2020.227803 IF 8.2463、Chen, YP ; Hao, WQ ; Wang, FH  Chemo-mechanical coupling model of solid oxide fuel cell under high-temperature oxidation INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCH, 44, 8 : 7068-7081,2020   DOI: 10.1002/er.5427    4、Hao, WQ ; Kong, DC ; Xie, JM ; Chen, YP  ; Ding, J ; Wang, FH ; Xu, TT Self-Polymerized Dopamine Nanoparticles Modified Separators for Improving Electrochemical Performance and Enhancing Mechanical Strength of Lithium-Ion Batteries. POLYMERS, 12, 3, 648,2020  DOI: 10.3390/polym120306485、Hao,WQ. J. M. Xie, X. Zhang, P. Wang, F. H. Wang,Strain rate effect and micro-buckling behavior of anisotropic macromolecular separator for lithium-ion battery,eXPRESS Polymer Letters Vol.14, No.3 (2020) 206–219   6、 Shang Shuaipeng, et al  Concurrent Diffusion and Creep in Lithium-Ion Batteries, Mechanics of Materials, Online,2020      20191. Shuaipeng Shang, Yongjun Lu, Xinlei Cao, Xu Song, Mingliang Shi,Fenghui Wang, Model for oxidation-induced stress analysis of Ni-based anode-supported planar solid oxide fuel cell,  I n t e r n a t i o n a l  journal o f hydrogen energy 44 (2019) 1 6 9 5 6-1 6 9 6 42. Qi Che, Yongjun Lu, Fenghui Wang  and Xiang Zhao,Effect of substrate wettability and flexibility on the initial stage of water vapor condensation,Soft Matter, 2019, 15, 10055--100643、张凯,王峰会,赵翔. 水在不均匀纳米通道内自扩散性质的分子动力学研究. 原子与分子物理学报, 2019, 36(1): 131-134.4. W Hao,J Xie,F Wang, Resistance exterior force property of lithium-ion pouch batteries with different positive materials, International Journal of Energy Research,  2019; 43(9): 4976-4986 5 Jiamiao Xie, Wenqian Hao, Fenghui Wang. Crack propagation of planar and corrugated solid oxide fuel cells during cooling process. International Journal of Energy Research, 2019. 43(7),3020-3027. 20186. Jiamiao Xie, Wenqian Hao, Fenghui Wang, Interface strength analysis of the corrugated anode-electrolyte interface in solid oxide fuel cell characterized by peel force,  Journal of Power Sources 396 (2018) 141–1477. Lu, Yongjun,Wang, Fenghui, Zhao, Xiang,Stress self-relaxation arising from diffusion-induced creep in bilayer lithium-ion battery electrode,Scripta Materialia,150 (2018) 164–167  8. Yongjun Lu,Panlong Zhang,Fenghui Wang,Kai Zhang,XiangZhao,Reaction-diffusion-stress coupling model for Li-ion batteries: The role of surface effects on electrochemical performance, Electrochimica Acta, 274 (2018) 359-369    9. W Hao,J Xie,F Wang,Theoretical prediction for large deflection with local indentation of sandwich beam under quasi-static lateral loading, Composite Structures,192 (2018) 206–216  10. W Hao,J Xie,F Wang,The indentation analysis triggering internal short circuit of lithium-ion pouch battery based on shape function theory, International Journal of Energy Research,  2018;42:3696–3703  11. J Xie,W Hao, F Wang, The analysis of interfacial thermal stresses of solid oxide fuel cell applied for submarine power. Int Journal of Energy Research. 2018;42:2010–2020 . WOS:000427566700014,12. Zhang, Kai, Wang, Feng-hui, Lu, Yong jun,Molecular dynamics simulation of continuous nanoflow transport through the uneven wettability channel, AIP ADVANCES,2158-3226/2018/8(1)13. Shuaipeng Shang Yongjun Lu Aimeng Zhang Xinlei Cao Fenghui Wang Xiang Zhao, Modeling cooperative creep reoxidation effect on the mechanical stability of anode‐supported solid oxide fuel cell , Int Journal of Energy Research,42.15 (2018): 4909-4916.  14. 宋旭等, 集流体塑性变形对锂离子电池双层电极中锂扩散和应力的影响,物理学报 Vol. 67, No. 14 (2018) 140201  201715. W.Q. Hao, J.M. Xie, F.H. Wang, Z.F. Liu, Z.H. Wang. Analytical model of thin-walled corrugated tubes with sinusoidal patterns under axial impacting. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2017, 128-129:1-16.16. W.Q. Hao, J.M. Xie, F.H. Wang. Theoretical prediction of the progressive buckling and energy absorption of the sinusoidal corrugated tube subjected to axial crushing. Computers & Structures. 2017, 191: 12-21. 17. J.M. Xie, W.Q. Hao, F.H. Wang. Optimal design of anode functional layer for minimizing thermal stress in solid oxide fuel cell. Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing 2017, 123(10): 656.18 Zhang K Wang F H Zhao X, The self-propelled movement of the water nanodroplet in different surface wettability gradients: A contact angle view, Computational Materials Science, 124 (2016) 190–194.19 Lu Y, Zhang K, Wang F, et al. Enhanced and weakened strength in brittle film-substrate structure. Materials & Design, 2016, 108: 455-461.21. 陆勇俊, 杨溢, 王峰会,等. 连续梯度的功能层对燃料电池在初始还原过程中曲率及残余应力的影响. 物理学报, 2016, 65(9).22. Lou Kang,Wang Fenghui, Lu Yongjun, Zhao Xiang. Strain Accumulation Study of Ni-based Anode-Supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cells under Partial-Redox Cycling Conditions. International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2016, 11:5596-5606. 23. Lou Kang,Wang Fenghui, Lu Yongjun, Zhao Xiang. Impact of Composite Particle Morphology on the Performance of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Electrode: A Study by Finite Element Modelling. International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2016, 11: 1382 – 1394. 24. Lou K, Wang F H, Lu Y J, et al. Effect of inhomogeneous re-oxidation on Ni-based SOFC oxidation resistance. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2016: 1650200. 25. 张凯 陆勇俊 王峰会,表面能梯度驱动下纳米水滴在不同微结构表面上的运动,物理学报 Vol. 64, No. 6 (2015) 064703.26. Z. Xiang, S. Haibo,W. Fenghui, L. Kang1, H. Jianye. Curvature Reversal and Residual Stress in SolidOxide Fuel Cell Induced by Chemical Shrinkage and Expansion. Fuel cells, DOI: 10.1002/fuce.201400050.27. Zhao Xiang,Wang Fenghui. Elastoplastic properties of solid oxide fuel cell before and after reduction. Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 2013.4, 26:137-14228. Zhao Xiang, Wang Fenghui, Hang Jianye, Liu Tiejun,Determining the mechanical properties of solid oxide fuel cell by an improved work of indentation approach,Journal of Power Sources 201 (2012) 231– 235。29.  赵 翔 聂 凯 朱 涛 王峰会,描述复合型疲劳裂纹扩展路径的等效模型,固 体 力 学 学 报,Vol39,No3,296-303,2018。30. 郝文乾,谢佳苗,王峰会. 薄壁正弦波纹管在轴向载荷作用下的理论研究. 振动与冲击,Vol.37 No.7 2018 96-101.30. 谢佳苗,王峰会,基于热应力分析的固体氧化物燃料电池阳极功能层优化设计 无机材料学报 2017, 32(4): 400-406.31. 刘铁军,赵翔,王峰会 一种利用Neumann级数展开的刚度变化率损伤识别方法,机械强度2017 39(3)702-70632. 解慧,王峰会,张凯,姜亚兴,振动状态下螺栓松动行为及原因分析,现代机械,44-48,201733. 陆勇俊, 张欢庆, 王峰会,等. 扩展有限元法在结构件疲劳寿命估算中的应用. 应用力学学报, 2016, 33(3).34. 侯绍行,王峰会,黄建业, 荷叶在水下的超疏水状态的寿命测试与分析,科学通报, 2016, 7, 735-739。35. 许宁,王峰会,罗金恒,X80 管线钢焊接接头微观断裂行为的TEM 原位观察,材料科学与工艺,Vol. 23 No. 5 Oct. 2015,71-76.36. 侯绍行, 王峰会*, 黄建业, 王安强,荷叶在水下的超疏水状态的寿命测试与分析 , 科学通报, 2015, 60: 1–5 37. 刘铁军,王峰会,赵 翔,太阳能电池与层合板胶接拉伸性能的数值模拟,粘接,2015,47-50。38. 田伟伟 王峰会 黄建业 张欢庆,剪切载荷下加筋板失稳模态的全场数字光学测试,应 用 力 学 学 报,Vol.31 No.6 Dec. 2014,878-88239. 黄建业, 王峰会, 侯绍行, 赵翔. 超声刻蚀法构建分级结构的超疏水表面. 高等学校化学学报 2014, 35(9): 1968-1974 40. 张凯, 黄建业, 王峰会. 超疏水材料在液压作用下的润湿行为. 材料研究学报2014, 28(4): 281-28541. 侯绍行, 黄建业, 王峰会. 蚊子复眼的防雾原理. 科学技术与工程.  14(32), 5-9, 201442. 黄建业, 王峰会, 赵翔, 张凯. 超疏水状态的润湿转变与稳定性测试, 物理化学学报, 2013,29(11): 2459-2464.43 赵翔,王峰会,郭章新,刘铁军,黄建业。球头压痕确定薄膜模量的等效膜厚法,稀有金属材料与工程,2012.12,41:2223-222744. 王峰会,石海波,工艺过程对固体氧化物燃料电池材料力学性能的影响,实验力学,27(5): 576-580, 2012。45. 王绍明,王峰会,徐策,基于应变测量平板燃料电池残余应力,太阳能学报2012 . 33 (11): 1979-1982。46. 徐策,王峰会,王绍明, 不同头部形状弹体侵彻土壤过程研究,科学技术与工程,15, 3435-3438,2011.47. 残余应力对固体氧化物燃料电池弹塑性性能的影响,无机材料学报. 2011年04期 393-39748. 王峰会 王勇军 吴应喜,热障涂层高温氧化生长应力预测,稀有材料科学与工程。2010年12期49. 王鹏,王峰会,内压和侧压联合作用下管道的屈曲分析,石油矿场机械,37,8 18-21,200850. 吴应喜,王峰会,螺纹接头疲劳参量等效性有限元分析,石油矿场机械,2007(36)7:31-34。51. 王勇军,王鹏,王峰会,白真权,赵新伟,含缺陷高压管道复合材料补强有限元模拟,压力容器,2007 52. FH Wang, Prediction of fracture toughness from apparent toughness with sawed notch , J Mater Sci  35(10)2543-2546,2000。53. F H Wang ,M-X L ,X-L Zheng, (1995) North strength of ceramics and statistical analysis. Eng Fract Mech 52(2) 917-921. 54. F-H Wang, (1995)On the strength of ceramics with cavities. Int J Fracture 70(1) (1995) R19-21.55. F-H Wang ,Effect of notches and environments on cyclic life of alumina, J Mater Sci Tech 11(6)452-454.56. F-H Wang, M-X Lu,X-L Zheng (1998)Effective elastic modulus of ceramics with pores J Mater Sci Tech 14(3)286-28857. F-H Wang,(1994)Fracture criterion of ceramics under polyaxial tension stress Int J Fracture,68 R85-87.58.  F-H Wang, (1996)Fracture of SiC tubes under tension /torsion ,Int J Fracture 80 R49-54. 59. Q X Zheng ,XL Zheng ,FH Wang ,(1996)Expression of fatigue life of ceramics with given survivability, Eng Fract Mech 53(3) 59-63. 60. 王峰会,苟文选 ,基于连续损伤理论的陶瓷蠕变寿命模型,西北工业大学学报19(3) 365-367,2001。


社会兼职 Social Appointments 中国力学学会实验力学专业委员会委员  中国力学学会教育工作委员会实验教学委员会委员 飞行器结构力学与强度技术重点学科实验室副主任


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