姓名 | 陶凯 |
性别 | 男 |
学校 | 西北工业大学 |
部门 | 机电学院 |
学位 | 哲学博士学位 |
学历 | 博士研究生毕业 |
职称 | 正高 |
联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
邮箱 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
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综合介绍 General Introduction 陶凯,西北工业大学长聘教授,博士生导师,机电学院院长助理,入选国家重大人才工程青年学者(2023)、陕西省高层次人才引进计划青年人才(2018)和西北工业大学翱翔青年学者(2023),连续入选斯坦福“全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单”(2023排名前0.5%)。2012年硕士毕业于上海交通大学,2016年博士毕业于新加坡南洋理工大学,2015-2017在新加坡-麻省理工技术研究联盟从事博士后课题研究,2017年2月入职西北工业大学任准聘副教授,2022年6月晋升长聘副教授,2024年1月晋升长聘教授。 主要从事微能源与智能微系统方向的研究,主持国家自然科学基金、装备预研基金、国防科技基金、创新特区项目、航天科技基金、陕西省重点研发计划等项目十余项。以第一/通讯作者在Advanced Materials, ACS Nano, JMEMS等发表SCI论文40余篇,包含10篇ESI高被引论文,3篇热点论文,影响因子>10论文20篇,被引5000余次,H因子36,曾获获 MINE 青年科学家奖(2022)、ASME ASMS 年度最佳论文奖(2019)、IMCC2021杰出论文一等奖、IEEE MEMS2021 杰出论文提名奖、JMEMS RightNow 论文奖(2022)、陕西省自然科学优秀学术论文奖(2022)、Nano-Micro Letter ESI 顶尖论文奖(2022)和中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文(2019)等学术奖励。担任陕西省振动工程学会常务理事、西安机械工程学会常务理事、青年工作委员会主任、全国驻极体会议学术委员会委员,中国物理学会静电专业委员会青年委员,中文核心期刊《机械工程学报》和《力学学报》客座编委,MEMS核心期刊《Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering 》青年编委,国际会议IEEE IECON2021、IEEE IECON2020、IEEE INEC2018、IEEE/ASME AIM2018等分会主席和VEH2021大会主席。学术链接:Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=SFv8yckAAAAJ Scopus ID:https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57200201289Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Kai_Tao2Research ID:https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1848-8561获奖信息THE WINNING INFORMATION2018年入选陕西省高层次人才-青年项目2019年入选西北工业大学“翱翔新星”计划2019年入选陕西高校青年创新团队(排名第二)2019年入选“中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文”2019年 美国机械工程协会ASME智能材料与结构分会"年度最佳论文奖"2019、2020年 中国工程院“中国好设计创意奖”2021年 国际微机电IEEE MEMS2021会议“优秀论文提名奖”2021年 国际制造会议IMCC2021会议“杰出论文一等奖”2021年 国际大学生ICAN创新创业大赛全球冠军(1/3000)2018-2022年 连续五年获“优秀本科毕业论文指导教师”2022年 获“陕西省自然科学优秀学术论文奖”2022年 获微系统与纳米技术“MINE青年科学家奖”2022年 获西北工业大学“优秀青年教师(吴亚军奖)一等奖”2022年 入选Elsivier "全球前2%顶尖科学家奖"2023年 入选西北工业大学“翱翔青年学者”2023年 入选国家级青年学者(四青) 个人相册 教育教学个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 2024.01-至今, 西北工业大学, 机电学院, 长聘教授, 博士生导师2022.12-2024.01, 西北工业大学, 机电学院, 特任研究员,博士生导师2022.07-2022.12, 西北工业大学, 机电学院, 长聘副教授,博士生导师2017.02-2022.06, 西北工业大学, 机电学院, 准聘副教授,硕士生导师 2015.12-2017.02, 新加坡麻省理工技术研究联盟, 博士后 2012.01-2016.07, 南洋理工大学, 博士, 机械与宇航工程 (全额奖学金) 2009.09-2012.01, 上海交通大学, 硕士, 微电子学与固体电子学(免试推荐)2005.09-2009.06, 中南大学, 学士, 微电子制造工程 荣誉获奖教育教学 Education and teaching 招生信息 本课题组研究方向为无人机智慧能源、人机交互界面系统、柔性仿生机器人、纳米摩擦发电机,均为学术前沿方向,课题组6名硕士研究生有5人次获得“国家奖学金”,已毕业的4名硕士研究生中3名获“校优秀毕业生”,2名获“陕西省优秀毕业生”,其中2023届毕业生赵哲同学获评“优秀研究生标兵”被学校公众号专题报道,课题组经费充足,2023年招收博士研究生、硕士研究生多名,也欢迎本科生加入体验研究项目,欢迎优秀同学联系咨询。课题组赵哲同学报道:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/cJyik0aua_fdRg8d695xqQ 课题组聂德志同学报道:https://jidian.nwpu.edu.cn/info/1016/4078.htm 课题组于家豪同学报道:https://jidian.nwpu.edu.cn/info/1016/4251.htm 获MINE青年科学家奖:https://jidian.nwpu.edu.cn/info/1016/4797.htm获全球前2%顶尖科学家:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/L5ZFZ7MbBcyQ0aUShSha0g获优秀青年教师一等奖:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ySPqIUFqAg-ETFagJ4IFMA 科学研究团队信息 Team Information 隶属团队:空天微纳系统科研育人团队(团队负责人:苑伟政教授) 陕西省高校青年创新团队(团队负责人:常洪龙教授)西北工业大学空天微纳系统育人团队现有国家级领军人才6人,国家级青年人才5人、教育部 “新世纪 优秀人才”4人、教育部机械类、仪器类教指委委员 3人。获国家技术发明二等奖3项、省部级科技奖8项、国家教学成果一等奖1项。依托实验室建设发展了机械电子工程国家重点学科、 微机电系统及纳米技术新兴交叉学科及国防重点学科,创立的微机电系统工程本科专业入选国家一流本科建设专业。 学术成果社会兼职 Social Appointments [1] 担任陕西省振动工程学会常务理事[2] 担任西安机械工程学会常务理事、青年工作委员会主任[3] 担任中国物理学会静电专业委员会青年委员[4] 担任全国驻极体会议学术委员会委员[5] 担任中文核心期刊《机械工程学报》和《力学学报》客座编委[6] 担任MEMS国际期刊核心期刊《Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering 》青年编委[7] 担任SCI杂志《Micromachines》(IF:2.53)客座编辑[8] 担任SCI杂志《Shock and Vibration》客座编辑[9] 中国微纳米技术学会高级会员、 中国机械工程学会高级会员、 IEEE会员,国际会议IEEE IECON2021、IEEE IECON2020、IEEE INEC2018、IEEE/ASME AIM2018等分会主席和VEH2021大会主席,受邀请作为四十多个主流SCI杂志审稿人,包含:Nature Nature Communication, ELSEVIER Nano Energy, IEEE/ASME Journal of microelectromechanical systems, AIP Applied Physics Letters, IEEE Access, IOP Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, IOP Smart Materials and Structures, IEEE Trans. on Electronic Devices, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Sensors, ELSEVIER Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, ELSEVIER Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, AIP Advance, ACS Omega, ACS applied materiasl and interface, Wiley Journal of biomedical materials research Part B , MDPI Sensors, IOP Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, DE GRUYTER Energy Harvesting and Systems, ELSEVIER Surface & Coating Technology, ELSEVIER Applied Surface Science, ELSEVIER Thin Solid Films, ELSEVIER Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, Springer Microsystem Technologies, Shock and Vibrations, MDPI Micromachines, MDPI Applied Science, MDPI Actuactors, MDPI Engergies等。 综合介绍学术成果 Academic Achievements 专著 B1. A.G.P. Kottapalli, K. Tao, Debarun Sengupta and M. S Triantafyllou (Professor, MIT, USA), (2019) “Self-Powered and Soft Polymer MEMS/NEMS Devices”, New York: Springer Publisher, USA, (eBook ISBN: 978-3-030-05554-7; Soft Cover ISBN: 978-3-030-05553-0) 代表性期刊论文(一作/通讯)2023J46. K. Tao, J. Yu, J.Y. Zhang, et al.“Deep-Learning Enabled Active Biomimetic Multifunctional Hydrogel Electronic Skin.” ACS Nano, 2023. 中科院一区top期刊,IF=17.100J45.K. Tao*, Z. Zhao, X. Mao, et al.“Direct-Current, Long-lasting and Highly efficient Electret Energy Harvesting from Ultra-low-frequency Motions Using Toothed Clutch Mechanism.” Nano Energy, Vol.105, p. 104191, 2023. 中科院一区top期刊,IF=19.069J44.Z Wu, Q Ding, K Tao*, et al. A Humidity‐Resistant, Sensitive, and Stretchable Hydrogel‐Based Oxygen Sensor for Wireless Health and Environmental Monitoring,Advanced Functional Materials, 2308280,2023,中科院一区top期刊,IF=19.000J43.H. Wang, Q. Ding, K Tao*, et al.High-Performance Hydrogel Sensors Enabled Multimodal and Accurate Human–Machine Interaction System for Active Rehabilitation,Advanced Materials, 2309868, 2023, 中科院一区top期刊,IF=29.400J42.J. Li, Q. Ding, K. Tao*.“Engineering Smart Composite Hydrogels for Wearable Disease Monitoring” Nano-Micro Letters 15(1): 105, 2023. 中科院一区top期刊,IF=23.665J41. X Du, L Du, P Li, X Liu, Y Han, H Yu, K Tao*, L Tang, "A dielectric elastomer and electret hybrid ocean wave power generator with oscillating water column", Nano Energy,111, 108417, 2023.中科院一区top期刊,IF=19.069J40. J Yang, L Rong, W Huang, ... K.Tao*, J Wu, Flame-retardant, flexible, and breathable smart humidity sensing fabrics based on hydrogels for respiratory monitoring and non-contact sensing. View, 2023. IF=8.6J39. K Zhai, H Wang, Q Ding, Z Wu, M Ding,K Tao*, BR Yang, X Xie, C Li, J Wu,“High‐Performance Strain Sensors Based on Organohydrogel Microsphere Film for Wearable Human–Computer Interfacing”,Advanced Science 10 (6), 2205632,2023. 中科院一区top期刊,IF=17.521,ESI高被引论文J38. B. Lv, H. Zhou, Y. Yang, K. Tao*"Constructing origami power generator from one piece of electret thin film and application in AI-enabled transmission line vibration monitoringy", Microsystems & Nanoengineering, 9 (1), 101,2023. 中科院一区top期刊,IF=8.006 持续更新中。。。2022 J37. K. Tao*, Z. Chen, J. Yu, H. Zeng, J. Wu, Z. Wu, Q. Jia, P. Li, Y. Fu, H. Chang and W. Yuan. "Ultra-Sensitive, Deformable, and Transparent Triboelectric Tactile Sensor Based on Micro-Pyramid Patterned Ionic Hydrogel for Interactive Human–Machine Interfaces." Advanced Science 9(10): 2104168, 2022. 中科院一区top期刊,IF=17.521,ESI高被引论文 J36. K. Tao*, B. Lyu, J. Zhang, Y. Li, H. Chang and W. Yuan. "Micro-Patterning of Electret Charge Distribution by Selective Liquid-Solid Contact Electrification." IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems: 1-9, 2022.Q2,IF=2.829 (JMEMS,微机电领域顶刊,封面论文,JMEMS RightNow 论文奖) J35. Z Zhao, H Zhou, Y Li, H Chang, W Yuan, K Tao*. "Multiphase Bipolar Electret Rotary Generator for Energy Harvesting and Rotation Monitoring." IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems: 1-9, 2022.Q2,IF=2.829 (JMEMS,微机电领域顶刊) J34. J. Wu, W. Huang, Z. Wu…and K. Tao*. “Hydrophobic and Stable Graphene-Modified Organohydrogel Based Sensitive, Stretchable, and Self-Healable Strain Sensors for Human-Motion Detectin in Various Scenarios” ACS Materials Letters:1-9, 2022. 中科院一区top期刊,IF=11.17 2021 J31. K. Tao, , Z. Zhao, Y. Yang, J. Wu, Y. Li, K. Fan, Y. Fu, H. Chang and W. Yuan. "Development of bipolar-charged electret rotatory power generator and application in self-powered intelligent thrust bearing." Nano Energy 90: 106491, 2021. 中科院一区top期刊,IF=19.069 J30. K. Tao, , Z. Chen, H. Yi, R. Zhang, Q. Shen, J. Wu, L. Tang, K. Fan, Y. Fu, J. Miao and W. Yuan. "Hierarchical Honeycomb-Structured Electret/Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Biomechanical and Morphing Wing Energy Harvesting." Nano-Micro Letters 13(1): 123, 2021. 中科院一区top期刊,IF=23.665, ESI高被引论文 J29. Fan, K., J. Liu, D. Wei, D. Zhang, Y. Zhang and K. Tao *. "A cantilever-plucked and vibration-driven rotational energy harvester with high electric outputs." Energy Conversion and Management 244: 114504, 2021. 中科院一区top期刊,IF=11.533 2020 J21. K. Tao*, H.P. Yi, Y. Yang, et al., "Origami-inspired electret-based triboelectric generator for biomechanical and ocean wave energy harvesting", Nano Energy, Vol.67, p. 104191, 2021. 中科院一区top期刊,IF=19.069, ESI高被引论文,获陕西省第十五届自然科学优秀学术论文奖J20. K. Tao*, H.P. Yi, Y. Yang, et al., "Miura-Origami-Inspired Electret/Triboelectric Power Generator for Wearable Energy Harvesting with Water-Proof Capability", Microsystems & Nanoengineering, 6 (1):1-11, 2020. 中科院一区top期刊,IF=8.006 J19. J. Wu, Z.Wu, Y.Wei…K. Tao*, X, Xie, "Ultrasensitive and Stretchable Temperature Sensor Based on Thermally Stable and Self-Healing Organohydrogels", ACS applied materials & interfaces, 12(16):19069–79, 2020. 中科院一区top期刊,IF=10.383, ESI高被引论文 J18. Y.J. Li, K. Tao, B. George and Z.C. Tan, "Harvesting Vbration Energy: Technologies and Challenges ", IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, 15(1):30-39, 2020. 中科院一区top期刊,IF=13.2 J17. Q. Tan, K. Fan, K. Tao*, L. Zhao, M. Cai, "A two-degree-of-freedom string-driven rotor for efficient energy harvesting from ultra-low frequency excitations", Energy, 196:117107, 2020. 中科院一区top期刊,IF=8.857 J16. Z.S. Yang, L.H. Tang, K. Tao*, K. Aw, "Modelling and Analysis of an Out-of-plane Electret-Based Vibration Energy Harvester with AC and DC Circuits, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol.140, p.106660, 2020. 中科院一区top期刊,IF=8.934 2019 J14. K. Tao*, H. Yi, L.H. Tang, et al., "Piezoelectric ZnO thin films for 2DOF MEMS vibrational energy harvesting", Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 359, pp. 289-295, 2019. 中科院一区top期刊,IF=4.865, ESI高被引论文,热点论文 J13. J. Wu, Z.Wu, S. Han, B.R. Yang, X. Gui, K. Tao*, Y. Shen, J. M. Miao and L. K. Norford. "Extremely Deformable, Transparent, and High-Performance Gas Sensor Based on Ionic Conductive Hydrogel" ACS applied materials & interfaces, Vol. 359, pp. 2364-2373, 2019. 中科院一区top期刊,IF=10.383, ESI高被引论文 J12. J. Wu, Z. Wu, H. Xu, Q. Wu, C. Liu, B.R. Yang, X. Gui, X. Xie, K. Tao*, and Y. Shen. “An intrinsically stretchable humidity sensor based on anti-drying, self-healing and transparent organohydrogels”, Materials Horizons, Vol. 6, pp. 595-603, 2019. 中科院一区top期刊,IF=15.717, ESI高被引论文 J11. J. Wu, Z. Wu, X. Lu, S. Han, B.R. Yang, X. Gui, K. Tao*, J. Miao, and C. Liu. “Ultrastretchable and Stable Strain Sensors Based on Antifreezing and Self-Healing Ionic Organohydrogels for Human Motion Monitoring”, ACS applied materials & interfaces, Vol. 11, pp. 9405-9414, 2019.中科院一区top期刊,IF=10.383, ESI高被引论文 2018 J10. K. Tao*, L.H. Tang, J. Wu, S.W. Lye, H.L. Chang, J.M. Miao (2018) "Investigation of Multimodal Electret-based MEMS Energy Harvester with Impact-induced Nonlinearity", IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, Vol. 27, No.2, pp.276-288, 2018. 微机电领域顶刊,ESI高被引论文和热点论文, 获 ASME ASMS最佳论文奖,中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文 J9. J. Wu, S. Han, T. Yang, Z. Li, Z. Wu, X. Gui, K. Tao*, J. Miao, L. Norford, and C Liu (2018) “Highly Stretchable and Transparent Thermistor Based on Self-Healing Double Network Hydrogel”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol. 36, pp. 30744-784. 中科院一区top期刊,IF=10.383 2017 and before J7. K. Tao, J. Wu, L.H. Tang, et al. "Enhanced electrostatic vibrational energy harvesting using integrated opposite-charged electrets", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 26, p. 044002,2017. Q2, IF= 2.1) J6. K. Tao*, J Wu, AGP Kottapalli, D Chen, Z Yang, G Ding, SW Lye, and J Miao. “Micro-patterning of resin-bonded NdFeB magnet for a fully integrated electromagnetic actuator”, Solid-State Electronics, Vol. 138, pp. 66-72, 2017. Q2, IF=1.5 J5. K. Tao, J. Wu, L.H. Tang, X. Xia, S.W. Lye, J.M. Miao and X. Hu. "A novel two-degree-of-freedom MEMS electromagnetic vibration energy harvester", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 26, p. 035020,2016. Q2, IF=2.1 J4. K. Tao, S.W. Lye, L.H. Tang, J.M. Miao, and X. Hu. “Out-of-plane electret-based MEMS energy harvester with the combined nonlinear effect from electrostatic force and a mechanical elastic stopper”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 10, p. 104014, 2015. Q2, IF=2.1 J3. K. Tao, J.M. Miao, S.W. Lye and X. Hu. "Sandwich-structured two-dimensional MEMS electret power generator for low-level ambient vibrational energy harvesting", Sensors and actuators A: Physics vol. 228, pp. 95-103, 2015. (Q1, IF: 2.7) J2. K. Tao, S.W. Lye, J.M. Miao and X. Hu. "Design and implementation of an out-of-plane MEMS electret power generator for low-level ambient vibrational energy harvesting", Microelectronics Engineering vol. 135, pp. 32-37, 2015. Q2, IF=1.7 J1. K. Tao, S.W. Liu, S.W. Lye, J.M. Miao and X. Hu, "A three-dimensional electret-based micro power generator for low-level vibrational energy harvesting", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 24, p. 065022, 2014. Q2, IF=2.1 |