
主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 郑晨
学校 西北工业大学
部门 机电学院
学位 工学博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 副高
联系方式 实用新型1875包写包过
邮箱 chen.zheng@nwpu.edu.cn
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 2017.12-至今 西北工业大学 机电学院 副教授2017.1-2017.4 法国科研技术研究院(IRT)博士后2015.12-2016.12 贡比涅技术大学(UTC)/ 法国国家科学研究院(CNRS)博士后 2012.10-2015.12 贡比涅技术大学 机电系统工程博士研究生   2007.9-2012.7   电气工程硕士/机械工程师文凭双学位      2009.9-2012.7      西安交通大学, 电气工程 电机与电器专业 硕士学位      2007.9-2009.7      贡比涅技术大学, 机械工程 机电专业 工程师文凭2005-2007 西安交通大学, 电气工程与自动化 学士学位


教育教学 Education and teaching 招生信息 主要研究方向:智能制造,机器人技术与应用机械电子工程、工业工程专业硕士研究生(2名/年),博士研究生(1名/年)


荣誉获奖 Awards Information 2022 陕西省技术发明二等奖 (3/6)2022 江苏省“科技副总”2018 陕西省高等学校科学技术一等奖 (4/11)2017 陕西省首批“高层次人才计划”青年项目2016 法国国家教育部授予机电工程领域副教授资格2016 法国国家教育部授予工业工程领域副教授资格


科学研究 Scientific Research 2023 科技部高端外国专家引进计划项目 (主持)2022 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划一般项目(面上)(主持)2021 中国博士后基金面上项目(面上)(主持)2020 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划一般项目(青年)(主持)2019 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目 (主持)主持航天科技六院、中船黄埔文冲、卫华集团等企业横向课题4项


学术成果 Academic Achievements 期刊论文 (* 为通讯作者)[1] Z. Wang, B. Zhang, W. Gao, X. Qin, Y. Zhang, C. Zheng*, Feasible spindle speed interval identification method for large aeronautical component robotic milling system, Mechatronics, 99, 103143(SCI, IF=3.3)[2] C. Zheng, Y. Du, T. Sun, B. Eynard, Y. Zhang, J. Li, X Zhang*, Multi-agent collaborative conceptual design method for robotic manufacturing systems in small-and mid-sized enterprises, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 183, 109541, 2023 (SCI, IF=7.9, TOP)[3] C. Zheng*, Y. An, Z. Wang, X. Qin, B. Eynard, M. Bricogne, J. Le Duigou, , Y. Zhang, Knowledge-based engineering approach for defining robotic manufacturing system architectures, International Journal of Production Research, 61 (5), 1436-1454, 2023 (SCI, IF=9.2, TOP)[4] Y. Nie, S. Tong, J. Li, Y. Zhang, C. Zheng*, B. Fan, Time identification of design knowledge push based on cognitive load measurement, Advanced Engineering Informatics, 54, pp.101783, 2022  (SCI, IF=7.862, TOP)      [5] J. Xiao, N. Anwer, W. Li, B. Eynard, C. Zheng*, Dynamic Bayesian network-based disassembly sequencing optimization for electric vehicle battery, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 38, pp. 824-835, 2022 (SCI, IF=3.56)[6] W. Wang, F. Tang, C. Zheng, T. Xie, C. Ma, Y. Zhang*, Prototyping a novel compact 3-DOF hydraulic robotic actuator via metallic additive manufacturing, Virtual and Physical Prototyping 17 (3), 617-630, 2022 (SCI, IF=10.962, TOP)[7] C. Zheng*, Y. An, Z. Wang, H. Wu, X. Qin, B. Eynard, Y. Zhang, Hybrid offline programming method for robotic welding systems, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 73, pp. 102238, 2022 (SCI, IF=10.103, TOP)[8] C. Zheng, J Xing, Z. Wang, X. Qin, B. Eynard, J. Li, J. Bai, Y. Zhang*, Knowledge-based program generation approach for robotic manufacturing systems, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 73, pp. 102238, 2022 (SCI, IF=10.103, TOP)[9] X. Zhang, J. Li, H. Eres, C. Zheng*, Prioritizing and aggregating interacting requirements for product-service system development, Expert Systems with Applications, 185, pp.115636, 2021 (SCI, IF=8.665, TOP)[10] Z. Wang, H. Chen, G. Wang, Y. Zhang, C. Zheng, Prediction and active suppression of flutter in composite panel based on eigenvector orientation method, Composite Structure, 262, pp. 113422, 2021 (SCI, IF=6.603, TOP)[11] W. Li, C. Zheng, Y. Zhang, PEEK-Barium sulfate composite for threedimensional virtual reconstruction of a printed human in vitro model using CT, Rapid Prototyping Journal, DOI: 10.1108/RPJ-11-2020-0281, 2021 (SCI, IF=4.043)[12] C. Zheng*, Z. Wang, X. Qin, B. Eynard, P. Hehenberger, J. Li, J. Bai, Y. Zhang, Integrated design for product–service systems: a focus on multi-disciplinary interface, International Journal of Production Research, 59 (19), 5884-5902, 2021 (SCI, IF=9.2)[13] J. Bai, Y. Zhang, X. Qin, Z. Wang, C. Zheng*. Hybrid calibration and detection approach for mobile robotic manufacturing systems. Industrial Robot, 47(4), 511-519, 2020 (SCI, IF=1.489)[14] J. Li*, X. Zhang, K. Wang, C. Zheng, S. Tong, B. Eynard, A personalized requirement identifying model for design improvement based on user profiling, AI EDAM 34 (1), 55-67, 2020 (SCI, IF=1.671)[15] A. Waqas, X. Qin, J. Xiong, C.Zheng*, H.Wang. Analysis of ductile fracture obtained by Charpy impact test of a steel structure created by robot-assisted GMAW-based additive manufacturing. Metals, 9(11), pp.1208 (SCI, IF=2.695)[16] C. Zheng, X. Qin, B. Eynard, J. Bai, J. Li, Y. Zhang*, SME-oriented flexible design approach for robotic manufacturing systems. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 53, pp.62-74, 2019 (SCI, IF=8.633)[17] C. Zheng, X. Qin, B. Eynard, J. Li, J. Bai, Y. Zhang*, S. Gomes. Interface model-based configuration design of mechatronic systems for industrial manufacturing applications.Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 59, pp. 373-384, 2019 (SCI, IF=10.103 , TOP)[18] A. Waqas, X. Qin, J. Xiong, H. Wang, C. Zheng*, Optimization of Process Parameters to Improve the Effective Area of Deposition in GMAW-Based Additive Manufacturing and its Mechanical and Microstructural Analysis, Metals,9(7), pp.775, 2019 (SCI, IF=2.695)[19]  C. Zheng, B. Eynard, X. Qin, J. Li, J. Bai, S. Gomes, Y. Zhang*. A requirement-driven architecture definition approach for conceptual design of mechatronic systems. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, 26(4), pp.361-382, 2019 (SCI, IF=4.706,  TOP)[20]  W. Wang, X. Qin., C. Zheng*, H. Wang, J. Li, J. Niu. Mechanical Energy Expenditure-based Comfort Evaluation Model for Gesture Interaction. Computational intelligence and neuroscience, 2018.DOI:10.1155/2018/9861697 (SCI, IF=2.284)[21] C. Zheng, J. Le Duigou, M. Bricogne, P. Hehenberger, B. Eynard*. Knowledge-based engineering for multidisciplinary systems: integrated design based on interface model, Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications,26(2), pp.57-170, 2018 (SCI, IF=1.127)[22] C. Zheng, P. Hehenberger, J. Le Duigou*, M. Bricogne, B. Eynard. Multidisciplinary design methodology for mechatronic systems based on interface model, Research in Engineering Design, 28(3), pp. 333-356, 2017 (SCI, IF=2.224)[23] C. Zheng, J. Le Duigou, M. Bricogne, B. Eynard*. An interface model based decomposition method for architecture of mechatronic systems, Mechatronics, 40 (12), pp.194-207, 2016 (SCI, IF=2.992)[24] C. Zheng, J. Le Duigou, M. Bricogne, B. Eynard*. Multidisciplinary interface model for design of mechatronic systems. Computers in Industry, 76(2), pp.24-37,2016 (SCI, IF=3.954)[25] C. Zheng, M. Bricogne, J. Le Duigou, B. Eynard*. Survey on mechatronic engineering: a focus on design methods and product models, Advanced Engineering Informatics, 28 (3), pp. 241-257, 2014 (SCI, IF=3.879)[26] T. Li, M. Rong, C. Zheng, X. Wang*. Development simulation and experiment study on UHF partial discharge sensor in GIS, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 42(10), pp.1421-1430, 2014 (SCI, IF=2.554)[27] T. Li, X. Wang, C. Zheng, D. Liu, M. Rong*, Investigation on the placement effect of UHF sensor and propagation characteristics of PD-induced electromagnetic wave in GIS based on FDTD method, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 21(3), pp. 1015-1025, 2014 (SCI,IF=2.554)会议论文 (* 为通讯作者)[1] B. Jing, J. Xie, Z. Wang, X. Qin, C. Zheng*. Modular extensible transformable modeling approach for CNC equipment, 33rd CIRP Design Conference, Sydney, Australia, 2023[2] C. Zheng*, K. Wang, T. Sun, B. Jing, B. Eynard. Crowd Intelligence Driven Design Framework Based on Perception-Retrieval Cognitive Mechanism, 19th Product Lifecycle Management Conference, Grenoble, France, 2022[3] A. Wu, C. Zheng, Z. Hou, F. Duan, Z. Cai, An excellence level evaluation model of intelligent manufacturing unit. IEEE 22nd International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability, and Security Companion, Guangzhou, China, 2022[4] Y. Du, J. Wang, Z. Wang, F. Yu, C. Zheng*. Robotic manufacturing systems: A survey on technologies to improve the cognitive level in HRI, 55th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, Lugano, Switzerland, 2022[5] J. Yuan, H. Han, Y. Liu, Z. Wang, C. Zheng*. Mobile collaborative welding system for complex welding seams, 55th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, Lugano, Switzerland, 2022[6] J. Wang, Y. Du, Z. Wang, F. Yu, C. Zheng*. Survey of manufacturing systems in SMEs: A focus on cell management, 55th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, Lugano, Switzerland, 2022[7] C. Zheng*, Y. An, Z. Wang, X. Qin, F. Yu, Y. Zhang. Heterogeneous requirement gathering for generative design of robotic manufacturing systems, 54nd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, Athens, Greece, 2021[8] C. Zheng*, Y. An, Z. Wang, X. Qin, F. Yu Application of configuration principle on knowledge-based engineering for manufacturing system design, 54nd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, Athens, Greece, 2021[9] F. Yu*, C. Zheng. Tools, application areas and challenges of factory simulation in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, 54nd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, Athens, Greece, 2021[10] C. Zheng*, Y. Zhang, J. Li, J. Bai, X. Qin, B. Eynard. Survey on design approaches for robotic manufacturing systems in SMEs, 29th CIRP Design Conference, Póvoa de Varzim, 2019 [11] F. Liu, Y. Zhang, C. Zheng*, X. Qin, B. Eynard. Survey of configuration design approaches: a focus on design of complex industrial manufacturing systems, 52nd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2019[12] C. Zheng, S. Assaf, B. Eynard*, Towards modelling and standardisation rechniques for railway infrastructure, Product Lifecycle Management Conference, Turin, Italy, 2018[13] C. Zheng, J. Le Duigou, P. Hehenberger, M. Bricogne, B. Eynard*. Multidisciplinary integration during concetputal design process a survey on design methods of cyber-physical system, Cavtat, Croatia, 2016[14] C. Zheng, J. Le Duigou, P. Hehenberger, M. Bricogne, S. Vajna, B. Eynard*. Improvement of multidisciplinary integration in design of complex systems by implementing knowledge-based engineering, Columbia, USA, 2016[15] C. Zheng*, J. Le Duigou, M. Bricogne, B. Eynard, An interface modelling approach for the integrated design of mechatronic systems, 20èmes Journées STP du GdR MACS, Troyes, France, 2015[16] C. Zheng*, J. Le Duigou, M. Bricogne, B. Eynard. Interface modelling for multi-disciplinary integration: Application to design of mechatronic systems, PALM 2015, Belfort, France, 2015[17] C. Zheng, J. Le Duigou, M. Bricogne, B. Eynard*. Multidisciplinary interface modelling: a case study on the design of 3D measurement system, 12th International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management, Doha, Qatar, 2015[18] C. Zheng, M. Bricogne, J. Le Duigou, B. Eynard*. Mechatronic design process: a survey of product model, 24th CIRP Design Conference, Milano, Italy, 2014[19] C. Zheng*, J. Le Duigou, M. Bricogne, B. Eynard. Survey of design process models for mechatronic systems engineering, 10ème Congrès International de Génie Industriel CIGI2013, La Rochelle, France, 2013[20] C. Zheng*, T. Li, Development of an exponential tapered impedance transformer for UHF-PD sensor, 1st International Conference on Electric Power Equipment - Switching Technology, Xi’an, China, 2011 专著和教材[1] 郑晨,机电系统多领域集成设计,科学出版社,80 千字,2021[2] 郑晨,系统与过程面向对象建模技术,西安交通大学出版社,80 千字,2023发明专利[1] 郑晨; 吴浩宇,一种机器人焊接系统的混合离线编程方法, 2021-4-10, ZL202110388393.8[2] 郑晨; 张也; 秦现生; 刘蕃; 邢佳健; 庞放心; 蒋浩淼; 张鹏,一种多工业机器人协同焊接控制方法, 2019-6-20, ZL201910534053.4[3] 吴浩宇; 郑晨; 安玉树; 秦现生; 王战玺,一种基于移动平台的机器人焊接系统任务分配与路径规划方法, 2021-4-19, ZL202110416522.X


社会兼职 Social Appointments 陕西省特聘专家国际信息处理联合会(International Federation for Information Processing, IFIP)会员国际智能制造及教育资源委员会(S-MART)会员期刊《Frontiers In Manufacturing Technology》《BMC Mechanical Engineering》 编委
