
主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 陈楠
学校 西北工业大学
部门 电子信息学院
学位 工学博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 副高
联系方式 实用新型1875包写包过
邮箱 nc@nwpu.edu.cn
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

教育教学 Education and teaching 教育教学 本科课程:模拟电子技术基础;电源管理与能量采集电路概论;模拟集成电路实践;数字集成电路实践; 超大规模集成电路CAT


荣誉获奖 Awards Information 指导学生竞赛获奖2020年全国大学生物联网设计竞赛,无疆行智团队(参赛作品:环境俘能的城市地下管网实时监控系统)获得全国总决赛一等奖,华为杯全国总冠军。2020年“华为杯”第三届中国研究生创“芯”大赛,龙腾雄芯队(参赛作品:多通道宇宙射线探测芯片)、芯之缘队(参赛作品:高精度抗辐照ADC芯片)获得全国总决赛三等奖2019“华为杯”第二届中国研究生创“芯”大赛,获得全国总决赛三等奖2项2019“华为杯”第三届全国大学生集成电路创新创业大赛,获得全国总决赛二等奖1项,三等奖1项


科学研究 Scientific Research 研究方向:压电能量采集系统,电源管理系统 一作或通讯作者的论文:[1]     N. Chen, S. Ma, L. Yang and T. Wei, "Digital V2 Controller IC Using Delta Operator and Improved Average Predictive Control for DC–DC Converters With Fast Transient Response[J].  IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 3219-3229, June 2022.(中科院二区, IF=4.7)[2]     N. Chen, J. Liu, S. Ma and T. Wei. Digital Current-mode Controller Using Delta-Operator and Advance Sampling Predictive Control for High-Frequency DC-DC Switching Converters [J]. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 6272-6281, Oct. 2021.(中科院二区, IF=4.7)[3]     N. Chen, S. Chen, W. He, X. He and T. Wei. Advanced Readout Electronics System for Portable Cosmic Ray Muon Detection [J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2021, 70: 1-11. (中科院二区, IF=3.7)[4]     陈楠,刘京睿,魏廷存.面向压电振动能量俘获的电能管理电路综述[J].力学学报2021:1-13 (EI索引)[5]     N. Chen, Wei Tingcun, Jung H., et al. Alternating Resistive Impedance Matching for an Impact-Type Micro Wind Piezoelectric Energy Harvester [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,2018, 65(9): 7374-7382. (中科院一区, IF=7.5)[6]     N. Chen, Wei Tingcun, et al. Digital Controller Using Delta-Operator for High-Frequency DC-DC Switching Converters [J]. IET Power Electronics. 2018, 11(7): 1224-1230. (中科院三区, IF=2.7)[7]     Nan Chen, Wei Tingcun, Jung H J, et al. “Quick Self-Start and Minimum Power-Loss Management Circuit for Impact-Type Micro Wind Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters [J]”. Sensors & Actuators A: Physical, 2017, 263:23-29.(中科院二区, IF=3.2)[8]     Nan Chen, Jung H J, Jabbar H, et al. “A Piezoelectric impact-induced vibration cantilever energy harvester from Speed Bump with a Low-power Power Management Circuit [J]”. Sensors & Actuators A: Physical, 2017, 254:134-144.(中科院二区, IF=3.2)[9]     J.F. Liu, T.Wei, N. Chen*, et al.. Data-mining-based hardware-efficient neural network controller for DC–DC switching converters. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics[J]. 2022: 1-1. dio: 10.1109/JESTPE.2022.3192354. (中科院二区, IF=4.7)[10]  L.Yang, T.Wei, N. Chen* . High‐efficiency Energy Management Circuit Combining SSHI Rectifier and Impedance Matching for Impact‐type Piezoelectric Energy Harvester[J]. Energy Technology. 2022,10(11):202200434.  (中科院三区, IF=3.6)[11]  S. Chen, T. Wei, N. Chen* and X. He. High Time-Resolution Readout Integrated Circuit Using DLL for Portable Cosmic Ray Muon Detection[J].  IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, doi: 10.1109/TNS.2021.3084933. (中科院一区, IF=1.7)[12]  Jianfu Liu, T. Wei,N. Chen*, et al.  Fuzzy Logic PID Controller with Both Coefficient and Error Modifications for Digitally-Controlled DC–DC Switching Converters. Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology. 2023:1-12.doi.org/10.1007/s42835-023-01380-8.(中科院四区)[13]  N. Chen, Z. Song, G. Xi, Y. Du and T. Wei. A Power Management Circuit for Dual Energy Sources Harvesting Self-Powered System[C]// 2021 IEEE International Conference on Integrated Circuits, Technologies and Applications (ICTA), Zhuhai, China, 2021:18-19.(EI索引)[14]  N. Chen, G. Xi and T. Wei. A Self-powered SECE IC for Micro-wind Piezoelectric Energy Harvester [C]. 2020 The 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2020), Singapore, Singapore, 2020, pp. 4555-4560. (EI索引)[15]  N. Chen, T. Wei and L. Yang. A Power Management Circuit for an Impact-type Piezoelectric Micro-wind Energy Harvester [C]. 2019 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE 2019), Baltimore, MD, USA, pp. 6706-6710, Sept. 2019. (EI索引)[16]  N. Chen, Wei Tingcun, Jianfu Liu. Digital controller IC for high-frequency DC-DC switching converters [C]. The 14th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA 2019), Xi`an, China, pp. 1645-1648, June 2019.(EI索引)[17]  N. Chen, Wei Tingcun. Battery-free Power Management Circuit for Impact-type Micro Wind Piezoelectric Energy Harvester [C]. The 9th IEEE Energy Conversion Congress & Exposition (ECCE 2017), Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, pp. 3717-3721, October 2017.(EI索引)[18]  N. Chen, Wei Tingcun, Jung H. A Self-Start Power Management Circuit for the Piezoelectric Energy Harvester of Speed Bump [C]. The 60th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS 2017), Boston, MA, USA, pp. 333-336, August 2017.(EI索引)[19]  N. Chen, Wei Tingcun, Jung H. Circuit Design for an Impact-type Piezoelectric System for Micro-wind Energy Harvesting [C]. The 26th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, (ISIE 2017) Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, pp. 964-969, June 2017.(EI索引)[20]  N. Chen, Wei Tingcun, Chen Xiao. Cycle-borrow digital alley current control of buck DC-DC convert [C]. The 9th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA 2014), Hang Zhou, China, pp. 661-665, June 2014.(EI索引)授权专利:[1]   陈楠, 魏廷存, 郑铉俊, 等,“应用于道路减速带的压电能量采集器及其采集电路”, 专利号:ZL201610458437.9,授权公告日:2017年11月14日[2]   陈楠, 魏廷存, 河东三, “应用于非连续压电能量采集系统的自供电电源管理电路”,专利号:ZL201710036444.4,授权公告日:2019年4月19日[3] 魏廷存, 陈笑, 陈楠. “基于双频多相位时钟的高分辨率数字脉宽调制器”,专利号:ZL 201410176887,授权公告日:2019年4月19日[4]  魏晓敏, 高德远, 魏廷存,陈楠,等,“存储器和利用该存储器实现检错纠错的方法”, 专利号:ZL201310323473.0,  授权公告日:2016年04月27日[5]   魏晓敏, 高德远, 魏廷存,陈楠,等,“抗辐射SRAM时序控制电路及时序处理方法”,专利号:ZL201210296626.2,授权公告日:2015年1月28日


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