
主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 邱强
学校 西北工业大学
部门 生态环境学院
学位 理学博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 正高
联系方式 实用新型1875包写包过
邮箱 软件测试报告2199包写包过
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

综合介绍 General Introduction 2000 –2011,在兰州大学获学士和博士学位;2011-2018,在兰州大学任讲师,副教授,教授;2018年加入西北工业大学。主要从事演化基因组学研究,以反刍动物为模型,通过多层次组学数据,大尺度跨物种阐释动物复杂性状的遗传基础,特别是有重大演化意义和飞跃的性状,最终通过功能实验验证组学分析结果, 实现动物复杂性状的人工干预和调控,如:高原适应、极地适应、器官再生、肿瘤发生与抑制等。以第一和通讯作者(含并列)在Science, Cell, Nature Genetics, Nature Ecology & Evolution, Science Advances, Nature Communications等期刊发表多篇论文,部分研究成果入选 “中国高等学校十大科技进展”和“中国生命科学十大科技进展”。 个人相册


荣誉获奖 Awards Information 2013年获评基金委-优秀青年科学基金2017年入选中组部-青年拔尖人才2018年获评霍英东教育基金会第16届高等院校青年教师奖2019年获评第8届中国动物学会青年科技奖2020年获评第16届中国青年科技奖2022年获评基金委-杰出青年科学基金


学术成果 Academic Achievements         5篇代表性论文:1.      Liu C*, Gao J*, Cui X*, Li Z*, Chen L*, Yuan Y*, Zhang Y*, … Heller R#, Wang W#, Huang J#, Qiu Q#. A towering genome: Experimentally validated adaptations to high blood pressure and extreme stature in the giraffe, Science Advances, 2021, 7: eabe9459.2.      Wang Y*, Zhang C*, Wang N*, Li Z*, Heller R*, Liu R*, … Jiang Y #, Wang W #, Qiu Q#. Genetic basis of ruminant headgear and rapid antler regeneration. Science, 2019, 364: 1153.3.      Lin Z*, Chen L*, Chen X*, Zhong Y*, Yang Y*, Xia W*, …Qiu Q#.  Wang W#, Li Z#. Biological adaptations in the Arctic cervid, the reindeer (Rangifer tarandus). Science, 2019, 364: 1154.4.      Chen L*, Qiu Q*, Jiang Y*, Wang K*, Lin Z*, Li Z*, …Zhang G#, Heller R#, Wang W#. Large-scale ruminant genome sequencing provides insights into their evolution and distinct traits. Science, 2019, 364: 1152.5.      Qiu Q*, Zhang G*, Ma T*, Qian W*, Wang J*, Ye Z*, … Wang J#, Shi P#, Wang J#, Liu J#. The yak genome and adaptation to life at high altitude. Nature Genetics, 2012, 44: 946.第一和通讯作者论文:          6.        Chen C*, Yin Y*, Li H*, … Qiu Q#, Zhang Y#, Wang W#. Ruminant-specific genes identified using high-quality genome data and their roles in rumen evolution. Science Bulletin, 2022, 67(8): 825-835.7.        Yuan Y*, Sun DM*, Qin T*, Mao SY, Zhu WY, Yin YY, Huang J, Heller R, Li ZP#, Liu JH#, Qiu Q#. Single-cell transcriptomic landscape of the sheep rumen provides insights into physiological programming development and adaptation of digestive strategies. Zoological Research, 2022, 43(4):634-647.8.      Wang K*, Wang J*, Zhu C*; Yang L*, Ren Y*, Ruan J*, Fan G*, Hu J*, …, Zhao W #, Qiu Q #, He S #, Wang W #. African lungfish genome sheds light on the vertebrate water-to-land transition, Cell, 2021, 184(5): 1362-1376.9.       Liu C*, Gao J*, Huang J, Wang W, Heller R#, Qiu Q#. Giraffa Camelopardalis. Trends in Genetics, 2021.10.    Xie F*, Jin W*, Si H*, Yuan Y*, …, Wang M#, Qiu Q#, Li Z#, Mao S#. An integrated gene catalog and over 10,000 metagenome-assembled genomes from the gastrointestinal microbiome of ruminants. Microbiome, 2021, 9:137.11.    Chen H, Zeng H, Yang Y, … Chen J#, Wang W#, Qiu Q#. Allele-aware chromosome-level genome assembly and efficient transgene-free genome editing for the autotetraploid cultivated alfalfa. Nature Communications, 2020, 11: 2494.12.    Wang K, Shen Y, Yang Y, …Wang W #, Qiu Q #, He S #. Morphology and genome of a snailfish from the Mariana Trench provide insights into deep-sea adaptation. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2019, 3: 823–833.13.    Liu Y, Luo J, Dou J, Yan B, Ren Q, Tang B, Wang K#; Qiu Q#. The sequence and de novo assembly of the wild yak genome. Scientific Data, 2020, 7(66).14.    Guan D, Yang J, Liu Y, Li Y, Mi D, Ma L, Wang Z, Xu S#, Qiu Q #. Draft Genome of the Asian Buffalo Leech Hirudinaria manillensis. Frontiers in Genetics, 2020, 10:1321.15.    Ren Q*, Si H*, Yan X, Yan X, Liu C, Ding L, Long R, Li Z#, Qiu Q#. Bacterial communities in the solid, liquid, dorsal, and ventral epithelium fractions of yak (Bos grunniens) rumen, MicrobiologyOpen. 2019, 9(9): e963.16.    Zhang C*, Chen L*, Zhou Y*, Wang K, Chemnick G, Ryder O, Wang W, Zhang G#, Qiu Q#. Draft genome of the milu (Elaphurus davidianus). GigaScience, 2018, 7(2): 1-6. 17.    Yan X, Yan B, Ren Q, Dou J, Wang W, Zhang J, Zhou J, Long R, Ding L, Han J, Li Z#; Qiu Q#. Effect of slow-release urea on the composition of ruminal bacteria and fungi communities in yak. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 2018, 244: 18-27.18.    Xie X*, Yang Y*, Ren Q, Ding X, Bao P, Yan B, Yan X, Han J, Yan P, Qiu Q#. Accumulation of deleterious mutations in the domestic yak genome, Animal Genetics, 2018, 49(5): 384-392.19.    Ren Q, Liu Y, XieX, Yan B, Zhang K, Yang Y, Qiu Q#. Complete mitochondrial genome of bovine species Gayal (Bos frontalis). Conservation Genetics Resources. 2018, 10:889–891.20.    Yuan Y*, Zhang P*, Wang K, Liu M, Li J, Zheng J, Wang D, Xu W, Lin M, Dong L, Zhu C, Qiu Q#, Li S#. Genome sequence of the freshwater Yangtze finless porpoise. Genes, 2018, 9(4): 213.21.    Zhang X*, Wang K*, Wang L, Yang Y, Ni Z, Xie X, Shao X, Han J, Wan D#, Qiu Q#. Genome-wide patterns of copy number variation in the Chinese yak genome, BMC Genomics, 2016, 17:379.22.    Liang C*, Wang L*, Wu X, Wang K, Ding X, Wang M, Chu M, Xie X, Qiu Q#, Yan P#. Genome-wide association study identifies loci for the polled phenotype in yak. PLoS One, 2016, 11:e0158642.  23.    Qiu Q*, Wang J*, Wang K*, Yang Y*, … Liu J#. Yak whole-genome resequencing reveals domestication signatures and prehistoric population expansions, Nature Communications, 2015, 6: 10283.   24.    Wang K*, Yang Y*, Wang L, Ma T, Shang H, Ding L, Han J, Qiu Q#. Different gene expressions between cattle and yak provide insights into high-altitude adaptation, Animal Genetics, 2015, 47:28-35.25.    Wang Z*, Ma T*, Ma J, Han J, Ding L, Qiu Q#. Convergent evolution of SOCS4 between yak and Tibetan antelope in response to high-altitude stress. Gene, 2015, 572:298-302.  26.    Yang Y, Wang L, Han J, Tang X, Ma M, Wang K, Zhang X, Ren Q, Chen Q, Qiu Q#.  Comparative transcriptomic analysis revealed adaptation mechanism of Phrynocephalus erythrurus, the highest altitude Lizard living in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 2015, 15:101.27.    Wang K*, Hu Q*, Ma H, Wang L, Yang Y, Luo W, Qiu Q#. Genome-wide variation within and between wild and domestic yak. Molecular Ecology Resources, 2014, 14:794-801.28.    Hu Q, Ma T, Wang K, Xu T, Liu J, Qiu Q#. The Yak genome database: an integrative database for studying yak biology and high-altitude adaption. BMC Genomics, 2012, 13:600.29.    Qiu Q*, Ma T*, Hu Q, Liu B, Wu Y, Zhou H, Wang Q, Wang J, Liu J#. Genome-scale transcriptome analysis of the desert poplar, Populus euphratica. Tree Physiology, 2011, 31: 452-461.30.    Qiu Q., Tian B., Wen H., Wu G., Wang Y#. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in Ostryopsis davidiana (Betulaceae). Conservation Genetics, 2009, 10:751-753.31.     陈垒*, 邱强*, 潘香羽, 王文#. 进化系统生物学与反刍动物的进化研究, 中国科学: 生命科学, 2019, 2019(49).共同作者论文:32.    Hu M, Wu B, Xu W, Zhu C, Yuan Y, Lv W, Qiu Q, Zhang H, Wang K, Feng G. Gene expression responses in zebrafish to short-term high-hydrostatic pressure. Zoological Research, 2022, 43(2):188-191.33.    Bi X, Wang K, Yang L, Pan H, Jiang H, Wei Q, Fang M, Yu H, Zhu C, Cai Y, He Y, Gan X, Zeng H, Yu D, Zhu Y, Jiang H, Qiu Q, Yang H, Zhang Y, Wang W, Zhu M, He S, Zhang G. Tracing the genetic footprints of vertebrate landing in non-teleost ray-finned fishes. Cell, 2021, 184.5: 1377-1391.34.    Feng C, Liu R, Xu W, Zhou Y, Zhu C, Liu J, Wu B, Li Y, Qiu Q, He S, Wang W, Zhang H, Wang K. The genome of a new anemone species (Actiniaria: Hormathiidae) provides insights into deep-sea adaptation. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 2021, 170: 103492.35.    Tang B, Wang Z, Liu Q, Wang Z, Ren Y, Guo H, Qi T, Li Y, Zhang H, Jiang S, Ge B, Xuan F, Sun Y, She S, Chan T, Sha Z, Jiang H, Li H, Jiang W, Qin Y, Wang K, Qiu Q, Wang W, Li X, Ng N, Li Y. Chromosome‐level genome assembly of Paralithodes platypus provides insights into evolution and adaptation of king crabs. Molecular Ecology Resources, 2021, 21(2): 511-525.36.    Wu B, Feng C, Zhu C, Xu W, Yuan Y, Hu M, Yuan K, Li Y, Ren Y, Zhou Y, Jiang H, Qiu Q, Wang W, He S, Wang K. The Genomes of Two Billfishes Provide Insights into the Evolution of Endothermy in Teleosts, Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2021, 38(6):2413–2427.37.    Zhu T, Li Y, Pang Y, Han Y, Li J, Wang Z, Liu X, Li H, Hua Y, Jiang H, Teng H, Quan J, Liu Y, Geng M, Li M, Hui F, Liu J, Qiu Q, Li Q, Ren Y. Chromosome‐level genome assembly of Lethenteron reissneri provides insights into lamprey evolution. Molecular Ecology Resources, 2021, 21(2): 448-463.38.    Tang B, Wang Z, Liu Q, Zhang H, Jiang S, Li X, Wang Z, Sun Y, Sha Z, Jiang H, Wu X, Ren Y, Li H, Xuan F, Ge B, Jiang W, She S, Sun H, Qiu Q, Wang W, Wang Q, Qiu G, Zhang D, Li Y. High-quality genome assembly of Eriocheir japonica sinensis reveals its unique genome evolution. Frontiers in Genetics, 2020, 10: 1340.39.    Tang B, Zhang D, Li H, Jiang S, Zhang H, Xuan F, Ge B, Wang Z, Liu Y, Sha Z, Cheng Y, Jiang W, Jiang H, Wang Z, Wang K, Li C, Sun Y, She S, Qiu Q, Wang W, Li X, Li Y, Liu Q, Ren Y, Chromosome-level genome assembly reveals the unique genome evolution of the swimming crab (Portunus trituberculatus), GigaScience, 2020, 9(1):giz161.40.    Gong L, Fan G, Ren Y, Chen Y, Qiu Q, Liu L, Qin Y, Liu B, Jiang L, Li H, Zeng Y, Guo Q, Zhang C, Wang Z, Jiang H, Tian J, Zhang H, Liu X, Xu X, Wang W, Lv Z, Li Y. Chromosomal level reference genome of Tachypleus tridentatus provides insights into evolution and adaptation of horseshoe crabs. Molecular Ecology Resources, 2019, 19(3), 744-756.41.    Bao P, Luo J, Liu Y, Chu M, Ren Q, Guo X, Tang B, Ding X, Qiu Q, Pan H, Wang K, Yan P. The seasonal development dynamics of the yak hair cycle transcriptome. BMC Genomics, 2020, 21:355.42.    Gong L, Fan G, Ren Y, Chen Y, Qiu Q, Liu L, Qin Y, Liu B, Jiang L, Li H, Zeng Y, Gao Q, Zhang C, Wang Z, Jiang H, Tian J, Zhang H, Liu X, Xu X, Wang W, Lü Z, Li Y. Chromosomal level reference genome of Tachypleus tridentatus provides insights into evolution and adaptation of horseshoe crabs. Molecular Ecology Resources, 2019, 19: 744-756. 43.    Wang K, Lenstra J, Liu L, Hu Q, Ma T, Qiu Q, Liu J. Incomplete lineage sorting rather than hybridization explains the inconsistent phylogeny of the wisent. Communications Biology. 2018, 1:169.44.    Zhang J, Qiu Q, Shang Z, Liu S, Degen A, Li S, Yan Q, Wang W, Jing X, Bai Y, Ding L. Effect of supplemental dietary slow-release urea on growth performance and physiological status of dairy heifers. Animal Science Journal. 2018, 89(7):966-971.45.    Yang Y, Wang Y, Zhao Y, Zhang X, Li R, Chen L, Zhang G, Jiang Y, Qiu Q, Wang W, Wei H, Wang K. Draft genome of the Marco Polo Sheep (Ovis ammonpolii). GigaScience. 2017, 6: 1-7.46.    Wang K, Wang L, Lenstra J, Jian J, Yang Y, Hu Q, Lai D, Qiu Q, Ma T, Du Z, Abbott R, Liu J. The genome sequence of the wisent (Bison bonasus). GigaScience. 2017, 6:1–5.47.    Li Z, Lin Z, Ba H, Chen L, Yang Y, Wang K, Qiu Q, Wang Wen, Li G. Draft genome of the reindeer (Rangifer tarandus). GigaScience. 2017, 6:1-5.48.    Ding L, Chen J, Degen A, Qiu Q, Liu P, Dong Q, Shang Z, Zhang J, Liu S. Growth performance and hormonal status during feed restriction andcompensatory growth of Small-Tail Han sheep in China. Small Ruminant Research. 2016, 144:191-196.49.    Zhang Z, Xu D, Wang L, Hao J, Wang J, Zhou X, Wang W, Qiu Q, Huang X, Zhou J, Long R, Zhao F, Shi P. Convergent evolution of rumen microbiomes in high-altitude mammals. Current Biology, 2016. 26:1-7.50.    Zhou J, Mi J, Titgemeyer E, Guo X, Ding L, Wang H, Qiu Q, Li Z, Long R. A comparison of nitrogen utilization and urea metabolism between Tibetan and fine-wool sheep. Journal of Animal Science, 2015, 93:3006-3017.51.    Zhou J, Mi J, Degen A, Guo X, Wang H, Ding L, Qiu Q, Long R. Apparent digestibility, rumen fermentation and nitrogen balance in Tibetan and fine-wool sheep offered forage-concentrate diets differing in nitrogen concentration. Journal of Agricultural Science. 2015, 153:1135-1145.52.    Ding L, Chen J, Long R, Gibb M, Wang L, Sang C, Mi J, Zhou J, Liu P, Shang Z, Guo X, Qiu Q, Marquardt S. Blood hormonal and metabolite levels in grazing yak steersundergoing compensatory growth. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 2015, 209:30-39.53.    Zhou J, Mi J, Degen A, Guo X, Wang H, Ding L, Qiu Q, Long R. Apparent digestibility, rumen fermentation and nitrogen balance in Tibetan and fine-wool sheep offered forage-concentrate diets differing in nitrogen concentration. Journal of Agricultural Science, 2015, 153:1135-1145.54.    Zhou J, Guo X, Degen A, Zhang Y, Liu H, Mi J, Ding L, Wang H, Qiu Q, Long R. Urea kinetics and nitrogen balance and requirements formaintenance in Tibetan sheep when fed oat hay. Small Ruminant Research, 2015, 129:60-68.55.    Ding L, Wang Y, Broshb A, Chen J, Gibb M, Shang Z, Guo X, Mi J, Zhou J, Wang H, Qiu Q, Long R. Seasonal heat production and energy balance of grazing yakson the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 2014, 198:83-93.56.    Ma T., Wang J., Zhou G., Yue Z., Hu Q., Chen Y., Liu B., Qiu Q., Wang Z., Zhang J., Wang K., Jiang D., Gou C., Yu L., Zhan D., Zhou R., Luo W., Ma H., Yang Y., Pan S., Fang D., Luo Y., Wang X., Wang G., Wang J., Wang Q., Lu X., Chen Z., Liu J., Lu Y., Yin Y., Yang H., Abbott RJ., Wu Y., Wan D., Li J., Yin T., Lascoux M., Difazio SP., Tuskan GA., Wang J., Liu J. Genomic insights into salt adaptation in a desert poplar. Nature Communications, 2013, 4:2797.57.    Ma H, Lu Z, Liu B, Qiu Q, Liu, J. Transcriptome analyses of a Chinese hazelnut species Corylus mandshurica. BMC Plant Biology, 2013, 13:152.58.    Zhang, D., Zhou, G., Liu, B., Kong, Y., Chen, N., Qiu, Q., Yin, H., An, J., Zhang, F., and Chen, F. HCF243 encodes a chloroplast-localized protein involved in the D1 protein stability of the arabidopsis photosystem II complex. Plant Physiology, 2011, 157:608.59.    Tian, B., Liu, R., Wang. L., Qiu, Q., Chen, K., Liu, J. Phylogeographic analyses suggest that a deciduous species (Ostryopsis davidiana Decne., Betulaceae) survived in northern China during the Last Glacial Maximum. Journal of Biogeography, 2009, 36:2148-2155.



