
主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 路宽
学校 西北工业大学
部门 力学与土木建筑学院
学位 工学博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 副高
联系方式 实用新型1875包写包过
邮箱 lukuan@nwpu.edu.cn
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 2017.12-2020.12   西北工业大学力学与土木建筑学院    准聘副教授2017.12-2019.09   西北工业大学力学与土木建筑学院    F1岗辅导员2019.09-2020.12   中华人民共和国科学技术部(高技术研究发展中心)2021.01-现在         西北工业大学力学与土木建筑学院    长聘副教授/研究员2019.06-现在         西北工业大学力学与土木建筑学院    硕士生导师、博士生导师2022.10-现在         西北工业大学力学与土木建筑学院    青年教师发展中心主任2022.10-2023.12   西北工业大学力学与土木建筑学院    院长助理(协管、代管科研)2024.01-现在         西北工业大学力学与土木建筑学院    党委副书记 2012.9-2017.7   哈尔滨工业大学          航天工程与力学系     博士    导师:陈予恕教授(院士) 2015.9-2016.9   爱荷华大学(美国)   机械与工业工程系     访问    导师: Sharif Rahman教授(Fellow) 2010.9-2013.1   哈尔滨工业大学          数学系                      硕士   导师: 赵毅教授


综合介绍 General Introduction 路宽,男,1988年出生,黑龙江人。长期从事大型旋转机械非线性动力学、非线性振动等领域研究,2017年7月博士毕业于哈尔滨工业大学航天学院-航天工程与力学系,导师为国际非线性动力学专家陈予恕院士,博士期间在美国爱荷华大学访问一年,导师为ASME会士Sharif Rahman教授。2017年12月入职西北工业大学工程力学系,长聘副教授,2019-2020借调国家科技部(高技术研究发展中心),主管国家重点研发计划相关重点专项。目前担任力学TOP期刊Nonlinear Dynamics编辑,主持国家级项目及课题11项,一作/通讯作者发表中科院一区、二区论文36篇。 个人相册


教育教学 Education and teaching 招生信息 教育教学 长期招收博士后合作研究人员(全职),待遇除学校规定外,额外给予合作导师配套绩效+课题组配套绩效+科研奖励,全力支撑申报国家自然科学基金及博后基金等国家级和省部级项目;另外可共同申报科技部国家重点研发计划,工信部重大专项,KGJ及JKW等部委重大及重点项目;具体可面谈。长期招收博士后合作研究人员(在职),待遇同上,具体可面谈。长期招收具有力学、航空宇航、机械、数学、计算机等相关领域背景硕士研究生及直博生。硕士阶段成果突出者可以直接硕博连读,博士期间可推荐到国外联合培养;同时,硕士毕业成果突出者可直接推荐到国外攻读博士学位。 本科生课程2021 流固耦合  32学时2022 流固耦合  32学时2023 流固耦合  32学时研究生课程2022 噪声分析与控制  40学时2023 噪声分析与控制  40学时大创项目近三年指导本科生大创项目8项,国家级3项(优秀结题2项),省部级5项(优秀结题1项)。本科毕业设计1. 2015级本科生  陆   宇2. 2016级本科生  张昊鹏3. 2017级本科生  张康宇4. 2017级本科生  张文涛5. 2018级本科生  陈   锦6. 2018级本科生  桑瑞涓7. 2018级本科生  王冬月8. 2017级本科生  李浩楠9. 2019级本科生  范庆陆10. 2020级本科生 徐  岱11. 2020级本科生 许  康硕士研究生1. 2020级硕士生张昊鹏2. 2020级硕士生刘乂豪(路宽,任兴民)3. 2021级硕士生张康宇4. 2021级硕士生郭   栋(秦卫阳,路宽)5. 2021级硕士生张亦驰6. 2021级硕士生尚孟杰(路宽,秦卫阳)7. 2022级硕士生桑瑞涓8. 2022级硕士生张文涛(任建亭,路宽)9. 2023级硕士生李东林(秦卫阳,路宽)10. 2023级硕士生王衡11. 2023级硕士生李润涵(薛存,路宽)博士研究生1. 2022级博士生陈   锦(直博)2. 2023级博士生张昊鹏(硕博连读,张开富,路宽)3. 2023级博士生张康宇(硕博连读)4. 2023级博士生王子渊(工程博士)5. 2024级博士生张亦驰(硕博连读,程晖,路宽)


科学研究 Scientific Research 主要研究方向及科研项目简介面向国家重大需求,解决国家航空、航天及航海等领域重大工程问题(空中极端环境下航空发动机连接件振动及失效机制研究、空间极端环境下柔性压电器件振动控制及失效机制研究、鱼雷振动噪声一致性测试评估研究),主要研究方向如下但不限于:航空发动机连接件振动及可靠性航空发动机连接结构(支架等)设计及振动控制鱼雷振动一致性测试评估及装配工艺控制方法转子动力学柔性智能压电器件振动控制及可靠性空间大型可展开结构振动控制高维非线性系统降维方法理论与应用高维复杂系统不确定性量化主持陕西省杰青及陕西省“XXX特殊支持计划”XXX省部级人才项目各1项,国家自然科学基金3项(青年,面上,联合基金参与单位负责人),KGJ技术基础课题2项,JKW项目及任务4项,民机科研子课题1项,国家重点研发计划参与单位负责人1项及子课题1项,其他省部级项目6项(陕西省基金,博后特别资助,博后面上,航发集团项目等),横向项目10项,西工大思政类重点项目1项,西工大研究生课程质量提升项目1项等;主要参与国家重点研发计划1项,国家973项目1项,LJ重大专项1项。参与国家重点研发计划(制造、材料等领域)、KGJ、JKW等国家重大专项领域规划及指南论证工作、参与编写广东省广东省重点领域研发计划“前沿新材料”重大专项指南及叶企孙基金指南等。与航天科技、航天科工、航发集团、中电、中船及高校等有深入交流与合作。目前担任科技部国家重点研发计划重点专项“制造基础技术与关键部件”评审专家及项目跟踪专家。主持及参研的思政、教改及党建类项目(2019-2023)1. 西北工业大学思政类重点项目:基于西工大现状的辅导员“三化”发展体系构建研究,主持,2019.9-2021.9.(2W,校级)已结题2. 西北工业大学研究生培养质量提升工程项目:噪声分析与控制,主持,2023.4-2023.12.(2W,校级)已结题3. 西北工业大学思政类重点项目:基于落实“立德树人”根本任务的学生全面发展劳动教育实施研究,参与,2020.7-2022.7.(2W,校级)已结题4. 西北工业大学教改项目-委托项目:基于BOPPPS的基础力学课程混合式教学及质量评价体系研究与实践,参与,2023.3-2024.3(2W,校级)5. 省级教改项目:交叉融合,守正创新,基于进阶式力学思维培养的理论力学教学改革探索与实践,参与,(省部级)6. 西北工业大学党建研究基金项目:加强我校青年教师的政治引领路径研究,参与,2023.12-2025.3.(1W,校级)主要主持科研项目(2024)1. 工信部:XXX2.主要主持科研项目(2023)1. 陕西省杰出青年基金项目,2023.1-2025.12.(50W,省部级人才项目)2. 工信部:XXX(D5204220752),2022.12-2023.03.(横向)已结题3. 乌镇实验室:XXX(D5204230305),2023.6-2024.5.(横向)已结题4. 中央高校基本科研业务费:连接结构非线性动力学研究 (D5000230094) ,2023.4-2024.3.(20W)5. 翱翔新星,2023-2024.(20W)6. KGJ国防技术基础:先进动力执行机构XXX控制与工艺可靠性提升技术研究, 2024.1-2026.12.(143W/1280W,国家级)7. 中航601所:异构传感器系统稳态/动态特性分析评估方法研究. 2024.1-2025.12.(横向)8. JKW173项目:舰用燃气轮机整机动力学先进CAE软件加强研发, 2024.1-2025.12.(90W/300W,国家级)9. 工信部民机科研专项:动态排产技术应用开发与测试(D5130230270),2023.1-2025.12. (30W/750W,国家级)主要主持科研项目(2022)  1. 航空发动机研究院:基于形状记忆合金材料的航空发动机支架结构优化设计及振动控制(D5203220179),2022.01-2022.12.(横向)   2. 陕西省“XXX特殊支持计划”XXX人才项目,2022.1-2024.12.(120W,省部级人才项目)  3. 中船705所:典型舱段振动源模拟试验平台设计,2022.5-2022.9. (横向)已结题  4. 中航618所:综合应力环境作用下螺栓连接预紧应力变化仿真技术研究,2023.7-2023.12.(横向)  5. GF特色学科基础研究项目-青年:具有界面连接的航空发动机转子非线性振动与可靠性,2022.9-2025.12.(160W,校级)   6. 国家重点研发计划:机器人核心零部件性能提升及应用(2022YFB4702200),2023.1-2025.12.(102.5W/7250W,国拨1250W,国家级)  7. JKW某工程项目:航空发动机支架结构设计及减振研究,2022.8-2025.12.(275W,国家级)   8. 国家自然科学基金(联合基金项目):高性能PZT基压电陶瓷多参数共高机理及水声探测器件研究(U2241243),2023.1-2026.12.(70W/260W,国家级)  9. JKW某领域项目:XXX振动一致性测试评估及制造工艺控制方法,2023.1-2029.12.(XXX/XXXX,国家级)10. KGJ国防技术基础:XXX构件可靠性评估与海洋环境适应性设计规范研究, 2023.1-2025.12.(200W/800W,国家级)11. XX系统安全技术(沈阳)有限公司: 高精度降维的连接结构振动控制研究(D5204220511), 2022.9-2022.12.(横向)已结题12. 中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所: 安全协同防御XXX研究(D5204220512),2022.9-2022.12.(横向)已结题主要主持科研项目(2021)  1. 国家重点研发计划:XXX,2021.1-2025.12. (60W/XXX,国家级)  2. 中国博后科学基金第14批特别资助(站中):新型航天装备用柔性智能压电复合材料器件振动及可靠性研究(2021T140033),2021.06-2022.01 (18W,省部级)已结题  3. 中国博后科学基金第69批面上资助二等:双转子系统降维及不确定性量化方法研究(2021M690274),,2021.06-2022.01 (8W,省部级)已结题  4. 工信部:XXX(D5203210426),2021.09-2021.12 (横向)已结题  5. 中央高校基本业务费(揭榜挂帅项目):大飞机基础研究领域专题论证(D5000210964),2021.01-2021.12(10W,校级)已结题  6. 工信部:XXX(D5204220004),2021.12-2022.01 (横向)已结题  7. 工信部:XXX(D5204210712),2021.12-2022.06 (横向)已结题主要主持科研项目(2020)  1.陕西省自然科学基金项目:大型旋转机械转子-轴承系统降维及不确定性量化方法研究(2020JQ-129),2020.1-2021.12. (3W,省部级)已结题  2.国家自然科学基金(面上):航空发动机转子-轴承结构降维及不确定性量化方法研究(12072263),2021.1-2024.12.(63W,国家级)主要主持科研项目(2019)  1.省部共建国家重点实验室开放课题:大型旋转机械滚动轴承故障非线性动力学特性研究(KF2020-26),2020.1-2021.12. (5W,省部级)已结题  2.JKW国防科技创新特区项目:XXXXXX,2020.1-2022.12.(25W/800W,国家级)已结题  3.中国航空发动机集团科技创新平台项目:考虑非线性因素的航空发动机转子振动抑制研究(CXZX-2020-001),2020.1-2021.12.(10W,省部级)已结题 主持科研项目(2018)  1. 中央高校基本科研业务费:高维数非线性动力学系统降维方法及其在转子系统中应用(G2018KY0305) ,2018.1-2020.12.(20W)已结题  2. 国家自然科学基金(青年):转子系统二次降维及其在非线性转子动力学分析中应用(11802235),2019.1-2021.12.(27W,国家级)已结题主要参与科研项目(2017前)  1. 国家973项目:航空发动机运行安全基础研究(2015CB057400), 2015.1–2019.8. 已结题  2. 美国NSF项目:Time-Dependent Uncertainty Quantification, 2015.8-2018.8. 已结题


学术成果 Academic Achievements 主要发表期刊论文及专利一作/通讯作者发表中科院1区TOP期刊20余篇(大类1区17篇),力学学报等卓越期刊2篇,第一完成人公开发明专利8件,授权发明专利1件,软件著作权1件,参与编写专著3部。注:#为学生一作及共同一作教学、思政及管理类论文(2021-现在)1. 佟珊珊,陈森,路宽.  优化高等数学教学效果的策略研究. 黑龙江科学, 12(11), 13-15,2021.2. 车子璠,张月,王东洋,路宽,沙锐. 国内外应用数学领域发展情况的文献计量分析. 情报工程,2021,录用.3. 佟珊珊,路宽. 浅谈数学史在高等数学教学的渗透策略. 中国教工,29,331,2021.专利及软著1. 张昊鹏,路宽,傅超,张康宇. 转子动力学参数化建模与计算分析系统1.0, 2022SR1348044. 软著(已授权)2. 路宽,张宸菲,张昊鹏,赵仕博,靳玉林. 多盘转子系统模型降阶的自适应正交分解方法. CN113254863B, CN202211380651.9. (已授权)3. 张康宇,路宽,程晖,傅超,梅梦梅,张昊鹏,赵仕博,郭栋,张亦弛,陈锦,张文涛,桑瑞娟.一种基于MATLAB 和ADAMS 卫星帆板展开的联合仿真模拟方法, CN115755642A, CN202211380651.9. (已公开)4. 王子尧,张亦弛,路宽,杨洋,靳玉林,赵先锋,张昊鹏,张康宇,郭栋,陈锦,张文涛. 刚度可变的航空发动机支架、温度控制系统及其设计方法, CN116788514A, CN202310657231.9. (已公开)5.6.科研类论文20241. Jin Chen#, Kuan Lu#,*, Weidong Zhu, Hui Cheng, Kaifu Zhang, Xiaohui Gu, Chao Fu*. Study on the influence of joints parameters on nonlinear dynamics of a rotor system. Journal of Vibration and Control, Accepted, 2024.  (Co-first Author, Co-corresponding Author)2. Heng Zhao, Yaqiong Zhang, Weidong Zhu, Chao Fu*, Kuan Lu*. A comprehensive study on seismic dynamic responses of stochastic structures using sparse grid-based polynomial chaos expansion. Engineering Structures, Accepted, 2024.  (Co-corresponding Author)3. Haopeng Zhang, Runhan Li, Kuan Lu*, Xiaohui Gu*, Ruijuan Sang, Donglin Li. Dyanmic behavior of twin-spool rotor-bearing system with pedestal looseness and rub impact. Applied Sciences, 2024, 11, 1181. (Corresponding Author)4. 20231.张康宇#,路宽*,程晖,傅超,郭栋。自主水下航行器典型舱段动力学建模及减振降噪方法研究。力学学报,2023,55 (10): 1950-1963。(通讯作者)2.Kuan Lu, Dong Guo, Weidong Zhu, Yulin Jin, Hui Cheng, Xiaohui Gu and Chao Fu*. Nonlinear dynamic behavior analysis of dual rotor-bearing systems with looseness and rub-impact faults. AIAA Journal, 2023, 1-12. 3.Chao Fu#, Kuan Lu#, Qian Li, Yuandong Xu, Fengshou Gu, Andrew D. Ball, Zhaoli Zheng. Physics-Based modelling for on-line condition monitoring of a marine system. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2023, 11, 1241.(Co-first Author)4.Chao Fu, Xiaoxia Liang, Qian Li, Kuan Lu, Fengshou Gu, Andrew David Ball, Zhaoli Zheng. Machines, 2023, 49 (2): 557.5.Yichi Zhang#, Kuan Lu#, Wentao Zhang, Yang Yang, Hui Cheng, Chao Fu*. Design and vibration control of aeroengine bracket with variable stiffness based on shape memory alloy. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2023, Accepted. (Co-first Author)6. Chao Fu, Kaifu Zhang, Hui Cheng, Weidong Zhu, Zhaoli Zheng*, Kuan Lu*, Yongfeng Yang.  A comprehensive study on natural characteristics and dynamic responses of a dual-rotor system with inter-shaft bearing under non-random uncertainty. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2023, Accepted. (Co-corresponding Author)7. Kuan Lu, Dong Guo, Hui Cheng, Wei Zhang, Haopeng Zhang, Chao Fu*. Dynamic response analysis of a double-disc rotor system with rolling bearings based on POD method. International Journal Non-Linear Mechanics, 2023, 158: 104569. 8. Guangnan Zhu, Xianggang Du, Qingjie Cao*, Kuan Lu*, Wei Liu, Yousong Guo, Tao Yang, Yushu Chen, Changzhu Wei, Jialun Pu. A novel method to solve the existed paradox of low-frequency vibration isolation and displacement attenuation in a nonlinear floating-slab on the wheel-rail loads. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2023, 208: 110985.( Co-corresponding Author)9. Yulin Jin, Xu Zhou, Xin Quan, Xin Zhang, Kuan Lu*, Jiaxu Wang. Tolological structures of vibration responses for dual-rotor aeroengine. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing , 2023, Accepted.( Corresponding Author)10. Kangyu Zhang#, Kuan Lu#, *, Shaonan Chai, Hui Cheng, Chao Fu*, Dong Guo. Dynamic modeling and parameter sensitivity analysis of AUV by using the POD method and the HB-AFT method. Ocean Engineering, 2023, Accepted. (Co-first Author, Co-corresponding Author)11. Wentao Zhang#, Kuan Lu#, *, Yichi Zhang, Hui Cheng, Chao Fu*. Nonlinear dynamics analysis of the attachment system and design of variable stiffness connecting bracket based on the complete aero-engine system. Measurement, 2024, Accepted. (Co-first Author, Co-corresponding Author)20221. Chao Fu#, Kuan Lu#, Yongfeng Yang, Zhongliang Xie, Anbo Ming. Nonlinear vibrations of an uncertain dual-rotor rolling bearings system with coupling misalignment. Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 2022, 29: 388-402. (Co-first Author)2. Tianhu Yu, Jinde Cao*, Kuan Lu*. Finite-Time Synchronization Control of Networked Chaotic Complex-Valued Systems with Adaptive Coupling. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2022, 9 (4): 2510-2520.( Corresponding Author)3. Kuan Lu, Wentao Zhang, Haopeng Zhang, Kaifu Zhang, Hui Cheng*, Chao Fu*. Nonlinear Dynamic behaviors of a dual-rotor bearing system with coupling misalignment fault. Measurement Science & Technology, 2022, 34 (1): 014005.4. Zhaoli Zheng, Chao Fu*, Weidong Zhu, Jiepeng Zhao, Kuan Lu*. A non-intrusive frequency normalisation approach for uncertain response analysis of nonlinear dynamic systems. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing , 2023, 188: 110005.( Corresponding Author)5. Chao Fu, Zhaoli Zheng*, Weidong Zhu, Kuan Lu, Yongfeng Yang. Non-intrusive frequency response computation of nonlinear mechanical systems with interval uncertainty. Chaos Solitions & Fractals , 2022, 165 (1): 112815.6. Chao Fu, Zhaoli Zheng, Weidong Zhu, Kuan Lu, Yongfeng Yang. Nonlinear vibrations of a rotor with support nonlinearities considering bounded uncertainties. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2022, 110: 2363-2379. 7. Chao Fu, Zhaoli Zheng, Weidong Zhu, Zhongliang Xie, Weiyang Qin, Kuan Lu*.  Nonlinear dynamics of discoutinuous uncertain oscillators with unilateral constraints. Chaos, 2022, 32: 12312.( Corresponding Author)20211.Guangnan Zhu, Kuan Lu*, Qingjie Cao, Panfeng Huang, Kangyu Zhang. Dynamic Behavior Analysis of Tethered Satellite System Based on Floquet Theory. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2022, 109: 1379-1396. ( Corresponding Author)2.Chao Fu, Kuan Lu*, Yuandong Xu, Yongfeng Yang, Fengshou Gu, Yushu Chen. Dynamic analysis of a geared transmission system for wind turbines with mixed aleatory and epistemic uncertainties. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2022, 43 (2): 275-294.(Corresponding Author)3. Haopeng Zhang#, Kuan Lu*, Wei Zhang, Chao Fu. Investigation on dynamic behaviors of rotor system with looseness and nonlinear supporting. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022, 166 (10): 108400. ( Corresponding Author)4. Shibo Zhao, Xingmin Ren, Kuan Lu*, Yongfeng Yang, Lihui Li, Chao Fu. A novel balancing method of the rotor system using load identification and FIR Filter based force estimation technique.  NODYCON Conference Proceedings Series book series (NCPS), 2022, 749-759. ( Corresponding Author)5. Shibo Zhao, Xingmin Ren, Wangqun Deng, Kuan Lu, Yongfeng Yang, Lihui Li, Chao Fu. A novel transient balancing technology of the rotor system based on multi modal analysis and feature points selection. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 510:116321, 2021.6. Qian Li, Wei Liu, Kuan Lu, etc. Flow-induced buckling statics and dynamics of imperfect pipes. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2021, Accepted.7. Shibo Zhao, Xingmin Ren, Yihao Liu, Kuan Lu, Chao Fu, Yongfeng Yang. A dynamic-balancing testing system designed for flexible rotor. Shock and Vibration, 2021, 5: 1-17.8. Kuan Lu, Kangyu Zhang, Haopeng Zhang, Xiaohui Gu, Yulin Jin*, Shibo Zhao, Chao Fu*, Yongfeng Yang. A review of model order reduction methods for large-scale structure systems. Shock and Vibration, 6631180, 2021.9. Kangyu Zhang#, Kuan Lu*, Xiaohui Gu, Chao Fu, Shibo Zhao. Dynamic behaviors analysis and stability control of tethered satellite formation deployment. Sensors, 22, 62, 2022. ( Corresponding Author)10. Qian Li, Wei Liu, Kuan Lu, etc. Three-dimensional parametric resonance of fluid-conveying pipes in the pre-buckling and post-buckling states. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 189, 104287, 2021.11. 路宽*,张亦弛,靳玉林,张昊鹏,郭栋. 本征正交分解在数据处理中的应用及展望. 动力学与控制学报,2021,录用.12. Chao Fu, Weidong Zhu, Yongfeng Yang, Shibo Zhao, Kuan Lu*. Surrogate modeling for dynamic analysis of an uncertain asymmetrical rotor system and roles of Chebyshev parameters. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2022, 524: 116755. ( Corresponding Author)13. Chao Fu, Weidong Zhu, Zhaoli Zheng, Chuanzong Sun, Yongfeng Yang, Kuan Lu*. Nonlinear responses of a dual-rotor system with rub-impact fault subject to interval uncertain parameters.  Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022, 170: 108827. ( Corresponding Author)14. Chao Fu, Jean-Jacques Sinou, Weidong Zhu, Kuan Lu, Yongfeng Yang*. A state-of-the-art review on uncertainty analysis of rotor systems. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2023, 183: 109619.15. Kuan Lu, Haopeng Zhang, Kangyu Zhang, Yulin Jin*, Shibo Zhao, Chao Fu*, Yushu Chen. The Transient POD Method Based on Minimum Error of Bifurcation Parameter. Mathematics, 9, 392, 2021. 16. Jiao Jiao Ma, Chao Fu*,Weidong Zhu, Kuan Lu, Yongfeng Yang. Stochastic analysis of lubrication in misaligned journal bearings. Journal of Tribology, 2022, 144 (8): 081802.17. Guangnan Zhu#, Kuan Lu#, Qingjie Cao*, Yushu Chen. An archetypal vibration isolator with quasi-zero stiffness in multiple directions. Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 2022, 29: 190-203. (Co-first Author)18.  Shibo Zhao, Xingmin Ren , Qingyang Zheng , Kuan Lu , Chao Fu ,Yongfeng Yang . Transient Dynamic Balancing of the Rotor System with Uncertainty. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 171, 108894, 2022. 20201. Nan Wu, Kuan Lu*, Yulin Jin, Haopeng Zhang, Yushu Chen. The applications of order reduction methods in nonlinear dynamic systems. Sound and Vibration, 54, 113-125, 2020. (Co-first Author, Corresponding Author)2. Chao Fu, Guojin Feng, Jiaojiao Ma,  Kuan Lu*, Yongfeng Yang, Fengshou Gu. Predicting the dynamic response of dual-rotor system subject to interval parametric uncertainties based on the non-intrusive mathematical metamodel. Mathematics, 8, 736, 2020. ( Corresponding Author)3.Shibo Zhao, Xingmin Ren, Wangqun Deng, Kuan Lu*, Yongfeng Yang, Chao Fu. A transient characteristic-based balancing method of rotor system without trail weights. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2021, 148,107117.  ( Corresponding Author)4. Qian Li, Wei Liu, Kuan Lu, etc. Nonlinear parametric vibration of the geometrically imperfect pipe conveying pulsating fluid. International Journal of Applied Mechanics. 12, 2050064, 2020. 5. Kuan Lu, Yulin Jin*, etc. The applications of POD method in dual rotor-bearing systems with coupling misalignment, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2021, 150, 107236.6. Yongfeng Yang, Jianjun Wang, Yanlin Wang, Chao Fu, Qingyang Zheng, Kuan Lu. Dynamical analysis of hollow-shaft dual-rotor system with circular cracks. Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration & Active Control, 2021, 40 (3): 1227-1240.7. Kuan Lu, Nan Wu, Kangyu Zhang, Chao Fu, Yulin Jin*, Yongfeng Yang, Haopeng Zhang. The dynamical behaviors analysis of the rotor model with coupling faults and the applications of the TPOD method. Applied Sciences, 2020, 10, 7415.20191. Kuan Lu, Yulin Jin*, Yushu Chen, Yongfeng Yang, Lei Hou, Zhiyong Zhang, Zhonggang Li, Chao Fu. Review for order reduction based on proper orthogonal decomposition and outlooks of applications in mechanical systems. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2019, 123:264-297. 2. Yongfeng Yang, Qinyu Wu, Yanlin Wang, Weiyang Qin, Kuan Lu*. Dynamic Characteristics of Cracked Uncertain Hollow-shaft. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2019, 124: 36-48. (Corresponding Author)3. Yulin Jin*,#, Kuan Lu#, Chongxiang Huang, Lei Hou, Yushu Chen. Nonlinear dynamic analysis of a complex dual rotor-bearing system based on a novel model reduction method. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2019, 75:553-571. (Co-first Author)4. Yebao Xia, Xingming Ren, Weiyang Qin, Yongfeng Yang, Kuan Lu,  Chao Fu.  Investigation on the transient response of a speed-varying rotor with sudden unbalance and its application in the unbalance identification. Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration & Active Control, 2019, 0: 1-22. 5. Kuan Lu, Hao Zhou, Yulin Jin, Yongfeng Yang, Chao Fu. Application of the second dimension reduction method in nonlinear rotor dynamic system. Nonlinear Dynamics of Structures, Systems and Devices, Springer , 2020, 533-548.6. Qian Li, Wei Liu, Kuan Lu, etc. Nonlinear parametric vibration of fluid-conveying pipe flexibly restrained at the ends. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2020, 33: 327-346.7. Chao F, Yuandong Xu , Yongfeng Yang , Kuan Lu, Fengshou Gu, Andrew Ball.Dynamics analysis of a hollow-shaft rotor system with an open crack under model uncertainties. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2020, 83: 105102.8. Chao F, Yuandong Xu , Yongfeng Yang , Kuan Lu, Fengshou Gu, Andrew Ball. Response analysis of an accelerating unbalanced rotating system with both random and interval variables. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2020, 466: 115047.9. Chao Fu,Yongfeng Yang , Kuan Lu , Fengshou Gu. Nonlinear vibration analysis of a rotor system with parallel and angular misalignments under uncertainty via a Legendre collocation approach. International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, 2020, 16: 557-568.20181.Kuan Lu, Zhenyong Lu, Yushu Chen. Comparative study of two order reduction methods for high-dimensional rotor systems. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2018, 106:330-334.2. Kuan Lu. Statistical moment analysis of multi-degree of freedom dynamic system based on polynomial dimensional decomposition method. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018, 93(4):2003-2018.3. Kuan Lu, Hai Yu, Shibo Zhao, Yongfeng Yang, Yulin Jin, Yushu Chen. The dynamical characteristics analysis of the rotor model with coupling faults and the applications of the TPOD method.Series Books: Nonlinear Systems and Complexity (Springer),2018, Accepted.4. Kuan Lu, Yu Lu, Baicheng Zhou, Wei Jian, Yongfeng Yang, Yulin Jin, Yushu Chen.Nonlinear Dynamics of a Reduced Cracked Rotor.Journal of Vibration Testing and System Dynamics, 2018, 2 (3): 257-269.5. Kuan Lu, Yongfeng Yang, Yebao Xia, Chao Fu.Statistical moment analysis of nonlinear rotor system with multi uncertain variables. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2019,116: 1029-1041.6. Chao Fu, Xingming Ren, Yongfeng Yang, Kuan Lu, Yanlin Wang. Nonlinear response analysis of a rotor system with a transverse breathing crack under interval uncertainties.International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2018, 105: 77-87.7. Kuan Lu, Yongfeng Yang, Hai Yu, Yulin Jin, Yushu Chen. Applications of the TPOD method in the high-dimensional rotor system models with common faults. Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2020, 9, 1.8. Chao Fu, Xingmin Ren , YongfengYang, Kuan Lu , Weiyang Qin. Steady-state response analysis of cracked rotors with uncertain-but-bounded parameters using a polynomial surrogate method. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2019, 68: 240-256.9. Lei Hou, Huizheng Chen, Yushu Chen, Kuan Lu, Zhansheng Liu. Bifurcation and stability analysis of a nonlinear rotor system subjected to constant excitation and rub-impact. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2019, 125: 65-78.2017前1. Kuan Lu, Hai Yu, Yushu Chen, Qingjie Cao, Lei Hou. A modified nonlinear POD method for order reduction based on transient time series. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2015, 79 (2): 1195–1206.2. Kuan Lu, Yulin Jin, Yushu Chen, Qingjie Cao, Zhiyong Zhang. Stability analysis of reduced rotor pedestal looseness fault model. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2015, 82 (4): 1611–1622.3. Kuan Lu, Yushu Chen, Yulin Jin, Lei Hou. Application of the transient proper orthogonal decomposition method for order reduction of rotor systems with faults. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2016, 86 (3): 1913–1926.4. Kuan Lu, Yushu Chen, Qingjie Cao, Lei Hou, Yulin Jin. Bifurcation analysis of reduced rotor model based on nonlinear transient POD method. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2017, 89: 83-92.5. Kuan Lu, Yushu Chen, Lei Hou. Bifurcation characteristics analysis of a class of nonlinear dynamical systems based on singularity theory. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2017, 38 (9): 1233-1246.6. Kuan Lu, Lei Hou, Yushu Chen. Application of the polynomial dimensional decomposition method in a class of random dynamical system. Journal of Vibroengineering, 2017, 19 (7): 4827-4839. (会议论文推荐) 7. Yulin Jin, Kuan Lu, Lei Hou, Yushu Chen. An adaptive proper orthogonal decomposition method for model order reduction of multi-disc rotor system. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2017, 411: 210-231.8. Kuan Lu, Lei Hou, Yushu Chen. The polynomial dimensional decomposition method in a class of dynamical system with uncertainty. Vibroengineering PROCEDIA, 2016, 10: 58-63. 9. Kuan Lu, Yushu Chen. Dynamic behaviors analysis of the reduced rotor models with looseness based on the TPOD method. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2018, 4: 15-30. 10. Kuan Lu, Yushu Chen, Zhonggang Li, Yulin Jin. Application of the transient POD method for order reduction of a rotor system with pedestal looseness. International Journal of Numerical Methods and Applications, 2016, 15 (3): 241–260.


荣誉获奖 Awards Information  2017.12-2019.09任职辅导员期间,指导本科生获得国际及国家级奖励数十项,个人及做为指导教师指导学生(本科毕业后跟我读研)获得主要奖励如下:陕西省杰出青年,陕西省,2023.陕西省“XXX特殊支持计划”XXX人才,陕西省,2022.国家973项目“航空发动机运行安全基础研究”获得优秀结题,科技部,2020,参与.指导2016级本科生张昊鹏获得优秀本科毕设,2020.指导2016级本科生张昊鹏,优秀本科毕业生,2020.指导本科生参加国际大学生数学建模竞赛获得国际二等奖3项,2019,2021,2022;三等奖1项,2022.指导2017级本科生张康宇,优秀本科毕业生,2021.指导2017级本科生张康宇,全国高等学校力学类专业优秀本科毕业设计(A类优秀论文),2021.指导2018级本科生(陈锦,桑瑞涓,王淇)参加互联网+大赛获得省级银奖,2021.指导2018级本科生(陈锦,桑瑞涓,王淇)参加互联网+大赛获得学校一等奖,2021.指导2018级本科生王冬月,优秀本科毕业生,2022.指导2018级本科生桑瑞涓,优秀本科毕业生,2022.指导2021级硕士生(张康宇,郭栋,张亦弛等)参加互联网+大赛获得省级银奖,2022.指导2021级硕士生(张康宇,郭栋,张亦弛等)参加互联网+大赛获得学校一等奖,2022.指导2018级本科生陈锦,全国高等学校力学类专业优秀本科毕业设计(B类优秀论文),2022.指导2021级硕士张康宇获得研究生创新基金,2023.指导2020级说是张昊鹏,优秀硕士毕业生,2023.指导2020级说是张昊鹏获得优秀硕士毕设,2023.指导2021级硕士生(张亦弛等)参加互联网+大赛获得省级银奖,2023.指导2021级硕士生(张亦弛等)参加互联网+大赛获得学校一等奖,2023.
