

主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 李玉军
教师编号 4950
学校 西北工业大学
部门 机电学院
学位 工学博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 副高
联系方式 【发送到邮箱】
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个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 2018-01至今           西北工业大学                  机电学院航空宇航制造工程系   助理教授、副教授2017-09至2018-01  清华大学                         航天航空学院工程力学系         学术交流 2016-10至2017-08  亚琛工业大学(德国)     应用力学研究所(IFAM)        研究助理(Research  Associate)2016-03至2016-09  亚琛工业大学(德国)     应用力学研究所(IFAM)       研究助理(Research  Assistant) 2012-09至2016-09   亚琛工业大学(德国)  应用力学研究所(IFAM)    工学博士 (德国最高等级成绩,导师德国工程院院士Stefanie Reese教授、Jaan Simon教授)2009-09至2012-03  西北工业大学                机电学院                              硕士 (航空宇航制造工程)2005-09至2009-07  西北工业大学                机电学院                             学士 (飞行器制造工程)


教育教学 Education and teaching 教育教学 招生信息 (至2019.01.01)已指导硕士研究生3人:David Swallow(澳大利亚)、Jonas Wilhelm Ketteler(德国)、Srinivas Selvarju(印度)协助指导硕士研究生10余人负责的本科生课程:复合材料力学(春季学期) 欢迎对复合材料先进制造技术、复合材料多尺度力学、计算固体力学等研究方向感兴趣的报考。邮箱:li.yujun@nwpu.edu.cn


科学研究 Scientific Research 主要的研究方向包括:1.  纤维增强复合材料制造技术与工艺力学2.  复合材料多尺度损伤/断裂力学                                                                                                         主持或参与的科研项目:1.  国家自然科学基金(青年),温湿环境下纤维素纳米纸湿/热/力/光性能多尺度分析与设计,2020.01-2022.12,主持2.  留学人员科技活动择优资助,非屈曲织物的多尺度力学模型,2019.01-2019.12,主持3.  陕西省自然科学基金(青年),纺织复合材料预成型体多级结构变形规律研究,2019.01-2020.12,主持4.  陕西省重点研发计划,大尺寸复合材料整体壁板液体成型技术,2019.01-2020.12,参与等


学术成果 Academic Achievements 2021年度Johannes A. van den Akker Prize,TAPPI Physics Committee颁发--- 论文(*: 通讯作者)---39. Hongshuai Wang, Hangyuan Luo, Xianjie Zhang, Zhiyong Zhao, Junbiao Wang, Yujun Li* (2024). Automatic defect detection of carbon fiber woven fabrics using machine vision. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures. (IF 2.8)38. Yi Hu, Junzhen Chen, Guoyu Yang, Yujun Li, Ming Dong, Han Zhang, Emiliano Bilotti, Jianjun Jiang*, Dimitrios G Papageorgiou* (2024). Highly conductive and mechanically robust MXene@ CF core-shell composites for in-situ damage sensing and electromagnetic interference shielding. Composites Science and Technology. (IF9.1, TOP期刊)37. 司衍鹏, 孙立帅, 闫恩玮, 李玉军, 蒋建军 (2023). 考虑温度效应的干纤维预制体压缩蠕变模型. 航空学报 ( 中国科技期刊卓越行动计划梯队期刊)36. Yanpeng Si, Lishuai Sun, Junzhen Chen, Zhiyong Zhao, Jianjun Jiang, Yujun Li*. (2023) A viscoelastic-plastic model for the temperature-dependent creep and recovery behavior during dry fiber fabric compaction. Composite Structures. (IF6.3, TOP 期刊)35. Yi Hu, Guoyu Yang, Junzhen Chen, Yujun Li, Ming Dong, Han Zhang, Emiliano Bilotti, Jianjun Jiang*, Dimitrios G Papageorgiou* (2023). Interfacial engineering of hybrid MXene-Ni-CF tri-core-shell composites for electromagnetic interference shielding and E-heating applications. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. (IF 8.7, TOP期刊)34. Yang Guoyu, Yao Xuming, Li Yujun, Hu Yi, Chen Xing, Li Jialiang, Chen Junzhen, Jiang Jianjun* (2023). Ti3C2Tx MXene Nanosheet-Based Hybrid Films for Enhanced Wave Absorption-Dominated Electromagnetic Interference Shielding. ACS Applied Nano Materials. (IF 5.9)33.  谢晨阳, 黄鲛, 肖光明, 张贤杰, 王俊彪, 李玉军*. 考虑纤维波纹度的单向复合材料代表性体积元生成算法(2023). 机械工程学报. ( 中国科技期刊卓越行动计划梯队期刊)32. Yujun Li, Zhiyong Zhao, Chuang Liu, Qi Liu, Lishuai Sun, Junbiao Wang (2023). A novel method to eliminate the bending-induced collapse of hexagonal honeycomb. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics. (IF 4.1)31. Hangyuan Luo, Hongshuai Wang, Zhiyong Zhao, Hongqian Xue, Yujun Li*, Mohammad Heidari-Rarani, Kai-Uwe Schroeder (2023). Experimental and numerical investigation on the failure behavior of Bouligand laminates under off-axis open-hole tensile loading.  Composite Structures. 313. (IF 6.6, TOP期刊)30. Qi Zhao, Jianjun Jiang*, Lingjing Zhang, Shaozhe Wang, Jiaxing Chen, Xuming Yao, Yujun Li* (2023). Simple and Mild Method for the Recycling of Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced Bismaleimide Resin Composite Waste. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. (IF 9.2, TOP期刊)29. Zhiyong Zhao, Chuang Liu*, Xiaowei Xu, Lishuai Sun, Junbiao Wang, Yujun Li* (2023). An FFT-based method for estimating the in-plane elastic properties of honeycomb considering geometric imperfections at large elastic deformation. Thin-Walled Structures. (IF 5.9)28. Yujun Li, Lishuai Sun*, Zhiyong Zhao, Chuang Liu, Xiaowei Xu, Junbiao Wang (2023). Analysis of cure-induced deformation of asymmetric C-shaped composite parts.  Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures. (IF 4.0)27. Lishuai Sun, Chuang Liu, Xiaowei Xu, Zhiyong Zhao, Junbiao Wang, Yujun Li* (2023). An integrated approach for rapidly and precisely predicting the spring-in of U-shaped composite parts with ply drop-offs. Thin-Walled Structures. (IF 5.9)26. Chao Yan, Xiaowei Xu, Tianli Wang, Yisheng Li, Yuning Wang, Xiaoqing Wu* and Yujun Li* (2022). Effect of Resin Pins on the Failure Behavior of Foam Core Sandwich Beams under Three-Point Loading. Acs Omega . (IF 4.1)25. Xing Chen, Jie Pu, Xuhui Hu, Le An, Jianjun Jiang* & Yujun Li* (2022). Confinement synthesis of bimetallic MOF-derived defect-rich nanofiber electrocatalysts for rechargeable Zn-air battery. Nano Research. .(IF 10.3, TOP期刊)24. Zhiyong Zhao, Hongshuai Wang, Chuang Liu*, Xiaowei Xu, Lishuai Sun, Junbiao Wang, Yujun Li*(2022).  An FFT-based method for uncertainty quantification of Nomex honeycomb's in-plane elastic properties. Composite Structures. (IF 6.6, TOP期刊)23. 闫恩玮 , 刘琦 , 薛红前 , 李玉军*(2022) . 复合材料 Z 型加筋壁板制造技术研究[J]. 航空制造技术 , 2022, 65(16): 85–91, 9722. Zhiyong Zhao, Chuang Liu, Haojun Wang, Jaan-Willem Simon, Junbiao Wang, Yujun Li* (2022). Crushing behavior of curved Nomex honeycombs under combined shear-compression loads. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. (IF 6.6, TOP期刊)21. 赵志勇, 袁昊, 刘闯, 李玉军, 孙立帅, 王俊彪(2022). 倾斜胞壁 Nomex 蜂窝芯压剪复合力学响应[J]. 复合材料学报 39, 1-9.20. Qi Zhao, Le An, Chuanbing Li, Lingling Zhang, Jianjun Jiang*, Yujun Li* (2022). Environment-friendly recycling of CFRP composites via gentle solvent system at atmospheric pressure. Composite Science and Technology. (IF 8.5, TOP期刊)19. Lishuai Sun, Chuang Liu, Yujun Li, Zhiyong Zhao, Junbiao Wang (2022). Analysis of spring-in of U-shaped composite parts with drop-off plies by FEA-RSM. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures. 1-17(IF 4.0)18. 孙立帅,刘闯,李玉军,赵志勇,王俊彪(2022). 变厚度复合材料 U 型零件固化变形仿真预测与结构影响因素[J]. 复合材料学报 39, 1-14.17. Hu Yi, Shaojie Pang, GuoyuYang, Xuming Yao, Chuanbing Li, Jianjun Jiang,* Yujun Li* (2022). MXene modified carbon fiber composites with improved mechanical properties based on electrophoretic deposition. Materials Research Bulletin. (IF 4.6)16. Jianxia Wang, Tianliang Qin, Narasimha Rao Mekala, Yujun Li*, Mohammad Heidari-Rarani, Kai-Uwe Schroeder (2022). Three-dimensional progressive damage and failure analysis of double-lap composite bolted joints under quasi-static tensile loading.  Composite Structures. (IF 5.4, TOP期刊)15. Guoyu Yang, Shaozhe Wang, Hongtai Sun, Xuming Yao, Chuanbing Li, Yujun Li*, Jianjun Jiang* (2021). Ultralight, Conductive Ti3C2Tx MXene/PEDOT: PSS Hybrid Aerogels for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Dominated by the Absorption Mechanism[J]. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. (IF 9.2, TOP期刊)14. Zhiyong Zhao, Chuang Liu, Lishuai Sun, Hangyuan Luo, Junbiao Wang, Yujun Li* (2021). Experimental and numerical study on the constrained bending-induced collapse of hexagonal honeycomb. Composite Structures. (IF 5.4, TOP期刊)13. 黄鲛, 陈婧旖, 罗磊, 李玉军, 张毅, 李斌 (2021). 基于数字图像技术的C/SiC复合材料拉伸行为与失效机制[J]. 复合材料学报, 0(0): 1-11.12. Xing Chen,   Jianjun Jiang*,   Guoyu Yang,   Chuanbing Li  and  Yujun Li* (2020). "Bioinspired wood-like coaxial fibers based on MXene@graphene oxide with superior mechanical and electrical properties." Nanoscale. (IF 7.8, TOP期刊)11. C. Li, Y. Li, Q. Zhao, Y. Luo, G. Yang, Y. Hu and J. Jiang* (2020) "Electromagnetic Interference Shielding of Graphene Aerogel with Layered Microstructure Fabricated via Mechanical Compression." ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. (IF 9.2, TOP期刊)10. Q. Zhao., J. Jiang*, C. Li and Y. Li (2020). "Efficient recycling of carbon fibers from amine-cured CFRP composites under facile condition." Polymer Degradation and Stability: 109268. (IF 3.8, TOP期刊)9. Li, S., J. Wang, Y. Yin, X. Li, L. Deng, X. Jiang, Z. Chen and Y. Li* (2020), et al. Investigating Effects of Bordered Pit Membrane Morphology and Properties on Plant Xylem Hydraulic Functions—A Case Study from 3D Reconstruction and Microflow Modelling of Pit Membranes in Angiosperm Xylem. Plants. 2020;9:231.(IF 2.6)8. Bedzra, R.*, Li, Y., Reese, S., & Simon, J. W. (2018). A comparison between a multi-surface and a non-quadratic plasticity model with application to the in-plane modelling of paperboard. Journal of Composite Materials. (IF 1.6)7. Li, Y.*, Yu, Z., Reese, S., & Simon, J. W. (2018). Evaluation of the out-of-plane response of fiber networks with a representative volume element model. Tappi Journal, 17(6), 329-339. (约搞,IF 0.8)6. Li, Y.*, Stapleton, S. E., Reese, S., & Simon, J. W. (2017). Anisotropic Elastic-plastic Deformation of Paper: Out-of-plane Model. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 130-131, 172-182. (IF 2.76, TOP期刊)5. Li, Y.*, Reese, S., & Simon, J. W. (2017). Modeling the fiber bridging effect in the cracked wood and paperboard using a cohesive zone model. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 196, 83-97. (IF 2.15)4. Li, Y.*, Stier, B., Bednarcyk, B., Simon, J. W., & Reese, S. (2016). The effect of fiber misalignment on the homogenized properties of unidirectional fiber reinforced composites. Mechanics of Materials, 92, 261-274. (IF 2.65)3. Li, Y.*, Stapleton, S. E., Simon, J. W., & Reese, S. (2016). Experimental and Numerical Study of Paperboard Interface Properties. Experimental Mechanics, 56(8), 1477-1488. (IF 2.09)2. Li, Y.*, Stapleton, S. E., Reese, S., & Simon, J. W. (2016). Anisotropic Elastic-plastic Deformation of Paper: In-plane Model. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 100-101, 286-296. (IF 2.76, TOP期刊)1. Si, C.-R., Zhang, X.-J., Wang, J.-b.*, &Li, Y. (2014). Design and evaluation of a Laval-type supersonic atomizer for low-pressure gas atomization of molten metals. International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials, 21(6), 627-635. (IF 0.94)--- 著作章节 ---Ahmad Alajami, Yujun Li, Jaan-Willem Simon. Chapter 1 Continuum Modelling of the Anisotropic Elastic-Plastic In-Plane Behavior of Paper in Small and Large Strains Regimes in Plasticity, Damage and Fracture in Advanced Materials, Holm Altenbach, MIchael Brunig, Zbigniew L. Kowalewski (editors), Springer, Switzerland, 2020, ISBN 978-3-030-34850-2.--- 会议论文 ---5. Y. Li, S. Reese, J.-W. Simon; "Anisotropic elastic-plastic deformation of paper: In-plane and out-of-plane model"; Proceedings of the ICCM 21st International Conference on Composite Materials; 2017; ICCM21, Xi’an (China), August 20-25, 2017.4. Y. Li, S. Stapleton, S. Reese, J.-W. Simon; "Multi-scale modeling of paper"; Progress in Paper Physics Seminar 2016 Conference Proceedings; Progress in Paper Physics Seminar 2016; 2016; PPPS2016, Darmstadt (Germany), August 22-26, 2016;3. Y. Li, J.-W. Simon, S. Stapleton, S. Reese; "An in-plane elastic-plastic model for the anisotropic deformation of paper"; Proceedings of the 3rd ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and 6th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics; 2015.2. J.-W. Simon, Y. Li, S. Reese; Eds.: E. Onate, J. Oliver, A. Huerta; "Modeling the creasing of paperboard"; Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics; 2014; 154-161; 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, WCCM XI, Barcelona (Spain), July 20-25, 2014.1. Y. Li, J.-W. Simon, S. Reese; "Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Paperboard Creasing"; Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics; Wiley; 2014; Vol 14 (1), 589-590, DOI: 10.1002/pamm.201410282; Erlangen (Germany), March 10-14, 2014--- 会议报告 ---Y. Li, J. Huang, L. Cheng, G. Cai, S. Li; Modeling the Fracture Behavior of Fiber Networks Using Discrete Element Method”; 16th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM16); July 2021. (Keynote speech)Y. Li, S. Reese, J.-W. Simon; "Network modeling of paper"; EUROMECH Colloquium 592 on Deformation and Damage Mechanisms of Wood-fibre Network-materials and Structures, Stockholm (Sweden); June 2017. (受邀报告)Y. Li, S. Reese, J.-W. Simon; "Anisotropic elastic-plastic deformation of paperboard"; 21st International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-21), Xi’an (China); August 2017.Y. Li, S. Reese, J.-W. Simon; "Multiscale modeling of paperboard"; SIG, Linnich (Germany); May 2017.Y. Li, S. Reese, J.-W. Simon; "Mechanical properties of paper: from micro to macro"; Océ (佳能荷兰研发中心), Venlo (Netherlands); November 2016.Y. Li, S. Reese, J.-W. Simon; "Paper microstructure modeling"; Graz University of Technology, Graz (Austria); June 2016.Y. Li, S. Stapleton, S. Reese, J.-W. Simon; "Microstructure modeling of paper"; Progress in Paper Physics Seminar (PPPS2016), Darmstadt (Germany); August 2016.Y. Li, S. Stapleton, S. Reese, J.-W. Simon; "Multiscale modeling of paper"; 2nd International Conference on Mechanics of Composites, Porto (Portugal); July 2016.Y. Li, S. Stapleton, S. Reese, J.-W. Simon; "Multiscale modeling of paper"; 17th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM17), Munich (Germany); June 2016.Y. Li, S. Reese, J.-W. Simon; "Anisotropic elastic-plastic deformation of paper"; Constitutive Modeling (AKstoff), Hannover (Germany); May 2016.Y. Li, J.-W. Simon, S. Stapleton, S. Reese; "Delamination in the creasing of paperboard"; 9th European Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC9), Madrid (Spain); July 2015.Y. Li, J.-W. Simon, S. Stapleton, S. Reese; "Investigation of the elastic-plastic behavior of paperboard composites"; 3rd ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference and 6th GACM Colloquium, Aachen (Germany); July 2015.Y. Li, J.-W. Simon, S. Stapleton, S. Reese; "Experimental and numerical investigation of paperboard creasing"; 18th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS18), Lisbon (Portugal); June 2015.Y. Li, J.-W. Simon, S. Reese; "Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Paperboard Creasing"; 86th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Erlangen (Germany); March 2014.


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