
主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 艾伟
学校 西北工业大学
部门 柔性电子研究院
学位 哲学博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 正高
联系方式 实用新型1875包写包过
邮箱 软件测试报告2199包写包过
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

综合介绍 General Introduction 可再生能源与电化学技术课题组(Group of Renewable Energy and Electrochemical Technology, GREET)在艾伟教授的带领下于2018年成立,主要研究领域为电化学能源材料与技术、柔性储能器件及其智能集成研究。GREET是一支充满朝气、思维活跃、勇于创新的研究队伍,期待“五心”青年的你加盟,共创未来! 个人相册


个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 2018.03 - 今,西北工业大学,教授,博导2011.09 - 2013.07,新加坡南洋理工大学,数理学院,研究助理 2013.08 - 2018.02,新加坡南洋理工大学,数理学院,物理与应用物理专业,理学博士  导师:于霆 教授2010.09 - 2013.04,南京邮电大学,信息材料与纳米技术研究院,光学专业,理学硕士导师:黄维 院士2006.09 - 2010.07,黑龙江大学,化学化工与材料学院,化学专业,理学学士 导师:付宏刚 教授


团队信息 Team Information 课题组实验室于2019年底投入使用,截止到2023年共培养博士毕业生1人和硕士毕业生9人。指导的学生获得奖励/荣誉如下:1.       2023年:1)博士研究生国家奖学金:王珂;2)研究生基金:王珂(博创基金);3)优秀研究生奖:王珂、刘磊、毕经煊、陈奔;4)优秀本科毕业论文:张逸轩;5)陕西省第七届研究生创新成果展校级二等奖:刘宇航,王珂;2.       2022年:1)优秀研究生奖:关婉晴、王珂;2)研究生校设奖学金:关婉晴(一等奖)、王珂(二等奖)。3.       2021年:1)博士研究生国家奖学金:刘磊;2)优秀研究生奖:孙晋蒙、刘磊、王珂;3)朗坤“首席科学家”奖学金:孙晋蒙(二等奖)、王珂(三等奖);4)第七届“建行杯”中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛校级三等奖:张逸轩、温纪元、李子杨、方逸申、王圣杰、李禹欧。5)大学生创新创业项目省级立项:张逸轩、李禹欧、方逸申、王圣杰。4.       2020年:1)优秀研究生奖:孙晋蒙、刘宇航;2)吴亚军奖学金:孙晋蒙;3)季文美专项奖学金:刘宇航;4)中航技专项奖学金:王珂;5)研究生基金:刘宇航(博创基金,重点)、吴乾鑫(种子基金);6)国家公派出国留学:孙晋蒙、刘宇航(国际合作)。5.       2019年:1)博士研究生国家奖学金:何松;2)研究生基金:孙晋蒙(博创基金)、刘磊(种子基金)。


科学研究 Scientific Research 近年来,以第一/通讯作者在Advanced Materials、Nano Letters等国际著名学术期刊上发表SCI收录论文60余篇,ESI高被引论文5篇,他引4200余次,H指数为34。申请/授权中国发明专利20项。相关研究成果获得同行专家和学者的广泛关注,多次被EurekAlert、Advances In Engineering、MaterialsView China等主流媒体选为研究亮点进行报道,并被陕西新闻联播、陕视新闻等多家新闻媒体关注报道。曾获得2022年陕西高等学校科学技术研究优秀成果一等奖、朗坤奖教金惟实(贡献)奖、国家优秀自费留学生奖学金等多项奖励。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目,军口国家级重点项目等7项。担任Frontiers in Chemistry评审编辑、《材料导报》“柔性电子”专刊客座编辑、国家自然科学基金函评专家、长江学者奖励计划通讯评审专家。


学术成果 Academic Achievements 20241.       Hongfang Du, Tingfeng Wang, Song He, Boxin Li, Ke Wang, Qing Chen, Zhuzhu Du, Wei Ai* and Wei Huang*. Mountain-shaped nickel nanostripes enabled by facet engineering of nickel foam: a new platform for high-current-density water splitting. Advanced Functional Materials, 2024, doi: 10.1002/adfm.202311854.2.       Zhuzhu Du, Wanqing Guan, Chen He, Yuhang Liu and Wei Ai*. Advances in graphene-based hosts for lithium metal anodes. Energy Storage Materials, 2024, 65, 103191.3.       Xiaomei Huo, Xin Gong, Yuhang Liu, Yonghui Yan, Zhuzhu Du and Wei Ai*. Conformal 3D Li/Li13Sn5 scaffolds anodes for high-areal energy density flexible lithium metal batteries. Advanced Science, 2024, doi: 10.1002/advs.202309254.4.       Lei Liu, Boxin Li, Jiaqi Wang, Hongfang Du, Zhuzhu Du and Wei Ai*. Molecular intercalation enables phase transition of MoSe2 for durable Na-ion storage. Small, 2024, doi: 10.1002/smll.202309647.5.       Tian Wang, Qiao Xi, Kai Yao, Yuhang Liu, Hao Fu, Venkata Siva Kavarthapu, Jun Kyu Lee, Wei Ai* and Jae Su Yu*. Surface patterning of metal zinc electrode with an in-region zincophilic interface for high-rate and long-cycle-life zinc metal anode. Nano-Micro Letters, 2024, Accepted.6.       Zhenkai Zhou, Xiaoqi Hu, Yuhang Liu, Siyu Li, Wanqing Guan, Zhuzhu Du and Wei Ai*. Stabilizing lithium-metal host anodes by covalently binding MgF2 nanodots to honeycomb carbon nanofibers. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2024, doi: 10.1021/acsami.3c12755.7.       Siyu Li#, Yuhang Liu#, Ke Wang#, Xiaoqi Hu, Wanqing Guan, Zhuzhu Du, Hongfang Du and Wei Ai*. Sustainable release of LiNO3 in carbonate electrolytes for stable lithium metal anodes. Chemical Communications, 2024, Accepted.20231.       Jingxuan Bi, Yuhang Liu, Zhuzhu Du, Ke Wang, Wanqing Guan, Haiwei Wu, Wei Ai* and Wei Huang*. Bottom-up magnesium deposition induced by paper-based triple-gradient scaffolds toward flexible magnesium metal batteries. Advanced Materials, 2023, doi: 10.1002/adma.202309339. (Highlighted by Advances in Engineering)2.       Song He#, Ke Wang#, Boxin Li, Hongfang Du*, Zhuzhu Du, Tingfeng Wang, Siyu Li, Wei Ai* and Wei Huang*. The secret of nanoarrays toward efficient electrochemical water splitting: a vision of self-dynamic electrolyte. Advanced Materials, 2023, 35(48), 2307017.3.       Jinmeng Sun, Yuhang Liu, Lei Liu, Jingxuan Bi, Siying Wang, Zhuzhu Du, Hongfang Du, Ke Wang, Wei Ai* and Wei Huang*. Interface engineering toward expedited Li2S deposition in lithium-sulfur batteries: a critical review. Advanced Materials, 2023, 35(29), 2211168.4.       Jingxuan Bi#, Zhuzhu Du#, Jinmeng Sun, Yuhang Liu, Ke Wang, Hongfang Du, Wei Ai* and Wei Huang*. On the road to the frontiers of lithium-ion batteries: a review and outlook of graphene anodes. Advanced Materials, 2023, 35(16), 2210734.5.       Yuhang Liu, Wanqing Guan, Siyu Li, Jingxuan Bi, Xiaoqi Hu, Zhuzhu Du, Hongfang Du, Wei Ai* and Wei Huang*. Sustainable dual-layered interface for long-lasting stabilization of lithium metal anodes. Advanced Energy Materials, 2023, 13(48), 2302695.6.       Wanqing Guan#, Tian Wang#, Yuhang Liu, Hongfang Du, Siyu Li, Zhuzhu Du and Wei Ai*. Impact of morphological dimensions in carbon-based interlayers on lithium metal anode stabilization. Advanced Energy Materials, 2023, 13(45), 2302565.7.       Lei Liu#, Zhuzhu Du#, Jiaqi Wang, Mengjun Li, Jingxuan Bi, Hongfang Du and Wei Ai*. A review of flexible potassium-ion based energy storage devices. Energy Storage Materials, 2023, 63, 103022.8.       Ke Wang#, Song He#, Boxin Li, Hongfang Du*, Tingfeng Wang, Zhuzhu Du, Linghai Xie and Wei Ai*. Relaying alkaline hydrogen evolution over locally amorphous Ni/Co-based phosphides constructed by diffusion-limited phase-transition. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2023, 339, 123136.9.       Yuhang Liu, Yifan Li, Zhuzhu Du*, Chen He, Jingxuan Bi, Siyu Li, Wanqing Guan, Hongfang Du and Wei Ai*. Integrated gradient Cu current collector enables bottom-up Li growth for Li metal anodes: role of interfacial structure. Advanced Science, 2023, 10(23), 2301288.10.     Lei Liu#, Zhuzhu Du#, Jiaqi Wang, Hongfang Du*, Sheng Wu, Mengjun Li, Yixuan Zhang, Jinmeng Sun, Zhipeng Sun* and Wei Ai*. Fast-charging sodium-ion batteries enabled by molecular-level designed nitrogen and phosphorus co-doped mesoporous soft carbon. Research, 2023, 6, 0209.11.     Lei Liu, Zhuzhu Du*, Jinmeng Sun, Song He, Ke Wang, Mengjun Li, Linghai Xie and Wei Ai*. Engineering the first coordination shell of single Zn atoms via molecular design strategy toward high-performance sodium-ion hybrid capacitors. Small, 2023, 19(21), 2300556.12.     Yuhang Liu, Chen He, Jingxuan Bi, Siyu Li, Hongfang Du*, Zhuzhu Du, Wanqing Guan and Wei Ai*. High-areal capacity, high-rate lithium metal anodes enabled by nitrogen-doped graphene mesh. Small, 2023, doi: 10.1002/smll.202305964.13.     Han Wu#, Ke Wang#,*, Mengjun Li, Yutao Wang, Zhu Zhu, Jiale Liang, Zhuzhu Du, Wei Ai*, Song He, Ruilong Yuan, Binwu Wang, Pan He, Jinsong Wu*. Double-walled NiTeSe-NiSe2 nanotubes anode for stable and high-rate sodium-ion batteries. Small, 2023, 19(22), 2300162.14.     Guowei Gao, Xiaochen Yang, Jingxuan Bi, Wanqing Guan, Zhuzhu Du* and Wei Ai*. Advanced engineering strategies for Li2S cathodes in lithium-sulfur batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2023, 11(48), 26318-26339. (Selected as the HOT article in Journal of Materials Chemistry A)15.     Ke Wang#,*, Ruilong Yuan#, Mengjun Li, Ying Huang, Wei Ai*, Zhuzhu Du, Pan He and Binwu Wang. Al3+ intercalated NH4V4O10 nanosheet on carbon cloth for high-performance aqueous zinc-ion batteries. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 471, 144655.16.     Zihan Gan#, Lei Liu#, Pengqi Hai, Long Li, Yuan Gao, Junyi Yin, Mingyan Li, Chao Wu, Wei Ai*, Yonghong Cheng* and Xin Xu*. Unleash sodium storage potential of MoS2 nanosheets: generating favorable kinetics from optimal crystallinity and elaborate structure. Journal of Power Sources, 2023, 570, 233028.17.     Zhuzhu Du#, Kai Yang#, Hongfang Du*, Boxin Li, Ke Wang, Song He, Tingfeng Wang and Wei Ai*. Facile and scalable synthesis of self-supported Zn-doped CuO nanosheet arrays for efficient nitrate reduction to ammonium. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15(4), 5172-5179.18.     Sheng Wu, Handong Peng, Le Huang, Yongsi Liu, Yanxue Wu, Lei Liu, Wei Ai* and Zhipeng Sun*. P-doped hard carbon microspheres for sodium-ion batteries anode with superior rate and cyclic performance. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2023, 10(20), 5908-5916. (Selected as the HOT article in Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers)19.     Ben Chen, Boxin Li, Jingxuan Bi, Hongfang Du*, Siying Wang, Lei Liu, Linghai Xie, Jinmeng Sun*, Zhuzhu Du and Wei Ai*. Li+ mobility powered by crystal compound for fast Li-S chemistry. Chemical Communications, 2023, 59(81), 12140-12143.20.     Yuhang Liu#, Yifan Li#, Jinmeng Sun, Zhuzhu Du, Xiaoqi Hu, Jingxuan Bi, Wei Ai* and Qingyu Yan*. Present and future of functionalized Cu current collectors for stabilizing lithium metal anodes. Nano Research Energy, 2023, 2, 9120048.21.     Zhenkai Zhou, Xiaomei Huo, Yuhang Liu, Siying Wang, Wanqing Guan, Zhuzhu Du and Wei Ai*. Advances in selenium sulfides cathodes for lithium/selenium-sulfur batteries. ACS Applied Engineering Materials, 2023, doi: 10.1021/acsaenm.3c00587.22.     Zhenjin Liu, Jiaqi Yang, Haiwei Wang, Jiaxin Zhang, Hua Bai, Bo Peng, Wei Ai, Hongfang Du*, Lin Li* and Peng Chen*. Recent progress in mitochondrial biofuel cells. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2023, 950, 117881.20221.       Hongfang Du#, Zhuzhu Du#, Tingfeng Wang, Boxin Li, Song He, Ke Wang, Linghai Xie, Wei Ai* and Wei Huang*. Unlocking interfacial electron transfer of ruthenium phosphides by homologous core-shell design toward efficient hydrogen evolution and oxidation. Advanced Materials, 2022, 34(37), 2204624.2.       Jinmeng Sun, Yuhang Liu, Lei Liu, Song He, Zhuzhu Du, Ke Wang, Linghai Xie, Hongfang Du and Wei Ai*. Expediting sulfur reduction/evolution reactions with integrated electrocatalytic network: a comprehensive kinetic map. Nano Letters, 2022, 22(9), 3728-3736.3.       Tian Wang, Jinmeng Sun, Yongbin Hua, Bolisetti Naga Vamsi Krishna, Qiao Xi, Wei Ai* and Jae Su Yu*. Planar and dendrite-free zinc deposition enabled by exposed crystal plane optimization of zinc anode. Energy Storage Materials, 2022, 53, 273-304.4.       Yuhang Liu, Jinmeng Sun, Xiaoqi Hu, Yifan Li, Hongfang Du, Ke Wang, Zhuzhu Du, Xin Gong, Wei Ai* and Wei Huang*. Lithiophilic sites dependency of lithium deposition in Li metal host anodes. Nano Energy, 2022, 94, 106883.5.       Wanqing Guan#, Xiaoqi Hu#, Yuhang Liu, Jinmeng Sun, Chen He, Zhuzhu Du, Jingxuan Bi, Ke Wang and Wei Ai*. Advances in the emerging gradient designs of Li metal hosts. Research, 2022, 2022, 9846537.6.       Hongfang Du#, Zhuzhu Du#, Tingfeng Wang, Song He, Kai Yang, Ke Wang, Linghai Xie, Wei Ai* and Wei Huang*. Interface engineering of tungsten carbide/phosphide heterostructures anchored on N,P-codoped carbon for high-efficiency hydrogen evolution reaction. Science China Materials, 2022, 65(4), 967-973.7.       Han Wu, Ruilong Yuan, Mengjun Li, Lei Liu, Yuhang Liu, Qing Song, Wei Ai*, Hongfang Du, Zhuzhu Du and Ke Wang*. Co0.85Se-Fe7Se8 nanocuboids embedded in reduced graphene oxides as cycle-stable anodes for sodium-ion batteries. Carbon, 2022, 198, 171-178.8.       Jiuwei Gao#, Yubo Fan#, Qingtian Zhang#, Lei Luo, Xiaoqi Hu, Yue Li, Juncai Song, Hanjun Jiang, Xiaoyu Gao, Lu Zheng, Wu Zhao, Zhenhua Wang, Wei Ai, Yuan Wei, Qianbo Lu, Manzhang Xu, Yongtian Wang, Weitao Song*, Xuewen Wang* and Wei Huang*. Ultra-robust and extensible fibrous mechanical sensors for wearable smart healthcare. Advanced Materials, 2022, 34(20), 2107511.9.       Yuan Gao#, Pengqi Hai#, Lei Liu, Junyi Yin, Zihan Gan, Wei Ai, Chao Wu*, Yonghong Cheng* and Xin Xu*. Balanced crystallinity and nanostructure for SnS2 nanosheets through optimized calcination temperature toward enhanced pseudocapacitive Na+ storage. ACS Nano, 2022, 16(9), 14745-14753.20211.       Jinmeng Sun#, Zhuzhu Du#, Yuhang Liu, Wei Ai*, Ke Wang, Tian Wang, Hongfang Du*, Lei Liu and Wei Huang*. State-of-the-art and future challenges in high energy lithium-selenium batteries. Advanced Materials, 2021, 33(10), 2003845. (Selected as a Frontispiece)2.       Ke Wang, Hongfang Du*, Song He, Lei Liu, Kai Yang, Jinmeng Sun, Yuhang Liu, Zhuzhu Du, Linghai Xie, Wei Ai* and Wei Huang*. Kinetically controlled, scalable synthesis of γ-FeOOH nanosheet arrays on nickel foam toward efficient oxygen evolution: the key role of in-situ-generated γ-NiOOH. Advanced Materials, 2021, 33(11), 2005587.3.       Xuewan Wang, Jinmeng Sun, Tingting Li, Zhongxin Song, Dan Wu, Bin Zhao, Kun Xiang, Wei Ai*, Xianzhu Fu* and Jingli Luo*. Folic acid self-assembly synthesis of ultrathin N-doped carbon nanosheets with single-atom metal catalysts. Energy Storage Materials, 2021, 36, 409-416.4.       Tian Wang, Qiao Xi, Ke Wang, Zhichao Zeng, Zhuzhu Du*, Zhanwei Xu, Linghai Xie, Wei Ai* and Wei Huang. Covalently binding ultrafine MoS2 particles to N, S co-doped carbon renders excellent Na storage performances. Carbon, 2021, 184, 177-185.5.       Lei Liu#, Jie Xu#, Jinmeng Sun, Song He, Ke Wang, Yanan Chen*, Shuming Dou, Zhuzhu Du, Hongfang Du, Wei Ai* and Wei Huang*. A stable and ultrafast K ion storage anode based on phase-engineered MoSe2. Chemical Communications, 2021, 57(32), 3885-3888.6.       Yaobin Xu#, Ke Wang#, Zhenpeng Yao#, Joohoon Kang, David Lam, Dan Yang, Wei Ai, Chris Wolverton, Mark C. Hersam, Ying Huang, Wei Huang, Vinayak P. Dravid* and Jinsong Wu*. In situ, atomic-resolution observation of lithiation and sodiation of WS2 nanoflakes: implications for lithium-ion and sodium-ion batteries. Small, 2021, 17(24), 2100637. (Selected as a Frontispiece)7.       Ke Wang, Yaobin Xu, Han Wu, Ruilong Yuan, Meng Zong, Yuan Li, Vinayak Dravid, Wei Ai and Jinsong Wu*. A hybrid lithium storage mechanism of hard carbon enhances its performance as anodes for lithium-ion batteries. Carbon, 2021, 178, 443-450.8.       Lishu Wu#, Chunxiao Cong#,*, Jingzhi Shang*, Weihuang Yang, Yu Chen, Jiadong Zhou, Wei Ai, Yanlong Wang, Shun Feng, Hongbo Zhang, Zheng Liu and Ting Yu*. Raman scattering investigation of twisted WS2/MoS2 heterostructures: interlayer mechanical coupling versus charge transfer. Nano Research, 2021, 14(7), 2215-2223.20201.       Jinmeng Sun, Yuhang Liu, Hongfang Du, Song He, Lei Liu, Zhenqian Fu, Linghai Xie, Wei Ai* and Wei Huang*. Molecularly designed N, S co-doped carbon nanowalls decorated on graphene as a highly efficient sulfur reservoir for Li-S batteries: a supramolecular strategy. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020, 8(11), 5449-5457. (Selected as an Inside Back Cover)2.       Lei Liu#, Jinmeng Sun#, Zhuzhu Du*, Ke Wang, Yuhang Liu, Song He, Hongfang Du, Wei Ai* and Wei Huang*. High-performance sodium-ion anodes enabled by a low temperature molten salt approach. Chemical Communications, 2020, 56(77), 11422-11425.3.       Song He, Hongfang Du*, Ke Wang, Qianchi Liu, Jinmeng Sun, Yuhang Liu, Zhuzhu Du, Linghai Xie, Wei Ai* and Wei Huang*. Low-temperature molten salt synthesis of MoS2@CoS2 heterostructures for efficient hydrogen evolution reaction. Chemical Communications, 2020, 56(41), 5548-5551.4.       Wei Ai* and Jinmeng Sun. Molecular design of N, S dual-doped carbon nanowalls attached on graphene sheets as an efficient sulfur reservoir. 材料导报, 2020, 34(17), 17001-17002.5.       Wei Ai* and Song He. Low-temperature synthesis of MoS2@CoS2 heterostructures in KSCN molten salt for efficient hydrogen evolution reaction. 材料导报, 2020, 34(18), 18001-18002.6.       Hongfang Du, Ke Wang, Song He, Kai Yang, Wei Ai* and Wei Huang*. Defect-rich crystalline WSe2 nanosheets as efficient electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction. 材料导报, 2020, 34(1), 1195-1200.7.       Yifan Li#, Yuhang Liu#, Jinmeng Sun, Qianxin Wu, Xin Gong, Hongfang Du, Wei Ai* and Wei Huang*. 柔性储能器件的电极设计研究进展. 材料导报, 2020, 34(1), 1177-1186.8.       Zhuzhu Du, Wei Ai, Chenyang Yu, Yujiao Gong, Ruyi Chen, Gengzhi Sun* and Wei Huang*. A facile grinding approach to embed red phosphorus in N,P-codoped hierarchical porous carbon for superior lithium storage. Science China Materials, 2020, 63(1), 55-61.20191.       Yuhang Liu, Jinmeng Sun, Hongfang Du, Song He, Linghai Xie, Wei Ai* and Wei Huang*. A long-cycling anode based on a coral-like Sn nanostructure with a binary binder. Chemical Communications, 2019, 55(70), 10460-10463.2.       Xin Xu, Ruisheng Zhao, Bo Chen, Lishu Wu, Chenji Zou, Wei Ai, Hua Zhang, Wei Huang* and Ting Yu*. Progressively exposing active facets of 2D nanosheets toward enhanced pseudocapacitive response and high-rate sodium storage. Advanced Materials, 2019, 31(17), 1900526.20181.       Wei Ai, Zhennan Huang, Lishu Wu, Zhuzhu Du, Chenji Zou, Ziyang He, Reza Shahbazian-Yassar, Wei Huang* and Ting Yu*. High-rate, long cycle-life Li-ion battery anodes enabled by ultrasmall tin-based nanoparticles encapsulation. Energy Storage Materials, 2018, 14, 169-178.2.       Wei Ai#, Jiewei Li#, Zhuzhu Du, Chenji Zou, Hongfang Du, Xin Xu, Yu Chen, Hongbo Zhang, Jianfeng Zhao, Changming Li, Wei Huang* and Ting Yu*. Dual confinement of polysulfides in boron-doped porous carbon sphere/graphene hybrid for advanced Li-S batteries. Nano Research, 2018, 11(9), 4562-4573.3.       Xin Xu, Ruisheng Zhao, Wei Ai, Bo Chen, Hongfang Du, Lishu Wu, Hua Zhang, Wei Huang* and Ting Yu*. Controllable design of MoS2 nanosheets anchored on nitrogen-doped graphene: toward fast sodium storage by tunable pseudocapacitance. Advanced Materials, 2018, 30(27), 1800658.4.       Hongfang Du, Wei Ai, Zhiliang Zhao, Yu Chen, Xin Xu, Chenji Zou, Lishu Wu, Lan Su, Kaikai Nan, Ting Yu* and Changming Li*. Engineering morphologies of cobalt pyrophosphates nanostructures toward greatly enhanced electrocatalytic performance of oxygen evolution reaction. Small, 2018, 14(31), 1801068.5.       Chao Wu, Chunxian Guo, Jinggao Wu, Wei Ai, Ting Yu* and Changming Li*. Construction of a stable lithium sulfide membrane to greatly confine polysulfides for high performance lithium-sulfur batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6(18), 8655-8661.6.       Zhuzhu Du, Wei Ai, Jun Yang, Yujiao Gong, Chenyang Yu, Jianfeng Zhao, Xiaochen Dong, Gengzhi Sun* and Wei Huang*. In situ fabrication of Ni2P nanoparticles embedded in nitrogen and phosphorus codoped carbon nanofibers as a superior anode for Li-ion batteries. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2018, 6 (11), 14795-14801.Before 20181.       Wei Ai, Weiwei Zhou, Zhuzhu Du, Chencheng Sun, Jun Yang, Yu Chen, Zhipeng Sun, Shun Feng, Jianfeng Zhao, Xiaochen Dong, Wei Huang* and Ting Yu*. Toward high energy organic cathodes for Li-ion batteries: a case study of vat dye/graphene composites. Advanced Functional Materials, 2017, 27(19), 1603603.2.       Wei Ai, Weiwei Zhou, Zhuzhu Du, Yu Chen, Zhipeng Sun, Chao Wu, Chenji Zou, Changming Li, Wei Huang* and Ting Yu*. Nitrogen and phosphorus codoped hierarchically porous carbon as an efficient sulfur host for Li-S batteries. Energy Storage Materials, 2017, 6, 112-118.3.       Wei Ai, Xuewan Wang, Chenji Zou, Zhuzhu Du, Zhanxi Fan, Hua Zhang, Peng Chen, Ting Yu* and Wei Huang*. Molecular-level design of hierarchically porous carbons codoped with nitrogen and phosphorus capable of in situ self-activation for sustainable energy systems. Small, 2017, 13(8), 1602010.4.       Zhuzhu Du, Wei Ai, Chencheng Sun, Chenji Zou, Jianfeng Zhao, Yu Chen, Xiaochen Dong, Juqing Liu*, Gengzhi Sun, Ting Yu* and Wei Huang*. Engineering the Li storage properties of graphene anodes: defect evolution and pore structure regulation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8(49), 33712-33722.5.       Jianfeng Zhao, Renping Li, Wei Ai, Dai Dong, Jiewei Li, Lin Chen, Linghai Xie*, Ting Yu* and Wei Huang*. Π-extended diindole-fused azapentacenone: facile synthesis, characterization, photophysical and lithium storage properties. Chemistry-An Asian Journal, 2016, 11(9), 1382-1387.6.       Wei Ai, Jian Jiang, Jianhui Zhu, Zhanxi Fan, Yanlong Wang, Hua Zhang, Wei Huang* and Ting Yu*. Supramolecular polymerization promoted in situ fabrication of nitrogen-doped porous graphene sheets as anode materials for Li-ion batteries. Advanced Energy Materials, 2015, 5(15), 1500559.7.       Wei Ai, Jianhui Zhu, Jian Jiang, Dongliang Chao, Yanlong Wang, Chin Fan Ng, Xiuli Wang, Chao Wu, Changming Li, Zexiang Shen, Wei Huang* and Ting Yu*. Surfactant-assisted encapsulation of uniform SnO2 nanoparticles in graphene layers for high-performance Li-storage. 2D Materials, 2015, 2(1), 014005.8.       Jian Jiang#, Jianhui Zhu#, Wei Ai, Xiuli Wang, Yanlong Wang, Chenji Zou, Wei Huang* and Ting Yu*. Encapsulation of sulfur with thin-layered nickel-based hydroxides for long-cyclic lithium-sulfur cells. Nature Communications, 2015, 6, 8622.9.       Xuewan Wang, Wei Ai, Nan Li, Ting Yu and Peng Chen*. Graphene-bacteria composite for oxygen reduction and lithium ion battery. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3(24), 12873-12879.10.     Wei Ai, Zhimin Luo, Jian Jiang, Jianhui Zhu, Zhuzhu Du, Zhanxi Fan, Linghai Xie, Hua Zhang, Wei Huang* and Ting Yu*. Nitrogen and sulfur codoped graphene: multifunctional electrode materials for high performance Li-ion batteries and oxygen reduction reaction. Advanced Materials, 2014, 26(35), 6186-6192.11.     Wei Ai, Xiehong Cao, Zhipeng Sun, Jian Jiang, Zhuzhu Du, Linghai Xie, Yanlong Wang, Xingjue Wang, Hua Zhang, Wei Huang* and Ting Yu*. Redox-crosslinked graphene networks with enhanced electrochemical capacitance. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014, 2(32), 12924-12930.12.     Wei Ai, Zhuzhu Du, Zhanxi Fan, Jian Jiang, Yanlong Wang, Hua Zhang, Linghai Xie, Wei Huang* and Ting Yu*. Chemically engineered graphene oxide as high performance cathode materials for Li-ion batteries. Carbon, 2014, 76, 148-154.13.     Jian Jiang#, Jianhui Zhu#, Wei Ai, Zhanxi Fan, Xiaonan Shen, Chenji Zou, Jinping Liu, Hua Zhang and Ting Yu*. Evolution of disposable bamboo chopsticks into uniform carbon fibers: a smart strategy to fabricate sustainable anodes for Li-ion batteries. 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