
主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 刘佩进
学校 西北工业大学
部门 航天学院
学位 工学博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 正高
联系方式 实用新型1875包写包过
邮箱 软件测试报告2199包写包过
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

个人经历 personal experience 教育经历 1990~1994 西北工业大学航天学院,本科生 1994~1997 西北工业大学航天学院,硕士生 1997~2002 西北工业大学航天学院,博士生


教育教学 Education and teaching 教育教学 招生信息 研究方向:1. 火箭基组合推进(RBCC)2. 火箭发动机燃烧不稳定:火箭发动机燃烧稳定性分析与抑制,推进剂燃烧响应,金属与含能材料燃烧3. 激光燃烧诊断 :数字全息,吸收光谱讲授课程:研究生:燃烧诊断学,燃烧不稳定理论本科生:航天推进理论基础,领域导论 招生航空宇航推进理论与工程,工程热物理的硕士与博士研究生,专业型硕士。


荣誉获奖 Awards Information 1.国家技术发明二等奖,第四获奖人,2011年 2.省部级技术发明二等奖,第二获奖人,2016年


学术成果 Academic Achievements 教材与专著1. 刘佩进,唐金兰主编,航天推进理论基础(工信部“十二五”规划教材),西北工业大学出版社,2016.22. 刘佩进,何国强等,固体火箭发动机燃烧不稳定及控制技术,西北工业大学出版社,2015.013. 唐金兰,刘佩进主编,固体火箭发动机原理,国防工业出版社,2013.02发表论文(Selected)1. Peijin Liu, Muxin Wang(王牧昕), Wenjing Yang(杨文婧), Vikrant Gupta, Yu Guan(关昱), Larry K.B. Li, Modified computation of the nozzle damping coefficient in solid rocket motors, Acta Astronautica, 143 (2018), 391–3972. Pei-jin Liu, Lin-lin Liu*(刘林林), Guo-qiang He(何国强), Effect of solid oxidizers on the thermal oxidation and combustion performance of amorphous boron, J Therm Anal Calorim, 2016, 124: 1587-1593 3. 刘佩进,金秉宁,魏祥庚,杨文婧,刘鑫,纪晓婷, 固体推进剂非线性压强耦合响应特性分析, 推进技术,2016,37 (9) : 1601-16084. 金秉宁,刘佩进,徐冠宇,AP 多粒度级配固体推进剂非稳态燃烧响应模型,含能材料,2020,28(4):291-299(封面文章)5. 金秉宁,王志新,刘佩进*,徐庚,同轴数字全息用于铝燃烧颗粒的测量研究,推进技术,2019,40 (6) : 1399-14086. 金秉宁,刘佩进*,魏少娟,固体推进剂非线性压强耦合响应特性实验研究,含能材料,2019,27(4):290-2967. 金秉宁,刘佩进*,Hichem Rezaiguia,魏少娟,徐冠宇, 固体推进剂速度耦合响应函数测量实验方法研究, 推进技术,2019,40 (1) : 192-1988. Wei He(何伟), Wen Ao, Pei-jin Liu*, Qi-Long Yan*, et. al., Metastable energetic nanocomposites of MOF-activated aluminum featured with multi-level energy releases,Chemical Engineering Journal 381 (2020) 1226239. Lei Shi(石磊)  ,Peijin Liu*  , Fei Qin, et. al., Research and development on inlets for rocket based combined cycle engines,  Progress in Aerospace Sciences  117 (2020) 10063910. Bing-ning Jin(金秉宁), Zhi-xin Wang, Geng Xu, Wen Ao, Pei-jin Liu *a Three-dimensional spatial distributions of agglomerated particles on and near the burning surface of aluminized solid propellant using morphological digital in-line holography, Aerospace Science and Technology 106 (2020) 10606611. Wei He, Jie-Yao Lyu, De-Yun Tang, Guo-Qiang He*, Pei-Jin Liu*, Qi-Long Yan*, Control the combustion behavior of solid propellants by using core-shell Al-based composites, Combustion and Flame 221 (2020) 441–45212. Wen Ao*(敖文), Pei-jin Liu*, Huan Liu, et. al., Tuning the agglomeration and combustion characteristics of aluminized propellants via a new functionalized fluoropolymer, Chemical Engineering Journal 382 (2020) 12298713. Guanyu Xu(徐冠宇), Peijin Liu*, Wen Ao, Bingning Jin, Interactions between turbulent flow and diffusion flame of composite propellant in a solid rocket motor with sidewall mass injection, Aerospace Science and Technology 102 (2020) 10587214. Zhuopu Wang(王琢璞), Peijin Liu*, Wen Ao, A reduced-order model of thermoacoustic instability in solid rocket motors, Aerospace Science and Technology 97 (2020) 10561515. Huan Liu(刘欢), Wen Ao*, Peijin Liu*, et. al., Effect of RDX content on the agglomeration, combustion and condensed combustion products of an aluminized HTPB propellant, Acta Astronautica 170 (2020) 198–20516. Yang Li(李阳), Zhuopu Wang*, and Peijin Liu, On the grid dependence of hydrodynamic stability analysis in solid rocket motors, Phys. Fluids 32, 034103 (2020)17. De-Yun Tang(唐德云), Jieyao Lyu, Wei He, Jin Chen, Guangcheng Yang, Peijin Liu*, Qi-Long Yan, Metastable intermixed Core-shell Al@M(IO3)x nanocomposites with improved combustion efficiency by using tannic acid as a functional interfacial lay, Chemical Engineering Journal 384 (2020) 12336918. Wei He , Bowen Tao , Zhijian Yang, Guangcheng Yang, Xiang Guo , Pei-jin Liu*, Qi-Long Yan*, Mussel-inspired polydopamine-directed crystal growth of core-shell n-Al@PDA@CuO metastable intermixed composites,Chemical Engineering Journal 369 (2016) 1093-110119. Guanyu Xu, Peijin Liu*, Wen Ao, Bingning JinTheoretical study of the flame describing function of AP/HTPB propellant flame based on sandwich model, Acta Astronautica 162 (2019) 207–21520. Beilin Zuo(左蓓璘), Peijin Liu*, Qi-Long Yan*, et. al., Fabrication of Si@AP/NC metastable intermixed nanocomposites (MICs) by electrospray method and their thermal reactivity, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1007/s42114-019-00098-421. Wei He, Pei-jin Liu*, Qi-Long Yan*, et. al., Tuning the Reactivity of Metastable Intermixed Composite n-Al/PTFE by Polydopamine Interfacial Control, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2018, 10, 38, 32849-3285822. Qi-Long Yan(严启龙), Pei-Jin Liu*, Michael Gozin*, et. al., Photosensitive but mechanically insensitive graphene oxide-carbohydrazide-metal hybrid crystalline energetic nanomaterials, Chemical Engineering Journal, 338 (2018) 240–24723. Hichem Rezaiguia, Peijin Liu*, Tianhao Yang, Flame response of solid propellant AP/Al/HTPB to a longitudinal acoustic wave, International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics, 2017, 9(4), 241-25924. Wen Ao, Xin Liu(刘鑫), Hichem Rezaiguia, Huan Liu, Zhixin Wang, Peijin Liu*, Aluminum agglomeration involving the second mergence of agglomerates on the solid propellants burning surface: Experiments and modeling, Acta Astronautica 136 (2017) 219–229


社会兼职 Social Appointments 中国航空学会会员陕西省工程热物理学会副理事长《推进技术》期刊编委

