姓名 | 巫荣海 |
教师编号 | 4873 |
性别 | 男 |
学校 | 西北工业大学 |
部门 | 力学与土木建筑学院 |
学位 | 工学博士学位 |
学历 | 博士研究生毕业 |
职称 | 副高 |
联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
邮箱 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
人气 | |
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综合介绍 General Introduction 1989年8月生,江西赣县人。研究方向:主要采用分子动力学、位错动力学、介观相场法、宏观唯象建模、机器学习等多尺度计算模拟方法,解决材料变形损伤与寿命预测相关科学和工程问题。主持国家自然科学基金、“两机”专项子课题、“XX软件”专项子课题、重点研发计划“先进结构与复合材料”专项子课题、省自然科学基金、国家重点实验室开放课题等项目十余项。以第一作者在JMPS(1篇)、IJP(2篇)、PRB(1篇)、Scipta Mater.(1篇)等期刊发表论文十余篇,授权专利与软件著作权4项。在国内外知名学术会议作邀请报告7次。国家自然科学基金、工信部专项等函评专家。论文列表 https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=4vFUZjUAAAAJ&hl=zh-CNhttps://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ronghai-Wu-2 招生信息每年招收研究生若干名,欢迎力学、机械、航宇、材料、土木、物理等专业背景的同学邮件咨询,承诺亲自带学生开展科研,与欧美知名教授及国内众多研究院所和企业开展长期合作,推荐工作和赴欧美深造机会。毕业生信息张宇凡,2020级硕士,在推荐下于2023年赴德国读博(德方出资)。王正,2020级硕士,在推荐下于2023年入职安世亚太(前ANSYS亚太区总代理,现国内工业软件领头羊)。 个人相册 教育教学个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 2018.04-2023.04,准聘副教授,西北工业大学力学与土木建筑学院工程力学系2023.05-至今,长聘副教授,西北工业大学力学与土木建筑学院工程力学系 2006.09-2010.07,学士,西北工业大学材料成型与控制工程系;2010.09-2013.07,硕士,中南大学材料加工工程系;2013.09-2017.12,博士,德国埃尔朗根-纽伦堡大学材料模拟系。 荣誉获奖教育教学 Education and teaching 教育信息 主讲本科课程《金属学原理》、《流固耦合》、《晶体细观力学》和《制造技术》(部分学时,全英) 科学研究社会兼职 Social Appointments 《Acta Materialia》、《Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics》、《Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation》、《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》、《Materials Research Letters》、《Solid State Communications》、《Materials Research Express》、《Scientific Reports》、《Journal of Nuclear Materials》、《Crystals》、《Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering》 (MSMSE)等期刊审稿人。英国物理协会(IOP)“IOP Trusted Reviewer”, MSMSE 2020年和2021年 "Outstanding Reviewer",《Materials》 and 《Crystals》 Guest Editor,《应用力学学报》青年编委。 学术成果学术成果 Academic Achievements 代表性论文2022[1] R. Wu*, M. Zaiser*. Thermodynamic considerations on a class of dislocation-based constitutive models, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 159 (2022): 104735. (固体力学顶级期刊)[2] R. Wu*, Y. Zhang. Phase-field, dislocation based plasticity and damage coupled model: modelling and application to single crystal superalloys, International Journal of Plasticity, (2022): 103376.(固体力学与机械工程顶级期刊)2021[1] R. Wu, M. Zaiser*, Cell structure formation in a two-dimensional density-based dislocation dynamics model, Materials Theory, 5 (2021), 1-22.(材料理论权威新期刊)[2] R. Wu*, Y Zhao*, Q Yin, et al., Atomistic simulation studies of Ni-based superalloys, Journal Alloys and Compounds, 855 (2021), 157355.[3] R. Wu*, Q Yin, J Wang, et al., Effect of Re on mechanical properties of single crystal Ni-based superalloys: Insights from first-principle and molecular dynamics, Journal Alloys and Compounds, 862 (2021), 158643.[4] S. Chen, J. Wang*, R. Wu*, et al., Insights into the nucleation, grain growth and phase transformation behaviours of sputtered metastable β-W films, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 90 (2021), 66-75.[5] Q. Yin, R. Wu*,J. Wang, et al., Elastoplastic behavior of the γ-phase in Ni-based single crystal superalloys: A molecular dynamics study considering Re and temperature effect, Mechanics of Materials, (2021) 103989.2020[1] R. Wu*, Y Zhao*, Y Liu, et al., High temperature creep mechanisms of a single crystal superalloy: A phase-field simulation and microstructure characterization, Progress in Natural Science: Materials International,30 (2020)366-370.2019[1] R. Wu*, M. Zaiser, Cyclic loading-microstructure-property relation from mesoscale perspective: An example of single crystal Nickel-based superalloys, Journal Alloys and Compounds, 770 (2019) 964-971.[2] R. Wu*, Z. Yue, M. Wang, Effect of initial γ/γ′ microstructure on creep of single crystal nickel-based superalloys: A phase-field simulation incorporating dislocation dynamics, Journal Alloys and Compounds, 779 (2019) 326-334.2018[1] R. Wu, D. Tüzes, P. Ispánovity, I. Groma, T. Hochrainer, and M. Zaiser*, Instability of dislocation fluxes in a single slip: Deterministic and stochasticmodels of dislocation patterning, Physical Reivew B, 98 (2018) 054110.(凝聚态物理顶级期刊)Before 2018[1] R. Wu, M. Zaiser, S. Sandfeld*, A continuum approach to combined γ/γ’ evolution and dislocation plasticity in Nickel-based superalloys, International Journal of Plasticity, 95 (2017) 142-162.(固体力学与机械工程顶级期刊)[2] R. Wu, S. Sandfeld*, Insights from a minimal model of dislocation-assisted rafting in single crystal Nickel-based superalloys, Scripta Materialia, 123 (2016) 42-45.(金属材料顶级期刊)[3] R. Wu*, S. Sandfeld, A dislocation dynamics-assisted phase field model for Nickel-based superalloys: the role of initial dislocation density and external stress during creep, Journal Alloys and Compounds, 703 (2017) 389-395. 综合介绍学术活动 Professional Activities [1] 2014.02 , Symposium of Dislocation Based Plasticity, Schontal, Germany.[2] 2015.08 , 17th International Conference on the Strength of Materials, Brno, Czech.[3] 2016.02 , TMS 145th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Nashville, USA.[4] 2016.09 , 15th European Mechanics of Materials Conference, Brussel, Belgium.[5] 2016.10 , 8th Multiscale Materials Modeling International Conference, Dijon, France.[6] 2017.02 , Interims Workshop of FOR 1650 Dislocation-based Plasticity, Karlsruher, Germany.[7] 2017.07, Hael Mughrabi Honorary Symposium & 28th Colloquium on Fatigue Mechanisms, Erlangen, Germany.[8] 2019.04, 2019 International conference on phase-field method and related methods, Guilin, China.[9] 2019.07, 2019 中国材料大会高温结构材料与防护涂层分会, 成都, 中国,邀请报告.[10] 2019.07,5th International Symposium on Microscopy and Microanalysis of Materials,Beijing, China, invited talk.[11] 2019.08, 2019 中国力学大会, 杭州, 中国.[12] 2019.09, 第二届合金模拟方法与应用暨材料基因工程多尺度模拟研讨会, 西安, 中国,邀请报告.[13] 2020.01, 2020 International Conference on Plasticity, Damage & Fracture, Cankun, Mexico, invited talk.[14] 2020.09, 2020 中国有色金属学会青年科技论坛, 南宁,广西, 特邀报告,分会场主席.[15] 2020.11, 中国力学学会固体力学青年学术沙龙, 线上, 邀请报告.[16] 2021.05, 损伤与断裂力学及其工程应用研讨会, 武汉.[17] 2021.09, 2021 International Conference on Phase-Field Method and Related Methods, Xi'an, China, Invited Talk. |