
主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 彭勃
学校 西北工业大学
部门 柔性电子研究院
学位 哲学博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 副高
联系方式 18327056271
邮箱 iambpeng@nwpu.edu.cn
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 2017.9-2019.9 蒙纳什大学        博士后研究员2019.9-今        西北工业大学    副教授学术兼职2020.9-今        蒙纳士大学      资深客座研究员2022.1-今        Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis    青年编委2021.8-今        Frontiers in Lab on a Chip Technologies    客座编辑2022.9-今        陕西省中西医结合学会    常务委员 2013年8月 – 2017年8月,新加坡国立大学,化学系,博士,导师: 姚少钦教授2011年9月 – 2012年10月,伦敦大学学院,药学院,硕士,导师: 杨敏博士2006年9月 – 2011年6月,华中科技大学同济医学院,药学院,学士


教育教学 Education and teaching 招生信息 课题组长期招收硕士、博士研究生,欢迎具有有机化学、生物学、生物医学工程、材料化学、电子信息等教育背景的同学报考!课题组经费充足,设备完善,课题组与国际多所高校和知名实验室有密切合作,包括澳大利亚蒙纳士大学Nicolas Voelcker院士、美国北卡大学教堂山分校以及新加坡国立大学姚少钦教授等。欢迎对本课题组科研项目感兴趣,并具有科研热情的同学加入本课题组。欢迎随时联系。意向博士研究生及博士后研究员的同学,也可与我联系。


科学研究 Scientific Research 大脑疾病,如脑肿瘤、阿兹海默病以帕金森病给患者其家庭带来了巨大的痛苦和财产损失,但迄今尚未发现治愈这些疾病的手段。 其既因为疾病机理尚不明确,亦由于血脑屏障将许多高活性化合物阻挡在了病灶之外。因此,一个高度模拟大脑疾病且准确预测药物血脑 屏障通透性的模型将极大地促进大脑疾病治疗的研究。本课题组针对大脑疾病难诊断及治疗等问题,开展以下四大研究方向:1. 基于微流控的器官芯片技术制备具有高度模拟人大脑疾病及血脑屏障功能的体外模型,用于疾病的诊断、治疗方案的评价体系;2. 通过应激-反应化学,结合纳米递送体系、或水凝胶系统,针对多种疾病,实现病灶区域的定点、定时的可控药物释放、水凝胶改性等多种应用;3. 利用小分子荧光探针及纳米材料技术,实现线粒体的抓取及纯化,从而通过线粒体细胞治疗,实现部分衰老相关疾病的病程逆转及治疗;4. 基于深度学习算法,通过超分辨显微成像,识别并预测线粒体功能、命运,用于疾病快速诊断以及评估疾病治疗效果。目前主持及参与项目:1. 具有血脑屏障功能的帕金森仿生芯片的构建与性能,国家自然科学基金(青年项目,在研),2021.1-2023.12,项目负责人;2. 脑器官芯片结合光学成像跟踪糖尿病对神经-血管功能损伤,武汉光电国家研究中心开放课题(在研),2023.1-2025.12,项目负责人;3. 恶性胶质瘤仿生芯片的设计与制备,科技部高端外国专家引进计划,2022.1-2023.12,项目负责人;4. 基于荧光探针的线粒体纯化与替换技术的研究,宁波市自然科学基金(一般项目,在研),2021.1-2022.11,项目负责人;5. 具有血脑屏障功能的恶性胶质瘤仿生芯片的构建,陕西省重点研发计划(国际科技合作项目,在研),2021.1-2022.12,项目负责人;6. 具有血脑屏障功能的帕金森仿生芯片的制备和研究,柔性电子研究院自选课题(一般项目,在研),2020.1-2021.12,项目负责人;参与项目:7. 血脑屏障芯片用于纳米材料的筛选平台,西北工业大学新进教师启动经费,项目负责人,2020.1-2022.12;8. Screening of EVs as natural nanocarriers using a B3-chip. PharmAlliance Tier 2, 2019.10-2021.11,主要参与人;. 面向神经退行性疾病的系统诊疗策略与技术研究-线粒体替换技术研发,陕西省重点研发计划,2021-2023,,主要参与人。


学术成果 Academic Achievements 本人长期深耕化学生物学策略在疾病诊疗中的应用,先后在新加坡国立大学、澳大利亚联邦科学与工业组织(CSIRO)以莫纳什大学药学院参与科研工作,将化学生物学与微型平台结合,建立精确的大脑疾病体外模型、高效的药物筛选平台以及疾病治疗/诊断新技术。通过交融合药物化学、细胞生物学及生物医学工程等多学科,致力于在化学生物学、分子生物学以材料科学的学科界面间,探索应激-响应化学在小分子探针以及药物递送体系中的应用,从而实现对多种难治疾病的诊疗新策略。近 5 年来共发表 SCI 论文 40余篇,其中以第一/通讯作者相继在 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (4篇), Chem. Soc. Rev., Trends Biotechnol., Chem. Sci. 等国际 期刊上发表论文20余篇,申请澳大利亚专利1项、中国专利2项,参与编写英文专著1本,参加重要国际学术会议 6次,作口头汇报 5 次。主持化学学部(B07)国家自然科学基金青年项目1项、科技部外专项目1项、陕西省重点研发计划基金1项。节选发表文章:1. C. Zhang#, H. Fang#, W. Du#, D. Zhang, Y. Qu, F. Tang, A. Ding, K. Huang, B. Peng*, L. Li*, W. Huang*, Ultrafast detection of monoamine oxidase A in live cells and clinical glioma tissues using an affinity binding-based two-photon fluorogenic probe, Angew. Chem. Inter. Ed., 2023, e202310134. Hot Paper.2. H. Liu#, J. Zhao#, Y. Xue*, J. Zhang, H. Bai, S. Pan, B. Peng*, L. Li*, N. H. Voelcker, X-ray-induced drug release for cancer therapy, Angew. Chem. Inter. Ed., 2023, e.202306100. 3. B. Fang#, Y. Shen#, B. Peng#, H. Bai, L. Wang, J. Zhang, W. Hu, L. Fu, W. Zhang*, L. Li*, W. Huang*, Small molecule wuenchers for Forster resonance energy transfer: structure, mechanism and applications, Angew. Chem. Inter. Ed., 2022, 61, e2022071. 4. J. Li#, J. Chen#, H. Bai#, H. Wang, S. Hao, N. H. Voelcker, B. Peng*, L. Li*, W. Huang*, An overview of organs-on-chips based on deep learning, Research, 2022, Article ID 9869518. 5. Y. Xue#, H. Bai#, B. Peng#,*, T. Tieu, J. Jiang, S. Hao, M. Richardson, J. Baell, H. Thissen, A. Cifuentes, L. Li*, N. H. Voelcker*, Porous silicon nanocarriers with stimulus-cleavable linkers for effective cancer therapy, Adv. Healthc. Mater., 2022, 11, 2200076. 6. B. Peng#, S. Hao#, Z. Tong#, H. Bai, S. Pan, K. L. Lim, L. Li*, N. H. Voelcker*, W. Huang*, Blood-brain barrier (BBB)-on-a-chip: a promising breakthrough point for brain diseases research, Lab Chip, 2022, 22, 3579-3602. Front Cover.7. H. Fang, B. Peng*, S. Y. Ong, Q. Wu, L. Li*, S. Q. Yao*, Recent advances in activity-based probes (ABPs) and affinity-based probes (AfBPs) for profiling of enzymes, Chem. Sci., 2021, 12, 8288.8. Y. Xue#, H. Bai#, B. Peng*, B. Fang, J. Baell, L. Li*, W. Huang*, N. H. Voelcker*, Stimulus-cleavable chemistry in the field of controlled drug delivery, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2021, 50, 4872-4931. *Front Cover. 9. D. Zhang, W. Du, B. Peng*, Y. Ni, H. Fang, X. Qiu, G. Zhang, Q. Wu, C. Yu*, L. Li*, W. Huang, Two-photon small molecular fluorogenic probe visualizing biothiols and sulfides in living cells, mice brain slices and zebrafish, Sens. Actuators B Chem., 2020, 323, 128673-128682. 10. B. Peng, Z. Tong, W. Y. Tong, P. J. Pasic, A. Oddo, Y. Dai, M. Luo, J. Frescene, N. G. Welch, C. D. Easton, H. Thissen*, N. H. Voelcker*, In situ surface modification of microfluidic blood–brain-barriers for improved screening of small molecules and nanoparticles, ACS App. Mater. Interfaces, 2020, 12, 56753-56766.11. A. Oddo#, B. Peng#,*, Z. Tong, Y. Wei, W. Y. Tong, H. Thissen, N. H. Voelcker*, Advances in microfluidic blood–brain barrier (BBB) models, Trends Biotechnol., 2019, 37, 1295-1314.12. B. Peng, A. G. Thorsell, T. Karlberg, H. Schuler*, S. Q. Yao*, Small molecule microarray based discovery of PARP14 inhibitors, Angew. Chem. Inter. Ed., 2017, 56, 248-253.


学术文献 Academic Literature 20231. H. Liu#, J. Zhao#, Y. Xue*, J. Zhang, H. Bai, S. Pan, B. Peng*, L. Li*, N. H. Voelcker, X-ray-induced drug release for cancer therapy, Angew. Chem. Inter. Ed., 2023, e.202306100.2. C. Zhang#, H. Fang#, W. Du#, D. Zhang, Y. Qu, F. Tang, A. Ding, K. Huang, B. Peng*, L. Li*, W. Huang*, Ultrafast detection of monoamine oxidase A in live cells and clinical glioma tissues using an affinity binding-based two-photon fluorogenic probe, Angew. Chem. Inter. Ed., 2023, e202310134.3. M. Luo, Y. Li, B. Peng, J. White, E. M?kil?, W. Y. Tong*, C. H. J. Choi*, B. Day*, N. H. Voelcker*, A multifunctional porous silicon nanocarrier for glioblastoma treatment, Mol. Pharmaceutics, 2023, 20, 545.4. R. Zhai, B. Fang, Y. Lai, B. Peng, H. Bai, X. Liu*, L. Li*, W. Huang*, Small-molecule fluorogenic probes for mitochondrial nanoscale imaging, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2023, 52, 942-972.5. T. Shao, X. Xu, L. Wang, Y. Shen, J. Zhao, H. Li, D. Zhang, W. Du, H. Bai*, B. Peng*, L. Li*, A novel α-ketoamide reactivity-based two-photon fluorogenic probe for visualizing peroxynitrite in Parkinson’s disease models, J. Innov. Opt. Health Sci., 2023, doi.org/10.1142/S1793545822500390.20226. C. Zhang#, Y. Xue#, L. Wang, Q. Wu, B. Fang, Y. Sheng, H. Bai, B. Peng*, N. Yang*, L. Li*, Progress on the physiological function of mitochondrial DNA and its specific detection and therapy, ChemBioChem, 2022, 23, e202100474.7. Y. Xue#, H. Bai#, B. Peng#,*, T. Tieu, J. Jiang, S. Hao, M. Richardson, J. Baell, H. Thissen, A. Cifuentes, L. Li*, N. H. Voelcker*, Porous silicon nanocarriers with stimulus-cleavable linkers for effective cancer therapy, Adv. Healthc. Mater., 2022, 11, 2200076.8. J. Li#, J. Chen#, H. Bai#, H. Wang, S. Hao, N. H. Voelcker, B. Peng*, L. Li*, W. Huang*, An overview of organs-on-chips based on deep learning, Research, 2022, Article ID 9869518.9. B. Fang#, Y. Shen#, B. Peng#, H. Bai, L. Wang, J. Zhang, W. Hu, L. Fu, W. Zhang*, L. Li*, W. Huang*, Small molecule wuenchers for Fo?rster resonance energy transfer: structure, mechanism and applications, Angew. Chem. Inter. Ed., 2022, 61, e2022071.10. B. Peng#, S. Hao#, Z. Tong#, H. Bai, S. Pan, K. L. Lim, L. Li*, N. H. Voelcker*, W. Huang*, Blood-brain barrier (BBB)-on-a-chip: a promising breakthrough point for brain diseases research, Lab Chip, 2022, 22, 3579-3602. *Front Cover.11. B. Fang, B. Zhang, R. Zhai, L. Wang, Y. Ding, H. Li, H. Bai*, Z. Wang*, B. Peng, L. Li, L. Fu*, Two-photon fluorescence imaging of mitochondrial viscosity with water-soluble pyridinium inner salts, New J. Chem., 2022, 46, 2487-2494.12. N. Wang, W. Ji, L. Wang, W. Wu, W. Zhang, Q. Wu, W. Du, H. Bai, B. Peng, B. Ma*, L. Li*, Overview of the structure, side effects, and activity assays of l-asparaginase as a therapy drug of acute lymphoblastic leukemia, RSC Med. Chem., 2022, 13, 117-128.13. W. Du, T. Shao, L. Wang, W. Qin, Z. Fang, B. Fang, J. Li, B. Peng, Q. Wu, J. Liu*, L. Li*, Two-photon fluorogenic probe off γ-glutamyl transpeptidase for cancer cells identification with simultaneous oxidative stress monitoring, Dyes Pigm., 2022, 200, 110155.14. J. Wu, Z. Shi, L. Zhu, J. Li, X. Han, M. Xu, S. Hao, Y. Fan, T. Shao, H. Bai, B. Peng, W. Hu, X. Liu, C. Yao*, Lin Li*, Wei Huang*, The design and bioimaging applications of NIR fluorescent organic dyes with high brightness, Adv. Opt. Mater., 2022, 10, 2102514.15. J. Guo, B. Fang, H. Bai, L. Wang, B. Peng, X. J. Qin, L. Fu, C. Yao, L. Li, W. Huang, Dual/Multi-responsive fluorogenic probes for multiple analytes in mitochondria: From design to applications, TrAC Trends Anal. Chem., 2022, 116697.16. M. Luo, L. Kit C. Lee, B. Peng, C. H. J. Choi*, W. Y. Tong*, N. H. Voelcker*, Delivering the promise of gene therapy with nanomedicines in treating central nervous system diseases, Adv. Sci., 2022, 9, 2201740.17. C. Xin, N. Yang, Y. Ding, L. Han, Z. Zhou, X. Guo, Z. Fang, Hua Bai*, B. Peng, C. Zhang*, Lin Li*, Adv. Ther., 2022, 5, 2200094.202118. H. Wang#, B. Fang#, B. Peng#,*, L. Wang, Y. Xue, H. Bai, S. Lu, N. H. Voelcker*, L. Li*, L. Fu, W. Huang, recent advances in chemical biology of mitochondria targeting, Front. Chem., 2021, 9, 683220.19. W. Lan, W. Qin, D. Chen, N. Wang, C. Zhang, Z. Fang, B. Fang, W. Du, N. Yang*, Q. Wu, B. Peng*, L. Li*, Design, synthesis and application of fluorogenic probe for detecting l-asparaginase in serum samples. Results Chem., 2021, 3, 100103.20. Y. Xue#, H. Bai#, B. Peng*, B. Fang, J. Baell, L. Li*, W. Huang*, N. H. Voelcker*, Stimulus-cleavable chemistry in the field of controlled drug delivery, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2021, 50, 4872-4931. *Front Cover.21. H. Fang, B. Peng*, S. Y. Ong, Q. Wu, L. Li*, S. Q. Yao*, Recent advances in activity-based probes (ABPs) and affinity-based probes (AfBPs) for profiling of enzymes, Chem. Sci., 2021, 12, 8288. *Inside Front Cover.22. H. Bai, B. Fang, X. Wang, W. Qin, Y. Chen, D. Zhang, Y. Li, B. Peng, X. Yang, L. Fu, L. Li*, Two-photon fluorogenic probe for visualizing PGP-1 activity in inflammatory tissues and serum from patients, Chem. Comm., 2021, 57, 13186-13189.23. H. Fang, M. Wu, W. Ji, L. Wang, Y. Chen, D. Chen, N. Yang, Q. Wu, C. Yu, J. Liu, J. Liu, H. Bai*, B. Peng, X. Huang, H. D. Yu*, L. Li*, Simultaneously detecting monoamine oxidase A and B in disease cell/tissue samples using paper-based devices, ACS App. Bio Mater., 2021, 4, 1395–1402.24. B. Fang, P. Li, J. Jiang, W. Du, L. Wang, H. Bai, B. Peng, X. Huang, Z. An, L. Li*, X. Yang*, L. Fu, W. Huang*, Confinement fluorescence effect (CFE): lighting up life by enhancing the absorbed photon energy utilization efficiency of fluorophores. Coord. Chem. Rev., 2021, 440, 213979.25. J. Li, Z. Su, C. Yu*, Y. Yuan, Q. Wu, J. Liu, B. Peng, W. Hu, X. Lu*, H. Yu, L. Li*, W. Huang, Recent progress in the development of sensing systems for in vivo detection of biological hydrogen sulfide, Dyes Pigm., 2021, 192, 109451.202026. L. Yao#, B. Peng#, X. Qiu, X. Li, Z. Li, D. Zhang, W. Ji, B. Fang, Q. Wu, C. Zhang*, L. Li*, W. Huang, One-pot synthesis of a hydrogen peroxide-selective fluorogenic probe and its application in Parkinson's disease in vitro and vivo models." Mater. Adv., 2020, 1, 1448-1454.27. B. Peng, Z. Tong, W. Y. Tong, P. J. Pasic, A. Oddo, Y. Dai, M. Luo, J. Frescene, N. G. Welch, C. D. Easton, H. Thissen*, N. H. Voelcker*, In situ surface modification of microfluidic blood–brain-barriers for improved screening of small molecules and nanoparticles, ACS App. Mater. Interfaces, 2020, 12, 56753-56766.28. Z. Fang, Z. Su, W. Qin, H. Li, B. Fang, W. Du, Q. Wu*, B. Peng*, P. Li, H. Yu, L. Li*, Two-photon dual-channel fluorogenic probe for in situ imaging the mitochondrial H2S/viscosity in the brain of drosophila Parkinson’s disease model. Chin. Chem. Lett., 2020, 31, 2903-2908.29. D. Zhang, W. Du, B. Peng*, Y. Ni, H. Fang, X. Qiu, G. Zhang, Q. Wu, C. Yu*, L. Li*, W. Huang, Two-photon small molecular fluorogenic probe visualizing biothiols and sulfides in living cells, mice brain slices and zebrafish, Sens. Actuators B Chem., 2020, 323, 128673-128682.30. L. Li*, J. Liu, Y. Ding, Z. Shi, B. Peng, N. Yang, D. Hong, C. Zhang, C. Yao, J. Ge*, W. Huang, Design, synthesis and evaluation of protein disulfide isomerase inhibitors with nitric oxide releasing activity. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 2020, 30, 126898.31. S. Sheykhzadeh, M. Luo, B. Peng, J. White, Y. Abdalla, T. Tang, E. M?kil?, N. H. Voelcker*, W. Y. Tong*, Transferrin-targeted porous silicon nanoparticles reduce glioblastoma cell migration across tight extracellular space, Sci. Rep., 2020, 10, 1-16.32. Z. Shi, X. Han, W. Hu*, H. Bai, B. Peng, L. Ji, Q. Fan, L. Li*, W. Huang*, Bioapplications of small molecule Aza-BODIPY: from rational structural design to in vivo investigations, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2020, 49, 7533-7567.33. X. Han, M. Cao, B. Zhou, C. Yu, Y. Liu, B. Peng, L. Meng, J. F. Wei*, L. Li*, W. Huang, Specifically immobilizing His-tagged allergens to magnetic nanoparticles for fast and quantitative detection of allergen- specific IgE in serum samples, Talanta, 2020, 219, 121301.201934. A. Oddo#, B. Peng#,*, Z. Tong, Y. Wei, W. Y. Tong, H. Thissen, N. H. Voelcker*, Advances in microfluidic blood–brain barrier (BBB) models, Trends Biotechnol., 2019, 37, 1295-1314.35. X. Qiu, C. Xin, W. Qin, Z. Li, D. Zhang, G. Zhang, B. Peng*, X. Han, C. Yu*, L. Li*, W. Huang, A novel pyrimidine based deep-red fluorogenic probe for detecting hydrogen peroxide in Parkinson's disease models, Talanta, 2019, 199, 628-633.36. D. Chen, W. Qin, H. Fang, L. Wang, B. Peng*, L. Li*, W. Huang. Recent progress in two-photon small molecule fluorescent probes for enzymes, Chin. Chem. Lett., 2019, 30, 1738-1744.37. G. Zhang, Y. Zhao, B. Peng, Z. Li, C. Xu, Y. Liu, C. Zhang, N. H. Voelcker, L. Li*, W. Huang, A fluorogenic probe based on chelation–hydrolysis-enhancement mechanism for visualizing Zn 2+ in Parkinson's disease models, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2019, 7, 2252-2260.38. Y. Ni, H. Zhang, C. Chai, B. Peng, A. Zhao, J. Zhang, L. Li*, C. Zhang, B. Ma, H. Bai, K. L. Lim*, W. Huang*, Mitochondria‐targeted two‐photon fluorescent photosensitizers for cancer cell apoptosis via spatial selectability, Adv. Healthc. Mater., 2019, 8, 1900212.2018之前39. B. Peng, A. G. Thorsell, T. Karlberg, H. Schuler*, S. Q. Yao*, Small molecule microarray based discovery of PARP14 inhibitors, Angew. Chem. Inter. Ed., 2017, 56, 248-253.40. B. Peng, C. Yu, S. Du, S. S. Liew, X. Mao, P. Yuan, Z. Na, S. Q. Yao*, MSN‐on‐a‐Chip: Cell‐Based Screenings Made Possible on a Small‐Molecule Microarray of Native Natural Products, ChemBioChem, 2018, 19, 986-996.41. J. Fu, Z. Na, B. Peng, M. Uttamchandani, S. Q. Yao*, Accelerated cellular on-and off-target screening of bioactive compounds using microarrays. Org. Biomol. Chem., 2016, 14, 59-64.42. Z. Na, B. Peng, S. Ng, S. Pan, J. S. Lee, H. M. Shen, S. Q. Yao*, A small‐molecule protein–protein interaction inhibitor of PARP1 that targets its BRCT domain, Angew. Chem. Inter. Ed., 2015, 127, 2545-2549.43. J. Ge, C. W. Zhang, X. W. Ng, B. Peng, S. Pan, S. Du, D. Wang, L. Li, K. L. Lim, T. Wohland, S. Q. Yao*, Puromycin analogues capable of multiplexed imaging and profiling of protein synthesis and dynamics in live cells and neurons, Angew. Chem. Inter. Ed., 2016, 128, 5017-5021.44. Y. Xie, J. Ge, H. Lei, B. Peng, H. Zhang, D. Wang, S. Pan, G. Chen, L. Chen, Y. Wang, Q. Hao, S. Q. Yao, Hongyan Sun*, Fluorescent probes for single-step detection and proteomic profiling of histone deacetylases, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2016, 138, 15596-15604.45. S. Du, D. Wang, J. S. Lee, B. Peng, J. Ge, S. Q. Yao*, Cell type-selective imaging and profiling of newly synthesized proteomes by using puromycin analogues. Chem. Comm., 2017, 53, 8443-8446.46. P. Yuan, H. Zhang, L. Qian, X. Mao, S. Du, C. Yu, B. Peng, S. Q. Yao*, Intracellular delivery of functional native antibodies under hypoxic conditions by using a biodegradable silica nanoquencher, Angew. Chem. Inter. Ed., 2017, 56, 12481-12485.


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