
主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 史俊勤
学校 西北工业大学
部门 材料学院
学位 工学博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 副高
联系方式 实用新型1875包写包过
邮箱 junqin.shi@nwpu.edu.cn
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 2018.12-2019.10   研发工程师    西北有色金属研究院下属单位西安稀有金属材料研究院有限公司2019.11-至今     副教授    西北工业大学 材料学院 先进润滑与密封材料研究中心 2015.09-2018.12   西安交通大学材料科学与工程学院   博士   导师:方亮教授、孙琨教授2017.09-2018.09   美国西北大学 机械工程系   博士联合培养    导师:Prof Qian Jane Wang2012.09-2015.06   中国石油大学(华东)  理学院   硕士   导师:刘冰教授2008.09-2012.06   中国石油大学(华东)  理学院   本科


教育教学 Education and teaching 教育教学 招生信息 本科生专业选修课 《金属材料磨损原理》本科生专业选修课 《纳米润滑材料与技术》研究生专业选修课 《分子动力学方法在摩擦学研究中的应用》 耐磨材料设计、润滑油添加剂理论设计及合成、极端条件下摩擦磨损润滑方向计算材料学:机器学习、数据库,第一性原理计算、分子动力学模拟、粗粒度模拟


科学研究 Scientific Research 基于第一性原理计算、分子动力学及DPD方法的理论模拟:(1)纳米金属材料力学行为(2)纳米材料摩擦磨损行为(3)极端条件下润滑行为及润滑油添加剂分子设计(4)表界面现象多尺度计算、材料基因组、数据库


学术成果 Academic Achievements [27] J. Shi*, L. Li, J. Wang, T. Shi, Y. Zhang, J. Chen, T. Cao, S. Xu*, X. Fan*. Alloy strengthening toward improving mechanical and tribological performances of CuxNi100?x/Ta nano multilayer materials. Tribology International 2023, 190, 109039.[26] J. Liu*, H. Luo, Y. Qian, F. Li, W. Wu, X. Yi, J. Shi*, Y. Tian, S. Zhang. DDP-functionalized UiO-67 nanoparticles as lubricating oil additives for friction and wear reduction. Tribology International 2023, 186, 108627.[25] W. Wang, D. Hua, Q. Zhou*, S. Li, S.J. Eder*, J. Shi*, Z. Wang, H. Wang, W. Liu. Effect of a water film on the material removal behavior of Invar during chemical mechanical polishing. Applied Surface Science 2023, 616, 156490.[24] P Gong*, J Li, J Wang, W Wu, C Li, D Wang, J Shi*, J Liu, F Zhou, W Liu. Controlled Growing of Graphdiyne Film for Friction Reduction and Antiwear. ACS nano 2023, 17(9): 8252–8261.[23] J Shi, H Li, Y Lu, L Sun, S Xu*, X Fan. Synergistic lubrication of organic friction modifiers in boundary lubrication regime by molecular dynamics simulations. Applied Surface Science 2023, 623, 157087.[22] J Shi, X Yi, J Wang, G Jin, Y Lu, H Wu*, X Fan*. Carbonaceous soot dispersion characteristic and mechanism in lubricant with effect of dispersants by molecular dynamics simulation and experimental studies. Carbon 2022, 200, 253-263.[21] J Shi, J Wang, X Yi, Y Lu, D Hua, Q Zhou, X Fan. Nanoscratching-induced plastic deformation mechanism and tribology behavior of Cu/Ta bilayer and multilayer by a molecular dynamics study. Applied Surface Science 2022, 586, 152775.[20] J Wang, J Shi*, Y Lu, G Jin, J Wang, Y Jiang, Q Zhou. Deformation evolution of Cu/Ta nanoscale multilayer during nanoindentation by a molecular dynamics study. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2022, 441, 128562.[19] J Shi, X Yi, J Wang, G Jin, H Li, X Fan. Traction behavior and mechanism of molecular level with effects of molecular structure and sliding velocity in boundary lubrication regime: A molecular dynamics study. Journal of Molecular Liquids 2022, 354, 118844.[18] J Shi, J Wang, X Yi, X Fan. Effect of film thickness on slip and traction performances in elastohydrodynamic lubrication by a molecular dynamics simulation. Tribology Letters 2021, 69 (4), 1-9.[17] F Sun, Y Liang, L Jin, J Shi*, L Shang*. Weak interaction-tailored catalytic interface of ultrasmall gold nanoclusters as enzyme mimics for enhanced colorimetric biosensing. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2021, 13 (48), 58209-58219.[16] J Shi, X Zhu, K Sun, L Fang. Movement pattern of an ellipsoidal nanoparticle confined between solid surfaces: Theoretical model and molecular dynamics simulation. Friction 2021, 9 (5), 1098-1109.[15] H Wu, S Yin, L Wang, Y Du, Y Yang, J Shi*, H Wang*. Investigation on the robust adsorption mechanism of alkyl-functional boric acid nanoparticles as high performance green lubricant additives. Tribology International 2021, 157, 106909.[14] J Shi, M Zhang, J Liu, G Liu, F Zhou. Molecular dynamics simulations of adsorption behavior of organic friction modifiers on hydrophilic silica surfaces under the effects of surface coverage and contact pressure. Tribology International 2021, 156, 106826.[13] J Shi, Q Zhou, K Sun, G Liu, F Zhou. Understanding adsorption behaviors of organic friction modifiers on hydroxylated SiO2 (001) surfaces: effects of molecular polarity and temperature. Langmuir 2020, 36 (29), 8543-8553.[12] J Shi, L Fang, K Sun, W Peng, J Ghen, M Zhang. Surface removal of a copper thin film in an ultrathin water environment by a molecular dynamics study. Friction 2020, 8 (2), 323-334.[11] W Peng, K Sun*, R Abdullah, M Zhang, J Chen, J Shi*. Strengthening mechanisms of graphene coatings on Cu film under nanoindentation: a molecular dynamics simulation. Applied Surface Science 2019, 487, 22-31.[10] 史俊勤, 孙琨, 方亮, 许少锋*. 含水条件下单晶Cu的应力松弛及弹性恢复. 金属学报, 2019, 55(8): 1034-1040[9] J Chen, J Shi*, M Zhang, W Peng, L Fang, K Sun, J Han. Effect of indentation speed on deformation behaviors of surface modified silicon: A molecular dynamics study. Computational Materials Science 2018, 155, 1-10.[8] J Shi, L Fang, K Sun. Friction and wear reduction via tuning nanoparticle shape under low humidity conditions: A nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulation. Computational Materials Science 2018, 154, 499-507.[7] B Liu, C Qi, X Zhao, G Teng, L Zhao, H Zheng, K Zhan*, J Shi*. Nanoscale two-phase flow of methane and water in shale inorganic matrix. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2018, 122 (46), 26671-26679.[6] W Peng, K Sun*, M Zhang, J Chen, J Shi*. Effects of deep cryogenic treatment on the microstructures and tribological properties of iron matrix self-lubricating composites. Metals 2018, 8 (9), 656.[5] J Shi, J Chen, L Fang, K Sun, J Sun, J Han. Atomistic scale nanoscratching behavior of monocrystalline Cu influenced by water film in CMP process. Applied Surface Science 2018, 435, 983-992.[4] J Shi, X Wei, J Chen, K Sun, L Fang. Influence of abrasive shape on the abrasion and phase transformation of monocrystalline silicon. Crystals 2018, 8 (1), 32.[3] J Shi, J Chen, K Sun, J Sun, J Han, L Fang. Water film facilitating plastic deformation of Cu thin film under different nanoindentation modes: A molecular dynamics study. Materials Chemistry and Physics 217, 198, 177-185.[2] J Shi, J Chen, X Wei, L Fang, K Sun, J Sun, J Han. Influence of normal load on the three-body abrasion behaviour of monocrystalline silicon with ellipsoidal particle. RSC advances 2017, 7 (49), 30929-30940.[1] J Shi, Y Zhang, K Sun, L Fang. Effect of water film on the plastic deformation of monocrystalline copper. RSC advances 2016, 6 (99), 96824-96831.


团队信息 Team Information 本人隶属于先进润滑与密封材料研究中心刘维民院士团队。    西北工业大学先进润滑与密封材料研究中心成立于2017年3月,以中国科学院院士、“摩擦学最高成就奖”获得者刘维民教授为首席科学家,按照西北工业大学人才特区政策进行建设管理。中心依托学校材料科学与工程国家一级重点学科,以“建设一流科研环境,培养一流科技人才,做出一流科研成果”为最高目标。中心瞄准润滑材料及密封材料研究的国际前沿,面向国家重大需求,围绕材料学的基础科学问题,将材料学与润滑密封结合在一起,重点开展四个方向的研究:先进润滑材料、特种密封材料、材料表面/界面、功能纳米材料及应用。以期建设成为在国际润滑与密封领域具有重要影响、引领国际润滑与密封材料研究、支撑国家高技术装备及工业发展的润滑与密封材料及技术的研究中心。

