姓名 | 崔浩 |
教师编号 | 4653 |
性别 | 男 |
学校 | 西北工业大学 |
部门 | 民航学院 |
学位 | 博士 |
学历 | 博士研究生毕业 |
职称 | 正高 |
联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
邮箱 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
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个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 2019-11至今 教授,博士生导师,中国,西北工业大学民航学院2020.2-2021.2, 访问学者,(Visiting Scholar),英国, 克兰菲尔德大学(Cranfield University)2018.6-2019.5,客座研究员(Visiting Research Fellow),英国,牛津大学(University of Oxford)2017.9-2020.2,讲师,终身教职 (Lecturer, Permanent position), 英国, 克兰菲尔德大学(Cranfield University)2014.3-2017.9,博士后(postdoctoral research associate),英国,牛津大学(University of Oxford) 博士研究生(PhD),2009.10-2014.1, 荷兰,代尔夫特理工大学,航空工程博士研究生(PhD),2008.9-2009.10,中国,西北工业大学, 固体力学本科(Bachelor), 2004.9-2008.6, 中国,西北工业大学,飞行器设计与工程 教育教学教育教学 Education and teaching 招生信息 航空宇航科学与技术专业博硕导招收复合材料力学、固体力学、飞行器设计等方向研究生 荣誉获奖科学研究 Scientific Research 航空用复合材料的力学行为: 数值仿真、失效表征、 动态冲击破坏、 疲劳损伤、环境效应等。飞行器设计:新概念垂直起降飞行器、通用飞机、涵道风扇等。 科学研究学术成果 Academic Achievements 部分科研课题:1. 中国国家自然基金委,面上项目,双轴变比例加载下的复合材料纤维间非线性变形与损伤演化研究(2024-2027)2. 中国国家自然基金委,面上项目,复合材料纤维动态压缩失效连续损伤表征(2021-2024)3. 中国西北工业大学,翱翔海外学者基金,航空复合材料及结构的力学行为(2020-2023)近五年文章:1. H. Kang, Y. Li, J. Liang, D. Thomson, H. Cui*, Y. Li,* Failure of short carbon-fiber-reinforced PEEK composites under high strain rate biaxial loading, Compos. Part B Eng. 247 (2022). 2. N. Hou, R. Zhao, J. Li, X. Wang, X. Li, H. Cui*, Y. Li*, Impact damage of composite laminates with high-speed waterjet, Int. J. Impact Eng. 167 (2022). 3. S.A. Ponnusami*, H. Cui, B. Erice, M. Li?ner, M. Pathan, N. Petrinic, An integrated inverse numerical–experimental approach to determine the dynamic Mode-I interlaminar fracture toughness of fibre composites, Compos. Struct. 293 (2022). 4. L. Cheng, R. He, Y. Gao, H. Cui*, Y. Li*, Determination of fibre tension fracture toughness of composite laminates at high loading rate, Compos. Sci. Technol. 228 (2022) 109619. 5. D.E. Sommer*, D. Thomson, O. Falcó, G. Quino, H. Cui, N. Petrinic, Damage modelling of carbon fibre composite crush tubes: Numerical simulation and experimental validation of drop weight impact, Compos. Part A Appl. Sci. Manuf. 160 (2022) 107033. 6. R. He, Y. Gao, L. Cheng, H. Cui, Y. Li, Fracture toughness for longitudinal compression failure of laminated composites at high loading rate, Compos. Part A Appl. Sci. Manuf. 156 (2022) 106834. 7. X. Meng, J. Li, H. Cui, C. Zhang, Z. Tang, Y. Li*, Dynamic shear failure behavior of the interfaces in carbon fiber/ZnO nanowire/epoxy resin hierarchical composites, Compos. Sci. Technol. 221 (2022) 109284. 8. H. Kang, J. Liang, Y. Li, H. Cui*, Y. Li*, Dynamic Biaxial Compression of CFRP Laminates Using Electromagnetic Loading, Acta Mech. Solida Sin. (2022). 9. X. Wang, J. Xu, H. Cui, N. Hou, Y. Li*, On the Damage Behavior of Poly(Methyl Methacrylate) Impacted by High-Velocity Water Jet, J. Non. Cryst. Solids. 595 (2022) 121838. 10. L. Yao*, H. Cui, L. Guo, Y. Sun, A novel total fatigue life model for delamination growth in composite laminates under generic loading, Compos. Struct. 258 (2021) 113402.11. C. Hang, H. Cui*, H. Liu, T. Suo*, Micro/meso-scale damage analysis of a 2.5D woven composite including fiber undulation and in-situ effect, Compos. Struct. 256 (2021) 113067.12. H. Kang, L. Qi, H. Dang, K. Jin, D. Thomson, H. Cui*, Y.Li*. Biaxial tensile failure of short carbon-fibre-reinforced PEEK composites, Compos. Sci. Technol. 208 (2021) 108764.13. X. Meng, J. Li, H. Cui, L. Ye, C. Zhang, Y. Li*, Loading rate effect of the interfacial tensile failure behavior in carbon fiber–epoxy composites toughened with ZnO nanowires, Compos. Part B Eng. 212 (2021) 108676. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compositesb.2021.108676.14. M Lissner*, B Erice, E Alabort, D Thomson, H Cui, C Kaboglu, BRK Blackman, M Gude, N Petrinic. Multi-material adhesively bonded structures: Characterisation and modelling of their rate-dependent performance. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2020, 108077.15. DM. Thomson*, G. Quino, H. Cui, A Pellegrino, B. Erice, N. Petrinic. Strain-rate and off-axis loading effects on the fibre compression strength of CFRP laminates: Experiments and constitutive modelling. Composites Science and Technology, 2020, 108210.16. M Lissner*, E Alabort, B Erice, H Cui, BRK Blackman, N Petrinic, On the dynamic response of adhesively bonded structures, International Journal of Impact Engineering,2020 138, 10347917. H. Cui*, Y. Mahadik, S.R Hallett, I.K Partridge, G. Allegri, S. A Ponnusami, N. Petrinic. Coupon scale Z-pinned IM7/8552 delamination tests under dynamic loading. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing.2019, 105565.18. M Lissner*, E Alabort, H Cui, B Blackman, R Rito, N Petrinic. Experimental characterisation and numerical modelling of the influence of bondline thickness, loading rate, and deformation mode on the response of adhesive interfaces. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 201919. DM Thomson, H Cui*, E Borja, N Petrinic. A study on the longitudinal compression strength of fibre reinforced composites under uniaxial and off-axis loads using cross-ply laminate specimen. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 201920. H Cui*, A Melro, M Yasaee. Dynamic inter-fibre failure of Z-pinned unidirectional composite laminates with through-thickness reinforcement. Composites Science and Technology. 2019,176,26,64-7121. S Eskandaria*, FMA Pires, PP. Camanho, H Cui, N Petrinic, AT Marques. Analyzing the failure and damage of FRP composite laminates under high strain rates considering visco-plasticity. Engineering Failure Analysis. 201922. H Cui*, DM Thomson, S Eskandari, N Petrinic. A critical study on impact damage simulation of IM7/8552 composite laminate plate. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 2019, 127, 100-10923. L Yao*, H Cui*, Y Sun, L Guo, X Chen, M Zhao, RC Alderliesten. Fibre-bridged fatigue delamination in multidirectional composite laminates, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 2018,115,175-18624. H Cui*, AR Melro, M Yasaee. Inter-fibre failure of through-thickness reinforced laminates in combined transverse compression and shear load. Composites Science and Technology. 2018,0165, 48-5725. L Yao*, H Cui, RC Alderliesten, Y Sun, L Guo. Thickness effects on fibre-bridged fatigue delamination growth in composites. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2018; 110, 21-2826. J, Hoffmann*, H Cui, N Petrinic. Determination of the strain-energy release rate of a composite laminate under high-rate tensile deformation in fibre direction. Composites Science and Technology. 2018, 164, 110-11927. H Cui*, M Yasaee, SR Hallett, IK Partridge, G Allegri, N Petrinic. Dynamic bridging mechanisms of through-thickness reinforced composite laminates in mixed mode delamination. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2018; 106, 24-3328. DM Thomson*, B Erice, H Cui, J Hoffmann, J Wiegand, N Petrinic. A Puck-based localisation plane theory for rate-and pressure-dependent constitutive modelling of unidirectional fibre-reinforced polymers. Composite Structures, 2018; 184, 299-30529. DM Thomson*, H Cui, B Erice, Justus Hoffmann, Jens Wiegand, Nik Petrinic. Experimental and numerical study of strain-rate effects on the fracture angle using a new efficient implementation of Puck’s IFF criterion. Composite Structures, 2018; 181, 325-33530. M Lissner*, E Alabort, H Cui, A Pellegrino, N Petrinic. On the rate dependent behaviour of epoxy adhesive joints: experimental characterisation and modelling of mode I failure. Composite Structures, 2018; 189,286-30331. M Lissner*, E Alabort, B Erice, H Cui, N Petrinic. A rate dependent experimental and numerical analysis of adhesive joints under different loading directions. The European Physical Journal Special Topics. 2018, 227 (1-2), 85-97 学术成果综合介绍 |