
主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 王万河
学校 西北工业大学
部门 医学研究院
学位 哲学博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 副高
联系方式 实用新型1875包写包过
邮箱 whwang0206@nwpu.edu.cn
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

综合介绍 General Introduction        本课题组面向生命健康领域重大疾病防治等重大科学问题,从(1)肿瘤诊疗探针的设计与应用研究;(2)金属靶向药物的发现与应用研究;(3)计算机虚拟药物筛选三个方面开展基础研究。目前,课题组负责人已在Nature Communications、Angewandte Chemie International Edition、Med. Res. Rev.、Chemical Science、Journal of Medicinal Chemistry等知名国际期刊上发表SCI论文80多篇,申请国际及中国发明专利6篇,授权3项。其中以通讯作者或第一作者发表50余篇(7篇被选为封面或封底文章),总被引次数2000余次,H-Index为28。担任国际期刊Frontiers in Oncology (IF: 6.244)、Inorganics (IF: 2.9)的Guest Editor和Frontiers in Chemistry (IF: 5.221)的Review Editor。曾获得中国分析测试协会科学技术奖CAIA奖(2023、2017)、2023 IAAM年度科学家奖章。课题组曾获得中国化学会课题组风采创意大赛“炫Cool课题组银奖”。  个人相册


个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 2019/12-至今   西北工业大学医学研究院   副教授2014/10-2015/11   香港浸会大学   科研助理 2015/12-2019/09   香港浸会大学    化学    哲学博士2017/08-2017/08   Monash University(澳大利亚)   海外交流计划2011/09-2014/06   吉林大学   药物化学   医学硕士2007/09-2011/07   昆明理工大学   制药工程   工程学士


教育教学 Education and teaching 招生信息 课题组研究方向:A. 肿瘤诊疗探针的设计与应用研究;B. 金属靶向药物的发现与应用研究;C. 计算机虚拟药物筛选。硕士期间,课题组提供海外交流机会,表现优秀者,可推荐至海外高校攻读博士。


获奖信息 The winning information 学生获奖:学生刘建华获得国家奖学金;课题组学生多次获得西北工业大学一等学业奖学金;课题组多名毕业生被评为西北工业大学优秀毕业生。教师获奖:2023 中国分析测试协会科学技术奖CAIA二等奖(中国分析测试协会),1/4。2023 IAAM年度科学家奖章2022 中国化学会课题组风采创意大赛“炫Cool课题组银奖”2017 中国分析测试协会科学技术奖CAIA三等奖(中国分析测试协会),9/9。2017 亚坤内地研究生奖学金计划(香港浸会大学)


学术成果 Academic Achievements 10 Selected Publications (* 通讯作者):After 2020 (PI)[1] S.-C. Nao, L. Kong, D. S-H Chan, J. Liu, L.-S. Huang, L. Wu, J. Wu, C.-Y. Wong*, W. Wang*, C.-H. Leung*. “Covalent inhibition of epidermal growth factor receptor using a long-lived iridium (III)-afatinib probe” Int. J. Biol. Macromol., 2024, 129211. (Impact factor: 8.2,化学一区)[2] L. Wang, X. Wang, F. Chen, Y.-Q. Song, S.-C. Nao, D. S.-H. Chan, C.-Y. Wong, W. Wang*, C.-H. Leung*. “A glycyrrhetinic acid-iridium(III) conjugate as a theranostic NIR probe for hepatocellular carcinoma with mitochondrial-targeting ability” Eur. J. Med. Chem., 2024, 264, 115995. (Impact factor: 6.7,药学一区)[3] X. Yang, S.-C. Nao, C. Lin, L. Kong, J. Wang, C.-N. Ko, J. Liu*, D.-L. Ma, C.-H. Leung*, W. Wang*. “A cell-impermeable luminogenic probe for near-infrared imaging of prostate-specific membrane antigen in prostate cancer microenvironments” Eur. J. Med. Chem., 2023, 259, 115659. (Impact factor: 6.7,药学一区)[4] Y.-Q. Song, G.-J. Yang*, W. Wang*, C.-H. Leung*. “The role and prospect of lysine-specific demethylases in cancer chemoresistance” Med. Res. Rev., 2023, 43, 1438 (Impact factor: 12.388, 医学一区)[5] Y.-Q. Song, G.-D. Li, D. Niu, F. Chen, S. Jing, VK. W Wong, W. Wang*, C.-H. Leung*. “A robust luminescent assay for screening alkyladenine DNA glycosylase inhibitors to overcome DNA repair and temozolomide drug resistance” J. Pharm. Anal, 2023, 13, 514 (Impact factor: 14.026, 医学一区)[6] Y. Song, K.-J. Wu, Z. Zhang, T.-M. Liu, C.-N. Ko, W. Zhu, D.-L. Ma, W. Wang*, C.-H. Leung*. Development of a sensitive luminescent probe to uncover new BRD4 inhibitors in living cells”. Chem. Eng. J., 2023, 463, 142356 (Impact factor: 16.744, 工程技术一区)[7] C. Lin, X. Wang, S.-C. Nao, J. Wang, J. Liu*, D.-L. Ma, W.-G. Zhu, C.-H. Leung*, W. Wang*. “A labile iridium(III) complex-based luminogenic probe for the ratiometric detection of dithiocarbamate compounds in living system”. Sens. Actuator B-Chem., 2023, 377, 133006. (Impact factor: 9.221, 化学一区)[8] G. Li, Z. Wang, F. Chen, W. Wang*, D.-L. Ma, C.-H. Leung*. “Interference reduction isothermal nucleic acid amplification strategy for COVID-19 variant detection”. Sens. Actuator B-Chem., 2023, 377, 133006. (Impact factor: 9.221, 化学一区)[9] W. Wang, K.-J. Wu, K. Vellaisamy, C.-H. Leung*, D.-L. Ma*. "Peptide-conjugated long-lived theranostic imaging toolbox fortargeting GRPr in cancer and immune cells ". Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2020, 59, 17897. (Impact factor: 16.823, Inside cover, 化学一区)[10] W. Wang, T.-L. Yung, S.-S. Cheng, F. Chen, J.-B. Liu, C.-H. Leung, D.-L. Ma*. “A long-lived luminogenic iridium(III) complex for acetylacetone detection in environmental samples” Sens. Actuator B-Chem., 2020, 321, 128486. (Impact factor: 9.221, 化学一区)Before 2020[1] G.-J. Yang, W. Wang (co-first), W.-F. S. Mok, C. Wu, Y.-K. B. Law, X.-M. Miao, K.-J. Wu, H.-J. Zhong, C.-Y. Wong, K.-W. V. Wong*, D.-L. Ma*, C.-H. Leung*. "Selective inhibition of lysine-specific demethylase 5A (KDM5A) using a rhodium(III) complex for triple-negative breast cancer therapy". Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2018, 57, 13091. (Impact factor: 16.823, Inside back cover, 化学一区)[2] W. Wang, K. Vellaisamy, G. Li, C. Wu, C.-N. Ko, C.-H. Leung*, D.-L. Ma*. "Development of a long-lived luminescence probe for visualizing β-galactosidase in ovarian carcinoma cells". Anal. Chem., 2017, 89, 11679. (Impact factor: 6.986, 化学一区)[3] W. Wang, Z. Mao, M. Wang, L.-J. Liu, D. W. J. Kwong, C.-H. Leung, D.-L. Ma*. “A long lifetime luminescent iridium(III) complex chemosensor for selective switch-on detection of Al3+ ions” Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 3611. (Impact factor: 6.222, Inside front cover, 化学一区)[4] L.-J. Liu, W. Wang (co-first), S.-Y. Huang, Y. Hong, G. Li, S. Lin, J. Tian, Z. Cai, H.-M. D. Wang, D.-L. Ma*, C.-H. Leung. “Inhibition of the ras/raf interaction and repression of renal cancer xenografts in vivo by an enantiomeric iridium(III) metal-based compound” Chem. Sci., 2017, 8, 4756. (Impact factor: 9.825, Inside back cover, 化学一区)[5] K. Vellaisamy, G. Li, W. Wang (co-first), C.-H. Leung,* D.-L. Ma*. “A long-lived peptide-conjugated iridium(III) complex as a luminescent probe and inhibitor of the cell migration mediator, formyl peptide receptor 2” Chem. Sci., 2018, 9, 8171. (Impact factor: 9.825, Front cover, 化学一区)[6] W. Wang, C. Yang, S. Lin, K. Vellaisamy, G. Li, W. Tan, C.-H. Leung, D.-L. Ma*. “First synthesis of an oridonin-conjugated iridium(III) complex for the intracellular tracking of NF-κB in living cells” Chem. Eur. J., 2017, 23, 4929. (Impact factor: 5.236, 化学二区)[7] W. Wang, C. Yang, G. Li, Y.-C. Tse, C.-H. Leung, D.-L. Ma*. “An iridium(III) complex-based chemosensor for the detection of thiourea in living cells” Sens. Actuator B-Chem., 2017, 251, 374. (Impact factor: 9.221, 化学一区)[8] W. Wang, C. Wu, C. Yang, G. Li, Q.-B. Han, S. Li, M.-Y. Lee, C.-H. Leung, D.-L. Ma*. "A dual-functional luminescent probe for imaging H2S in living zebrafish and discrimination hypoxic cells from normoxic cells". Sens. Actuator B-Chem., 2018, 255, 1953. (Impact factor: 9.221, 化学一区)[9] W. Wang, L. Lu, C. K.-J. Wu, J. Liu, C.-H. Leung, C.-Y. Wong, D.-L. Ma*. "Long-lived iridium(III) complexes as luminescent probes for the detection of periodate in living cells". Sens. Actuator B-Chem., 2019, 288, 392. (Impact factor: 9.221, 化学一区)   [10] C. Yang, W. Wang (co-first), J. Liang, G. Li, K. Vellaisamy, C.-Y. Wong, D.-L. Ma*, C.-H. Leung. “A rhodium(III)-based inhibitor of lysine-specific histone demethylase 1 as an epigenetic modulator in prostate cancer cells” J. Med. Chem., 2017, 60, 2597. (Impact factor: 8.039, 医学一区)Selected Patents:[1] 一种炔类化合物制备功能化金纳米颗粒的方法, 王万河, 刘建华, 王京(CN202210856343.2), 2022/07/15.[2] 喹唑啉类化合物、其中间体、制备方法、药物组合物和应用, 柏旭, 余建鑫, 王万河, 张永, 郑连友, 夏广新, 张春玲, 王余吉, 周倩, 张大鹏(CN106316965A), 2017/01/11. [3] Quinazoline compound, intermediate, preparation method, pharmaceutical composition and uses thereof, 柏旭, 余建鑫, 王万河, 张永, 郑连友, 夏广新, 张春玲, 王余吉, 周倩, 张大鹏(WO2017005137A1), 2017/01/12.Selected Fundings (PI):国家自然科学基金青年项目,主持,2022.01-2024.12;国家重点研发计划子课题,主持,2024.01-2026.12;陕西省重点研发计划一般项目,主持,2024.01-2025.12;陕西省基础研究计划青年项目,主持,2021.01-2022.12;结题广东省自然科学基金面上项目,主持,2023.01-2025.12;重庆市自然科学基金面上项目,主持,2021.10-2024.09;澳门科学技术发展基金,Co-PI,2023.12-2026.11;澳门科学技术发展基金,Co-PI,2022.10-2025.09;海南省重点研发计划社发领域项目,联合主持,2021.12-2023.12;西北工业大学西北工业大学重点布局类人才项目培育基金,主持,2023.04-2025.03;中央高校基本业务资助项目,主持,2020.01-2021.12;结题横向经费:肿瘤诊疗探针的设计与开发,主持,2021.10-2022.10。


学术活动 Professional Activities 国际会议:2023    Cell Symposium: Bio-Inspired and Bio-Integrated Materials for Emerging Technologies, Bioactive luminescent iridium(III) complexes for cancer imaging and therapy, Oral Presentation, Suzhou, China     2023    55th Assembly of Advanced Materials Congress, Subcellular luminescent iridium(III) complexes as bioimaging probes and bioactive compounds, Invited IAAM Scientist Medal Lecture, Stockholm, Sweden2023   The World Biological Science and Technology Conference (BioST 2023), The Development of Luminescent Iridium(III) Complex-Based Tools for Biomedical Applications, Oral Presentation, Osaka, Japan2022   PIERS2022, "Peptide-conjugated luminescent iridium(III) complexes as biocompatible theranostic probes for cancer and immune systems", Oral Presentation, Hangzhou, China2017   5th MacroTrend Conference on Applied Science: Paris 2017, "Iridium complex-based probe for visualizing β-galactosidase in ovarian carcinoma cells", Oral Presentation, Paris, France
