
主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 干红平
学校 西北工业大学
部门 软件学院
学位 工学博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 副高
联系方式 实用新型1875包写包过
邮箱 ganhongping@nwpu.edu.cn
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

综合介绍 General Introduction 主要力于智能信息处理方面的研究,主要研究方向包括:图像处理、计算机视觉、数据安全、无人机防控安全等方面。在相关领域以第一作者/通信作者在顶级期刊(如TIP、TGRS、TCYB、TCI)和顶级会议(如CVPR)取得了一系列创新性研究成果。 个人相册


教育教学 Education and teaching 招生信息 招收对科研有热忱的智能信息处理(压缩感知、深度学习及图像处理等)等方向硕士研究生若干名,一起做“厚基础+爱科研+坐得住+有情怀”的科研人;指导的首届研究生均有2篇以上的高水平论文(含一篇CCF A,CVPR和TIP);PS: 因项目需要,现可招收2024年度考研学生1到2名。如果你对CV方向或者图像处理感兴趣,并且一定的CV研究基础,可邮箱联系我。


获奖信息 The winning information 1. 公派留学奖学金 国家留学基金委 2018.062. 博士研究生国家奖学金 教育部 2018.113. 博士研究生国家奖学金 教育部 2019.124. 华为奖学金 华为有限公司  2020.025. 华为云与计算先锋教师 华为有限公司 2020.10


社会兼职 Social Appointments 1. IEEE Member, 中国电子学会会员, 中国图形学会会员2. IEEE TIP、TCYB、TCI、TGRS、SP等期刊以及ICML、CVPR、ICCV等会议审稿人3. 国际会议IEA/AIE(2023)、IEEE MIPR(2022)、IEEE PIC(2022)等会议的Program Committee4. 工信部CAPPVD漏洞库技术支撑单位技术负责人5. 数据安全产业专委会委员


科学研究 Scientific Research 1. 研究兴趣:图像处理,深度学习,压缩感知及其应用,导航诱骗,无人机管控;2. 成果转化:主导研发了商业级高精度授(守)时保护设备、基于同步生成式的导航诱骗设备及其无人机管控系统,其性能达到了国内一流水平;3. 科研项目:主持国家级科研项目1项、省(市)级项目2项、(太仓)地级市级项目2项、航天xx院研究项目; 主研面上项目、xx研究院项目等4项;4. 学术活动:1)研发的导航诱骗系统其产品受邀在长三角高新技术交易会展览;2)受邀在21年中国珠海航展做“无人机管控技术”的专题报告。


学术成果 Academic Achievements [1]      Chao Ning, Hongping Gan*. Trap Attention: Monocular Depth Estimation with Manual Traps. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023, accepted and to be online soon. (CCF A, CV三大顶会之一,"*"表示通信作者)[2]      Hongping Gan, Minghe Shen, Yi Hua, Tao Zhang, From Patch to Pixel: A Transformer-based Hierarchical Framework for Compressive Image Sensing[J]. IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, 2023, doi: 10.1109/TCI.2023.3244396. (中科院二区,计算成像领域Trans顶刊)[3]      Chao Ning, Hongping Gan*, Minghe Shen, Tao Zhang. Learning-based Padding: From Connectivity on Data Borders to Data Padding[J], Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2023,121: 106048, doi: 10.1016/j.engappai.2023.106048. (中科院一区SCI)[4]      Yi Hua, Hongping Gan, Fangyi Wan, Xinlin Qing, Feng Liu, Distributed Estimation with Adaptive Cluster Learning over Asynchronous Data Fusion[J]. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2023, accepted and to be online soon. (中科院一区,导航领域Trans顶刊)[5]      Hua Zhang, Chengyu Liu, Fangfang Tang, Mingyan Li, Dongxia Zhang, Ling Xia, Stuart Crozier, Hongping Gan, Nan Zhao, Wenlong Xu, Feng Liu. Atrial Fibrillation Identification based on 2D Representation of Optimal Subset ECG and a Non-deep Neural Network[J]. Frontiers in Physiology, 2023, accepted and to be online soon. (中科院二区,Top顶刊)[6]      干红平*. 无人机蜂群及其反制技术研究[J]. 电子对抗, 2022,4: 24-35.(电子对抗年度特别邀稿)[7]      Minghe Shen, Hongping Gan*, Chao Ning, Yi Hua, Tao Zhang, TransCS: A Transformer-based hybrid architecture for image compressed sensing[J]. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2022,31: 6991-7005. (中科院一区SCI, IF 11.04, CCF A, 图像处理领域Trans顶刊)[8]      Tao Zhang, Sinong Quan, Zhen Yang, Weiwei Guo, Zenghui Zhang, Hongping Gan*. A two-stage method for ship detection using PolSAR image[J], IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2022,60: 1-18. (中科院一区SCI, IF 8.125, CCF B,遥感领域Trans顶刊,ESI高引论文)[9]      Hongping Gan, Yao Gao, Chunyi Liu, Haiwei Chen, Tao Zhang, Feng Liu. AutoBCS: Block-based image compressive sensing with data-driven acquisition and non-iterative Reconstruction[J]. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2021, doi: 10.1109/TCYB.2021. 3127657.(中科院一区SCI, IF 19.12, CCF B,人工智能领域Trans顶刊)[10]   Yi Hua, Fangyi Wan, Hongping Gan, Youmin Zhang, Xinlin Qing. Distributed estimation with cross-verification under false data-injection attacks, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2022, doi: 10.1109/TCYB.2022.3197591.(中科院一区SCI, IF 19.12, CCF B,人工智能领域Trans顶刊)[11]   Hongping Gan*, Yang Gao, Tao Zhang. Non-Cartesian spiral binary sensing matrices[J]. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 2022, 41(5): 2934-2946. (中科院三区SCI)[12]   Hongping Gan*, Chunyan Ma, Jun Shu, Lipeng Gao, Tao Zhang, Xikang Feng. Rcm2IT: Informatization Teaching Using Refined Classroom Management of Students’Learning Process[J]. 计算机教育(英文版), 2022, 12: 70-78. (教育改革类核心期刊)[13]   Lijun He, Kun Guo, Hongping Gan, Li Wang. Collaborative data offloading for earth observation satellite networks, [J]. IEEE Communications Letters, 2022, 26(5): 1116-1120. (中科院三区SCI)[14]   Zhen Yang, Chaohe Wen, Lingkun Luo, Hongping Gan, Tao Zhang, ACSiam: Asymmetric convolution structures for visual tracking with Siamese network[J]. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2022, 84: 103465. (中科院三区SCI)[15]   Hongping Gan, Tao Zhang, Yi Hua, Jun Shu, Lijun He. Toeplitz-block sensing matrix based on bipolar chaotic sequence[J]. 物理学报(英文), 2021, 70(3): 038402. (中科院三区SCI)[16]   Lipeng Gao, Jingyu Wang, Qixin Wang, Wenzhong Shi, Jiangbin Zheng, Hongping Gan, Zhiyong Lv, Honghai Qiao. Road Extraction Using a Dual Attention Dilated-LinkNet Based on Satellite Images and Floating Vehicle Trajectory Data[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2021, 14: 10428-10438. (中科院三区SCI)[17]   Zhen Yang, Zhipeng Wang, Lingkun Luo, Hongping Gan, Tao Zhang. SWS-DAN: Subtler WS-DAN for fine-grained image classification[J]. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2021, 79: 103245. (中科院三区SCI)[18]   Hua Yi, Fangyi Wan, Hongping Gan, Bin Liao, One-step Asynchronous Data Fusion DLMS Algorithm, IEEE Communications Letters, 2021, 25(5): 1660-1664. (中科院二区SCI)[19]   Zhang, Tao, Yang Zhen, Hongping Gan, Deliang Xiang, Sha Zhu, and Jian Yang, Feng Liu. PolSAR ship detection using the joint polarimetric information [J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2020, 58(11): 1950121. (中科院一区SCI, IF 8.125, CCF B,遥感领域Trans顶刊)[20]   Hongping Gan, Song Xiao, Zhimin Zhang, Shanshan Shan, Yang Gao. Chaotic compressive sampling matrix: Where sensing architecture meets sinusoidal iterator[J]. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 2020, 39(3): 1581-1602. (中科院三区SCI)[21]   Hongping Gan, Song Xiao, Tao Zhang, Feng Liu. Bipolar measurement matrix using chaotic sequence[J]. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2019, 72: 139-151. (中科院一区SCI)[22]   Hongping Gan, Song Xiao, Feng Liu. Chaotic binary sensing matrices[J]. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2019, 29(9): 1950121. (中科院二区SCI)[23]   Hongping Gan, Song Xiao, Tao Zhang, Zhimin Zhang, Jie Li, Yao Gao. Chaotic Pattern Array for Single-Pixel Imaging. Electronics, 2019, 8, 536. (中科院三区 SCI)[24]   Zhimin Zhang, Xinwen Liu, Shoushui Wei, Hongping Gan, Feifei Liu, Yuwen Li, Chengyu Liu, Feng Liu. Electrocardiogram reconstruction based on compressed sensing[J]. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 37228-37237.(中科院二区SCI)[25]   Yimin Zhao, Song Xiao, Hongping Gan, Lizhao Li, Lina Xiao. Structural Compressed Network Coding for Data Collection in Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Networks[J]. IEICE Transactions on Communications, 2019: 2018EBP3363. (中科院四区 SCI)[26]   Xiao Xue, Song Xiao, Hongping Gan. Sparse random block-banded Toeplitz matrix for compressive sensing[J]. IEICE Transactions on Communications, 2019: 2018EBP3247. (中科院四区 SCI)[27]   Hongping Gan, Song Xiao, Yimin Zhao. A large class of chaotic sensing matrices for compressed sensing[J]. Signal Processing, 2018, 149: 193-203. (中科院二区SCI)[28]   Hongping Gan, Song Xiao, Yimin Zhao, Xiao Xue. Construction of efficient and structural chaotic sensing matrix for compressive sensing[J]. Signal Processing: Image Communication, 2018, 68: 129-137. (中科院二区SCI)[29]   Hongping Gan, Song Xiao, Yimin Zhao. A Novel Secure Data Transmission Scheme Using Chaotic Compressed Sensing. IEEE Access, 2017, 6: 4587-4598.(中科院二区SCI)[30]   Hongping Gan, Zhi Li, Jian Li, Xi Wang, Zhengfu Cheng. Compressive sensing using chaotic sequence based on Chebyshev map[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2014, 78(4): 2429-2438. (中科院二区SCI)其它会议:[31]   Hongping Gan*. Exploration of software engineering theory and practice mode[C]//Eighteenth China-Europe International Symposium on Software Engineering Education (CEISEE), 2022. (Oral)[32]   Tao Zhang, Hongping Gan, Zhen Yang, Bing Zeng, Jian Yang. Simplified Power-based Detectors for Ship Detection of PolSAR Imagery[C]//IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGRSS), 2021, 2214-2217. (Oral)[33]   Han Zhang, Song Xiao, Hongping Gan. Research on Construction of Measurement Matrix Based on Welch Bound[C]//International Conference on Communications and Networking in China. Springer, Cham, 2020: 701-712.[34]   Yimin Zhao, Song Xiao, Hongping Gan. Broadcast Cost Reduction in Wireless Sensor Networks with Instantly Decodable Network Codes[C]//2018 IEEE 87th Vehicular Technology Conference (Spring), 2018: 1-5.
