

主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 李聪
教师编号 4407
学校 西北工业大学
部门 生态环境学院
学位 哲学博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 副高
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个人经历 Personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 2021.03- 至今:  西北工业大学,生态环境学院,副教授2009.07- 2014.09:    中国科学院动物研究所,动物生态与保护生物学院重点实验室,理论生态学研究组,研究助理 2014. 09 - 2020. 10:    理学博士学位,加拿大,蒙特利尔大学,应用数学方向2006. 09 - 2009. 07:    理学硕士学位,中国,北京师范大学,计算机软件与理论方向2002. 09 - 2006. 07:    理学学士学位,中国,北京师范大学,数学与应用数学方向


教育教学 Education and teaching 招生信息 招收数学与应用数学,理论生态学,演化博弈论相关方向的研究生


科学研究 Scientific Research 本人主要研究方向是进化博弈理论(Evolutionary Game Theory)及随机演化博弈动力学(Stochastic Evolutionary Game Dynamics),所涉及的主要科学问题包括:合作行为的进化生物学机制(Evolution of Cooperation);随机进化稳定性的理论及其应用(Stochastic Evolutionary Stability)。近年来在国际大小期刊上发表论文近20篇,研究内容包括囚徒困境(Prisoner’s Dilemma),公共品博弈(Public Goods game),网络互惠(Network Reciprocity),奖惩机制(Reward and Punishment),从众行为(Conformist),合作共存(Coexistence of cooperation and defection),环境波动下的随机博弈(Randomized game)等。文章发表的期刊包括物理评论通讯(Phy. Rev. Lett.),美国科学院学报(PNAS),物理评论E(Phy. Rev. E),理论生物学期刊(Jou. of Theo. Bio.),Dynamic games and applications,Scientific Reports等。


学术成果 Academic Achievements 论文发表:[1] Cong Li, Tiao-jiao Feng, He-Lin Zhang, Da-Hua Chen, Ross Cressman, Jin-Bao Liao and Yi Tao (2021) Multilayer network structure enhances the coexistence of competitive species. Physical Review E 104, 024402.[2] Si-Yi Wang, Yan-Ping Liu, Min-Lan Li, Cong Li&, Rui-Wu Wang (2021) Super-rational aspiration induced strategy updating helps resolve the tragedy of the commons in a cooperation system with exit rights. BioSystems 208, 104496.[3] Dhaker Kroumi, Eloi Martin, Cong Li and Sabin Lessard (2021) Effect of variability in payoffs on conditions for the evolution of cooperation in a small population. Dynamic Games and Applications.[4] Cong Li and Sabin Lessard (2021) Effect of the opting-out strategy on conditions for selection to favor the evolution of cooperation in a finite population. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 510, 110543.[5] Cong Li and Sabin Lessard (2020) Randomized matrix game in a finite population: effect of variances in payoffs on evolution of cooperation. Theoretical Population Biology 134, 77-91.[6] Cong Li, Xiu-Deng Zheng, Tian-jiao Feng, Sabin Lessard, Yi Tao (2019) Weak selection can filter environmental noise in the evolution of animal behavior. Physical Review E 100, 052411.[7] Xiu-Deng Zheng, Cong Li*, Sabin Lessard, Yi Tao (2018) Environmental noise could promote stochastic local stability of behavioral diversity evolution. Physical Review Letters 120, 218101.[8] Chun-Lei Yang, Bo-Yu Zhang, Gary Charness, Cong Li, Jaimie W. Lien (2018) Endogenous rewards promote cooperation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 115(40) 9968-9973.[9] Xiu-Deng Zheng, Cong Li*, Sabin Lessard, Yi Tao (2017) Evolutionary stability concepts in a stochastic environment. Physical Review E 96, 032414.[10] Xiu-Deng Zheng, Cong Li, Jie-Ru Yu, Shi-Chang Wang, Song-Jia Fan, Bo-Yu Zhang and Yi Tao (2017) A simple rule of direct reciprocity leads to the stable coexistence of cooperation and defection in the Prisoner's Dilemma game. Journal of Theoretical Biology 420, 12–17.[11] Bo-Yu Zhang, Cong Li&, Yi Tao (2016) Evolutionary Stability and the Evolution of Cooperation on Heterogeneous Graphs. Dynamic Games and Applications 6, 567–579.[12] Bo-Yu Zhang, Song-Jia Fan, Cong Li*, Xiu-Deng Zheng, Jian-Zhang Bao, Ross Cressman and Yi Tao (2016) Opting out against defection leads to stable coexistence with cooperation. Scientific Reports 6, 35902.[13] Yali Dong, Cong Li*, Yi Tao, Bo-Yu Zhang (2015) Evolution of Conformity in Social Dilemmas. PLoS ONE. 10(9): e0137435.[14] Jia-Jia Wu, Cong Li*, Bo-Yu Zhang, Ross Cressman and Yi Tao (2014) The role of institutional incentives and the exemplar in promoting cooperation. Scientific Reports 4, 6421.[15] Yi Tao, Jing-Jing Xu, Cong Li and Ross Cressman (2014) Dominance hierarchies induce a population’s full cooperation, Dynamic Games and Applications 4, 432-447.[16] Bo-Yu Zhang, Cong Li, Hannelore De Silva, Peter Bednarik and Karl Sigmund (2014) The evolution of sanctioning institutions: an experimental approach to the social contract, Experimental Economics. 17, 285–303.[17] Cong Li, Bo-Yu Zhang, Ross Cressman and Yi Tao (2013) Evolution of cooperation in a heterogeneous graph: fixation probabilities under weak selection, PLoS ONE. 8(6):e66560.[18] Ross Cressman, Jia-Jia Wu, Cong Li, Yi Tao (2013) Game Experiments on Cooperation through Reward and Punishment, Biological Theory. 8:158-166.[19] Yi Tao, Cong Li, Jia-Jia Wu and Ross Cressman (2009) The efficiency ratio of costly punishment, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 106, E136. *为共同第一作者,&为通讯作者 审稿中论文:[20] Cong Li, Ting Ji, Qiao-qiao He, Xiu-deng Zheng, Sabin Lessard, Yi Tao (2021) Uncertainty in payoffs for defection could be conducive to the evolution of cooperation. Submitted to Journal of Theoretical Biology.[21] Sabin Lessard, Cong Li, Xiu-deng Zheng, Yi Tao (2021) Inclusive fitness and Hamilton's rule in a stochastic environment. Submitted to Theoretical Population Biology. 国际会议报告:[1] Evolution of cooperation and network structure. B.I.R.S, June 2010, Banff,Canada[2] Evolution of cooperation and network structure. The 14th ISDG, June 2010, Banff,Canada[3] How is the evolution of cooperation affected by the network structure? The 3rd CJCMB, Oct 2010, Beijing,China[4] Cooperation in structured population under weak selection. Dec 2010, University of Vienna, Vienna,Austria[5] Effect of graph heterogeneity on the evolution of cooperation. the 15th ISDG, July 2012, By?ice, Czech Republic[6] Institutional Reward and Punishment: Imitation behavior in a public goods game. April 2013, Max-Planck-Institute, Pl?n,Germany[7] Evolutionarily stable imitation in repeated games. April 2013, University of Vienna, Vienna,Austria[8] Cooperation on heterogeneous graph: Effect of fixed contribution. CMPD4, May 2013, Taiyuan,China[9] Cooperation and evolutionary dynamics in the public goods game with institutional incentives. NSFC-IIASA Conference “Evolution of Cooperation”, April 2014, Beijing, China


学术文献 Academic Literature

