
主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 李灿
学校 西北工业大学
部门 材料学院
学位 哲学博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 副高
联系方式 实用新型1875包写包过
邮箱 lican@nwpu.edu.cn
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

综合介绍 General Introduction 李灿,男,哲学博士。于2013年和2015年分别获得清华大学学士和硕士学位,于2020年获得香港大学博士学位,其后在香港大学从事研究工作。2021年加入西北工业大学材料学院。主要从事窄带隙钙钛矿、钙钛矿叠层太阳能电池的研究工作,目前已在Advanced Materials, Advanced Energy Materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Small, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Small Methods等材料和能源领域著名国际学术刊物上发表SCI论文20余篇。 个人相册


个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 2021年3月至今               西北工业大学材料学院        副教授2020年4月-2021年2月    香港大学电机电子工程系    博士后 2009-2013    清华大学    机械工程及自动化    工学学士2013-2015    清华大学    材料科学与工程        工学硕士2016-2020    香港大学    电机与电子工程        哲学博士


教育教学 Education and teaching 教育信息 本科生课程《新能源材料与技术经济学》研究生课程《The Physics of Solar Cells》


获奖信息 The winning information 2022年    西北工业大学校级优秀辅导员2015年    香港政府博士生奖学金2013年    清华大学优良毕业生


社会兼职 Social Appointments


学术成果 Academic Achievements [1]  Meng R, Li C*(共同通讯), Shi J, Wan Z, Li Z, Zhi C, Zhang Y, Li Z*. Reductive 2D  Capping Layers through Dopamine Salt Incorporation for Pb–Sn Mixed Perovskite  Solar Cells[J]. ACS Energy Letters, 2023: 5206–5214.[2]  Meng R#, Li C#(共同一作), Yang L, Li Z, Wan Z, Shi J, Li  Z. Solvent bath annealing-induced liquid phase Ostwald ripening enabling  efficient and stable perovskite solar cells[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry  A, 2023, 11(9): 4780–4788.[3] Li  C, Tao R, Ding Y, Liu C, Ding X, Xu H, Zhi C, Jia C, Li Z. Highly  Visible‐Transparent and Color‐Neutral Perovskite Solar Cells for Self‐Powered  Smart Windows[J]. Solar RRL, 2022, 6(6): 2101009.[4] Li  C, Xu H, Zhi C, Wan Z, Li Z. TiO2/SnO2 electron transport double layers  with ultrathin SnO2 for efficient planar perovskite solar cells[J]. Chinese  Physics B, 2022, 31(11): 118802.[5] Li  C, Wang Y, Choy W C H. Efficient Interconnection in Perovskite Tandem  Solar Cells[J]. Small Methods, 2020, 4(7): 2000093.[6] Li  C, Ma R, He X, Yang T, Zhou Z, Yang S, Liang Y, Sun X W, Wang J, Yan Y,  Choy W C H. In Situ Tin(II) Complex Antisolvent Process Featuring Simultaneous  Quasi‐Core–Shell Structure and Heterojunction for Improving Efficiency and  Stability of Low‐Bandgap Perovskite Solar Cells[J]. Advanced Energy Materials,  2020, 10(8): 1903013.[7] Li  C, Wang Z S, Zhu H L, Zhang D, Cheng J, Lin H, Ouyang D, Choy W C H.  Thermionic Emission–Based Interconnecting Layer Featuring Solvent Resistance  for Monolithic Tandem Solar Cells with Solution‐Processed Perovskites[J].  Advanced Energy Materials, 2018, 8(36): 1801954.[8] Li  C, Li Y, Xing Y, Zhang Z, Zhang X, Li Z, Shi Y, Ma T, Ma R, Wang K, Wei J.  Perovskite Solar Cell Using a Two-Dimensional Titania Nanosheet Thin Film as  the Compact Layer[J]. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7(28): 15117–15122.[9]  Li Z, Wan Z, Jia C, Zhang M, Zhang M, Xue J, Shen J, Li C, Zhang C, Li  Z. Cross-linked polyelectrolyte reinforced SnO2 electron transport layer for  robust flexible perovskite solar cells[J]. Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2023,  85: 335–342.[10]  Wang M, Wan Z, Li Z, Jia C, Zhang W, Hu Q, Huang W, Li C, Gui X, Li Z.  Full spectrum solar hydrogen production by tandems of perovskite solar cells  and photothermal enhanced electrocatalysts[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal,  2023, 460: 141702.[11]  Ding Y, Sun H, Li Z, Jia C, Ding X, Li C, Wang J-G, Li Z.  Galvanic-driven deposition of large-area Prussian blue films for flexible  battery-type electrochromic devices[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A,  2023, 11(6): 2868–2875.[12]  Li Z, Jia C, Wan Z, Xue J, Cao J, Zhang M, Li C, Shen J, Zhang C, Li Z.  Hyperbranched polymer functionalized flexible perovskite solar cells with  mechanical robustness and reduced lead leakage[J]. Nature Communications,  2023, 14(1): 6451.[13]  Zhi C, Wang S, Sun S, Li C, Li Z, Wan Z, Wang H, Li Z, Liu Z.  Machine-Learning-Assisted Screening of Interface Passivation Materials for  Perovskite Solar Cells[J]. ACS Energy Letters, 2023, 8(3): 1424–1433.[14]  Li Z, Wang Z, Jia C, Wan Z, Zhi C, Li C, Zhang M, Zhang C, Li Z.  Annealing free tin oxide electron transport layers for flexible perovskite  solar cells[J]. Nano Energy, 2022, 94: 106919.[15]  Wang M, Wan Z, Meng X, Li Z, Ding X, Li P, Li C, Wang J-G, Li Z.  Heterostructured Co/Mo-sulfide catalyst enables unbiased solar water splitting  by integration with perovskite solar cells[J]. Applied Catalysis B:  Environmental, 2022, 309: 121272.[16]  Ma R, Zheng J, Tian Y, Li C, Lyu B, Lu L, Su Z, Chen L, Gao X, Tang J,  Choy W C H. Self‐Polymerization of Monomer and Induced Interactions with  Perovskite for Highly Performed and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells[J]. Advanced  Functional Materials, 2021, 32(1): 2105290.[17]  Li H, Lin H, Ouyang D, Yao C, Li C, Sun J, Song Y, Wang Y, Yan Y, Wang  Y, Dong Q, Choy W C H. Efficient and Stable Red Perovskite Light‐Emitting  Diodes with Operational Stability >300 h[J]. Advanced Materials, 2021,  33(15): e2008820.[18]  Ma R, Ren Z, Li C, Wang Y, Huang Z, Zhao Y, Yang T, Liang Y, Sun X W,  Choy W C H. Establishing Multifunctional Interface Layer of Perovskite Ligand  Modified Lead Sulfide Quantum Dots for Improving the Performance and Stability  of Perovskite Solar Cells[J]. Small, 2020, 16(41): e2002628.[19]  Wang Y, Chen G, Ouyang D, He X, Li C, Ma R, Yin W, Choy W C H. High  Phase Stability in CsPbI3 Enabled by Pb–I Octahedra Anchors for Efficient  Inorganic Perovskite Photovoltaics[J]. Advanced Materials, 2020, 32(24): e2000186.[20]  Cheng J, Zhang H, Zhao Y, Mao J, Li C, Zhang S, Wong K S, Hou J, Choy W  C H. Self‐Assembled Quasi‐3D Nanocomposite: A Novel p‐Type Hole Transport  Layer for High Performance Inverted Organic Solar Cells[J]. Advanced  Functional Materials, 2018, 28(15): 1706403.[21]  Cao X, Li Y, Li C, Fang F, Yao Y, Cui X, Wei J. Modulating Hysteresis  of Perovskite Solar Cells by a Poling Voltage[J]. The Journal of Physical  Chemistry C, 2016, 120(40): 22784–22792.[22]  Guo F, Li C, Wei J, Xu R, Zhang Z, Cui X, Wang K, Wu D. Fabrication of  highly conductive carbon nanotube fibers for electrical application[J].  Materials Research Express, 2015, 2(9): 095604.[23]  He S, Wei J, Guo F, Xu R, Li C, Cui X, Zhu H, Wang K, Wu D. A large  area, flexible polyaniline/buckypaper composite with a core–shell structure  for efficient supercapacitors[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014,  2(16): 5898–5902.
