

主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 尤著宏
教师编号 4397
学校 西北工业大学
部门 计算机学院
学位 工学博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 正高
联系方式 【发送到邮箱】
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综合介绍 General Introduction 尤著宏,男,博士,西北工业大学二级教授,博士生导师。中国科学技术大学硕士博士,同济大学及香港理工大学博士后,国家“杰出青年”科学基金获得者,中组部第十四批“国家特聘专家”获得者、国家“优秀青年”科学基金获得者及人社部“香江学者”计划获得者。连续多年入选爱思唯尔(Elsevier)“中国高被引学者”,入选美国斯坦福大学发布的“全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单”。主要从事模式识别、生物医学大数据分析及智能无人系统等研究工作。尤博士在上述领域的研究工作已产生一定的国内外影响力,在《IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics》、《IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems》、《IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering》、《IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics》、《PLOS Computational Biology》、《Briefings in Bioinformatics》、《Bioinformatics》等国内外重要学术期刊及AAAI、IJCNN、WCCI、BIBM等国际会议发表研究论文330余篇,SCI 索引论文210余篇,发表论文被IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics、IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering、Frontiers of Computer Science、Information Sciences、Frontiers in Genetics、Trends in genetics、Briefings in Bioinformatics、Cancer research、Nucleic acids research 等国际著名杂志引用超14000多次(Google Scholar),入选ESI 高被引论文10篇,热点论文3篇。撰写专著章节1 章、申请发明专利12项。尤博士目前是IEEE会员和中国计算机学会计算机应用专委会、生物信息专委会委员。担任10多个SCI国际期刊的客座编委(Guest Editor)以及Current Proteomics期刊编辑顾问委员会(Editorial Advisory Board)委员和地区编辑Regional Editor,是多个IEEE Transactions汇刊及高水平SCI国际期刊特邀审稿人。作为第二完成人的科技成果“复杂生物数据的特征建模及高效学习理论与应用”获得2016年度教育部自然科学奖2 等奖。作为第一完成人的科技成果“高维复杂数据的特征分析及高效学习方法与应用”获得省自然科学奖一等奖。联系方式:zhuhongyou@nwpu.edu.cn 个人相册


学术成果 Academic Achievements [10] Xiaorui Su, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者), De-Shuang Huang*, Lei Wang*, Leon Wong, Boya Ji, Bowei Zhao, “Biomedical Knowledge Graph Embedding with Capsule Network for Multi-label Drug-Drug Interaction Prediction,” IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, DOI: 10.1109/TKDE.2022.3154792, 2021. (SCI, 中科院2区, 影响因子:6.977)[09] Lei Wang, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者), De-Shuang Huang, Jian-Qiang Li, “MGRCDA: Metagraph Recommendation Method for Predicting CircRNA-Disease Association,” IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2021.3090756, 2021. (SCI, 中科院1区, 影响因子:11.079)[08] Tangbo Zhong, Zhengwei Li*, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者), Ru Nie*, Huan Zhao, “Predicting miRNA-disease associations based on graph random propagation network and attention network,”Briefings in Bioinformatics, bbab589, 2022 (SCI, 中科院小区1区,影响因子:11.622)[07]  Xiaorui Su, Lun Hu*, Zhu-Hong You(尤著宏), Pengwei Hu, Lei Wang, Bowei Zhao, “A deep learning method for repurposing antiviral drugs against new viruses via multi-view nonnegative matrix factorization and its application to SARS-CoV-2,”Briefings in Bioinformatics, vol.23, no.1, pp. 1-10, bbab526, 2022 (SCI, 中科院小区1区,影响因子:11.622).[06]  Bo-Wei Zhao, Lun Hu*, Zhu-Hong You(尤著宏), Lei Wang, Xiao-Rui Su, “HINGRL: predicting drug-disease associations with graph representation learning on heterogeneous information networks,”Briefings in Bioinformatics, vol.23, no.1, pp. 1-10,bbab515, 2022 (SCI, 中科院小区1区,影响因子:11.622)[05] Zhengwei Li, Tangbo Zhong, De-Shuang Huang, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者), Ru Nie, “Hierarchical graph attention network for miRNA-disease association prediction,” Molecular Therapy , https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ymthe.2022.01.041, 2022. (SCI, 中科院1区, 影响因子:11.454)[04] Hai-ChengYi, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者), De-Shuang Huang,  Chee Keong Kwoh,“Graph representation learning in bioinformatics: trends, methods and applications,”Briefings in Bioinformatics, vol.1, no.1, pp. 1-16, doi.org/10.1093/bib/bbab340, 2021 (SCI, 中科院1区,影响因子:11.622) [03] Xiao-Rui Su, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者), Lei Wang, Lun Hu, Leon Wong, Bowei Zhao, “SANE: A sequence combined attentive network embedding model for COVID-19 drug repositioning,” Applied Soft Computing, vol. 111, pp. 107831, 2021. (SCI, 影响因子:6.725, 中科院2区)[02] Lei Wang, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者), Xi Zhou, Xin Yan, Hao-Yuan Li, Yu-An Huang, “NMFCDA: Combining randomization-based neural network with non-negative matrix factorization for predicting CircRNA-disease association,” Applied Soft Computing, vol. 110, pp. 107629, 2021. (SCI, 影响因子:6.725, 中科院2区)[1]  Zhu-Hong You(尤著宏、第一作者), Zhi-An Huang, Zexuan Zhu, Gui-Ying Yan, Zhenkun Wen, Xing Chen “PBMDA: a novel and effective path-based computational model for miRNA-disease association prediction,” PLOS Computational Biology, 13 (3) :e1005455, 2017 (SCI, 3年影响因子4.679, 中科院小类1区) 高被引论文[2]  Zhu-Hong You(尤著宏、第一作者), Mengchu Zhou, Xin Luo, Shuai Li,“Highly Efficient Framework for Predicting Interactions Between Proteins,” IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, vol. 47, no.3, pp. 721-733, 2017. (SCI, 3年影响因子:4.454, 中科院1区)[3]  Xing Chen, Chenggang Clarence Yan, Xu Zhang, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者). “Long non-coding RNAs and complex diseases: from experimental results to computational models,”Briefings in Bioinformatics, vol.18, no.4, pp. 558-576,bbw060, 2017 Jul (SCI, 影响因子 9.617,中科院1区). 高被引论文+热点论文[4]  Lei Wang, Zhu-Hong You(共同第一及通信作者), Yu-An Huang, De-Shuang Huang, Keith C.C. Chan, “An Efficient Approach based on Multi-sources Information to Predict CircRNA-disease Associations Using Deep Convoltional Neural Network,”Bioinformatics , vol.36, no.13, pp.4038-4046, 2020    (SCI,影响因子:4.531,中科院小区1区) [5] Lei Wang, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者), Jian-Qiang Li, Yu-An Huang“IMS-CDA: Prediction of CircRNA-disease Associations from the Integration of Multi-source Similarity Information with Deep Stacked Auto-encoder Model,” IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, vol. 1, no.1, pp. 1-10, 2020. (SCI, 中科院1区, 影响因子:11.079)[6] 王磊,徐涛,宋传东,王海峰,尤著宏(通信作者),宋克俭,闫欣. 基于深度学习的 miRNA 与疾病相关性预测算法 [J]. 电子学报, 2019.(SCI,JCR 2区,中科院4区,影响因子:0.945)[7] Lun Hu, Xiaojuan Wang, Yu-An Huang, Pengwei Hu, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者) “A Survey on Computational Mo·dels for Predicting Protein-protein Interactions,”Briefings in Bioinformatics, vol.22, no.1, pp. 1-10, bbw060, 2021 (SCI, 中科院1区,影响因子:8.990). [8] Lei Wang, Xin Yan, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者), Xi Zhou, Hao-Yuan Li, Yu-AnHuang, “SGANRDA: semi-supervised generative adversarial networks for predicting circRNA-disease associations,”Briefings in Bioinformatics, vol.22, no.1, pp. 1-10,bbw060, 2021 (SCI, 中科院1区,影响因子:8.990). [9] Zhengwei Li, Jiashu Li, Ru Nie, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者), Wenzheng Bao “A Graph Auto-Encoder Model for MiRNA-Disease Associations Prediction,”Briefings in Bioinformatics, vol.1, no.1, pp. 1-10,bbw060, 2020 (SCI, 中科院1区,影响因子:8.990). [10]  Yu-An Huang, Keith C C Chan, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者), Pengwei Hu, Lei Wang, Zhi-An Huang ,“Predicting microRNA–disease associations from lncRNA–microRNA interactions via Multiview Multitask Learning,”Briefings in Bioinformatics, bbaa133, https://doi.org/10.1093/bib/bbaa1334, 2020 July(SCI, 中科院1区,3年影响因子:6.846). [11]  Zhen-Hao Guo, Zhu-Hong You(共同第一及通信作者), De-Shuang Huang, Hai-Cheng Yi , Kai Zheng, Zhan-Heng Chen, Yan-Bin Wang, “MeSHHeading2vec:  A  new  method  for representing  MeSH  headings  as  vectors based on graph embedding algorithm,”Briefings in Bioinformatics, bbaa037, https://doi.org/10.1093/bib/bbaa037, 2020 March(SCI, 中科院1区,3年影响因子:6.846). [12]  Xing Chen, Di Xie, Qi Zhao, Zhu-Hong You(尤著宏). “MicroRNAs and complex diseases: from experimental results to computational models,”Briefings in Bioinformatics, vol. 20, no.2, pp. 515-539, 2019 Mar (SCI,3年影响因子 5.134,中科院1区). 高被引论文+热点论文[13]  Lei Wang, Zhu-Hong You(共同第一及通信作者), Xing Chen, Yang-Ming Li, Ya-Nan Dong, Li-Ping Li, Kai Zheng,“LMTRDA: Using logistic model tree to predict miRNA-disease associations by fusing multi-source information of sequences and similarities,” PLOS Computational Biology, 15 (3) : e1006865., 2019 (SCI, 3年影响因子4.679, 中科院小类1区) [14]  Lei Wang?*, Zhu-Hong You(共同第一及通信作者), Yang-Ming Li, Kai Zheng, Yu-An Huang,“GCNCDA: A new method for predicting circRNA-disease associations based on Graph Convolutional Network Algorithm,” PLOS Computational Biology, vol. 16, no.5, pp. e1007568, 2020(SCI, 3年影响因子4.679, 中科院小类1区) [15]  Kai Zheng, Lei Wang, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者), Jian-Qiang Li, Zhen-Hao Guo, Yu-An Huang,“'iCDA-CGR: Identification of CircRNA-Disease Associations based on Chaos Game Representation,” PLOS Computational Biology, vol. 15, no.5, pp. e1006865, 2020 (SCI, 3年影响因子4.679, 中科院小类1区) [16] Lun Hu, Jun Zhang, Hong Yan, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者),“HiSCF: leveraging higher-order structures for clustering analysis in biological networks,” Bioinformatics,  btaa775, https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa775, 2020. (SCI, 中科院小区1区,影响因子:5.610) [17]  Xing Chen , Yu-An Huang, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者), Guiying Yan, Xuesong Wang,“A Novel Approach based on KATZ measure to Predict Associations of Human Microbiota with Non-Infectious Diseases,” Bioinformatics, vol. 33, no.5, pp. 733-739, 2016. (SCI, 中科院1区,影响因子:5.123)    高被引论文[18]  Yu-An Huang, Keith CC Chan, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者),“Constructing Prediction Models from Expression Profiles for Large Scale lncRNA-miRNA Interaction Profiling,” Bioinformatics, vol. 34, no.5, pp. 812-819, 2018. (SCI, 中科院1区,2016-2017影响因子:7.307) [19]  Xing Chen, Di Xie, Lei Wang, Qi Zhao, Zhu-Hong You(尤著宏), Hongsheng Liu, “BNPMDA: Bipartite Network Projection for MiRNA-Disease Association prediction,” Bioinformatics, vol. 34, no.18, pp. 3178-3186, 2018.  (SCI, 中科院1区,2016-2017影响因子:7.307)    高被引论文+热点论文[20]  Yu-An Huang, Peng-Wei Hu, Keith CC Chan, Zhu-Hong You(通作者信), “Graph convolution for predicting associations between miRNA and drug resistance,” Bioinformatics, vol. 36, no.3, pp. 851-858, 2020 Feb.  (SCI, 中科院1区,3年影响因子:5.773) [21]  Shuai Li, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者), Hongliang Guo, Xin Luo, Zhongqiu Zhao. “Inverse-free Extreme Learning Machine with Optimal Information Updating,” IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, vol.1, no.99, pp 1-7, 2015(SCI, 3年影响因子:4.454, 中科院1区)[22]  Xin Luo, MengChu Zhou, Shuai Li, YunNi Xia, Zhu-Hong You(尤著宏) , QingSheng Zhu, Hareton Leung,“Incorporation of Efficient Second-Order Solvers Into Latent Factor Models for Accurate Prediction of Missing QoS Data,” IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, vol. 48, no.4, pp. 1216-1288, 2018. (SCI, 3年影响因子:4.454, 中科院1区)48 :4, 1216-1228. (2018) [23]  Kai Zheng, Zhu-Hong You(尤著宏), Lei Wang, Yi-Ran Li, Ji-Ren Zhou, Hai-Tao Zeng, “MISSIM: An incremental learning-based model with applications to the prediction of miRNA-disease association,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, DOI: 10.1109/TCBB.2020.3013837, 2020 (SCI, 中科院小区2区,影响因子:3.015) [24]  Huijuan Zhu,Yang Li, Ruidong Li, Jianqiang Li, Zhu-Hong You(尤著宏), Houbing Song, “SEDMDroid: An enhanced stacking ensemble of deep learning framework for Android malware detection, ” IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, DOI: 10.1109/TNSE.2020.2996379, 2020 (SCI,3年影响因子:8.785, 中科院1区) [25]  Hai-Cheng Yi, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者), Zhen-Hao Guo, De-Shuang Huang, Keith C. C. Chan, “Learning Representation of Molecules in Association Network for Predicting Intermolecular Associations,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, DOI: 10.1109/TCBB.2020.2973091, 2020 (SCI, 中科院2区,3年影响因子:2.426) [26]  Jian-Qiang Li, Xiao-Feng Shi, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者), Hai-Cheng Yi, Zhuangzhuang Chen, Qiuzhen Lin, Min Fang,“Using Weighted Extreme Learning Machine Combined with Scale-invariant Feature Transform to Predict Protein-Protein Interactions from Protein Evolutionary Information,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, DOI: 10.1109/TCBB.2020.2965919, 2020 (SCI, 中科院2区,3年影响因子:2.426) [27]  Lin Zhu, Suping Deng, D.-S. Huang,  Zhu-Hong You(尤著宏),“Identifying Spurious Interactions in the Protein-Protein Interaction Networks Using Local Similarity Preserving Embedding,”IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Vol. 14, no. 2, pp.345-352, 2017(SCI, 3年影响因子:1.528, 中科院3区)[28]  Shuai Li, MengChu Zhou, Xin Luo, Zhu-Hong You(尤著宏),“Distributed Winner-take-all in Dynamic Networks,”IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol.62, no.2, pp. 577-589, 2017(SCI, 3年影响因子:2.908, 中科院2区)[29]  Jianqiang Li, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者), Xiao Li, Zhong Ming, Xing Chen, “PSPEL: In Silico Prediction of Self-interacting Proteins from Amino Acids Sequences using Ensemble Learning,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, vol.14, no.5, pp. 1165-1172, 2017(SCI, 3年影响因子:1.528, 中科院3区)[30]  Xin Luo, Mengchu Zhou, Shuai Li, Zhu-Hong You(尤著宏), Yunni Xia, and Qingsheng Zhu,“A Non-negative Latent Factor Model for Large-scale Sparse Matrices in Recommender Systems via Alternating Direction Method,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, vol.27, no.3, pp. 579-592,  (SCI, 3年影响因子:4.505, 中科院1区)[31]  Yang Li, Xiao-Zhang Liu, Zhu-Hong You(尤著宏), Li-Ping Li, Jian-Xin Guo, Zheng Wang,“A computational approach for predicting drug–target interactions from protein sequence and drug substructure fingerprint information,” International Journal of Intelligent Systems, vol. 36, no.1, pp. 593-609, 2020 (SCI, 中科院1区,影响因子:10.312) [32]  Ji-Ren Zhou, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者), Li Cheng, Bo-Ya Ji, “Prediction of lncRNA-disease associations via an embedding learning HOPE in heterogeneous information networks” Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids, vol. 23, pp. 277-285, 2021. (SCI, 中科院2区,3年影响因子:5.317) [33]  Hao-Yuan Li, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者), Lei Wang*, Xin Yan*, Zheng-Wei Li, “DF-MDA: an effective diffusion-based computational model for predicting miRNA-disease association” Molecular Therapy, vol. xx, pp. xx, 2021. Doi:10.1016/j.ymthe.2021.01.003 (SCI, 中科院1区,影响因子:8.986) [34]  Bo-Ya Ji, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者), Han-Jing Jiang, Zhen-Hao Guo, Kai Zheng, “Prediction of drug-target interactions from multi-molecular network based on LINE network representation method,” Journal of translational medicine, vol. 18, no.1, pp. 1-11, 2020. (SCI, 中科院2区,影响因子:4.124) [35]  Hai-Cheng Yi, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者), De-Shuang Huang, Zhen-Hao Guo, Keith CC Chan, Yangming Li,“Learning Representations to Predict Intermolecular Interactions on Large-Scale Heterogeneous Molecular Association Network,” iScience, vol. 23, no. 7, pp. 101261, 2020. (SCI, 中科院3区,3年影响因子:4.516) [36]  Zhen-Hao Guo, Zhu-Hong You(共同第一及通信作者), Yan-Bin Wang, De-Shuang Huang, Hai-Cheng Yi, Zhan-Heng Chen, “Bioentity2vec: Attribute- and Behavior-driven Representation for Multi-type Relationship Prediction between Bioentities” Giga Science, vol.9, no.6, 2020  (SCI, 中科院2区,3年影响因子:5.993)[37]  Lijia Ma, Shiqiang Wang, Qiuzhen Lin, Jian-Qiang Li, Zhu-Hong You(尤著宏), Jiaxiang Huang, Maoguo Gong, “Multi-neighborhood Learning for Global Alignment in Biological Networks,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, DOI: 10.1109/TCBB.2020.2965919, 2020 (SCI, 中科院2区,3年影响因子:2.426) [38]  Zhen-Hao Guo, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者), De-Shuang Huang, Hai-Cheng Yi, Zhan-Heng Chen, Yan-Bin Wang, “A learning based framework for diverse biomolecule relationship prediction in molecular association network” Communications Biology, vol.3, no.118, 2020 ( Nature旗下期刊,SCI) [39]  Kai Zheng, Zhu-Hong You(共同第一及通信作者), Lei Wang, Yong Zhou, Li-Ping Li, Zheng-Wei Li, “DBMDA: A unified embedding for sequence-based miRNA similarity measure with applications to predict and validate MicroRNA-disease associations,” Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids, vol. 19, pp. 602-611, 2020. (SCI, 中科院2区,3年影响因子:5.990) [40]  Zhen-Hao Guo, Zhu-Hong You(共同第一及通信作者), Hai-ChengYi, “Integrative Construction and Analysis of Molecular Association Network in Human Cells by Fusing Node Attribute and Behavior Information,” Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids, vol. 19, pp. 498-506, 2020. (SCI, 中科院2区,3年影响因子:5.990) [41]  Mei-Neng Wang, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者), Lei Wang, Li-Ping Li, Kai Zheng, “LDGRNMF: LncRNA-Disease Associations Prediction based on Graph Regularized Non-Negative Matrix Factorization,” Neurocomputing, vol. 424, pp. 236-245, 2020 Feb. doi.org/10.1016/j.neucom.2020.02.062 (SCI, 中科院2区,3年影响因子:3.543) [42]  Kai Zheng, Zhu-Hong You(通作者信), Lei Wang, Zhen-Hao Guo, “iMDA-BN: Identification of miRNA-disease associations based on the biological network and graph embedding algorithm,” Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, vol.18, pp. 2391-2400, 2020 Jan.  (SCI, 中科院2区,3年影响因子:4.434) [43]  Hai-Cheng Yi, Zhu-Hong You(通作者信), Li Cheng, Xi Zhou, Tong-Hai Jiang, Xiao Li, Yan-Bin Wang “Learning distributed representations of RNA and protein sequences and its application for predicting lncRNA-protein interactions,” Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, vol.18, pp. 20-26, 2020 Jan.  (SCI, 中科院2区,3年影响因子:4.434) [44]  Leon Wong, Yu-An Huang, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者), Zhan-Heng Chen, Mei-Yuan Cao,“LNRLMI: Linear neighbor representation for predicting lncRNA-miRNA interactions,” Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, vol. 24, no.1, pp. 79-87, 2020 Jan. (SCI, 中科院2区,3年影响因子:4.486) [45]  Pengwei Hu, Yu-An Huang, Keith C. C. Chan,  Zhu-Hong You(尤著宏),“Learning Multimodal Networks from Heterogeneous Data for Prediction of lncRNA-miRNA Interactions,”IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Vol. 14, no. 2, pp.345-352, 2019  DOI: 10.1109/TCBB.2019.2957094(SCI, 3年影响因子:1.528, 中科院3区)[46]  Han-Jing Jiang, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者), Yu-An Huang,“Predicting drug?disease associations via sigmoid kernel-based convolutional neural networks,” Journal of translational medicine, vol. 17, no.1, pp. 382, 2019. (SCI, 中科院2区,3年影响因子:4.658)[47]  Kai Zheng, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者), Lei Wang, Yong Zhou, Li-Ping Li, Zheng-Wei Li,“MLMDA: a machine learning approach to predict and validate MicroRNA–disease associations by integrating of heterogenous information sources,” Journal of translational medicine, vol. 17, no.1, pp. 260, 2019. (SCI, 中科院2区,3年影响因子:4.658) [48]  Zhen-Hao Guo, Zhu-Hong You(共同第一及通信作者), Wang YanBin, Hai-Cheng Yi, Zhan-Heng Chen,“A Learning-based Method for LncRNA-Disease Association Identification Combing Similarity Information and Rotation Forest,” iScience, vol. 19, pp. 786-795, 2019. (SCI, 中科院2区,影响因子:4.447) [49]  Hai-Cheng Yi, Zhu-Hong You(共同第一及通信作者), Xi Zhou, Li Cheng, Xiao Li, Tong-Hai Jiang, Zhan-Heng Chen “ACP-DL: A deep learning long short-term memory model to predict anticancer peptides using high efficiency feature representation,” Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids, vol. 11, pp. 337-344, 2019. (SCI, 中科院2区,3年影响因子:5.317) [50]  Jianqiang Li, Shulan Wang, Yuan Li, Haiyan Wang, Huiwen Wang, Huihui Wang,  Jianyong Chen, Zhu-Hong You(尤著宏), “An Efficient Attribute-Based Encryption Scheme with Policy Update and File Update in Cloud Computing,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2019, vol.11, no.4, doi:10.1109/TII.2019.2931156 (SCI,3年影响因子:8.785, 中科院1区) [51]  Lun Hu, Pengwei Hu, Xin Luo, Xiaohui Yuan,  Zhu-Hong You(通信作者),“Incorporating the Coevolving Information of Substrates in Predicting HIV-1 Protease Cleavage Sites,”IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Vol. 14, no. 2, pp.345-352, 2019(SCI, 3年影响因子:1.528, 中科院3区)[52] Jia Qu, Xing Chen, Ya-Zhou Sun, Yan Zhao, Shu-Bin Cai, Zhong Ming, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者) , Jian-Qiang Li, “In silico prediction of small molecule-miRNA associations based on HeteSim algorithm,” Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids, vol. 14, pp. 274-286, 2019. (SCI, 中科院2区,3年影响因子:5.317) [53]  Xing Chen, Chun-Chun Wang, Jun Yin, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者) , “Novel human miRNA-disease associations inference based on random forest,” Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids, vol. 11, pp. 337-344, 2018. (SCI, 中科院2区,3年影响因子:5.317) [54]  Xing Chen, De-Hong Zhang, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者), “A heterogeneous label propagation approach to explore the potential associations between miRNA and disease,” Journal of Translational Medicine, vol. 16, no.348, 2018 (SCI, 中科院2区,影响因子:3.786) [55]  Zhu-Hong You(尤著宏、第一作者), Wen-Zhun Huang, Yu-An Huang, Chang-Qing Yu,  Li-Ping Li,“An Efficient Ensemble Learning Approach for Predicting Protein-Protein Interactions by Integrating Protein Primary Sequence and Evolutionary Information,”IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, vol.16, no.3, pp. 809-817, 2019 (SCI, 中科院2区,影响因子:2.896) [56]  Lei Wang, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者), De-Shuang Huang, Fengfeng Zhou,“Combining High Speed ELM Learning with a Deep Convolutional Neural Network Feature Encoding for Predicting Protein-RNA Interactions,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, DOI: 10.1109/TCBB.2018.2874267, 2018(SCI, 中科院2区,影响因子:2.896) [57]  Hai-Cheng Yi, Zhu-Hong You(共同第一及通信作者), De-Shuang Huang, Xiao Li, Tong-Hai Jiang, Li-Ping Li, “A Deep Learning Framework for Robust and Accurate prediction of ncRNA-Protein Interactions using Evolutionary Information,” Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids, vol. 11, pp. 337-344, 2018. (SCI, 中科院2区,3年影响因子:5.317) [58]  Lei Wang, Zhu-Hong You(共同第一及通信作者),Xing Chen, “RFDT: A Rotation Forest-based Predictor for Predicting Drug-Target Interactions using Drug Structure and Protein Sequence Information,” Current Protein & Peptide Science, vol.18, no.12, 2017.(SCI, 3年影响因子:2.641, 中科院3区)  高被引论文[59]  Yanbin Wang, Zhu-Hong You(共同第一及通信作者), Li-Ping Li, Li Cheng, Xi Zhou, Li-Bo Zhang, Xiao Li, Tong-Hai Jiang, “Predicting Protein Interactions Using a Deep Learning Method Combined Stacked Sparse Autoencoder with Probabilistic Classification Vector Machine” Complexity, vol. 2018, Article ID 4216813, 12 pages, 2018. (SCI, 3年影响因子:3.321, 中科院1区)[60]  Yan-Bin Wang, Zhu-Hong You(共同第一及通信作者), Xiao Li, Tonghai Jiang, Li Cheng and Zhanheng Chen, “Prediction of Protein Self-Interactions using Stacked Long Short-Term Memory from Protein Sequences Information,” BMC Systems Biology, vol.1, no.1, pp. 1-10, 2018(SCI, 中科院2区,3年影响因子:2.499) [61]  Wenzheng Bao, Zhu-Hong You(共同第一作者), De-Shuang Huang, “CIPPN: computational identification of protein pupylation sites by using neural network,” Oncotarget, vol.8, no.65, pp. 108867-108879, 2017Dece (SCI, 3年影响因子 5.168 , 中科院大类1区) . [62]  Yu-An Huang, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者), Xing Chen, Zhi-An Huang, Shanwen Zhang, Gui-Ying Yan, “Prediction of microbe–disease association from the integration of neighbor and graph with collaborative recommendation model,” Journal of Translational Medicine, vol. 15, no.209, 2017 (SCI, 中科院2区,影响因子:3.786) [63]  Yu-An Huang, Zhu-Hong You(共同第一及通信作者), Li-Ping Li, Zhi-An Huang, Lu-Xuan Xiang, Xiao-Fang Li and Lin-Tao Lv, “EPMDA: an expression-profile based computational model for microRNA-disease association prediction,” Oncotarget, vol.8, no.50, pp. 87033-87043, 2017 (SCI, 3年影响因子 5.168 , 中科院大类1区) . [64]  Zhu-Hong You(尤著宏、第一作者), Luo-pin Wang, Xing Chen, Shanwen Zhang, Shanwen Zhang, Xiao-Fang Li, Gui-Ying Yan, Zheng-Wei Li, “PRMDA: Personalized Recommendation-based miRNA-Disease Association prediction,” Oncotarget, vol.8, no.49, pp. 85568-85583, 2017 (SCI, 3年影响因子 5.168 , 中科院大类1区) .[65]  Zhengwei Li, Zhu-Hong You(共同第一及通信作者), Xing Chen, Li-Ping Li, De-Shuang Huang, Gui-Ying Yan, Ru Nie, Yu-An Huang, “Accurate prediction of protein-protein interactions by integrating potential evolutionary information embedded in PSSM profile and discriminative vector machine classifier,”Oncotarget, vol.8, no.14, pp. 23638-23649, 2017 (SCI, 3年影响因子 5.998 , 中科院大类1区) . [66]  Jian-Qiang Li, Zhi-Hao Rong, Xing Chen, Gui-Ying Yan, Zhu-Hong You(尤著宏), “MCMDA: Matrix Completion for MiRNA-Disease Association prediction,”Oncotarget, vol.8, no.13, pp. 21187-21199, 2017 (SCI, 3年影响因子 5.998 , 中科院大类1区) .  高被引论文[67]  Zhu-Hong You(尤著宏、第一作者), Xiao Li, Keith CC Chan,“An Improved sequence-based prediction protocol for protein-protein interactions using amino acids substitution matrix and rotation forest ensemble classifiers,”Neurocomputing, vol.228, pp. 277–282, 2016(SCI, 3年影响因子:2.160, 中科院2区)[68]  Lei Wang, Zhu-Hong You(共同第一及通信作者), Xing Chen, Jian-Qiang Li, Xin Yan, Wei Zhang, Yu-An Huang,“An ensemble approach for large-scale identification of protein-protein interactions using the alignments of multiple sequences. Oncotarget, vol.8, no.3, pp. 5149-5159, 2017 (SCI, 3年影响因子 5.998 , 中科院大类1区) . [69]  Yu-An Huang, Zhu-Hong You(共同第一及通信作者), Xing Chen , Guiying Yan ,“Improved protein-protein interactions prediction via weighted sparse representation model combining continuous wavelet descriptor and PseAA composition,” BMC Systems Biology, vol.10, no.S4, pp. 120, 2016 (SCI, 中科院2区,3年影响因子:2.499) [70]  Yu-An Huang, Zhu-Hong You(共同第一及通信作者), Xiao Li, Xing Chen, Pengwei Hu, Shuai Li, Xin Luo, “Construction of Reliable Protein-Protein Interaction Networks Using Weighted Sparse Representation Based Classifier with Pseudo Substitution Matrix Representation,” Neurocomputing, vol.218, no.12, pp.131–138, 2016(SCI, 3年影响因子:2.160, 中科院2区)[71]  Xiaoqiang Sun, Jiguang Bao, Xing Chen, Jun Cui, Zhu-Hong You(尤著宏). "Modeling of signaling crosstalk-mediated drug resistance and its implications on drug combination. Oncotarget, vol.7, no.39, pp. 63995-64006, 2016 (SCI, 3年影响因子 5.998 , 中科院大类1区) . [72]  Yu-An Huang, Xing Chen , Zhu-Hong You(通信作者), De-Shuang Huang, Keith Chan.“ILNCSIM: improved lncRNA functional similarity calculation model,” Oncotarget. vol.7, no.18, pp. 25902–25914, 2016. (SCI, 3年影响因子 5.998 , 中科院大类1区) . 高被引论文[73]  Xing Chen, Yu-An Huang, Xue-Song Wang, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者), Keith Chan.  “FMLNCSIM: Fuzzy Measure-based lncRNA functional similarity calculation model,” Oncotarget, vol.7, no.29, pp. 45948-45958, 2016. (SCI, 3年影响因子 5.998 , 中科院大类1区) [74]  Ji-Yong An, Zhu-Hong You(共同第一及通信作者), Xing Chen, De-Shuang Huang, and Yin Wang, “Identification of self-interacting proteins by exploring evolutionary information embedded in PSI-BLAST-constructed position specific scoring matrix,” Oncotarget, vol.7, no.50, pp. 82440-82449, 2016.  (SCI, 3年影响因子 5.998 , 中科院大类1区) .[75]  Xing Chen, Chenggang Clarence Yan, Xu Zhang, Zhu-Hong You(尤著宏), “HGIMDA: Heterogeneous Graph Inference for MiRNA-Disease Association prediction,” Oncotarget, vol.7, no.40, pp. 65257-65269, 2016 (SCI, 3年影响因子 5.998 , 中科院大类1区) . [76]  Xing Chen, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者), Gui-Ying Yan, Dun-Wei Gong. “IRWRLDA: Improved Random Walk with Restart for LncRNA-Disease Association prediction,”Oncotarget, vol.7, no.36, pp. 57919-57931, 2016. (SCI, 3年影响因子 5.998 , 中科院大类1区) [77]  Yu-An Huang, Zhu-Hong You(共同第一及通信作者), Xing Chen,Li-Guang Huang “Sequence-based Prediction of Protein-Protein Interactions Using Weighted Sparse Representation Model Combined with Global Encoding,” BMC Bioinformatics, vol.17, no.1, pp 184, 2016(SCI, 3年影响因子:2.561, 中科院2区) 高被引论文[78]  Xiao-Rui Su, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者), Hai-Cheng Yi,  " Prediction of lncRNA-disease associations based on network representation learning," 2020 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), Seoul, Korea (South), 2020, pp 1805-1812, 2020  (EI) [79]  Kai Zheng, Zhu-Hong You(通信作者), Lei Wang, Yi-Ran Li, Yan-Bin Wang, Han-Jing Jiang, " MISSIM: Improved miRNA-Disease Association Prediction Model Based on Chaos Game Representation and Broad Learning System," Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 11645, pp 392-398, 2019  (EI) [80]  Lei Wang, Zhu-Hong You(共同第一及通信作者), Xing Chen, Shi-Xiong Xia, Feng Liu, Xin Yan, Yong Zhou, “Computational Methods for the Prediction of Drug-Target Interactions from Drug Fingerprints and Protein Sequences by Stacked Auto-Encoder Deep Neural Network,” International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (ISBRA). Honolulu, USA, pp. 46-58, 2017  (EI)




