

主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 马永彬
教师编号 4394
学校 西北工业大学
部门 力学与土木建筑学院
学位 工学博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 副高
联系方式 【发送到邮箱】
邮箱 【发送到邮箱】
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 2015.10-2017.10   北京理工大学  宇航学院  力学系  博士后2017.10      至今   西北工业大学  力学与土木建筑学院 工程力学系  副教授  博/硕士研究生导师 2009.9-2015.10   大连理工大学  运载工程与力学学部   工程力学系  硕博 2005.9-2009.7     大连理工大学  运载工程与力学学部  工程力学系  本科


教育教学 Education and teaching 教育教学 招生信息 本科生二年级课程《机械振动》。 欢迎感兴趣的同学加入课题组。


科学研究 Scientific Research 结构动力学、声学、电磁和传热的高效计算与仿真分析;结构轻量化和多功能一体化设计。


学术成果 Academic Achievements Zhang S, Cheng QF, Ma YB*, Deng ZC, 2023, A symplectic analytical wave propagation model for forced vibration of thin plate with acoustic black hole indentation, Thin-Walled StructuresZhang S, Ma YB*, Yan M, Deng ZC*, 2023, Symplectic space wave propagation method for forced vibration of acoustic black hole assemblies, International Journal of Mechanical SciencesMa YB*, Cheng, Q., Wang, B. 2023,Symplectic analytical solution for forced vibration of a multilayer plate system, Journal of Low Frequency Noise Vibration and Active ControlMa YB*, Cheng QF, 2023, Semi-Analytical Solutions for Wave Propagation of Periodically Repetitive Schwarz Primitive Triply Periodic Minimal Surface Based Structure Embedded With Acoustic Black Hole Resonators, The International Journal of Acoustics and VibrationMa YB*, Wang B, 2023, Analytical Wave Propagation Method for Free and Forced Transverse Vibration Analysis of a System of Multiple Elastically Connected Beams, International Journal of Structural Stability and DynamicsMa YB*, Fan JL, Deng ZC, 2023, Semi-analytical solutions for the forced vibration of plate structures terminated by multiple acoustic black hole beams, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and EngineeringZhang S, Ma YB*, Deng ZC*, 2023, Analytical solution and experimental verification for the buckling failure of additively manufactured octagonal honeycombs, Composite StructuresWu XW, Ma YB*, Deng ZC*, 2023, Design of mechanical metamaterials with multiple stable stress plateaus, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and StructuresMa YB*, Deng ZC, 2022, A semi-analytical method for the dispersion analysis of orthotropic composite plates with periodically attached acoustic black hole resonators, Applied Mathematical ModellingMa YB*, Deng ZC, 2022, High frequency homogenisation for a one-dimensional acoustic black hole lattice, Wave MotionMa YB*, Deng ZC, 2022, On the efficient evaluation of modal density and damping of one-dimensional periodic structures using a dynamic homogenization method, Journal of Vibration and ControlCai JX, Ma YB*, Deng ZC*, 2022, On the effective elastic modulus of the ribbed structure based on Schwarz Primitive triply periodic minimal surface, Thin-Walled StructuresWang SH, Ma YB*, Deng ZC*, 2022, Design of elastically isotropic PLA lattice strucrure in fused filament fabrication considering material anisotropy, 力学学报Wang SH, Ma YB, Deng ZC*, 2022, Stretching-dominated truss lattice materials: Elastic anisotropy evaluation, control, and design, Composite StructuresWang SH, Ma YB, Deng ZC*, 2022, Two elastically equivalent compound truss lattice materials with controllable anisotropic mechanical properties, International Journal of Mechanical SciencesWang SH, Ma YB, Deng ZC*, 2021, Two-node method for the effective elastic properties of periodic cellular truss materials and experiment verification via stereolithography, European Journal of Mechanics, A/SolidsMa YB*, Deng ZC, 2021, A hybrid symplectic and high-frequency homogenization analysis for the dispersion property of periodic micro-structured thin plate structures, Applied Mathematical ModellingMa YB*, Deng ZC, 2021, A semi-analytical model for the modal density of periodic mediums based on the symplectic method, Journal of the Acoustical Society of AmericaWang SH, Ma YB, Deng ZC*, 2020, Implementation of an elastoplastic constitutive model for 3D-printed materials fabricated by stereolithography, Addit. Manuf.Wang SH, Ma YB, Deng ZC*, 2020, Effects of fused deposition modeling process parameters on tensile, dynamic mechanical properties of 3D printed polylactic acid materials. Polym. Test.Ma YB*, Zhangkai, Deng ZC, 2018, Wave component solutions of free vibration and mode damping loss factor of finite length periodic beam structure with damping material1. Composite StructuresCheng TB, Ma YB*, et al, 2017. Flexural properties of chemical vapor deposited zinc sulfide at high temperatures. Journal of Alloys and CompoundsMa YB, et al, 2017, Dispersion and damping analysis of orthotropic composite plate in mid frequency based on symplectic method. Composite StructuresMa YB, et al, 2017, A symplectic analytical wave propagation model for damping and steady state forced vibration of orthotropic composite plate structure. Applied Mathematical ModellingMa YB, et al, 2017, Optimization design of built-up thermal protection system based on validation of corrugated core homogenization. Applied Thermal EngineeringMa YB, et al, 2017, A Hybrid Analytical and Finite Element Method for Mid-Frequency Vibration Analysis of Plate Structures with Discontinuities. International Journal of Structural Stability and DynamicsMa YB, et al, 2016, Energy flow analysis of mid-frequency vibration of coupled plate structures with a hybrid analytical wave and finite element model. Computers & StructuresMa YB, et al, 2015, A symplectic analytical wave based method for the wave propagation and steady state forced vibration of rectangular thin plates. Journal of Sound and VibrationMa YB, et al, 2015, A hybrid wave propagation and statistical energy analysis on the mid-frequency vibration of built-up plate systems. Journal of Sound and Vibration


团队信息 Team Information 邓子辰教授团队。


综合介绍 General Introduction 在读研究生:博士2人,硕士5人毕业工作研究生:2人 个人相册
