
主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 李翠
学校 西北工业大学
部门 生态环境学院
学位 哲学博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 副高
联系方式 实用新型1875包写包过
邮箱 cui.li@nwpu.edu.cn
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

个人经历 Personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 ·         7/2021-至今        西北工业大学,生态环境学院,副教授,硕士生导师 ·         2/2019-6/2021      西北工业大学,生态环境学院,助理教授(博士后) ·         10/2014-2/2019  博士,昆士兰大学 (世界TOP 50),农业与食品学院,专业:农业资源与环境 ·         9/2011-6/2014    硕士,西北农林科技大学,农学院,专业:作物栽培学与耕作学·         9/2007-6/2011   学士,西北农林科技大学,农学院,专业:农学


教育教学 Education and teaching 招生信息 教育教学 指导硕士研究生5名。欢迎植物、生物、农学、环境、生态等相关领域背景的学生加入!优秀学生将有机会推荐出国交流或继续深造 主讲本科生课程《植物营养学》、研究生课程《植物营养学前沿》


科学研究 Scientific Research 研究兴趣·        作物矿质元素营养:叶面肥的吸收、转运机制·        金属元素与植物的互作关系:大气沉降中重金属对作物生长及粮食安全的影响,植物去除环境中重金属的机制与效率优化·        基于植物生理学与植物分子生物学的植物综合观测技术体系构建基金项目1.     2022-2024 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:大豆叶面锌肥叶片转出路径原位解析与调控机制研究,30万,主持,在研2.     2019-2021 国家博士后国际交流计划引进项目(“博新计划海外版”):叶面锌肥在大豆和向日葵体内的转运机制研究,60万,主持,结题3.     2021-2022陕西省自然科学基础研究计划青年项目:韧皮部中锌结合配体含量对大豆叶面锌肥转运的调控研究,主持,在研4.     9/2021 澳大利亚同步辐射中心XAS线站:叶面锌肥在大豆体内转运的化学形态检测,$AUD 131,136.00,主持,结题5.     3/2020澳大利亚同步辐射中心XFM线站:贫铀在向日葵中的迁移,$AUD 131,136.00,结题6.     2021-2024 中央高校科研基本业务费资助项目:20万,主持,在研7.     1/2020-6/2021 国家博士后基金面上项目,8万,主持,结题    8.     12/2020 英国钻石光源I18( SP25268):贫铀在土壤中的迁移,结题


学术成果 Academic Achievements 1.      Li C*, Mo Y, Wang N, Xing L, Qu Y, Chen Y, Yuan Z, Ali A, Qi J, Fernández V, Wang Y, Kopittke PM (2023) The overlooked functions of trichomes: Water absorption and metal detoxication. Plant, Cell & Environment 46: 669-6872.         Li C, Wang P*, Lombi E, Cheng M, Tang C, Howard DL, Menzies NW, Kopittke PM (2018) Absorption of foliar applied Zn fertilizers by trichomes in soybean and tomato. Journal of Experimental Botany 69: 2717-2729.3.      Li C*, Wu J, Blamey FPC, Wang L, Zhou L, Paterson DJ, van der Ent A, Fernández V, Lombi E, Wang Y*, Kopittke PM (2021) Non-glandular trichomes of sunflower are important in the absorption and translocation of foliar-applied Zn. Journal of Experimental Botany 72: 5079-5092.4.      Li C, Wang P, van der Ent A, Cheng M, Jiang H, Lund Read T, Lombi E, Tang C, de Jonge MD, Menzies NW, Kopittke PM (2019) Absorption of foliar-applied Zn in sunflower (Helianthus annuus): importance of the cuticle, stomata and trichomes. Annals of Botany 123: 57-68.5.      Li C*, Wang L, Wu J, Blamey FPC, Wang N, Chen Y, Ye Y, Wang L, Paterson DJ, Read TL, Wang P, Lombi E, Wang Y*, Kopittke PM (2022) Translocation of Foliar Absorbed Zn in Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) Leaves. Frontiers in plant science 136.      Li C, Wang P*, Menzies NW, Lombi E, Kopittke PM (2017) Effects of changes in leaf properties mediated by methyl jasmonate (MeJA) on foliar absorption of Zn, Mn and Fe. Annals of Botany 120: 405-415.7.      Li C, Wang P*, Menzies NW, Lombi E, Kopittke PM (2018) Effects of methyl jasmonate on plant growth and leaf properties. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 181: 409-418.8.      Li C*, Wang P, Lombi E, Wu J, Blamey FPC, Fernández V, Daryl HL, Menzies NW, Kopittke PM (2018) Absorption of foliar applied Zn is decreased in Zn deficient sunflower (Helianthus annuus) due to changes in leaf properties. Plant and Soil. 433: 309-322.9.      Blamey FPC, McKenna BA, Li C, Cheng M, Tang C, Jiang H, Howard DL, Paterson DJ, Kappen P, Wang P, Menzies NW, Kopittke PM (2017) Manganese distribution and speciation help to explain the effects of silicate and phosphate on manganese toxicity in four crop species. New Phytologist 217: 1146-1160.10.  Cicchelli FD, Wehr JB, Dalzell SA, Li C, Menzies NW, Kopittke PM (2016) Overhead-irrigation with saline and alkaline water: Deleterious effects on foliage of Rhodes grass and leucaena. Agricultural Water Management 169: 173-182.11.  Doolette CL, Read TL, Li C, Scheckel KG, Donner E, Kopittke PM, Schjoerring JK, Lombi E (2018) Foliar application of zinc sulphate and zinc EDTA to wheat leaves: differences in mobility, distribution, and speciation. Journal of Experimental Botany 69: 4469-4481.12.  Wang P, McKenna BA, Menzies N, Li C, Glover CJ, Zhao FJ, Kopittke PM (2019) Minimizing experimental artefacts in synchrotron-based X-ray analyses of Fe speciation in plant tissues. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 26: 1272-1279.13.  Kopittke PM, Dalal RC, Hoeschen C, Li C, Menzies NW, Mueller CWJG (2020) Soil organic matter is stabilized by organo-mineral associations through two key processes: The role of the carbon to nitrogen ratio. Geoderma 357: 113974.14.  Blamey P, Li C, Howard D, Cheng M, Tang C, Scheckel K, Noerpel M, Wang P, Menzies N, Kopittke P (2019) Valuating effects of iron on manganese toxicity in soybean and sunflower using synchrotron-based X-ray microfluorescence and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Metallomics 11: 2097-2110.15.  Wu J, Li C, Zhang J, Menzies NW, Bertsch PM, Wang P, Kopittke PM (2020) Release of silver from nanoparticle-based filter paper and the impacts to mouse gut microbiota. Environmental Science: Nano 7: 1554-1565.16.  Wu J, Bai Y, Lu B, Li C, Menzies NW, Bertsch PM, Wang Z, Wang P, Kopittke PM (2020) Application of sewage sludge containing environmentally-relevant silver sulfide nanoparticles increases emissions of nitrous oxide in saline soils. Environmental Pollution 265: 114807.17.  Read TL, Doolette CL, Li C, Schjoerring JK, Kopittke PM, Donner E, Lombi E (2020) Optimising the foliar uptake of zinc oxide nanoparticles: do leaf surface properties and particle coating affect absorption? Physiologia Plantarum 170: 384-397.18.  Chen Y, Shi J, Dong J, Wu Y, Li C, Ye Y, Tian X, Wang Y (2020) Synergistic improvement of soil organic carbon storage and wheat grain zinc bioavailability by straw return in combination with Zn application on the Loess Plateau of China. CATENA 197: 104920.19.  Lei L, Cui X, Li C, Dong M, Huang R, Li Y, Li Y, Li Z, Wu J (2021) The cadmium decontamination and disposal of the harvested cadmium accumulator Amaranthus hypochondriacus L. Chemosphere: 131684.20.  Yanlong C, Kejian Y, Yin Y, Yuhan Z, Huizi M, Cui L, Zhonghui L, Ziru P, Fan C, Jiangtao Y, Xianwei W, Yuheng W (2021) Reductive soil disinfestation attenuates antibiotic resistance genes in greenhouse vegetable soils. Journal of Hazardous Materials 420: 126632.21.  Ye Y, Jin J, Liang Y, Qin Z, Tang X, Feng Y, Lv M, Miao S, Li C, Chen Y, Chen F, Wang Y (2021) Efficient and durable uranium extraction from uranium mine tailings seepage water via a photoelectrochemical method. iScience 24.


学术活动 Professional Activities 国际会议1.     Li C, Wang YH, Kopittke PM. 2019. Role of leaf trichomes in the absorption of foliar-applied Zn fertilisers. International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry (7-9 August 2019). Beijing, China (海报).2.     Li C, Wang P, Menzies NW, Lombi E, Kopittke PM. 2017. Understanding how foliar-applied Zn fertilizer moves across the leaf surface in sunflower and soybean. International Plant Nutrition Colloquium (19-24 August 2017). Copenhagen, Denmark (报告).3.     Li C, Wang P, Menzies NW, Lombi E, Kopittke PM. 2016. Improving growth in Zn deficient soils: Role of leaf trichomes in foliar absorption of Zn fertilizer. New Zealand Society of Soil Science & Soil Science Australia joint Conference (12-16 December 2016). Queenstown, New Zealand (报告).

