姓名 | 罗扬 |
教师编号 | 4248 |
性别 | 男 |
学校 | 西北工业大学 |
部门 | 航海学院 |
学位 | 哲学博士学位 |
学历 | 博士研究生毕业 |
职称 | 副高 |
联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
邮箱 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
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综合介绍 General Introduction 2021年获英国思克莱德大学博士学位,西北工业大学航海学院副教授,硕士生导师,中国造船工程学会高级会员,国际仿生工程学会会员,某国家重大项目研制系统主任设计师。作为“自主水下航行器”创新团队骨干成员,在水下航行器总体设计、水下仿生推进、极地环境水动力性能分析等方面开展科学研究和人才培养工作。目前主持国家自然科学基金、某国家重大项目分承研课题、国家重点研发计划重点专项项目子课题、中国博士后科学基金面上项目、重庆市自然科学基金等7项科研项目,参与国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金面上项目等科研项目6项。在Physics of Fluids,Journal of Fluids and Structures, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, Ocean Engineering等发表高水平学术论文20余篇,包含期刊亮点文章,编辑精选文章,高下载量和高阅读量文章4篇,申请发明专利5项。担任仿生领域国际知名期刊Journal of Bionic Engineering(中科院2区SCI期刊)青年编委,国际期刊Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing(ESCI/EI检索)客座编辑,长期担任Journal of Fluids and Structures, Physics of Fluids, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics,Measurement Science and Technology, Journal of Breath Research, Methods and Applications in Fluorescence等国际期刊审稿人。Dr Luo received his PhD from the University of Strathclyde in the UK in 2021. He is an associate professor at the School of Marine Science and Technology at Northwestern Polytechnical University, a master supervisor, a senior member of the China Shipbuilding Engineering Academy, and a member of the International Society of Bionic Engineering. As a member of the "Autonomous Underwater Vehicle" Science and Technology Innovation Team, he conducts scientific research and talent cultivation in the field of overall design of underwater vehicles, underwater bionic propulsion, and polar propeller propulsion. Currently, he is the Principal Investigator (PI) of 7 scientific research projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation, a sub-project of one national major project, a sub-project of a national key research and development plan, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, and Chongqing Natural Science Foundation. He has published more than 20 peer-reviewed academic papers in Physics of Fluids, Journal of Fluids and Structures, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, Ocean Engineering, etc., including one journal Featured Article, one Editor’s Pick Article, one Journal Most Downloaded and one Most Read paper. He also applied for 5 invention patents, and serves as a Youth Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Bionic Engineering (an internationally renowned journal in the field of biomimetics, JCR Q2, IF 4.0), and a guest editor for the international journal Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing (ESCI/EI indexed). He is a reviewer for the Journal of Fluids and Structures, Physics of Fluids, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, Measurement Science and Technology, Journal of Breath Research, Methods and Applications in Fluorescence, and other international journals. 个人相册 教育教学个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 2022.06 至今,西北工业大学,硕士生导师2022.06 - present, Supervisor of Master student2021.12 至今,西北工业大学,航海学院,副教授2021.12 - present, Associate Professor, School of Marine Science and Technology, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China2019.10 - 2020.11,英国思克莱德大学,船舶与海洋工程系,研究助理2019.10 - 2020.11, Research Assistant, Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, University of Strathclyde, UK 2017.10 - 2021.11,英国思克莱德大学,船舶与海洋工程,哲学博士2017.10 - 2021.11,PhD in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, University of Strathclyde, UK2015.09-2017.09,西北工业大学,硕士2015.09-2017.09,Master of Science, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China2011.09-2015.06,哈尔滨工程大学,船舶与海洋工程,学士2011.09-2015.06,BEng in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, China 荣誉获奖教育教学 Education and teaching 招生信息 教育信息 学硕:兵器科学与技术——武器系统与运用工程专硕:机械——兵器工程欢迎具有良好力学基础(理论力学、材料力学、流体力学和结构力学等)、英文语言能力、实践动手能力和一定计算机编程能力(C/C++/Fortran等),对水下航行器总体技术和仿生推进技术感兴趣的同学报考,可为研究生提供如下支持举措:(1)参与国家重大科研项目;(2)提供一流的计算资源和实验平台;(3)手把手精心指导高水平学术论文写作和发表;(4)为参加国内外高水平学术会议、科创竞赛和专业技能培训提供经费支持;(5)推荐到世界一流大学学习交流(哈佛大学、MIT、UCSD、英国爱丁堡大学、南安普顿大学…);(6)推荐到行业一流科研所就业。 主讲本科生课程《新概念水下仿生推进设计概论》;参与博士生课程《水中兵器技术新进展》;西北工业大学“智能水下航行器”微专业建设骨干教师。2024年指导本科生获“三航杯”一等奖;2023年教育部研究生教育主题案例建设骨干教师;2023年获西北工业大学研究生教学成果一等奖;2023年指导学生获全国海洋航行器设计与制作大赛二等奖;2022年指导本科生大创项目获优秀结题;2022年指导研究生获国际会议最佳海报奖。 科学研究团队信息 Team Information 翱翔国家重点实验室(Aoxiang National Key Laboratory)无人水下运载技术工信部重点实验室(Key Laboratory of Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Technology, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology)西北工业大学自主水下航行器团队(Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Innovation Team at Northwestern Polytechnical University ) 学术成果社会兼职 Social Appointments *仿生领域国际知名期刊Journal of Bionic Engineering(中科院2区SCI期刊)青年编委(Youth Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Bionic Engineering (an internationally renowned journal in the field of biomimetics, JCR Q2, IF 4.0));*国际期刊Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing(ESCI/EI检索)客座编辑(guest editor for the international journal Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing);*Journal of Fluids and Structures,Physics of Fluids, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics,Measurement Science and Technology, Journal of Breath Research, Methods and Applications in Fluorescence等国际期刊审稿人(Reviewer);2024年获英国物理学会IOP优秀审稿人称号(IOP Trusted Reviewer);*中国造船工程学会高级会员(Senior member of China Shipbuilding Engineering Academy),国际仿生工程学会会员(Member of International Society of Bionic Engineering) 。 综合介绍科学研究 Scientific Research 主要研究方向(Research interest):1. 水下仿生推进(Underwater bio-inspired propulsion),包括鳍波动(fin undulation)、摆动(fin oscillation)和腔体喷流(jet propulsion)推进模式。2. 水下航行器总体设计和流固耦合动力学分析(Overall design and fluid-structure interaction analysis of underwater robots/vehicles)。3. 极地环境水下航行器水动力性能分析(Hydrodynamic performance analysis underwater vehicles in polar environment)。主持的科研项目(Grants):1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(National Science Foundation for Young Scientists of China)2. 国家重点研发计划子课题项目 (Sub-project of National Key Research and Development Program)3. 某国家重大项目分承研课题(Sub-project of A National Key Project)4. 某国家级纵向项目 (A Certain National Funded Project)5. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目(China Postdoctoral Science Foundation)6. 重庆市自然科学基金面上项目(Science Foundation of Chongqing City)7. 中央高校基本科研业务经费项目(Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities) |