
主页 > 四川省 > 电子科技大学


姓名 10753彭斌
学校 电子科技大学
部门 发明专利包写包过 加急申请
学位 工学博士学位,学院列表 01  信息与通信工程学院 02 
学历 版权登记666包过 代写全部资料
职称 软件著作权666包写包过
联系方式 bpeng@uestc.edu.cn
邮箱 bpeng@uestc.edu.cn
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

集成电路科学与工程学院(示范性微电子学院)   导师代码: 10753 导师姓名: 彭斌 性    别: 男 特    称: 职    称: 教授 学    位: 工学博士学位 属    性: 专职 电子邮件: bpeng@uestc.edu.cn 学术经历:   1994-1998,电子科技大学,本科;1998-2001,电子科技大学硕士;2003-2008,电子科技大学博士。2013年作为访问学者在新加坡国立大学工作一年。2014.08-至今,电子科技大学,教授。 个人简介:   2008年毕业于电子科技大学微电子与固体电子学专业,获博士学位。2012年入选教育部新世纪人才计划。近年来主要从事射频与微波无源器件、敏感薄膜与传感器、磁性薄膜与集成器件等研究工作。承担并完成了****973子课题、国家自然科学基金、****预研基金项目、****预研重点项目、武器装备创新项目、教育部支撑项目等多个科研项目,目前承担有国家重点研发计划项目课题、****预研等多个项目,申请和授权专利30余项,在Applied Physics Letters、J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 、Journal Of Alloys and Compounds 、Sensors and Actuators A: Physical、IEEE Sensor Journal等国内外期刊上发表SCI论文50余篇。 科研项目:   (1)自然基金重点项目:高温结构件状态检测用无线无源传感器研究 (2)自然基金面上项目:NM1/FM/NM2结构中自旋泵-逆自旋霍尔效应研究 (3)教育部支撑项目:XXX电子薄膜材料及应用研究 (4)预研项目:XX薄膜材料应用研究 研究成果:   46. Yuntao Yang, Bin Peng*, Zhaofeng Sun, Fei Huang and Wanli Zhang, Study on the Sensitivity of Diaphragm-Type SAW Pressure Sensor, IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 23(18)(2023)21335-21340. 45. Yuntao Yang, Bin Peng*, Fei Huang, Zhaofeng Sun, Peng He, Jialiang Zhu, Wanli Zhang, Alignment angle dependent strain sensitivity of SAW resonator, Sensors &Actuators:A.Physical 357(2023)114391. 44. Zhaofeng Sun, Bin Peng*, Fei Huang, Yuntao Yang, Jialiang Zhu, Peng He, and Wanli Zhang, A Dual Resonance Frequency-Selective Surface Temperature Sensor With Linear Frequency–Temperature Behavior, IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 23(9)(2023)9382-9389. 43. Fei Huang, Wenxu Zhang, Ling Li, Zhaofeng Sun, Yuntao Yang, Ruichao Chen, Bin Peng*, Wanli Zhang, MEMS Surface Acoustic Wave Resonator Based on AlN/Si/Fe-Co-Si-B Structure for Magnetic Field Sensing, IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 22(23)(2022)22510-22518. 42. Zhaofeng Sun, Bin Peng*, Fei Huang, Yuntao Yang, Jialiang Zhu, Peng He, Wanli Zhang, A Miniaturized Wireless Passive Frequency Selective Surface Sensor for High-Temperature Applications, IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 22(23)(2022) 22734-22740. 41. Yuntao Yang, Bin Peng*, Yue, Huhu Fei Huang, Peng He, Zhengxi He, Jialiang Zhu, Wanli Zhang, Temperature characteristics of surface acoustic wave resonators prepared on (0o,90o,ψ) CTGS cuts, APPLIED ACOUSTICS, 194(2022)108788. 40. Fei Huang, Bin Peng, Zhuoyue Zhang, Wanli Zhang, Wenxu Zhang*, Inverse spin Hall voltage enhancement in cascaded Py/Ta micro-array, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 119(19)(2021)192401. 39. Ling Li, Bin Peng*, Jialiang Zhu, Zhengxi He, Yuntao Yang, Wanli Zhang, Strain Measurements With Langasite SAW Resonators at High Temperature, IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 21(4)(2021) 4688-4695. 38. Ling Li, Bin Peng*, Yi Wang, Bowen Wang, He Huang, Wanli Zhang, Jialiang Zhu, Longtao Liao, A novel design method for SAW temperature sensor with monotonic and linear frequency-temperature behavior in wide temperature range, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL, 307(2020)111982. 37. Xing-Peng Liu, Bin Peng*, Wan-Li Zhang, Jun Zhu, Al2O3 Coating Layer on the High Temperature Conductive Stability of Pt/ZnO/Al2O3 Film Electrode, JOURNAL OF INORGANIC MATERIALS, 34(6)(2019) 605-610. 36. Dong-Mei He, Bin Peng, Wan-Li Zhang, Wen-Xu Zhang, Inverse spin Hall effect in Nb doped SrTiO3, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 68(10)(2019)106101. 35. Ling Li, Bin Peng*, Temperature-Dependent Characteristics of Surface Acoustic Wave Resonators Deposited on (0o, 138.5o, ψ) Langasite Cuts, IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 19(4)(2019)1388-1391. 34. Ling Li, Bin Peng*, Heng Yu, Wanli Zhang, Temperature characteristics of langasite surface acoustic wave resonators coated with SiO2 films, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL, 279(2018)399-403. 33. Bin Peng*, Wei Zheng, Jiantao Qin, Wanli Zhang, Two-Dimensional MX2 Semiconductors for Sub-5 nm Junctionless Field Effect Transistors, MATERIALS, 11(3)(2018)430. 32. Xingpeng Liu, Bin Peng*, Wanli Zhang, Jun Zhu, Xingzhao Liu, Meng Wei, Improvement of High-Temperature Stability of Al2O3/Pt/ZnO/Al2O3 Film Electrode for SAW Devices by Using Al2O3 Barrier Layer, MATERIALS, 10(12)(2017)1377. 31. Wee Tee Soh, Z. J. Tay, N. L.Yakovlev, Bin Peng, C. K.Ong, Influence of static and dynamic dipolar fields in bulk YIG/thin film NiFe systems probed via spin rectification effect, JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS, 426(2017)563-568. 30. Xingpeng Liu, Bin Peng*, Wanli Zhang, Jun Zhu, Xingzhao Liu, Meng Wei, Novel AlN/Pt/ZnO Electrode for High Temperature SAW Sensors, MATERIALS, 10(1)(2017)69. 29. Lin Shu, Bin Peng*, Yilin Cui, Dongdong Gong, Zhengbing Yang, Xingzhao Liu and Wanli Zhang, Effects of AlN Coating Layer on High Temperature Characteristics of Langasite SAW Sensors, Sensors, 16(9)(2016)1436. 28. Lin Shu, Bin Peng*, Yilin Cui, Dongdong Gong, Xingzhao Liu, Wanli Zhang, High temperature characteristics of AlN film SAW sensor integrated with TC4 alloy substrate, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 249 (2016) 57–61. 27. Bin Peng*, Dongdong Gong, Wanli Zhang, Jianying Jiang, Lin Shu and Yahui Zhang, Effects of Sputtering Parameters on AlN Film Growth on Flexible Hastelloy Tapes by Two-Step Deposition Technique, Materials 9(2016)686. 26. Bin Peng*, Jianying Jiang, Guo Chen, Lin Shu, Jie Feng, Wanli Zhang, Xinzhao Liu, Preparation of highly c-axis oriented AlN thin films on Hastelloy tapes with Y2O3 buffer layer for flexible SAW sensor applications, Funct. Mater. Lett. 9(2)(2016)1650023. 25. Lin Shu, Bin Peng*, Chuan Li, Dongdong Gong, Zhengbing Yang, Xingzhao Liu and Wanli Zhang, The Characterization of Surface Acoustic Wave Devices Based on AlN-Metal Structures, Sensors, 16(2016)526. 24. Wenxu Zhang*, Bin Peng, Fangbin Han, Qiuru Wang, Wee Tee Soh, Chong Kim Ong and Wanli Zhang, Separating inverse spin Hall voltage and spin rectification voltage by inverting spin injection direction, Applied Physics Letters, 108(2016)102405. 23. 韩方彬,张文旭*,彭斌,张万里,NiFe/Pt薄膜中角度相关的逆自旋霍尔效应研究,物理学报,64(24)(2015)247202. 22. Lin Shu, Bin Peng*, Zhengbing Yang, Rui Wang, Senyang Deng and Xingzhao Liu, High-Temperature SAW Wireless Strain Sensor with Langasite,Sensors 15(11)(2015)28531-28542. 21. Wee Tee Soh, Bin Peng, and C. K. Ong, Non-local detection of spin dynamics via spin rectification effect in yttrium iron garnet/SiO2/NiFe trilayers near simultaneous ferromagnetic resonance, AIP Advances 5(2015)087184. 20. Jianying Jiang, Bin Peng*, Wanli Zhang, Yu Wang, Lin Shu, and Rui Wang, Growth of c-axis oriented AlN thin films on titanium alloy substrate by middle frequency magnetron sputtering, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 33(2015)041509. 19. Lin Shu, Jianying Jiang, Bin Peng*, Yu Wang and Xingzhao Liu, AlN film SAW resonator integrated with metal structure, Electronics letters, 51(5)(2015)379–380. 18. Wee Tee Soh, Bin Peng, and C. K. Ong,Localized excitation of magnetostatic surface spin waves in yttrium iron garnet by shorted coaxial probe detected via spin pumping and rectification effect, J. Appl. Phys. 117(2015)153903. 17. Wee Tee Soh, Bin Peng, C K Ong, An angular analysis to separate spin pumping-induced inverse spin Hall effect from spin rectification in a Py/Pt bilayer, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 47(2014)285001. 16. Wee Tee Soh, Bin Peng, Guozhi Chai, C K Ong, Note: Electrical detection and quantification of Spin Rectification Effect enabled by shorted microstrip transmission line technique, The Review of scientific instruments, 85(2)(2014) 026109. 15. Bin peng*, Phuoc Nguyen N., Ong C. K., High-frequency magnetic properties and their thermal stability in diluted IrMn-Al2O3/FeCo exchange-biased multilayers, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 602(2014) 87-93. 14. Bin peng*, Wang Yuan, Xu Hui-Zhong, Zhang Wen-Xu, Zhang Wan-Li, Design and fabrication of self-biased millimeter wave circulator using barium ferrite thin films, JOURNAL OF INFRARED AND MILLIMETER WAVES, 32(4)(2013) 294-297. 13. B. Peng *, W. L. Zhang, Q. Y. Xie, W. X. Zhang, H. C. Jiang, Effect of sputtering pressure on microstructure and magnetic properties of amorphous FeCoSiB films, JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS, 365(2013) 59-62. 12. Bin peng*, Yuanchao Wang, Wanli Zhang, Wenxu Zhang, Tan Ke, Magnetic field alignment of barium ferrite thick films for microwave circulator applications, MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS B, 26(26)(2012) 1250168. 11. Bin peng*, Wanli Zhang, Qiaoying Xie, Wenxu Zhang, Magnetic anisotropy control in amorphous FeCoSiB films by stress annealing, THIN SOLID FILMS, 520(2)(2011) 761-763. 10. Bin peng*, Huizhong Xu, Hui Li, Wenxu Zhang, Yuan Wang, Wanli Zhang, Self-Biased Microstrip Junction Circulator Based on Barium Ferrite Thin Films for Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, 47(6)(2011) 1674-1677. 9. B. Peng*, W. L.Zhang, J. D. Liu, W. X. Zhang, Stress impedance effect of FeCoSiB/Cu/FeCoSiB sandwich layers on flexible substrate, JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS, 323(11)(2011) 1574-1576. 8. B. Peng*, W.L. Zhang, H.C. Jiang, W.X. Zhang, Coercivity in stressed amorphous FeCoSiB thin films, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 405(3)(2010) 916-918. 7. B. Peng, Q.Y. Xie, B.K. Shen, W.X. Zhang, H.C. Jiang, W.L. Zhang, An investigation of the magnetic domains in the stressed amorphous FeCoSiB magnetoelastic films, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 354 (2008) 978-981. 6. B. Peng, W.L. Zhang, Q.Y. Xie, H.C. Jiang, W.X. Zhang, Y.R. Li, Study on the magnetic domain and anisotropy of FeCoSiB amorphous films fabricated by strained growth method,Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 318 (2007) 14-17. 5. B. Peng, Q. Y. Xie, W. L. Zhang, Z. Y. Zhong, Stress dependence of magnetic domains in FeCoSiB amorphous films,Journal of Applied Physics,101(2007)09C511. 4. B.Peng, W.L.Zhang, W.X.Zhang, H.C.Jiang, S.Q.Yang, Effects of stress on the magnetic properties of the amorphous magnetic films, Physica B, 382 (2006)135-139. 3. B. Peng, W. L. Zhang, J. Q. Liao,H. C. Jiang, W. X. Zhang, Geometric and mechanical considerations for the design of the magnetostrictive thin film actuators,Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines,34(2006)69-79. 2. B. Peng, W.L. Zhang, G.H. Chen, W.X. Zhang, H.C. Jiang, Modeling microwave behaviors of series cantilever MEMS switch,Sensors and Actuators A,125(2006) 471–476. 1. B. Peng, W.L. Zhang, W.X. Zhang, H.C. Jiang, S.Q. Yang, Simulations of stress impedance effect in magnetoelastic films,Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 288(2005)326-330. 专业研究方向: 专业名称 研究方向 招生类别 140100集成电路科学与工程 02纳电子科学与集成电路制造工程 博士学术学位 085400电子信息 02纳电子科学与集成电路制造工程,04纳电子科学与集成电路制造工程(非全) 博士专业学位 140100集成电路科学与工程 02纳电子科学与集成电路制造工程 硕士学术学位 085403集成电路工程 02纳电子科学与集成电路制造工程 硕士专业学位
