
主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 原作强
学校 西北工业大学
部门 生态环境学院
学位 理学博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 正高
联系方式 13555812700
邮箱 zqyuan@nwpu.edu.cn
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

个人经历 Personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 2022.03 —至今        西北工业大学生态环境学院    教授2019.12—2022.02   中科院沈阳应用生态研究所     研究员2013.11—2019.11   中科院沈阳应用生态研究所     副研究员、硕导2011.07—2013.10   中科院沈阳应用生态研究所     助理研究员 2002.9—2006.7   学士   中国    东北师范大学                       生态学2006.9—2011.7   博士   中国   中科院沈阳应用生态研究所   生态学(硕博连读)


教育教学 Education and teaching 教育教学 招生信息


荣誉获奖 Awards Information 2021年王绪高、郝占庆、原作强等,辽宁省自然科学二等奖《温带森林生物多样性维持及其对生产力的影响机制》2021年第三批国家林草局科技创新青年拔尖人才(中科院唯一入选者)2020年辽宁省第十四批百千万人才工程2018年荣获第七届梁希青年论文奖2018年第一批沈阳市高层次人才-拔尖人才


科学研究 Scientific Research 起止时间项目性质和来源申报人的具体职位和任务2022.1—2025.12面上项目/国家自然基金委主持人/林冠模拟氮沉降对长白山温带典型森林生态系统多重功能的影响2021.8—2023.7自然基金/辽宁省科技厅主持人/基于激光雷达技术的林窗三维立体结构研究:以辽东山区为例2020.6—2022.5重点实验室开发课题/教育部主持人/基于激光雷达技术的林窗结构、空间特征及其对森林更新影响的研究2019.1—2023.12先导A美丽中国专题/中科院主持人/自然保护地原真生态系统组成与动态的实时监测2016.7—2020.12重点研发项目子课题/科技部主持人/东北森林生态系统监测与信息管理平台构建2017.1—2020.12面上项目/国家自然基金委主持人/生物多样性对温带森林生态系统多重功能的作用机制2017.1—2020.12靑促会会费/中科院主持人/基于固定样地的森林生物多样性与生态系统功能研究2014.1—2016.12青年基金/国家自然基金委主持人/温带森林谱系和功能多样性与群落生产力的关系-以长白山阔叶红松林为例2013.1—2017.12基础调查专项/科技部主持人/环境空间异质性对物种空间分布和群落结构的影响2014.1—2014.12国家重点实验室野外平台建设项目/科技部主持人/长白山生物多样性监测平台构建


学术成果 Academic Achievements 1.       王星,胡家瑞,杨腾,毛子坤,蔺菲,叶吉,房帅,戴冠华,郝占庆,王绪高,原作强*. (2022)长白山阔叶红松林优势树种叶际真菌群落组成结构. 应用生态学报:已接收2.       Yuan Z, Ali A, Loreau M, Ding F, Liu S, Sanaei A, Zhou W, Ye J, Lin F, Fang S, Hao Z, Wang X, Le Bagousse-Pinguet Y. (2021). Divergent above- and below-ground biodiversity pathways mediate disturbance impacts on temperate forest multifunctionality. Global Change Biology 27:  2883-2894.3.       Sanaei A, Sayer EJ, Yuan, Z*, Lin, F, Fang, S, Ye, J, Liu S, Hao Z, Wang, X*. (2021). Soil stoichiometry mediates links between tree functional diversity and soil microbial diversity in a temperate forest. Ecosystems 181: 1-17.4.       Sanaei A, Yuan Z#, Ali A, Loreau M, Mori AS, Reich PB, Jucker T, Lin F, Ye J, Fang S, Hao Z, Wang, X*. (2021). Tree species diversity enhances plant-soil interactions in a temperate forest in northeast China. Forest Ecology and Management 491: 119160.5.       Sanaei A, Ali, A, Yuan Z*, Liu S, Lin F, Fang S, Ye J, Hao Z, Loreau M, Bai E, Wang X*. (2021). Context-dependency of tree species diversity, trait composition and stand structural attributes regulate temperate forest multifunctionality. Science of the Total Environment 757: 1437246.       Yuan Z, Ali A, Sanaei A, Ruiz‐Benito P, Jucker T, Fang L, Bai E, Ye J, Lin F, Fang S, Hao Z, Wang X. (2021). Few large trees, rather than plant diversity and composition, drive the above-ground biomass stock and dynamics of temperate forests in northeast China. Forest Ecology and Management 481: 118698.7.       郑迪,沈国春,王舶鉴,戴冠华,胡家瑞,蔺菲,叶吉,房帅,郝占庆,王绪高,原作强*. (2021). 基于机载高光谱和深度学习算法的长白山针阔混交林优势树种分类研究. 生态学杂志 40(7): 1871-18788.       Yuan Z, Ali A, Ruiz‐Benito P, Jucker T, Mori A, Wang S, Zhang X, Li H, Hao, ZQ, Wang X. (2020). Above‐and below‐ground biodiversity jointly regulate temperate forest multifunctionality along a local‐scale environmental gradient. Journal of Ecology 108:2012–2024.9.       Bai Z#, Yuan, Z#, Wang DW, Fang S, Ye J, Wang XG*, Yuan HS*. (2020). Ectomycorrhizal fungus-associated determinants jointly reflect ecological processes in a temperature broad-leaved mixed forest. Science of the Total Environment 703(10): 13547510.    Yuan Z#, AliA#, Jucker T, Ruiz-Benito P, Wang S, Jiang L, Wang X, Lin F, Ye J, Hao Z, Loreau M. (2019). Multiple abiotic and biotic pathways shape biomass demographic processes in temperate forests. Ecology 100(5): e02650.11.    Yuan, Z, Ali A, Wang S, Wang X, Lin F, Wang Y, Fang, S, Hao, Z, Loreau, M, Lin Jiang. (2019) Temporal stability of aboveground biomass is governed by species asynchrony in temperate forests. Ecological Indicators 107:105661.12.    Yuan Z, Wang S, Ali A, Gazol A, Ruiz-Benito P, Wang XG, Lin F, Ye J, Hao Z, Loreau M. (2018). Aboveground carbon storage is driven by functional trait composition and stand structural attributes rather than biodiversity in temperate mixed forests recovering from disturbances. Annals of forest science 75(3): 67.13.    Yuan Z, Ali A, Wang S, Gazol A, Freckleton R, Wang X, Lin F, Ji Y, Zhou L, Hao Z, Loreau M. (2018). Abiotic and biotic determinants of coarse woody productivity in temperate mixed forests. Science of the Total Environment 630, 422-431.14.    Wang Y, Freckleton, RP, Wang, B, Kuang X, Yuan Z*, Lin, F, Ye J, Wang X, Hao Z. (2018). The role of breeding system in community dynamics: Growth and mortality in forests of different successional stages. Ecology and evolution 8(15): 7285-7296.15.    Yuan Z, Wang S, Antonio Gazol, Jarad Mellard, Lin Fei, Ye Ji, Hao Zhanqing, Wang XG, Michel Loreau. (2016). Multiple metrics of diversity have different effects on termperate forest functioning over succession. Oecologia 182(4): 1175-1185.     16.    Yuan Z, Gazol, A, Lin, F, Wang, X, Ye, J, Suo, Y, Fang S, Mellard J, Hao, Z. (2016). Scale-dependent effect of biotic interactions and environmental conditions in community assembly: insight from a large temperate forest plot. Plant Ecology 217(8): 1003-1014.17.    Yuan Z, Gazol A, Wang, X, Lin, F, Ye J, Zhang ZC, Suo Y, Kuang X, Wang, Y, Jia, S, Hao, Z. (2016). Pattern and dynamics of biomass stock in old growth forests: The role of habitat and tree size. Acta Oecologica 75: 15-23.18.    Yuan Z, Gazol A, Lin F, Ye J, Shi S, Wang XG, Wang M, Hao Z. (2013). Soil organic carbon in an old-growth temperate forest: spatial pattern, determinants and bias in its quantification. Geoderma 195-196: 48-5519.    Yuan Z, Gazol A, Wang XG, Xing D, Lin F, Bai X, Zhao Y, Li B, Hao Z. (2012). What happens below the canopy? Direct and indirect influences of the dominant species on forest vertical layers. Oikos 121 (7): 1145-115320.    Yuan Z, Antonio Gazol, Wang XG, Buhang Li,Fei Lin,Ji Ye,Xuejiao Bai, Zhanqing Hao. (2011). Scale specific determinants of tree diversity in an old growth temperate forest in China. Basic and Applied Ecology 12:488–495.21.    原作强,李步杭,白雪娇,蔺菲,师帅,叶吉,王绪高,郝占庆. 长白山阔叶红松林凋落物组成及其季节动态. (2010)应用生态学报21:2171-2178合作发表论文:22.    Piponiot C, Anderson‐Teixeira K, Davies SJ, ... Yuan Z... & Muller‐Landau, H. C. (2022). Distribution of biomass dynamics in relation to tree size in forests across the world. New Phytologist. https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.1799523.    Karami M, Heydari M, Sheykholeslami A, Eshagh Nimvari M, Omidipour R, Yuan Z,  Prevosto, B. (2022). Dieback intensity but not functional and taxonomic diversity indices predict forest productivity in different management conditions: Evidence from a semi-arid oak forest ecosystem. Journal of Arid Land: 1-20.24.    Lin G., Yuan Z, Zhang Y, Zeng DH, Wang X. (2022). Dominant tree mycorrhizal associations affect soil nitrogen transformation rates by mediating microbial abundances in a temperate forest. Biogeochemistry:1-17.25.    Ren S, Ali A, Liu H, Yuan Z, Yang Q, Shen G, Zhou S, Wang X*. (2021). Response of community diversity and productivity to canopy gap disturbance in subtropical forests. Forest Ecology and Management 502:119740.26.    Sanaei A, Sayer E, Saiz H, Yuan Z, Ali A. (2021). Species co‐occurrence shapes spatial variability in plant diversity–biomass relationships in natural rangelands under different grazing intensities. Land Degradation & Development 32(15):4390-401.27.    Liu S, Yuan Z, Ali A, Sanaei A, Mao Z, Ding F, Zheng D, Fang S, Jia Z, Tao Z, Lin F, Ye J, Wang X, Hao Z. (2021).Anthropogenic disturbances shape soil capillary and saturated water retention indirectly via plant functional traits and soil organic carbon in temperate forests. Forests 12(11): 158828.    Ren J, Fang S, Lin G, Lin F, Yuan Z, Ye J, Wang X, Hao Z*, Fortunel C*. (2021). Tree growth response to soil nutrients and neighborhood crowding varies between mycorrhizal types in an old-growth temperate forest. Oecologia 197:523-535.29.    Wang S, Jiménez-Alfaro B, Pan S, Yu, J, Sanaei A, Sayer E, Ye J, Hao Z, Fang S, Lin F, Yuan Z, Wang X*. (2021). Differential responses of forest strata species richness to paleoclimate and forest structure. Forest Ecology and Management 499:11960530.    Sanaei A, Sayer E, Saiz H, Yuan Z, Ali A*. (2021). Species co‐occurrence shapes spatial variability in plant diversity–biomass relationships in natural rangelands under different grazing intensities. Land degradation & development 32:4390-440131.    Biurrun I, Pielech R, Dembicz I, ……,Yuan Z……. 2021. Benchmarking plant diversity of Palaearctic grasslands and other open habitats. Journal of Vegetation Science 32: e1305032.    Wu S, Wang J, Yan Z, Song G, Chen Y, Ma Q, Deng M, Wu YT, Zhao Y, Guo ZF, Yuan Z, Dai G, Xu X, Yang X, Su YJ, Liu LL, Wu J. (2021). Monitoring tree-crown scale autumn leaf phenology in a temperate forest with an integration of Planet Scope and drone remote sensing observations. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 171:36–48.33.    Jia SH, Wang XG*, Yuan Z, Lin F, Ye J, Lin GG, Hao ZQ, Bagchi R. (2020). Tree species traits affect which natural enemies drive the Janzen-Connel effect in a temperate forest. Natural Communications 11: 286.34.    Mao ZK, Corrales A, Zhu K, Yuan Z, Lin F, Ye J, Hao ZQ, Wang XG*. (2019). Tree mycorrhizal associations mediate soil fertility effects on forest community structure in a temperate forest. New Phytologist 223: 475–486.35.    Wang Y, LaMontagne JM, Lin F, Yuan Z, Ye J, Wang X, Hao Z*. (2020). Similarity between seed rain and neighbouring mature tree communities in an old-growth temperate forest. Journal of Forestry Research 31(6): 2435-2444.36.    Fang S, Francois Munoz, Ye J, Lin F, Yuan, Z, Kuang X, Hao ZQ, Wang X*. (2019). Deterministic processes drive functional and phylogenetic temporal changes of woody species in temperate forests in Northeast China. Annals of Forest Science 76:42.37.    Fang S, Cadotte MW, Yuan, Z, Lin F, Ye J, Hao Z, Wang X*. (2019). Intraspecific trait variation improves the detection of deterministic community assembly processes in early successional forests, but not in late successional forests. Journal of Plant Ecology 12(4): 593-602.38.    Wang Y, Mazer S, Freckleton R, Yuan, Z, Wang X, Du Y, Hao, Z*. (2019). Testing mechanisms of compensatory fitness of dioecy in a cosexual world. Journal of Vegetation Science 30(3): 413-426.39.    Jia S, Wang X*, Yuan Z, Lin F, Ye J, Hao Z, Luskin MS. (2018). Global signal of top-down control of terrestrial plant communities by herbivores. PNAS 115(24): 6237-6242.40.    Zhang Z, Papaik MJ, Wang X*, Hao Z, Ye J, Lin F, Yuan Z. (2017). The effect of tree sizes, neighborhood competition and environment on tree growth in an old-growth temperate forest. Journal of Plant Ecology 10: 970-980.41.    Kuang X, Zhu K, Yuan Z, Lin F, Ye J, Wang X, Wang Y, Hao, Z*. (2017). Conspecific density dependence and community structure: Insights from 11 years of monitoring in an old‐growth temperate forest in Northeast China. Ecology and evolution 7(14): 5191-5200.42.    Suo Y, Yuan Z, Lin F, Wang X, Ye J, Bai E, Hao Z*. (2016). Local-scale determinants of elemental stoichiometry of soil in an old-growth temperate forest. Plant and Soil 408(1): 401-414.43.    Wang X*, Wiegand T, Swenson NG, Wolf AT, Howe RW, Hao Z, Lin F, Ye J, Yuan Z. (2015). Mechanisms underlying local functional and phylogenetic beta diversity in two temperate forests. Ecology 96(4): 1062-1073.44.    Bai X, Brenes-Arguedas T, Ye J, Wang XG, Lin F, Yuan Z, Shi S, Xing D, Hao Z*. (2014). Dynamics of two multi-stemmed understory shrubs in two temperate forests. PLoS ONE 9(6): e98200.45.    Lin F, Comita LS, Wang XG, Bai X, Yuan Z, Xing D. Hao Z*. (2014).The contribution of understory light availability and biotic neighborhood to seedling survival in secondary versus old-growth temperate forest. Plant Ecology 215:795-807.46.    Ye J, Hao Z, Wang XG, Bai X, Xing D, Yuan Z.(2014). Local-scale drivers of multi-stemmed tree formation in Acer, in a temperate forest. Chinese Science Bulletin 59(3): 320-325.47.    Rejou-Mechain, M,…Yuan Z,…. (2014). Local spatial structure of forest biomass and its consequences for remote sensing of carbon stocks. Biogeosciences 11(23): 6827-684048.    Wang XG, Swenson NG, Wiegand T, Wolf A, Howe R, Lin F, Ye J, Yuan Z, Shi S, Bai X, Xing D, Hao Z. (2013). Phylogenetic and functional diversity area relationships in two temperate forests. Ecography 36: 883-893.49.    Chisholm A, …Yuan Z,….(2013). Scale-dependent relationships between tree species richness and ecosystem function in forests. Journal of Ecology 101(5):1214-1224.50.    Wang XG, Comita LS, Hao Z, Davies SJ, Ye J, Lin F, Yuan Z. (2012). Local-scale dirivers of tree survival in a temperate forest. PloS ONE 7(2):e29469.51.    Bai X, Queenborough SA, Wang XG, Zhang J, Li B, Yuan Z, Xing D, Lin F, Ye J, Hao Z. (2012). Effects of local biotic neighbors and habitat heterogeneity on tree and shrub seedling survival in an old-growth temperate forest. Oecologia 170 (3): 755-765


社会兼职 Social Appointments 2022年《广西植物》编委2021年作为Guest editor在《Forests》期刊组织“Plant-Soil Interactions under Abiotic or Biotic Stresses”专刊2020年《The Innovation》期刊组委会2018年Frontiers In Forests And Global Change 期刊编委2017~2018年青年地学论坛地学仪器方向共同召集人2017年~国家基金委通讯评议专家
