

主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 史俊清
教师编号 4189
学校 西北工业大学
部门 柔性电子研究院
学位 理学博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 中级
联系方式 【发送到邮箱】
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集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

个人经历 Personal experience 工作经历 教育经历  2019.03-至今 助理教授西北工业大学 柔性电子研究院   2018.01-2019.01 马德里高等纳米科学研究所(西班牙,马德里) 博士后(光电功能材料光谱和计算)2013.09-2018.01马德里自治大学,  科学系,理学博士(纳米-生物-固体材料)2009.09-2012.07北京师范大学,  化学系,理学硕士(高分子化学与物理)2005.09-2009.06山西长治学院,  生物与化学系, 理学学士(化学)


科学研究 Scientific Research 史俊清博士毕业于西班牙马德里自治大学科学系,师从Professor Johannes Gierschner,具备博士后经历和学生指导经验,硕士生导师,教育背景是化学(本科和硕士阶段)、物理与材料(博士阶段)学科交叉。主要研究兴趣是新型高效光电功能柔性半导体材料,在小分子材料设计、光谱分析和理论计算方面有超过十年的研究经验,目的是通过提供构性关系以实现材料的理性设计和性能优化,最终目标是为柔性电子技术发展提供扎实的材料基础。目前研究方向是以材料科学结合光电物理过程构筑新型含硼智能材料,包括小分子半导体及自由基材料。近年来,其本人在EES,AM,AOM等多个一区期刊发表学术论文17篇,单篇最高影响因子接近30(发表于EES期刊并被评为2018年度“热点文章”),H因子13,目前主持一项国家自然科学基金和数项开放课题基金。


学术成果 Academic Achievements 1.     Shi, J.; Ran, Z., et al., High-Performance Three-Coordinated Organoboron Emitters for Organic Light-Emitting Diodes, Journal of Material Chemistry C, accepted.2.     Shi, J.; Ran, Z., et al., Promising four-coordinated organoboron emitters for organic light-emitting diodes, Dyes and Pigments, accepted.3.     Chen, M.; Wei J; Ji L; Shi, J.(通讯), 2,7-Carbazole Derived Organoboron Compounds: Synthesis and Molecular Fluorescence. Frontiers in Chemistry 2021, 9, 754298.4.     Gierschner, J.; Shi, J.; Milian-Medina, B.; Roca-Sanjuan, D.; Varghese, S.; Park, S., Luminescence in Crystalline Organic Materials: From Molecules to Molecular Solids. Advanced Optical Materials 2021, 9 (13).5.     Shi, J.; Izquierdo, M. A.; Oh, S.; Park, S. Y.; Milian-Medina, B.; Roca-Sanjuan, D.; Gierschner, J., Inverted energy gap law for the nonradiative decay in fluorescent floppy molecules: larger fluorescence quantum yields for smaller energy gaps. Organic Chemistry Frontiers 2019, 6 (12), 1948-1954.6.     Shi, J; Isakova, A.; Abudulimu A; van den Berg, M.; Kwon, O.; Meixner, A,; Park, S. Y.; Zhang, D.; Gierschner, J.; Lüer, L., Designing high performance all-small-molecule solar cells with non-fullerene acceptors: comprehensive studies on photoexcitation dynamics and charge separation kinetics. Energy & Environmental Science 2018, 11, 211-220.7.     Shi, J.; Yoon, S. J.; Viani, L.; Park, S. Y.; Mili án-Medina, B.; Gierschner, J., Twist Elasticity Controlled Crystal Emission in Highly Luminescent Polymorphs of Cyano-Substituted Distyrylbenzene (?DCS). Advanced Optical Materials 2017, 5, 1700340.8.     Shi, J.; Aguilar-Suarez, L.; Yoon, S. J.; Varghese, S.; Serpa, C.; Park, S. Y.; Gierschner, J.; et al., Solid State Luminescence Enhancement inπ-Conjugated Materials: Unravelling the Mechanism beyond the Framework of AIE/AIEE. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2017, 121, 23166-23183.9.     Shi, J.; Dong, Y. Q.; Tang, B. Z.; et al., Locking the phenyl rings of tetraphenylethene step by step: understanding the mechanism of aggregation-induced emission. Chemical Communications 2012, 48, 10675-10677.10.  Shi, J.; Dong, Y. Q.; Tang, B. Z.; et al., Switching emissions of two tetraphenylethene derivatives with solvent vapor, mechanical, and thermal stimuli. Chinese Science Bulletin 2013, 58(22), 2723-2727.11.  Izquierdo, M. A.; Shi, J.; Oh, S.; Park, S. Y.; Milian-Medina, B.; Gierschner, J.; Roca-Sanjuan, D., Excited-state non-radiative decay in stilbenoid compounds: an ab initio quantum-chemistry study on size and substituent effects. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2019, 21 (40), 22429-22439.12.  Ji, L.; Shi, J.; Wei, J.; Yu, T.; Huang, W., Air-Stable Organic Radicals: New-Generation Materials for Flexible Electronics? Advanced Materials 2020, 32 (32), 1908015.13.  dos Santos, G. C.; Roldao, J. C.; Shi, J.; Milián-Medina, B.; da Silva-Filho, L. C.; Gierschner, J., Combined Spectroscopic and TD-DFT Analysis to Elucidate Substituent and Acidochromic Effects in Organic Dyes: A Case Study on Amino- versus Nitro-Substituted 2,4-Diphenylquinolines. ChemPhysChem 2020, 21 (16), 1797-1804.14.  Zhang, Y.; Tan, L.; Shi, J.; Ji, L., Iridium-catalysed borylation of pyrene-a powerful route to novel optoelectronic materials. New Journal of Chemistry 2021, 45 (33), 14869-14878.15.  Oliveira, E. F.; Shi, J.; Lüer, L.; Milan-Medina, B.; Gierschner, J.; et al., Excited State Absorption Spectra of Dissolved and Aggregated Distyrylbenzene - a TD-DFT State and Vibronic Analysis. Journal of Chemical Physics 2017, 147, 034903.16.  Milad, R.; Shi, J.; Aguirre, A.; Cardone, A.; Milan-Medina, B.; Gierschner, J., et al., Effective conjugation in conjugated polymers with strongly twisted backbones: a case study on fluorinated MEHPPV. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2016, 4, 6900-6906.17.  Luo, X. L.; Zhao, W. J.; Shi, J.; Dong, Y. Q., et al., Reversible Switching Emissions of Tetraphenylethene Derivatives among Multiple Colors with Solvent Vapor, Mechanical, and Thermal Stimuli. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2012, 116(41), 21967-21972.


团队信息 Team Information 史俊清博士在纪雷教授领导下共同组成了课题研究小组,主要提供光谱分析与测试、材料设计与计算等方面的工作。该课题组目前拥有两间标准有机合成实验室及配套分析仪器,有硕士及博士在读生共十名。课题组运行由国家级面上、青基及其他省部级项目支撑,经费充裕,氛围良好。


