

主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 李晓珍
教师编号 4049
学校 西北工业大学
部门 柔性电子研究院
学位 哲学博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 副高
联系方式 【发送到邮箱】
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集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

个人经历 personal experience 教育经历 2021.04 - 2022.05 访问学者, 新加坡南洋理工大学, 化学与生物医学工程(合作导师:Prof. Pu kanyi,Associate Dean)2018.08 - 2022.10 哲学博士, 香港城市大学, 化学, 生命科学与医学工程(导师: Chair Prof. Lee Chun-Sing, Provost and Deputy President)2014.09 - 2018.06 学士, 南京邮电大学, 高分子材料科学与工程


教育教学 Education and teaching 招生信息 每年招收具有化学、材料、光学、医学、生物科学背景的硕士研究生2-3名,博士研究生1名。要求:英文水平好,科研工作须诚实守信,具有扎实的专业基础,在SCI上发表过文章的优先考虑,为人勤奋踏实,善于沟通,且具有良好的团队合作精神。欢迎博士后加入!课题组成员张若菡:河南许昌人。2023年毕业于郑州大学,现为西北工业大学柔性电子研究院2023级在读硕士研究生。专业背景:有机化学,材料化学,高分子物理,高分子化学。杨彦龙:宁夏固原人。2023年本科毕业于西南大学,现为西北工业大学柔性电子研究院2023级在读硕士。研究内容:近红外小分子用于光热疗法及光动力疗法的开发。陈素娜:西北工业大学柔性电子研究院2021级再读研究生,主要方向:电荷转移复合物的弱相互作用理论研究。


荣誉获奖 Awards Information ·          10/2023   地区优秀人才(陕西西安)·          08/2021   周亦卿研究生院研究生最高奖学金·          08/2021   杰出学术表现奖, 香港城市大学·          08/2020   研究生免学费奖学金, 香港城市大学  ·          08/2020   杰出学术表现奖, 香港城市大学·          06/2018   优秀毕业生, 南京邮电大学·          11/2017   国家奖学金·          09/2017   三好学生标兵, 南京邮电大学·          09/2017   一等奖学金,南京邮电大学       ·          05/2017   江苏省三好学生·          09/2016   一等奖学金,南京邮电大学      ·          09/2016   三好学生, 南京邮电大学                                       ·          07/2016 “创青春”速度中国杯江苏省大学生创业大赛省赛铜奖(负责人)


科学研究 Scientific Research 研究方向:纳米材料用于成像和癌症治疗;主要包括 : 1) 有机光学材料合成与设计;2) 纳米医药包括光学治疗与诊断;3) 太阳能捕获及其在生物/环境健康领域的应用。在Advanced Materials, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, Adv. Funct. Mater., Biomaterials, ACS Nano, Small, Nanoscale Horizons, Nanoscale, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces等国际著名学术期刊上发表SCI论文28篇,总引用1283余次(H index = 21)其中以第一作者发表论文10篇,9篇为一区顶级期刊论文,累积影响因子超过330,平均影响因子12,影响因子>10的论文16篇。目前授权中国发明专利1项;多次为Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, ACS Nano, Biomaterials, Small, Chemical Science., ACS Materials Letter, ACS Applied Polymer Materials, Nanoscale等期刊审稿。Materials (IF: 3.4, CiteScore: 5.2)期刊客座编辑。实验室环境Conference:中国感光学会光学传感与诊疗专委会成立大会暨第一届光学传感与诊疗学术研讨会(Oral Lecture)


学术成果 Academic Achievements 期刊论文:1) X. Li, D. Zhang, G. Lu*, T. He, Y. Wan, M.-K. Tse, C. Ren, P. Wang, S. Li*, J. Luo*, C.-S. Lee*; “Photochemical Synthesis of Nonplanar Small Molecules with Ultrafast Nonradiative Decay for Highly Efficient Phototheranostics”; Advanced Materials 2021, 33, 2102799. (IF=32.086)2) X. Li, C. Yin, SS. Liew, C.-S. Lee*, K. Pu*; “Organic Semiconducting Luminophores for Near-Infrared Afterglow, Chemiluminescence, and Bioluminescence Imaging”; Advanced Functional Materials 2021, 2106154. (IF=19.924) 3) X. Li, L. Liu, S. Li*, Y. Wan, J.-X. Chen, S. Tian, Z. Huang, Y.-F. Xiao, X. Cui, C. Xiang, Q. Tan, X.-H. Zhang, W. Guo*, X.-J. Liang, C.-S. Lee*; “Biodegradable π-Conjugated Oligomer Nanoparticles with High Photothermal Conversion Efficiency for Cancer Theranostics”; ACS Nano 2019, 13, 12901-12911. (IF=18.027)4) X. Li, F. Fang, B. Sun, C. Yin, J. Tan, Y. Wan, J. Zhang*, P. Sun, Q. Fan, P. Wang, S. Li*, C.-S. Lee*, “Near-Infrared Small Molecule Coupled with Rigidness and Flexibility for High-Performance Multimodal Imaging-Guided Photodynamic and Photothermal Synergistic Therapy”; Nanoscale Horizons 2021, 6, 177-185. (IF=11.684)5) X. Li, D. Zhang, C. Yin, G. Lu*, Y. Wan, Z. Huang, J. Tan, S. Li*, J. Luo*, C.-S. Lee*, “A Diradicaloid Small Molecular Nanotheranostic with Strong Near-Infrared Absorbance for Effective Cancer Photoacoustic Imaging and Photothermal Therapy”; ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2021, 13, 15983-15991. (IF=10.383)6) X. Li, S. Tian, P. Sun*, Q. Fan, W. Huang*; “Preparation and Properties Investigation on a Kind of Pseudopolyrotaxane Hydrogel with High Intensity”; Acta Polymerica Sinica 2017, 6, 952-958. (Cover paper, IF=1.801)7) C. Yin, X. Li (Co-first author), Y. Wang, Y. Liang, S. Zhou, P. Zhao*, CS. Lee*, Q. Fan*, W. Huang; “Organic Semiconducting Macromolecular Dyes for NIR-II Photoacoustic Imaging and Photothermal Therapy”; Advanced Functional Materials 2021, 31, 2104650 (IF=18.808)8) C. Yin, X. Li (Co-first author), G. Wen, B. Yang, Y. Zhang, X. Chen, P. Zhao, S. Li, R. Li, L. Wang*, C.-S. Lee*, L. Bian*; “Organic Semiconducting Polymer Amphiphile for Near-Infrared-II Light-triggered Phototheranostics”; Biomaterials 2020, 232, 119684. (IF=15.304)9) G. Wen, X. Li (Co-first author), Y. Zhang, X. Han, X. Xu, C. Liu, KWY. Chan, C.-S. Lee, C Yin*, L. Bian*, L. Wang*; “Effective Phototheranostics of Brain Tumor Assisted by Near-Infrared-II Light-Responsive Semiconducting Polymer Nanoparticles”; ACS applied Materials & Interfaces 2020, 12, 33492-33499. (IF=10.383)10) J. Chen, Y. Zhang, X. Li (Co-first author), J. Zhu, D. Li, S. Li, C.-S. Lee*, L Wang*; “Confocal Visible/NIR Photoacoustic Microscopy of Tumors with Structural, Functional, and Nanoprobe Contrasts”; Photonics Research 2020, 8, 1875-1880. (IF=7.254)11) C. Yin, Y. Tang, X. Li, Z. Yang, J. Li, X. Li, W. Huang, Q. Fan*; “A Single Composition Architecture-Based Nanoprobe for Ratiometric Photoacoustic Imaging of Glutathione (GSH) in Living Mice”; Small 2018, 14, 1703400. (IF=10.856)12) C. Yin, X. Tai, X. Li, J. Tan, C.-S. Lee, P. Sun*, Q. Fan*, W. Huang; “Side chain engineering of semiconducting polymers for improved NIR-II fluorescence imaging and photothermal therapy”; Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 428, 132098. (IF=13.273)13) K.-W. Lee Y. Wan, X. Li, X. Cui, S. Li*, C.-S. Lee* “Recent Progress of Alkyl Radicals Generation-Based Agents for Biomedical Applications”; Advanced Healthcare Materials 2021, 10, 2100055. (IF=9.933)14) L. Wang, K. Yang, X. Li, X. Zhang, D. Zhang, L.-N. Wang*, C.-S. Lee*; “A Double-Crosslinked Self-Healing Antibacterial Hydrogel with Good Mechanical Performance for Wound Treatment”; Acta Biomaterialia 2021, 139-152. (IF=8.947)15) S. Li, Q. Deng, Y. Zhang, X. Li, G. Wen, X. Cui, Y. Wan, Y. Huang*, J. Chen, Z. Liu, L. Wang*, C.-S. Lee*; “Rational Design of Conjugated Small Molecules for Superior Photothermal Theranostics in the NIR-II Biowindow”; Advanced Materials 2020, 32, 2001146. (IF=27.398)  16) S. Li*, X. Deng, H. Cheng, X. Li, Y. Wan, C. Cao, J. Yu, Y. Liu, Y. Yuan, K. Wang*, and C.-S. Lee*, Bright Near-Infrared π-Conjugated Oligomer Nanoparticles for Deep-Brain Three-Photon Microscopy Excited at the 1700 nm Window in Vivo. ACS Nano 2022, 16, 12480. (IF: 18.027)17) Y. Wan, G. Lu, J. Zhang*, Z. Wang, X. Li, R. Chen, X. Cui, Z. Huang, Y. Xiao, J. Chelora, W. Zhang, Y. Liu, M. Li, HY. Xie, C.-S. Lee*; “A Biocompatible Free Radical Nanogenerator with Real-Time Monitoring Capability for High Performance Sequential Hypoxic Tumor Therapy”; Advanced Functional Materials 2019, 29, 1903436. (IF=18.808)18) S. Li, Q. Deng, X. Li, Y. Huang*, X. Li, F. Liu, H. Wang, W. Qing, Z. Liu*, C.-S. Lee*, “Bis-diketopyrrolopyrrole Conjugated Polymer Nanoparticles as Photothermic Nanoagonist for Specific and Synergistic Glioblastoma Therapy”; Biomaterials 2019, 216, 119252. (IF=10.273)19) S. Qi, Y. Zhang, G. Liu, J. Chen, X. Li, Q. Zhu, Y. Yang, F. Wang, J. Shi, C.-S. Lee, G. Zhu*, P. Lai*, L. Wang*, C. Fang*, “Plasmonic-Doped Melanin-Mimic for CXCR4-Targeted NIR-II Photoacoustic Computed Tomography-Guided Photothermal Ablation of Orthotopic Hepatocellular Carcinoma”; Acta Biomaterialia 2021, 129, 245-257. (IF=8.947)   20) S. Tian, H. Bai, S. Li, Y. Xiao, X. Cui, X. Li; J. Tan, Z. Huang, D. Shen, We. Liu, P. Wang, B. Tang*, C.-S. Lee*, “Water-Soluble Organic Nanoparticles with Programable Intermolecular Charge-Transfer for NIR-II Photothermal Anti-Bacterial Therapy”; Angewandte chemie international edition 2021, 60, 11758-11762. (IF=15.336)21) L. He, Y. Zhang, J. Chen, G. Liu, J. Zhu, X. Li, D. Li, Y. Yang, C.-S. Lee, J. Shi, C. Yin*, P. Lai*, L. Wang*, C. Fang*; “A Multifunctional Targeted Nanoprobe with High NIR-II PAI/MRI Performance for Precise Theranostics of Orthotopic Early-Stage Hepatocellular Carcinoma”; Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2021, 9, 8779-8792. (IF=6.331)  22) J. Li, Y. Yuan, G. Zeng, X. Li, Z. Yang, X. Li, R. Jiang, W. Hu, P. Sun, Q. Wang, X. Lu, Q. Fan*, W. Huang*; “A Water-Soluble Conjugated Polymer with Azobenzol Side Chains Based on "Turn-on" Effect for Hypoxic Cell Imaging”; Polymer Chemistry 2016, 7, 6890-6894. (IF=4.76) 23) Q. Zhao, Z. Huang, S. Tian, X. Cui, Y. Wan, X. Li, Y. Xiao, S. Li*, C.-S. Lee*; “Superwetting B4C bilayer foam for high cost-performance solar water purification”; Materials Today Energy 2020, 18, 100498. (IF=4.550)24) S. Tian, Z. Huang, J. Tan, X. Cui, Y. Xiao, Y. Wan, X. Li, Q. Zhao, S. Li*, C.-S. Lee*; “Manipulating Interfacial Charge-Transfer Absorption of Cocrystal Absorber for Efficient Solar Seawater Desalination and Water Purification"; ACS Energy Letters 2020, 5, 2698-2705. (IF=19.003)25) Z. Huang, S. Li*, X. Cui, Y. Wan, Y. Xiao, S. Tian, H. Wang, X. Li, Q. Zhao, C.-S. Lee*; “A   Broadband Aggregation-independent Plasmonic Absorber for Highly Efficient Solar Steam Generation”; Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2020, 8, 10742-10746. (IF=10.733)26) Y. Wan, G. Lu, W.-C. Wei, YH. Huang, S. Li, JX. Chen, X. Cui, YF. Xiao, X. Li, Y. Liu, X. Meng, P. Wang, H.-Y. Xie, J. Zhang, K.-T. Wong, C.-S. Lee, “Stable organic photosensitizer nanoparticles with absorption peak beyond 800 nanometers and high reactive oxygen species yield for multimodality phototheranostics”; ACS Nano 2020, 14, 8, 9917-9928. (IF=15.881) 27) Y.-F. Xiao, C. Xiang, S. Li*, C. Mao, H. Chen, JX Chen, S. Tian, X. Cui, Y. Wan,Z. Huang, X. Li, X.-H. Zhang, W. Guo*, C.-S. Lee*; “Single-Photomolecular Nanotheranostics for Synergetic Near-Infrared Fluorescence and Photoacoustic Imaging-Guided Highly Effective Photothermal Ablation”; Small 2020, 16, 2002672 (IF=10.856)28) X. Cui, J. Zhang*, Y. Wan, F. Fang, R. Chen, D. Shen, Z. Huang, S. Tian, Y. Xiao, X. Li, J. Chelora, Y. Liu, W. Zhang, C.-S. Lee*, “Dual Fenton Catalytic Nanoreactor for Integrative Type-I and Type-II Photodynamic Therapy Against Hypoxic Cancer Cells”; ACS Applied Bio Materials 2019, 2, 3854-3860. (IF=3.25)授权专利:1) P. Sun, J. Li, Q. Fan, W. Huang, H. Hou, X. Li, S. Tian, P. Cheng. A novel supermolecule hydrogel with high intensity and its preparation method. 201610284182.9

