
主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 许和勇
学校 西北工业大学
部门 航空学院
学位 工学博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 正高
联系方式 实用新型1875包写包过
邮箱 xuheyong@nwpu.edu.cn
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 2011.7-今,西北工业大学,航空学院飞行器空气动力学系,教授(2017.6-),博导(2018.7-),                        系副主任(2015.1-,分管研究生教学和招生工作),翼型叶栅空气动力学国家级重点实验室副主任(2019.7-)2013.8-2014.8,美国迈阿密大学,工程学院机械与航空航天工程系,访问学者2009.7-2011.7,西北工业大学,航空宇航科学与技术博士后流动站,博士后,副教授(2011.4) 2006.3-2009.6,西北工业大学,航空学院流体力学系,流体力学专业,博士学位2003.9-2006.3,西北工业大学,航空学院流体力学系,流体力学专业,硕士学位1999.9-2003.6,西北工业大学,飞机系,飞行器设计与工程专业,学士学位


教育教学 Education and teaching 教育教学 招生信息 1、空气动力学基础(双语),本科生课程,56学时 [课程负责人]2、数学物理方程(英),国际班本科生课程(全英文授课),16学时3、Computational Fluid Dynamics,国际班研究生课程(全英文授课),40学时4、航空工程中的数学方法,研究生课程,20学时5、湍流理论与湍流模型,博士生课程,20学时6、飞机空气动力学,工程硕士班研究生课程,40学时 2024年截至2月27日,尚有1名招生指标无意向考生报考,欢迎考生咨询报考(力学、航宇、机械均可)招生专业(一级学科):力学、航空宇航科学与技术、机械(全日制工程型)招生专业(二级学科):流体力学(硕/博)、空气动力学(硕/博)、航空工程(硕/博)、飞行器设计(硕/博)研究方向:1、计算流体力学方法2、流动控制方法及应用3、气动光学效应的数值模拟4、机器学习的气动力建模5、螺旋桨/旋翼/涵道风扇等的气动设计与优化


荣誉获奖 Awards Information 11、指导硕士生学位论文获得西北工业大学优秀硕士论文(田仁治、董庆利、乔晨亮等)10、指导本科生毕业论文获得西北工业大学优秀本科毕业论文(李凌霄、韩柯沁、李诚锐、董庆利等)9、指导硕士生获得西北工业大学优秀毕业生(褚雨薇、田仁治、付志杰、乔晨亮、邢世龙等)8、指导硕士生获得国家奖学金(田仁治,董庆利,乔晨亮2次,邢世龙等)、专项奖学金(付志杰,杨慧强等)7、指导硕士生获得学校研究生创意创新种子基金立项(张宇哲,褚雨薇,田仁治,董庆利等)6、被评为2017年度西北工业大学优秀班主任(全校共17人),所带的本科班级“011014国际”被评为西北工业大学模范班级(全校仅6个本科班级入选)5、年度岗位考核优秀,聘期考核优秀4、《航空学报》、《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》、《空气动力学学报》、《航空工程进展》等优秀审稿专家3、2019年8月,获中国航空学会科学技术奖三等奖(排名第三)“流体式虚拟舵面飞行控制原理”2、2012年,入选西北工业大学第六批“翱翔之星”人才计划;获得西北工业大学“吴亚军优秀青年教师奖教金”特等奖1、2008年12月,获得国防科技进步三等奖,排名第3,项目名称:XXXX非结构化动态网格流场分析和动态模拟技术及应用


科学研究 Scientific Research  主持科研项目(部分):20、气动中心技术合作项目:飞翼布局飞机动导数计算与数据融合建模,2024.03-19、航空工业研究所合作项目:飞参-载荷的机器学习数据融合建模与预测,2024.01-18、中国工程物理研究院合作项目:气动光学效应流场仿真与光束特性评估,2023.01-17、兵器工业集团合作项目:XXX非定常流动与分离特性评估,2023.06-2025.1216、企业合作项目:轴流风扇空气动力学性能优化仿真研究,2022.09-2023.1215、航空工业气动院联合创新项目:协同射流控制下的智能流场感知与精细化控制技术,2022.05-2024.0514、国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于钝后缘环量控制和翼面联合射流的风力机叶片流动控制方法研究,2020.01-2023.1213、重点实验室基金:气动光学效应数值模拟及其流控制方法研究,2020.01-2021.1212、气动中心旋翼空气动力学重点实验室开放基金:基于波状前缘技术的旋翼翼型动态失速流动控制研究,2021.01-2021.1211、航天科技集团合作项目:某发动机燃气管路内部组件外形优化及流场减阻研究,2019.11-2021.0410、H863子课题项目:激光发射窗口的气动光学问题研究,2018.09-2019.089、国家自然科学基金面上项目:直升机旋翼动态失速流动控制新方法探索研究,2015.01-2018.128、国家自然科学基金青年项目:涵道风扇唇口失速机理及其抑制新方法探索研究,2013.01-2015.127、XX专项预研项目子课题:起落架非定常流动数值模拟研究,2016.01-2018.126、陕西省自然科学基金:基于协同射流的风力机叶片流动控制方法研究,2016.01-2017.125、航空科学基金:新概念旋翼协同射流流动控制方法研究,2016.10-2018.094、深圳市基础研究基金:风力机叶片的协同射流控制数值模拟研究,2016.06-2018.053、预研基金:飞机翼身整流罩外形优化设计研究,2010.01-2011.122、西北工业大学基础研究基金2项,2015.01-2015.12,2012.01-2013.121、中国博士后科学基金,2010.09-2012.08


学术成果 Academic Achievements 发表论文共70余篇,其中SCI期刊论文30余篇,EI索引50余篇。 英文论文发表[部分]:[48] Li Ling-Xiao, Xu He-Yong*, Xing Zheng, Khan Abdul Samad. Research on time-delay effect and design of closed-loop control system of circulation control airfoil. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2024, accepted. (SCI)[47] Tan Xiao-Tong, Xu He-Yong*, Yin Kai. Numerical investigation of optical distortions by turbulent wake and shock wave in the transonic flow. Physics of Fluids, 2024, accepted. (SCI)[46] Zhao Yi-Ran, Xu He-Yong*, Xie Zheng-Yao. Closed-loop flow control method based on deep reinforcement learning using a co-flow jet. Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 2024, 17(4): 816-827. (SCI)[45] Tan Xiao-Tong, Xu He-Yong*. Numerical investigation of aero-optical effects around the turret based on delayed detached eddy simulation and unsteady Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2024, 238(1): 20-43. (SCI).[44] Pei Zhen, Xu He-Yong*, Deng Lei, Li Ling-Xiao. Influence of the Blunt Trailing-Edge Thickness on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of the Very Thick Airfoil. Wind, 2023,3, 439-458.[43] Khan Abdul Samad, Xu He-Yong*, Nie Yu-Feng, Idrees Muhammad, Khan Noor UI Samad. Numerical examination of wall properties for the magnetohydrodynamics stagnation point flow of micro-rotating fluid subject to weak concentration. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35(5): 053102. (SCI)[42] Ma Cheng-Yu, Xu He-Yong*, Qiao Chen-Liang. Comparative study of two combined blowing and suction flow control methods on pitching airfoils. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35(3): 035120. (SCI)[41] Qiao Chen-Liang, Xu He-Yong*, Ye Zheng-Yin. Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of the nonlinear flight dynamics system of the flexible body. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2023, 139: 108389. (SCI)[40] Ma Cheng-Yu, Xu He-Yong*. Parameter-based design and analysis of wind turbine airfoils with conformal slot co-flow jet. Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 2023, 16(2): 269-283. (SCI)  [39] Li Ling-Xiao, Xu He-Yong*, Pei Zhen. Effect of secondary-jet on supersonic Coanda jet. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2023, 237(9): 2125-2138. (SCI)[38] Li Ling-Xiao, Xu He-Yong*, Wang Yu-Hang, Xu Yue. Research on the roll control of the flapless aircraft with circulation control. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2023,237(5): 1199- 1211. (SCI)[37] Li Ling-Xiao, Xu He-Yong*, Fu Zhi-Jie, Huang Zeng-Chun. Numerical study of the yaw control of flapless aircraft. Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, 2022, 94(10): 1593-1604. (SCI)[36] Xing Shi-Long, Xu He-Yong*. Airfoil dynamic stall model suitable for large angle deflection of a trailing edge flap. Fluid Dynamics, 2022, 57(3): 341-350. (SCI)[35] Qiao Chen-Liang, Xu He-Yong*, Li Jing, Hu Han-Dong. Parametric study on the sonic transverse jet in supersonic crossflow and analysis of the jet-crossflow interaction instability. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2022, Vol.123, Article 107472. (SCI)[34] Xing Shi-Long, Xu He-Yong*, Zhang Wei-Guo. Trailing edge flap effects on dynamic stall vortex and unsteady aerodynamic forces on a pitching airfoil. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2022, Vol.2022, Article 1674047. (SCI)[33] Chu Yu-Wei, Xu He-Yong*, Qiao Chen-Liang, Wang Yu-Hang, Xu Yue. Computational Evaluation of Geometric Effects on Aerodynamic Performance of Circulation Control Airfoil. Proceedings of the institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2021, published online in advance, doi: 10.1177/0954410020983721. (SCI, EI)[32] Zhang Yu-Zhe, Xu He-Yong*, Chu Yu-Wei, Xu Yue. A Two-Dimensional Numerical Study on the Pulsed Co-Flow Jet. Fluid Dynamics, 2021,56(3):361-370. (SCI)[31] Xing Shi-Long, Xu He-Yong*, Ye Zheng-Yin, Ma Ming-Sheng, Xu Yue. Dynamic Stall Control Using Inflatable Leading Edge. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2020, Vol.34, Nos.14-16, 2040108. (SCI: 000543802700042)[30] Tian Ren-Zhi, Xu He-Yong*, Dong Qing-Li, Ye Zheng-Yin. Numerical Investigation of Aero-Optical Effects of Flow past a Flat-Windowed Cylindrical Turret. Physics of Fluids, 2020, 32, 056103. (SCI: 000533632800003)[29] Fu Zhi-Jie, Chu Yu-Wei, Cai Yi-Sheng, Xu He-Yong*, Xu Yue. Numerical Investigation of Circulation Control Applied to Flapless Aircraft. Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, 2020, 92(6): 879-893. (SCI, EI)[28] Xing Shi-Long, Xu He-Yong*, Ma Ming-Sheng, Ye Zheng-Yin. Inflatable leading edge based dynamic stall control considering fluid structure interaction. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 2020, Article ID 9046542, 28 pages, 2020. (SCI, EI)[27] Yang Yun-Chao, Bartow W. B., Zha Ge-Cheng*, Xu He-Yong, Wang Jian-Lei. Large Eddy Simulation of Base Drag Reduction Using Jet Boat Tail Passive Flow Control. Computers and Fluids, 2020, Vol.198, Article ID 104398. (SCI, EI)[26] Tian Ren-Zhi, Dong Qing-Li, Xu He-Yong*. Numerical Analysis of Aero-Optical Distortions and Corresponding Atmospheric Propagation Effects by Flow over a Backward-Facing Cylindrical Turret. The 8th International Symposium on Physics of Fluids, June 10-13, 2019, Xi’an China.[25] Xing Shi-Long, Xu He-Yong*, Ye Zheng-Yin. Dynamic Stall Control Using Inflatable Leading Edge. The 8th International Symposium on Physics of Fluids, June 10-13, 2019, Xi’an China.[24] Xu He-Yong*, Dong Qing-Li, Qiao Chen-Liang, Ye Zheng-Yin. ILES, DDES and URANS Simulations of the Separated Flow around a Circular Cylinder: a Comparative Study. 2018 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, Oct. 16-18, 2018, Chengdu, China. (EI)[23] Dong Qing-Li, Xu He-Yong*, Ye Zheng-Yin. Numerical Investigation of Unsteady Flow past Rudimentary Landing Gear Using DDES, LES and URANS. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 2018, 12(1): 689-710. (SCI)[22] Xu He-Yong*,Dong Qing-Li, Qiao Chen-Liang, Ye Zheng-Yin. Flow Control over the Blunt Trailing Edge Wind Turbine Airfoil Using Circulation Control. Energies, 2018, 11(3): 619.(SCI)[21] Xu He-Yong*, Qiao Chen-Liang, Yang Hui-Qiang, Ye Zheng-Yin. Active Circulation Control on the Blunt Trailing Edge Wind Turbine Airfoil. AIAA Journal, 2018, 56(2): 554-570. (SCI,EI)[20] Xu He-Yong*, Yang Hui-Qiang, Ye Zheng-Yin, Zhang Dong. Numerical Study of the Discrete Staggered Staged Sonic Jet Interaction in a Supersonic Crossflow. AIAA Paper 2017-2147. 21st AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonics Technologies Conference, 6-9 March 2017, Xiamen, China. (EI)[19] Xu He-Yong*, Qiao Chen-Liang, Yang Hui-Qiang, Ye Zheng-Yin. Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation of the Wind Turbine Airfoil S809 for Angles of Attack up to 90 Degrees. Energy, 2017, 118: 1090-1109.  (SCI, EI)(IF=5.5,1区top期刊)[18] Xu He-Yong*, Xing Shi-Long, Ye Zheng-Yin, Ma Ming-Sheng. A simple and conservative unstructured sliding-mesh approach for rotor-fuselage aerodynamic interaction simulation. Proceedings of the institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2017, 231(1): 163-179. (SCI, EI)[17] Xu He-Yong*, Qiao Chen-Liang, Ye Zheng-Yin. Dynamic Stall Control on the Wind Turbine Airfoil via a Co-Flow Jet. Energies, 2016, 9(6), 429:1-25. (SCI)[16] Xu He-yong*, Xing Shi-long, Ye Zheng-yin. Numerical Study of an Airfoil/Rotating-Slotted-Cylinder Based Flutter Exciter, Journal of Aircraft, 2015,52(6):2100-2105. (SCI, EI)[15] Xu He-yong*, Xing Shi-long, Ye Zheng-yin. Investigation on the Unstructured Rotational Dynamic Overset Grids, Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, 2015, 87(4): 293-304. (SCI,EI)[14] Xu He-yong*, Xing Shi-long, Ye Zheng-yin. Numerical Study of the S809 Airfoil Aerodynamic Performance Using a Co-Flow Jet Active Control Concept, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2015, 7(2), 023131, pp: 1-20. (SCI,EI)[13] Xu He-yong*, Xing Shi-long, Ye Zheng-yin. Numerical study of ducted-fan lip stall suppression based on inflatable leading lip cell, Procedia Engineering, 2015, 126: 158-162.(7th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics, ICFM7, 24-27 May, Qingdao, 2015) (EI)[12] Xu He-yong*, Xing Shi-long, Ye Zheng-yin. Numerical simulation of the effect of a co-flow jet on the wind turbine airfoil aerodynamic characteristics,Procedia Engineering, 2015, 126: 706-710. (7th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics, ICFM7, 24-27 May, Qingdao, 2015) (EI)[11] Yang Yun-chao*, Xu He-yong, Wang Jian-lei, Zha Ge-cheng. Large eddy simulation of base drag reduction with jet boat-tail passive flow control,Procedia Engineering, 2015, 126: 150-157.(7th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics, ICFM7, 24-27 May, Qingdao, 2015) (EI)[10] Xu He-yong*, Ye Zheng-yin. Numerical Simulation of Rotor-Airframe Aerodynamic Interaction based on Unstructured Dynamic Overset Grids, Science China Technological Sciences, 2012, 55(10): 2798-2807. (SCI,EI)[9] Xu He-yong*, Ye Zheng-yin. Numerical Study of Propeller Slipstream based on Unstructured Dynamic Overset Grids, Journal of Aircraft, 2012, 49(2): 384-389. (SCI, EI)[8] Xu He-yong*, Ye Zheng-yin. Euler Calculation of Rotor-Airframe Interaction Based on Unstructured Overset Grids, Journal of Aircraft, 2011, 48(2): 707-712. (SCI,EI)[7] Xu He-yong*, Ye Zheng-yin. Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Flow around Forward Flight Helicopter with Coaxial Rotors, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2011, 24(1): 1-7. (SCI,EI)[6] Xu He-yong, Ye Zheng-yin. Investigation of a flutter exciter for aircraft flight testing using unstructured overset grids. AIAA Paper 2011-6670. AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, 08-11 August 2011, Portland, Oregon, USA. (EI)[5] Xu He-yong, Ye Zheng-yin. Numerical simulation of rotor-airframe aerodynamics using technology of unstructured overset grids. AIAA Paper 2011-6724. AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, 08-11 August 2011, Portland, Oregon, USA. (EI)[4] Xu He-yong, Ye Zheng-yin. Coaxial Rotor Helicopter in Hover Based on Unstructured Dynamic Overset Grids, Journal of Aircraft, 2010, 47(5):1820-1824. (SCI,EI)[3] Xu He-yong, Ye Zheng-yin, Wang Gang, Shi Ai-ming. Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Rotor-Fuselage Aerodynamic Interaction, Acta Aerodynamic Sinica(空气动力学学报英文),2010,28(2): 162-167. (EI)[2] Xu He-yong, Ye Zheng-yin, Wang Gang, Shi Ai-ming. Simulation of Helicopter Forward Flight Flow Using Unstructured Overset Grids. AIAA Paper 2009-1285, 2009. (EI)[1] Xu He-yong, Ye Zheng-yin, Wang Gang. Unstructured Dynamic Patched Grid Method and Application. Proceedings of the Sino-Russian Conference on Aerospace Technology. 2006,Northwestern Polytechnical University, China, pp:291~296 (ISBN: 7-5612-2079-0/TH235) 中文论文发表(部分):[24] 张冬云,胡仞与,王振威,许和勇*. 翼吊布局民机反推出流模式设计与验证,西华大学学报(自然科学版),2024,43(2):1-10.[23] 张宇哲,许和勇*,韩柯沁,汪默潜,瞿丽霞. 波状前缘翼的失速控制机理研究. 气动研究与试验,2023,1(6): 68-78.[22] 张冬云,吴翔,王彪,许和勇*. 机头波纹度对全静压探头测孔压强的影响,科学技术与工程,2023,23(28):12291-12299.[21] 李荣强,连小锋,朱睿,赵乐,闵强,许和勇*. 基于机器学习的飞机起落架着陆载荷预测模型,科学技术与工程,2023,23(18): 8011-8017.[20] 贾天昊,高超*,许和勇,徐泽阳. 变来流下翼型动态失速的协同射流控制数值模拟研究. 空气动力学学报,2023, 41(9): 59-69.[19] 谭小童,许和勇*,田仁治. 典型光学窗口流场的气动光学效应数值模拟. 空气动力学学报,2023, 41(6): 71-80.[18] 许和勇*,马成宇. 协同射流流动控制方法研究进展综述. 航空工程进展,2022, 13(6):1-16.[17] 史子颉,许和勇*,郭润杰,刘智胜,姜承尚,董芳馨. 协同射流在垂直尾翼流动控制中的应用研究,航空工程进展,2022,13(1): 28-41.[15] 付志杰,许和勇*,杜海,王宇航,徐悦. 基于环量控制的虚拟舵面机翼气动特性计算研究. 航空科学技术,2020,31(5):11-22.[14] 田仁治,董庆利,许和勇*,叶正寅. 气动光学效应的数值模拟分析,第十八届全国计算流体力学会议论文集,2019年6月13日-16日,中国西安,pp:91-97.[13] 李城锐,王梦云,梁锦涛,韩亚杰,许和勇*,陈丽华. 脉冲射流流动控制的初步数值模拟研究,第十八届全国计算流体力学会议论文集,2019年6月13日-16日,中国西安,pp:90-97.[12] 乔晨亮,谭小童,于水望,许和勇*. 环量控制在钝后缘风力机翼型中的应用研究,第十八届全国计算流体力学会议论文集,2019年6月13日-16日,中国西安,pp:379-389.[11] 许和勇*,乔晨亮,肖昭君,叶正寅. 基于环量控制方法的钝后缘风力机翼型流动控制计算研究,第十一届全国流体力学青年研讨会论文集,2019年5月17日-20日,中国合肥,pp:136-143。[10] 乔晨亮,许和勇*,叶正寅. 钝后缘风力机翼型的环量控制研究,力学学报,2019,51(1): 135-145. 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