
主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 杨智春
学校 西北工业大学
部门 航空学院
学位 工学博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 正高
联系方式 13991850165
邮箱 yangzc@nwpu.edu.cn
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

个人经历 Personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 1987-1990,西北工业大学飞机系助教1990-1993, 西北工业大学飞机系副教授1993-1997,西北工业大学飞机系副教授1997-2003,西北工业大学飞机系教授1994-1997,西北工业大学飞机强度研究所副所长1997-2003, 西北工业大学飞机强度研究所所长2003-2005,西北工业大学航空学院航空结构工程系主任2006-2014,西北工业大学航空学院学术委员会主任2014.11-2018.10     西北工业大学航空学院院长2014.12-2019.10     翼型叶栅空气动力学国家级重点实验室主任2010- 至今    西北工业大学航空学院结构动力学与控制研究所所长先后到美国杜克大学、日本东京理科大学、香港理工大学、德国萨尔大学、法国INSA里昂分校短期学术访问 1980-1984,西北工业大学大学飞机结构力学及强度专业, 获学士学位 1984-1987,西北工业大学固体力学专业, 获硕士学位 1988-1992,西北工业大学飞机设计专业, 获博士学位


教育教学 Education and teaching 教育教学 招生信息 1、飞行器结构力学,本科生课程, 56学时;2、气动弹性力学基础,本科生课程, 24学时;3、气动弹性原理,研究生课程, 40学时;4、结构振动的模态分析理论,研究生课程, 20学时;5、航空结构动强度设计与分析,研究生课程,40学时;6、现代大学概论,本科生通识教育课程,16学时; 研究方向1、飞行器气动弹性力学——颤振分析与试验,抖振载荷预计,突风响应分析,地面颤振模拟试验(干风洞试验技术)2、飞行器结构动力学——振动主动控制,压电智能结构,弹性波超构表面,动载荷识别,振动能量收集,基于振动的结构健康监测


荣誉获奖 Awards Information 1、陕西省优秀力学教师,19982、陕西青年科技奖,20003、教育部新世纪优秀人才,20044、中国力学学会全国徐芝伦力学优秀教师奖,20095、陕西省师德先进个人,2012 6、全国优秀教师,2014


科学研究 Scientific Research 国家自然科学基金1. 利用电流变体的智能结构振动控制研究,面上项目,1999-20012. 利用压电分流技术的精密机械微振动控制研究,面上项目,2004-20063. 热环境下超声速飞行器的复合材料壁板颤振分析与优化设计,面上项目,2007-20094. 超声速气流中曲壁板的非线性气动热弹性分析,面上项目,2011-20035. 高超声速气流中受热壁板的非线性气动弹性声振特性分析,面上项目,2015-20186. 约束阻尼层压电弹性波超构表面设计及其减振机理研究,面上项目,2020-2023各类预研项目 10 余项;型号科研合同项目 30 余项;其他横向合同项目20 余项。发明专利1. 基于互相关函数幅值向量的随机振动结构损伤的检测方法,发明专利,ZL 200510136332.32. 一种用于测试高温材料阻尼性能的测试系统,发明专利,ZL 200910022889.23.一种基于二次降阶的带操纵面机翼非定常气动力模拟方法,发明专利,ZL 201210376333.54.一种用于机翼结构XXXX,发明专利,ZL201318003832.5最近发表的学术论文[1] Wang Xiaochen, Yang Zhichun,Zhou Shengxi, Zhang Guiwei.Complex damping influences on the oscillatory/static instability characteristics of heated panels in supersonic airflow。Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,Vol.165:108369,2022.2[2] Zhao Tian, Tian Wei,  Wang Hao, Liu, Hao, Yang Zhichun. Optimized Placement of Piezoelectric Actuator for Multichannel Adaptive Vibration Control of a Stiffened Plate, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Vol.35, No.1,2022.[3] Liu Feng, Shi Pengtao, Xu Yanlong, Cao Liyun, Shen Yizhou, Yang Zhichun.Total reflection of flexural waves by circular meta-slab and its application in vibration isolation,International Journal of mechanical Sciences, Vol.212:106806, 2021.12.[4]Tian Wei, Zhao Tian, Gu Yingsong, Yang Zhichun. Supersonic flutter control and optimization of metamaterial plate,Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, Vol.34, No.11:15-20, 2021.[5] Xu Jiang, Yang Zhichun, Yang Jie, Li Yinghui, Free vibration analysis of rotating FG-CNT reinforced composite beams in thermal environments with general boundary conditions. Aerospace Science and Technology, 118:107030.[6] Shen Yizhou, Xu Yanlong, Liu Feng, Wang Fanglong, Yang Zhichun 3D-printed meta-slab for focusing flexural waves in broadband. Extreme Mechanics Letters. 48,101410. 2021[7] Li Weiguang, Yang  Zhichun, Li Kui, Wang  Wei,Hybrid feedback PID-FxLMS algorithm for active vibration control of cantilever beam with piezoelectric stack actuator. Journal of Sound ann Vibration,509:116243,2021.[8] Ouyang Yan, Zeng Kaichun, Kou Xiping, Gu Yingsong, Yang Zhichun. Experimental and Numerical Studies on Static Aeroelastic Behaviours of a Forward-Swept Wing Model. Shock and Vibration. 2021:5535192,2021.[9]  Chen Yu, Yang Zhichun, Chen Zhaolin, Li Kui, Zhou Shengxi. Design, modeling, and experiment of a multi-bifurcated cantilever piezoelectric energy harvester, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. Vol.32, No.20:2403-2419, 2021.[10] 夏鹏, 杨 特, 徐江, 王乐, 杨智春, 利用时延神经网络的动载荷倒序识别, 航空学报, Vol.42, No.7 ,2021近三年发表的学术论文[1] Liyun Cao, Yifan Zhu, Yanlong Xu, Shi-Wang Fan, Zhichun Yang, Badreddine Assouar. Elastic bound state in the continuum with perfect mode conversion/. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol.154,104502, 2021.[2] Tian, Wei, Zhao, Tian, Yang Zhichun. Nonlinear electro-thermo-mechanical dynamic behaviors of a supersonic functionally graded piezoelectric plate with general boundary conditions. Composite Structures Vol.261, 113326, 2021.[3] Zhou Jian, Xu Minglong, Yang Zhichun, Gu Yingsong. Suppression of panel flutter response in supersonic airflow using a nonlinear vibration absorber. International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, Vol.133, 103714, 2021.[4] Xu Jiang, Yang Zhichun, Yang Jie, Li Yinghui. Influence of the boundary relaxation on the free vibration of rotating composite laminated Timoshenko beams . Composite Structures. Vol 266, 113690, 2021[5] Kou Xiping, Dai Yuke, Yang Zhichun, Yu Li, Experimental Research on a Multi-modal Active Damping System for Transonic Wind-Tunnel Tests . Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, DOI: 10.1007/s42417-021-00315-9, 2021.[6] Wang, Xiaochen, Yang, Zhichun, Zhang, Guiwei, Xu, Xinwei. A Combined Energy Method for Flutter Instability Analysis of Weakly Damped Panels in Supersonic Airflow. Mathematics, Vol.9 No.10, 1090, 2021.[7] Ouyang Yan , Gu Yingsong, Kou Xiping, Yang Zhichun, Active flutter suppression of wing with morphing flap. Aerospace Science and Technology. Vol.110, 106457, 2021.[8] Zhang Junshi, Tang Liling, Liu Lei, Zhao Jianwen, Yang Zhichun, Li Pengfei. Modeling of humidity effect on electromechanical properties of viscoelastic dielectric elastomer. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. Vol.193, 106177, 2021.[9] Tian Wei, Gu Yingsong, Liu Hao, Wang Xiaochen, Yang Zhichun, Li Yueming, Li Ping. Nonlinear aeroservoelastic analysis of a supersonic aircraft with control fin free-play by component mode synthesis technique. Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol.493, 115835, 2021.[10] Zhou Jian, Xu Minglong, Yang Zhichun, Gu Yingsong. Suppressing nonlinear aeroelastic response of laminated composite panels in supersonic airflows using a nonlinear energy sink. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics. Vol.34, No.2 pp376-385, 2021[11] Mei Xutao, Zhou Shengxi, Yang Zhichun, Kaizuka, Tsutomu Nakano, Kimihiko. Enhancing energy harvesting in low-frequency rotational motion by a quad-stable energy harvester with time-varying potential wells. Mechanical system and Signal Processing. Vol. 148, 107167, 2021[12] Jian Zhou, Minglong Xu, Jun Zha, Zhichun Yang,The suppression of nonlinear panel flutter response at elevated temperatures using a nonlinear energy sink. Meccanica, Vol. 56, No.1 pp41-57, 2021.[13] Kassem, Mohammed, Yang, Zhichun, Gu, Yingsong, Modeling and Control Design for Flutter Suppression Using Active Dynamic Vibration Absorber. Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies DOI: 10.1007/s42417-020-00267-6, 2021[14] 刘昊,王巍,金伟,杨智春. 垂尾抖振响应的鲁棒-FxLMS主动控制试验, 航空学报,Vol.42,No.2,1000-6893,2021.  [15] 刘昊,杨智春,牛文超, 李魁, 王巍. 基于NAF-FxLMS控制器的垂尾抖振主动控制.振动与冲击, 2021年第6期140-146。[16] Cao Liyun, Yang Zhichun, Xu Yanlong, Chen Zhaolin, Zhu Yifan, Fan Shi-Wang, Donda, Krupali, Vincent Brice, Assouar, Badreddine. Pillared elastic metasurface with constructive interference for flexural wave manipulation. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, v 146, 107035, 2021.[17] Li Weiguang, Wang Wei, Li Bin, Yang Zhichun. Error Signal Differential Term Feedback Enhanced Variable Step Size FxLMS Algorithm for Piezoelectric Active Vibration Control. Shock and Vibration. Vol. 2020, 8832467, 2020.[18] Wang Xiaochen, Yang Zhichun, Chen Zhaolin, Gu Yingsong等. Study on coupled modes panel flutter stability using an energy method. Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 468, 115051, 2020.[19] Fang Shitong, Wang Suo, Mei Xutao, Zhou Shengxi, Yang Zhichun, Liao Wei-Hsin. A centrifugal softening impact energy harvester with the bistability using flextensional transducers for low rotational speeds. Smart Materials and Structures, Vol.29, No.11, 115024, 2020.[20] Lallart Mickael, Li Kui, Yang, Zhichun, Zhou Shengxi. Transient and Harmonic Unipolar Hysteresis Model of Piezoelectric Actuators Using a System-Level Approach. Applied Sciences-Basel. Vol.10 No.20, 7268, 2020. [21] Li Kui, Yang Zhichun, Zhou Shengxi. Performance enhancement for a magnetic-coupled bi-stable flutter-based energy harvester. Smart Materials and Structures. Vo.29, No.8, 085045, 2020 [22] Mei Xutao, Zhou Shengxi, Yang Zhichun, Kaizuka Tsutomu, Nakano Kimihiko. A passively self-tuning nonlinear energy harvester in rotational motion: theoretical and experimental investigation. Smart Materials and Structures, v29, n4, 045033, 2020.[23] Cao Liyun, Yang Zhichun, Xu Yanlong, Fan Shi-Wang, Zhu Yifan, Chen Zhaolin, Vincent Brice, Assouar Badreddine. Disordered elastic metasurfaces. Physical Review Applied, v13, n1, 2020.[24] Zhou Jian, Xu Minglong, Yang Zhichun. Nonlinear aeroelastic analysis of heated curved panels in supersonic air flow. International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 2020.[25] Liu Lei, Zhang Junshi, Luo Meng, Chen Hualing, Yang Zhichun, Li Dichen, Li Pengfei. A bio-inspired soft-rigid hybrid actuator made of electroactive dielectric elastomers.  Applied Materials Today, v21, 2020.[26] Cao Liyun, Yang Zhichun, Xu Yanlong, Fan Shi-Wang, Zhu Yifan, Chen Zhaolin, Li Yong, Assouar Badreddine. Flexural wave absorption by lossy gradient elastic metasurface. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol.143, 104052, 2020.[27] Fang Shitong, Wang Suo, Miao Gang, Zhou Shengxi, Yang Zhichun, Mei Xutao, Liao Wei-Hsin. Comprehensive theoretical and experimental investigation of the rotational impact energy harvester with the centrifugal softening effect.  Nonlinear Dynamics, v101, n1, p123-152, 2020.[28] He Shun, Guo Shijun, Li Wenhao, Yang Daqing, Gu Yingsong, Yang Zhichun. Nonlinear aeroelastic behavior of an airfoil with free-play in transonic flow. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, v138, 115110, 2020.[29] Li Kui, Yang Zhichun, Zhou Shengxi. Performance enhancement for a magnetic-coupled bistable flutter based energy harvester.  Smart Materials and Structures, v29, n8, 2020.[30] Fang Shitong, Wang Suo, Zhou Shengxi, Yang Zhichun, Liao WeiHsin. Analytical and experimental investigation of the centrifugal softening and stiffening effects in rotational energy harvesting. Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol.488, 115643, 2020.[31] Fang Shitong, Wang Suo, Zhou Shengxi, Yang Zhichun, Liao Wei-Hsin. Exploiting the advantages of the centrifugal softening effect in rotational impact energy harvesting. Applied Physics Letters, v116, n6, 2020.[32] Mei Xutao, Zhou Shengxi, Yang Zhichun, Kaizuka Sutomu, Nakano Kimihiko. A tri-stable energy harvester in rotational motion: Modeling, theoretical analyses and experiments. Journal of Sound and Vibration, v469, 2020.[33] Jia You, Yang Zhichun, Liu Erqiang, Fan Yanhong, YangXuexia. Prediction of random dynamic loads using second-order blind source identification algorithm. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, v234, n9, p1720-1732, 2020.[34] Fang Shitong, Wang Suo, Zhou Shengxi, Yang Zhichun, Liao, Wei-Hsin. A rotational impact energy harvester utilizing the centrifugal softening effect. Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, v11376, 2020, Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems IX[35] Lallart, Mickael, Zhou, Shengxi, Yang, Zhichun, Yan, Linjuan, Li, Kui, Chen, Yu. Coupling mechanical and electrical nonlinearities: The effect of synchronized discharging on tristable energy harvesters. Applied Energy, v 266, 114516, 2020.[36] Tian Wei, Li Yueming, Yang Zhichun, Li Ping, Zhao Tian. Suppression of nonlinear aeroelastic responses for a cantilevered trapezoidal plate in hypersonic airflow using an energy harvester enhanced nonlinear energy sink. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, v172, 105417, 2020. [37] Lallart Mickael, Li Kui, Yang Zhichun, Zhou Shengxi, Wang Wei. Simple and efficient inverse hysteretic model and associated experimental procedure for precise piezoelectric actuator control and positioning. Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, v301, 2020. [38] Kassem Mohammed, Yang Zhichun, Gu Yingsong, Wang Wei, Safwat Ehab. Active dynamic vibration absorber for flutter suppression.  Journal of Sound and Vibration, v469, 2020. [39] 金伟,杨智春等. 先进战斗机全动V尾抖振动强度设计与验证, 航空学报,2020年第6期, 311-325。[40] 张桂玮,谭光辉,徐钦炜,谷迎松,杨智春. 地面颤振模拟试验中加载系统动态特性的影响研究,振动与冲击,2020年, 第16期, 214-221, 260。[41] 李魁,杨智春,谷迎松,周生喜。变势能阱双稳态气动弹性能量收集的性能增强研究,航空学报,2020年第9期131-142。[42] Liu Wei, Yang Zhichun, Wang Le, Guo Ning. Boundary condition modelling and identification for cantilever-like structures using natural frequencies. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, v32, n6, p1451-1464, 2019. [43] Lallart Mickael, Zhou Shengxi, Yan Linjuan, Yang Zhichun, Chen, Yu. Tailoring multistable vibrational energy harvesters for enhanced performance: theory and numerical investigation.  Nonlinear Dynamics, v96, n2, p1283-1301,2019. [44] Huang Dongmei, Zhou Shengxi, Yang, Zhichun. Resonance mechanism of nonlinear vibrational multistable energy harvesters under narrow-band stochastic parametric excitations. Complexity, v2019, 2019. [45] Zhou Jian, Xu Minglong, Yang Zhichun. Aeroelastic stability analysis of curved composite panels with embedded Macro Fiber Composite actuators. Composite Structures, v 208, p 725-734,2019. [46] Tian Wei, Yang Zhichun, Zhao Tian. Nonlinear aeroelastic characteristics of an all-movable fin with freeplay and aerodynamic nonlinearities in hypersonic flow. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, v116, p123-139, 2019. [47] Guo Ning, Yang Zhichun, Wang Le, Bian Xin. A updating method using strain frequency response function with emphasis on local structure.  Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, v115, p637-656, 2019.[48] Li Yi, Zhou Shengxi, Yang Zhichun, Guo Tong, Mei Xutao. High-performance low-frequency bistable vibration energy harvesting plate with tip mass blocks. Energy, v180, p737-750, 2019. [49] Tian Wei, Yang Zhichun, Zhao Tian. Analysis of nonlinear vibrations and dynamic Responses in a Trapezoidal Cantilever Plate Using the Rayleigh-Ritz Approach Combined with the Affine Transformation. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, v 2019, 2019 [50] Cao Liyun, Peng Pai, Zhou Xiaoling, Assouar Badreddine, Yang Zhichun. Beam splitting of flexural waves with a coding meta-slab. Xu Yanlong, Applied Physics Express, v12, n9, 2019. [51] Xu Yanlong, Cao Liyun, Peng Pai, Assouar Badreddine, Yang Zhichun. Spatial waveguide mode separation for acoustic waves in a meta-slab composed of subunits with graded thicknesses. Journal of Applied Physics, v126, n16,2019.[52] Mei Xutao, Zhou Shengxi, Yang Zhichun, Kaizuka Tsutomu, Nakano Kimihiko. Enhancing energy harvesting in low-frequency rotational motion by a quad-stable energy harvester with time-varying potential wells.  Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, v148,2021. [53] Chen Zhaolin, Yang Zhichun, Gu Yingsong, Guo Shijun. An energy flow model for high-frequency vibration analysis of two-dimensional panels in supersonic airflow. Applied Mathematical Modelling, v76, p495-512,2019. [54] Li Kui, Yang Zhichun, Gu Yingsong, He Shun, Zhou Shengxi. Nonlinear magnetic-coupled flutter-based aeroelastic energy harvester: Modeling, simulation and experimental verification. Smart Materials and Structures, v28, n1, 2019. [55] Tian Wei, Li Yueming, Li Ping, Yang Zhichun, Zhao Tian. Passive control of nonlinear aeroelasticity in hypersonic 3-D wing with a nonlinear energy sink. Journal of Sound and Vibration, v462,2019. [56] Lallart Mickael, Li Kui, Yang Zhichun, Wang Wei. System-level modeling of nonlinear hysteretic piezoelectric actuators in quasi-static operations. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, v116, p985-996,2019. [57] Xu Yanlong, Cao Liyun, Yang Zhichun. Deflecting incident flexural waves by nonresonant single-phase meta-slab with subunits of graded thicknesses. Journal of Sound and Vibration, v454, p51-62, 2019. [58] Mei Xutao, Zhou Shengxi, Yang Zhichun, Kaizuka Tsutomu, Nakano Kimihiko. A quad-stable piezoelectric energy harvester for enhancing energy harvesting from rotational motion: Theoretical model and experiments. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, v531, n1, 2019, Modeling in Mechanics and Materials.[59] Mei Xutao, Zhou Shengxi, Yang Zhichun, Kaizuka Tsutomu, Nakano Kimihiko. The benefits of an asymmetric tri-stable energy harvester in low-frequency rotational motion. Applied Physics Express, v12, n5, 2019. [60] Li Kui, Yang Zhichun, Lallart Mickael, Zhou, Shengxi, Chen, Yu, Liu, Hao. Hybrid hysteresis modeling and inverse model compensation of piezoelectric actuators. Smart Materials and Structures, v28, n11, 2019. [61] Zhao Tian, Yang Zhichun, Tian Wei, Wang, Wei. Vibration and acoustic radiation of composite plate in hygrothermal environments.25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2018, ICSV 2018: Hiroshima Calling, v8, p4757-4764, 2018.[62] Xu Yanlong, Yang Zhichun, Cao Liyun. Switch on and off the deflection of high frequency SH wave by waveguides with phase discontinuity.25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2018, ICSV 2018: Hiroshima Calling, v4, p2278-2282, 2018. [63] Cao Liyun, Xu Yanlong, Assouar Badreddine, Yang Zhichun. Asymmetric flexural wave transmission based on dual-layer elastic gradient metasurfaces. Applied Physics Letters, v113, n18, October 29, 2018. [64] Gu Yingsong, Yang Zhichun, Li Kui. Enhanced magneto-aeroelastic flutter energy harvester (MAFEH) design and testing.  25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2018, ICSV 2018: Hiroshima Calling, v1, p506-509, 2018.[65] Xu Yanlong, Yang Zhichun, Cao Liyun. Deflecting Rayleigh surface acoustic waves by a meta-ridge with a gradient phase shift. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, v51, n17, 2018. [66] Cao Liyun, Yang Zhichun, Xu Yanlong, Assouar, Badreddine. Deflecting flexural wave with high transmission by using pillared elastic metasurface. Smart Materials and Structures, v27, n7, 2018. [67] Chen Zhaolin, Yang Zhichun. A hybrid method for shock response analysis of plates under high-frequency impulsive load. 25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2018, ICSV 2018: Hiroshima Calling, v4, p2135-2142, 2018. [68] Li Kui, Yang Zhichun, Wang Wei, Gu Yingsong, Lallart Mickael. Hybrid static and dynamic model for hysteretic piezoelectric stack actuator and its application for hysteresis compensation. 25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2018, ICSV 2018: Hiroshima Calling, v2, p670-676, 2018.[69] Cao Liyun, Yang Zhichun, Xu Yanlong. Steering elastic SH waves in an anomalous way by metasurface Journal of Sound and Vibration, v418, p 1-14, 2018. [70] Cao Liyun, Yang Zhichun, Xu Yanlong. Anomalous deflecting of SH0 wave by elastic metasurface in solids with phase discontinuities.25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2018, ICSV 2018: Hiroshima Calling, v 4, p 2283-2287, 2018. [71] Zhou Jian, Xu Minglong, Yang Zhichun. Nonlinear flutter response of heated curved composite panels with embedded macrofiber composite actuators. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, v2018, 2018. [72] Chen Zhaolin, Yang Zhichun, Guo, Ning, Zhang Guiwei. An energy finite element method for high frequency vibration analysis of beams with axial force. Applied Mathematical Modelling, v 61,p 521-539, 2018.[73] Guo Ning, Yang Zhichun, Wang Le, Ouyang Yan, Zhang Xinping. Dynamic model updating based on strain mode shape and natural frequency using hybrid pattern search technique. Journal of Sound and Vibration, v 422, p 112-130, 2018.[74] 豆清波,刘小川,奚杨风光,杨智春,牟让科。舰载机全机落震试验机翼升力模拟方法研究,振动与冲击,2018年第2期51-56。[75] 井立,杨智春,张甲奇. 基于信息融合技术的结构损伤检测方法,振动与冲击,2018年第7期91-95,101。[76] 陈兆林,杨智春,王用岩,张新平. 基于能量有限元法和虚拟模态综合法的高频冲击响应分析方法,航空学报,2018年第8期177-186。[77] 赵天,杨智春,刘昊,Kassem Mohammed, 王巍. 压电陶瓷叠层作动器迟滞蠕变非线性自适应混合补偿控制方法,航空学报,2018年第12期202-213。[78] 刘基海,谷迎松,杨智春. 支撑刚度对飞翼模型固有模态和体自由度颤振特性的影响,振动工程学报,2018年第5期727-733。


社会兼职 Social Appointments 1、教育部高等学校航空航天类专业教学指导委员会 副主任委员2、陕西省高等学校教学指导委员会航空航天与兵器类工作委员会 主任委员2、中国航空学会理事3、中国振动工程学会常务理事4、陕西省力学学会理事长5、《航空工程进展》 常务副主编,《航空学报》、《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》、《Space:Science & Technology》、《Aerospace》、《振动工程学报》、《振动与冲击》编委

