姓名 | 魏晓敏 |
性别 | 女 |
学校 | 西北工业大学 |
部门 | 计算机学院 |
学位 | 工学博士学位 |
学历 | 博士研究生毕业 |
职称 | 副高 |
联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
邮箱 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
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个人经历 Personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 2013年至今在西北工业大学工作。 2001年9月进入西北工业大学计算机学院学习,分别于2005年、2008年、2013年获得西北工业大学计算机科学与技术专业学士学位、计算机系统结构专业硕士学位、计算机科学与技术专业博士学位。2010年10月赴法国斯特拉斯堡大学攻读博士,2013年5月获得斯特拉斯堡大学仪器与微电子学博士学位证书。 教育教学教育教学 Education and teaching 教育教学 招生信息 目前主要承担的课程有:模拟CMOS集成电路设计实验、数字CMOS集成电路设计实验。 欢迎有志于集成电路设计的同学报考。本研究室主要进行CMOS辐射探测电路与系统的研究,数字和模拟设计均有涉及,具体包括低噪声模拟前端信号处理、高速数据读出处理、数模模数转换器设计、时间数字转换器、高速数据传输接口。本人每年2个名额,本组每年8-10个名额。课题组统一管理,进组后可自由选择研究课题。 荣誉获奖荣誉获奖 Awards Information 光子和粒子探测器前端读出电子学芯片关键技术及应用,陕西省教育厅,陕西省高等学校科学技术奖,特等奖,2021 科学研究科学研究 Scientific Research 主要研究方向:CMOS辐射探测器电路与系统及其辐射加固技术 学术成果学术成果 Academic Achievements 单片有源像素传感器:[1]X.WEI ; W. Wei; T. Wu; Y. Zhang; X. Li; L. Zhang; W. Lu; Z. Liang; J. Dong; L. Li; J. Wang; R. Zheng;R. Casanova; S. Grinstein; Y. Hu; J. Guimaraes da Costa High data-rate readout logic design of a 512 × 1024 , 2019, pixel array dedicated for CEPC vertex detector Journal of Instrumentation14(12):C12012. [2] X.WEI; Li, Bo; He, Yingjie; Niu, Wei; Zheng, Ran; Wang, Jia; Chen, Nan; Hu, Yongcai; A simulation system and its applications for signal readout of CMOS pixel sensors in high energy physics , Xi'an, 2019.[3] Y. Degerli, G. Bertolone, W. Dulinski, F. Guilloux, F. Morel, F. Orsini, X. Wei, and M. Winter, "A vertically integrated 3D CMOS MAPS with in-pixel digital memory and delayed readout," Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (NSS/MIC), 2009, pp. 1631-1635.[4] W. Dulinski, G. Bertolone, R. de Masi, Y. Degerli, A. Dorokhov, F. Morel, F. Orsini, L. Ratti, C. Santos, V. Re, X. Wei, and M. Winter, "Thin, fully depleted monolithic active pixel sensor based on 3D integration of heterogeneous CMOS layers," Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (NSS/MIC), 2009, pp. 1165-1168. 模拟前端读出电路:[1] Jia Wang ; Xuan Luo; ; Ran Zheng; Changqing Feng; Yann Hu; Xiaomin Wei; Design of a low-noise, high-linearity, readout ASIC for CdZnTe-based gamma-ray spectrometers Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics, 2021, 988(164927):1-6. SCIE. [2]Chao Liu; Xuan Luo; Ran Zheng ; Jia Wang; Xiaomin Wei; Feifei Xue; Yann Hu; A low noise APD readout ASIC for electromagnetic calorimeter in HIEPA, 2021, ASIC for electromagnetic calorimeter in HIEPA Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A.985(164686).模数数模转换器:[1] Feifei, Xue; Wu, Gao; Ran, Zheng; ; Jia, Wang; Yann, Hu; Xiaomin, Wei; A 12-bit 10MS/s 12mW pipelined SAR ADC for CubeSat systems using Vcm-based switching MDAC and unit capacitor array Nuclear, 2020, 953:0-163218. [2] F. Xue, X. Wei, Y. Hu, W. Gao, R. Zheng, J. Wang, T. wei, “Design of a 10-bit 50MSPS pipeline ADC for CMOS image sensor”, Proceedings of the 2014 9th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, ICIEA 2014, p 891-895, October 20, 2014.[3] X Wei, D.Gao, S.Zhan “A high precision programmable reference generator for Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor using 3D Integrated Technology”, CIT, Chengdu, Oct. 2012抗辐射集成电路设计:[1] X Wei, B Li, N Chen, J Wang, R Zheng, W Gao, T Wei, D Gao and Y Hu, “Development of a radiation-hardened SRAM with EDAC algorithm for fast readout CMOS pixel sensors for charged particle tracking”, Journal of Instrumentation, Vol. 9, 2014, pp. P08001. (SCI索引, No. 000341927600029)[2] X Wei, D.Gao, A.Dorokhov and Y. Hu “A built-in SRAM for radiation hard CMOS pixel sensors dedicated to high energy physics experiments”, NuclInstrum Methods Phys Res Sect A, volume 701, 2013, pp 37-43. (SCI索引, No. 000313721400006,索引, No. IP52322043)[3] X Wei, D.Gao, A.Dorokhov and Y. Hu “A radiation-hardened 2T-Memory cell for Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors in STAR experiment”, Journal of Instrumentation, Vol. 6, No.1, 2011,pp.C01071. (SCI索引, No. 000291345600076)[4] X Wei, D. Gao, A. Dorokhov, Y. Hu“Design of latchup immunity memory cell for Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors”, Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), 2011, pp.102-106, 21-23 June 2011.( EI索引, No. 20113614295701)[5] 魏晓敏,高德远,魏廷存,陈楠,电离总剂量辐射加固的设计,微电子学;2012. pp.76-80. 综合介绍团队信息 Team Information |