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姓名 郑年本
性别 在职信息:在职
学校 中南大学
部门 学历:博士研究生毕业
学位 发明专利包写包过 特惠申请
学历 性别:男
职称 副教授
联系方式 学位:博士学位
邮箱 zhengnb@csu.edu.cn
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

个人简介 郑年本,男,博士,硕士研究生导师。主要从太阳能利用、电化学储能、电池热管理等方面研究。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目,湖南省自然科学基金青年项目,重点实验室开放基金课题等项目。先后参与了包括国家“973”、国家自然科学基金重点项目在内的多个科研项目研究,发表SCI收录论文40余篇,1篇论文入选ESI高被引论文,H指数为24,已授权国家专利3项。指导本科生团队在第十四届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛中获得全国一等奖及节能创新专项铜奖。现任湖南省工程热物理学会理事、湖南省仪器仪表协会常务理事,中南大学学报(自然科学版)客座编辑,中南大学学报(自然科学版)首届青年编委,担任国内外多个学术期刊审稿人。 郑年本副教授带领的“太阳能利用与储能”研究小组隶属于清洁低碳能源技术湖南省工程研究中心。我们聚焦可再生能源利用与储能中流动、传热、传质以及电化学反应共性基础科学问题与关键技术问题研究。我们设计制备功能性能源材料,我们开发新型能源利用技术,我们制作高性能装置与原型机,旨在实现可再生能源高效化、规模化、低成本化利用! ~~~~~小组每年招收研究生2-3名,欢迎同学们加入!~~~~~ 邮箱:zhengnb@csu.edu.cn 代表论文:   * 通讯作者 2023 [7] R. Fan, B. Xu, L. Shi, N. Zheng*, Z. Sun*, A scalable phase change material-based system enhanced by multi-walled carbon nanotubes and fins for efficient solar water heating applications, Journal of Energy Storage, 72 (2023) 108791. [6] N. Zheng, L. Wang, M. Wan, R. Fan, Z. Sun*, Experimental investigation on the static and dynamic stability of water-based graphene nanofluids prepared by one-step liquid phase shear exfoliation of graphite, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 381 (2023) 121848. [5] M. Wan, B. Xu, L. Shi, N. Zheng*, Z. Sun*, The dynamic stability of silicone oil-based MWCNT nanofluids under high-temperature, high-flux irradiation, and shear-flow conditions, Powder Technology, 424 (2023) 118508. [4] L. Shi, W. Tao, N. Zheng, W. Tang, T. Zhou*, Z. Sun*, A magnetic-enhanced 3D solar-absorbed structure inspired by cold evaporated heatsink for vapor generation, Chemical Engineering Journal, 469 (2023) 143813. [3] L. Shi, W. Tao, N. Zheng, T. Zhou*, Z. Sun*, Magnetic photo-thermal evaporator with joule-assisted heating for stable vapour generation, Applied Thermal Engineering, 230 (2023) 120770. [2] L. Shi, W. Tao, N. Zheng, T. Zhou*, Z. Sun*, Numerical study of convective heat transfer and particle distribution subject to magneto-static field in a square cavity, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 185 (2023) 108081. [1] 郑年本, 曾瑞景, 陈强, 范瑞金, 孙志强*, 内置环状翼槽式太阳能集热管内传热强化研究, 工程热物理学报, 44 (2023). 2022: [6] R. Fan, M. Wan, N. Zheng*, Z. Sun*, Simultaneously enhanced light absorption and heat transfer capability of melamine foam stabilized phase change composites by carbon black and metal fins for photothermal conversion and storage, Journal of Energy Storage, 54 (2022) 105278. [5] N. Zheng, C. Zhang, R. Fan, Z. Sun*, Melamine foam-based shape-stable phase change composites enhanced by aluminum nitride for thermal management of lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Energy Storage, 52 (2022) 105052. [4] R. Fan, N. Zheng*, Z. Sun*, Enhanced photothermal conversion capability of melamine foam-derived carbon foam-based form-stable phase change composites, Energy Conversion and Management, 263 (2022) 115693. [3] R. Fan, N. Zheng*, Z. Sun*, A modified method to quantify the photo-thermal conversion efficiency of shape-stable phase change materials, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 237 (2022) 111572. [2] N. Zheng, F. Yan, L. Wang, Z. Sun*, Photo-thermal conversion performance of mono MWCNT and hybrid MWCNT-TiN nanofluids in direct absorption solar collectors, International Journal of Energy Research, 46(6) (2022) 8313-8327. [1] N. Zheng, K. Zhang, Q. Chen, Z. Sun*, Novel self-join winglet vortex generators for enhanced heat transfer of turbulent airflow in round tubes, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 130 (2022) 105806. 2021: [5] N. Zheng, L. Wang, Z. Sun*, The effects of ultrasonication power and time on the dispersion stability of few-layer graphene nanofluids under the constant ultrasonic energy consumption condition, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 80 (2021) 105816. [4] Z. Sun, Q. Chen, N. Zheng*, Experimental and numerical studies of intensified turbulent heat transfer in round pipes with curved wing vortex generators, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,  (2021) 121823. [3] Z. Sun, R. Fan, N. Zheng*, Thermal management of a simulated battery with the compound use of phase change material and fins: Experimental and numerical investigations, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 165 (2021) 106945. [2] R. Fan, N. Zheng*, Z. Sun*, Evaluation of fin intensified phase change material systems for thermal management of Li-ion battery modules, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 166 (2021) 120753. [1] J. Wu, L. Chen, N. Zheng*, Z. Sun*, Experimental investigation of the attachment of unburned carbon in coal fly ash to a stationary air bubble in aqueous solutions, Fuel, 285 (2021) 119080. 2020:  [4] K. Zhang, Z. Sun*, N. Zheng*, Q. Chen, Effects of the configuration of winglet vortex generators on turbulent heat transfer enhancement in circular tubes, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 157 (2020) 119928. [3] N. Zheng, R. Fan, Z. Sun*, T. Zhou, Thermal management performance of a fin-enhanced phase change material system for the lithium-ion battery, International Journal of Energy Research, 44 (9) (2020) 7617-7629. [2] Z. Sun, K. Zhang, W. Li, Q. Chen, N. Zheng*, Investigations of the turbulent thermal-hydraulic performance in circular heat exchanger tubes with multiple rectangular winglet vortex generators, Applied Thermal Engineering, 168 (2020) 114838.  [1] N. Zheng*, F. Yan, K. Zhang, T. Zhou, Z. Sun*, A review on single-phase convective heat transfer enhancement based on multi-longitudinal vortices in heat exchanger tubes, Applied Thermal Engineering, 164 (2020) 114475.   2019:  [3] Z. Sun, R. Fan, F. Yan, T. Zhou, N. Zheng*, Thermal management of the lithium-ion battery by the composite PCM-Fin structures, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 145 (2019) 118739.   [2] P. Liu, N. Zheng, Z. Liu, W. Liu, Thermal-hydraulic performance and entropy generation analysis of a parabolic trough receiver with conical strip inserts, Energy Conversion and Management, 179 (2019) 30-45.  [1] Y. Liang, P. Liu, N. Zheng, F. Shan, Z. Liu, W. Liu, Numerical investigation of heat transfer and flow characteristics of laminar flow in a tube with center-tapered wavy-tape insert, Applied Thermal Engineering, 148 (2019) 557-567.   2018:   [4] F. Xin, Z. Liu, N. Zheng, P. Liu, W. Liu, Numerical study on flow characteristics and heat transfer enhancement of oscillatory flow in a spirally corrugated tube, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 127 (2018) 402-413.   [3] X. Wang, N. Zheng, Z. Liu, W. Liu, Numerical analysis and optimization study on shell-side performances of a shell and tube heat exchanger with staggered baffles, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 124 (2018) 247-259.   [2] P. Liu, N. Zheng, F. Shan, Z. Liu, W. Liu, An experimental and numerical study on the laminar heat transfer and flow characteristics of a circular tube fitted with multiple conical strips inserts, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 117 (2018) 691-709.   [1] P. Liu, N. Zheng, F. Shan, Z. Liu, W. Liu, Heat transfer enhancement for laminar flow in a tube using bidirectional conical strip inserts, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 127 (2018) 1064-1076.   2017:  [6] N. Zheng, P. Liu, X. Wang, F. Shan, Z. Liu, W. Liu, Numerical simulation and optimization of heat transfer enhancement in a heat exchanger tube fitted with vortex rod inserts, Applied Thermal Engineering, 123 (2017) 471-484.   [5] N. Zheng, P. Liu, F. Shan, Z. Liu, W. Liu, Sensitivity analysis and multi-objective optimization of a heat exchanger tube with conical strip vortex generators, Applied Thermal Engineering, 122 (2017) 642-652.   [4] N. Zheng, P. Liu, F. Shan, Z. Liu, W. Liu, Turbulent flow and heat transfer enhancement in a heat exchanger tube fitted with novel discrete inclined grooves, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 111 (2017) 289-300.  [3] N. Zheng, P. Liu, Z. Liu, W. Liu, Numerical simulation and sensitivity analysis of heat transfer enhancement in a flat heat exchanger tube with discrete inclined ribs, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 112 (2017) 509-520.   [2] X. Wang, N. Zheng, P. Liu, Z. Liu, W. Liu, Numerical investigation of shell side performance of a double shell side rod baffle heat exchanger, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 108 (2017) 2029-2039.  [1] P. Liu, N. Zheng, L. Rui, F. Shan, Z. Liu, W. Liu, PIV measurement of flow structures in a circular heat exchange tube with central slant rod inserts, Energy Procedia, 142 (2017) 3793-3798.   2016:  [6] N. Zheng, P. Liu, F. Shan, Z. Liu, W. Liu, Numerical investigations of the thermal-hydraulic performance in a rib-grooved heat exchanger tube based on entropy generation analysis, Applied Thermal Engineering, 99 (2016) 1071-1085.  [5] N. Zheng, P. Liu, F. Shan, Z. Liu, W. Liu, Heat transfer enhancement in a novel internally grooved tube by generating longitudinal swirl flows with multi-vortexes, Applied Thermal Engineering, 95 (2016) 421-432.   [4] N. Zheng, P. Liu, F. Shan, Z. Liu, W. Liu, Effects of rib arrangements on the flow pattern and heat transfer in an internally ribbed heat exchanger tube, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 101 (2016) 93-105.  [3] N. Zheng, P. Liu, F. Shan, J. Liu, Z. Liu, W. Liu, Numerical studies on thermo-hydraulic characteristics of laminar flow in a heat exchanger tube fitted with vortex rods, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 100 (2016) 448-456.  [2] P. Liu, N. Zheng, F. Shan, Z. Liu, W. Liu, Numerical study on characteristics of heat transfer and friction factor in a circular tube with central slant rods, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 99 (2016) 268-282.   [1] 郑年本, 刘志春, 刘伟. 圆管内插入螺旋片强化传热数值模拟及(火积)耗散分析. 工程热物理学报, 01 (2016) 155-159.   2015:   [1] N. Zheng, W. Liu, Z. Liu, P. Liu, F. Shan, A numerical study on heat transfer enhancement and the flow structure in a heat exchanger tube with discrete double inclined ribs, Applied Thermal Engineering, 90 (2015) 232-241. 教育经历 [1]   2013.9-2018.6 华中科技大学 工学博士学位  |  博士研究生毕业 [2]   2009.9-2013.6 华中科技大学 工学学士学位  |  大学本科毕业 社会兼职 [1]   教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心 评审专家 [2]   中南大学学报自然科学版客座编辑 [3]   中南大学学报自然科学版青年编委 [4]   International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Applied Thermal Engineering, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Experimental thermal and fluid Science, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Journal of Energy Storage, Solar Energy, Applied Nanoscience, SN Applied Sciences,中南大学学报等国内外学术期刊审稿人 研究方向 [1]  太阳能利用 [2]  电化学储能 [3]  电池热管理 团队成员 团队名称:“太阳能利用与储能”研究小组 范瑞金 本科毕业于中国矿业大学。研究方向:太阳能光热转换与存储   万茗涵 本科毕业于山东建筑大学。研究方向:太阳能光热材料   曾瑞景 本科毕业于长沙理工大学。研究方向:功能性光学涂层   邱雪梅 本科毕业于昆明理工大学。研究方向:液流电池电解液   吴俊辉 本科毕业于齐鲁工业大学。研究方向:电池热管理   周泽鑫 本科毕业于中南大学。研究方向:液流电池多孔电极   许张楠 本科毕业于中南大学。研究方向:太阳能热利用   周铭宇 本科毕业于西安交通大学。研究方向:液流电池电堆   陈关旺 本科毕业于东莞理工学院。研究方向:太阳能热利用
