姓名 | 刘安丰 |
教师编号 | 31485 |
性别 | 办公地点:中南大学校本部计算机楼401室 |
学校 | 中南大学 |
部门 | 电子信息学院 |
学位 | 联系方式:湖南省 长沙市 中南大学校本部计算机楼 401室 |
学历 | 职务:Head of Computer Science and Technology Major |
职称 | 教授 |
联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
邮箱 | 【了解更多】 |
人气 | |
软件产品登记测试 软件著作权666元代写全部资料 实用新型专利1875代写全部资料 集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台 微信客服在线:543646 急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳 |
个人简介 刘安丰,男,博士,教授,博士生导师,现工作于 中南大学 计算机学院,计算机科学与技术专业负责人。 主持和参加包括国家自然科学基金、国家“973”等纵横向科研项目10多项。在国际计算机重要SCI期刊如: IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE System Journal, IEEE Wireless Communications, IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Network Magazine, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems等多种SCI期刊上,以及国内有影响的期刊如计算机学报、软件学报、通信学报,以及国际重要会议如INFOCOM上发表与云计算,边缘计算,大数据,无线传感器网络,群体感知网络,无线网络,面向服务计算相关的SCI论文多篇。获省、部级科技成果奖3项。主编、副主编(译)教材4部。2个国际期刊编委。欢迎有志于科学研究的本科生、硕士生、博士生来实验室学习。欢迎同行交流,联系。 Email: afengliu@mail.csu.edu.cn 教育经历 [1] 2011.2-2012.2 加拿大, 滑铁卢大学 | 宽带通信实验室 | 访问学者 [2] 2009.9-2012.10 国防科学技术大学 | 电子科学与技术 | 博士后 [3] 2006.7-2008.12 中南大学 | 控制科学与工程 | 博士后 [4] 2002.9-2005.12 中南大学 | 计算机应用技术 | 博士 [5] 1999.9-2002.6 中南大学 | 计算机应用技术 | 硕士 工作经历 [1] 2007.9-2012.9 信息科学与工程学院 | 中南大学 | 副教授 [2] 2010.9-2014.8 信息科学与工程学院 | 中南大学 | 计算机科学与技术副系主任 [3] 2012.9-至今 信息科学与工程学院 | 中南大学 | 教授 [4] 2014.9-至今 信息科学与工程学院 | 中南大学 | 计算机科学与技术专业负责人 社会兼职 [1] 2018.4-至今 Editorial Board member of Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks,indexed by "Emerging Source CitationIndex" (ESCI - Web of Science) and "Scopus". http://www.mdpi.com/journal/jsan/editors. [2] 2006.5-至今 IEEE会员 [3] 2004.4-至今 担任《计算机学报》,《软件学报》,《电子学报》,《通信学报》审稿专家 [4] 2012.4-至今 SCI期刊专辑编辑 [5] 2004.9-至今 中国计算机学会会员 研究方向 [1] 云计算,边缘计算,大数据,无线传感器网络,群体感知网络,无线网络,面向服务。 团队成员 团队名称:刘安丰所在团队 团队介绍:The team consists of all the doctoral students and master students by the name of Anfeng Liu.The main researches are Group aware network,Wireless mobile network,Wireless Sensor Networks,etc. 杨渤常 2019-2023中南大学,物联网工程专业,本科;2022年加入本-博创新计划,2023年直接攻读博士学位,计算机科学与技术专业。主要研究方向为可信计算、群智感知。邮箱:bocyang@csu.edu.cn.[1] B. Yang, A. Liu, N. Xiong, T. Wang, S. Zhang. LC-TDC: A Low Cost and Truth Data Collection Scheme by Using Missing Data Imputation in Sparse Mobile Crowdsensing, Information Science, vol. 662, 120274, 2024. ISSN 0020-0255 (SCI, IF: 8.1). 莫雯 博士研究生。2020年湘潭大学保送硕士研究生,计算机学院。2023年9月继续攻读博士学位。邮箱:mowen2016550825@163.com[1] W. Mo, Z. Li, Z. Zeng, N. Xiong, S. Zhang, A. Liu. SCTD: A Spatiotemporal Correlation Truth Discovery Scheme for Security Management of Data Platform, Future generation computer systems, vol. 139, pp. 109-125, February 2023. ISSN 0167-739X (SCI, IF: 7.307).[2] W. Mo, W. Liu, G. Huang, N. Xiong, A. Liu, S. Zhang. A Cloud-Assisted Reliable Trust Computing Scheme for Data Collection in Internet of Things. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 18, no. 7, pp. 4969-4980, 2022. DoI: http//doi.org/10.1109/TII.2021.3108149, 2021, ISSN: 1551-3203 (SCI, IF: 10.215). In 2021-8-22. [2] W. Mo, T. Wang, S. Zhang, J. Zhang. An Active and Verifiable Trust Evaluation Approach for Edge Computing. Journal of Cloud Computing-Advances Systems and Applications, vol. 9, no. 51, DoI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s13677-020-00202-w, 2020. ISSN: 2192-113X (SCI &EI, IF: 2.788). in 2020-9-10. 王菡 2018-2022中南大学,大数据专业,本科;2021年加入本-博创新计划,2022年直接攻读博士学位,计算机科学与技术专业。主要研究方向为可信计算、群智感知。邮箱:hanwang@csu.edu.cn[1] H. Wang, W. Liu, N. N. Xiong, S. Zhang, T. Wang. LIAA: A listen interval adaptive adjustment scheme for green communication in event-sparse IoT systems. Information Sciences, vol. 584, pp. 235-268, 2022. ISSN 0020-0255 (SCI, IF: 8.1). [2] H. Wang, A. Liu, N. Xiong, S. Zhang, T. Wang. TVD-RA: A Truthful Data Value Discovery based Reverse Auction Incentive System for MCS, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 5826-5839, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1109/JIOT.2023.3308072, 2023. ISSN: 2327-4662 (SCI, IF: 10.6).[3] H. Wang, W. Liu, A. Liu, T. Wang, H. Song, S. Zhang. SQCS: A Sustainable Quality Control System for Spatial Crowdsourcing via Three-Party Evolutionary Game: Theory and Practice. Expert Systems With Applications, vol. 238, 122132, 2024. ISSN: 0957-4174 (SCI, IF: 8.5). 欧阳艳 欧阳艳,2020年湘潭大学保送硕士研究生,2022年提前攻读博士学位,计算机学院。主要研究方向为可信计算、群智网络、区块链、边缘计算。邮箱:ouyang_oyy@163.com[1]Y. Ouyang, G. Huang, Z. Zeng, T. Wang, and A. Liu. TSPR: A Trusted Service Pre-Request System for Efficient Data Processing in C-ITS. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 53, no. 12, pp. 7364-7377, 2023. ISSN: 2168-2216 (SCI &EI, IF: 8.7)[2] Y. Ouyang, A. Liu, N. Xiong, T. Wang. An Effective Early Message Ahead Join Adaptive Data Aggregation Scheme for Sustainable IoT. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 201-219, 2021. ISSN: 2327-4697 (SCI &EI, IF: 5.213). In 2020-10-23.[3] Y. Ouyang, Z. Zeng, X. Li, T. Wang, X. Liu. "A Verifiable Trust Evaluation Mechanism for Ultra-Reliable Applications in 5G and Beyond Networks,". Computer Standards & Interfaces, vol. 77, 103519, August 2021. ISSN: 0920-5489 (SCI, IF: 2.809). In 2021-2-5. 白静 2019年入学, 计算机学院, 硕士生, 校外保送我校。2022年继续攻读博士学位。主要研究方向为可信计算、物联网络、无人机。[1] J. Bai,J. Gui,G. Huang,M. Dong,T. Wang, S. Zhang, A. Liu. A Lowcost UAV Task Offloading Scheme based on Trustable and Trackable Data Routing. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, DOI: 10.1109/TIV.2023.3321300. ISSN: 2379-8858 (SCI, IF: 8.2).[2] J. Bai, J. Gui, G. Huang, S. Zhang, A. Liu. UAV-supported Intelligent Truth Discovery to Achieve Low-Cost Communications in Mobile Crowd Sensing. Digital Communications and Networks, DoI: 10.1016/j.dcan.2023.02.001, 2023. ISSN: 2468-5925 (SCI, IF: 7.9) [3] J. Bai, G. Huang, S. Zhang, Z. Zeng, A. Liu. GA-DCTSP: An Intelligent Active Data Processing Scheme for UAV-enabled Edge Computing. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 4891-4906, March 15, 2023. ISSN: 2327-4662 (SCI, IF: 10.6)[4] J. Bai, Z. Zeng, T. Wang, S. Zhang, N. Xiong, A. Liu. TANTO: An Effective Trust based Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Computing System for the Internet-of-Things. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, , vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 5644-5661, April 1, 2023. ISSN: 2327-4662 (SCI &EI, IF: 10.6). 刘润 2018-2022年中南大学 物联网工程1801班,本科; 2022年保送到中科院。主要研究方向为车载网络,可信计算、无人机,智能算法。runliu@csu.edu.cn.[1] R. Liu, M. Xie, A. Liu, H. Song. Joint Optimization Risk Factor and Energy Consumption in IoT networks with TinyML-enabled Internet of UAVs. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2023.3348837, 2023. ISSN: 2327-4662 (SCI, IF: 10.6).[2] R. Liu, A. Liu, Z. Qu, N. Xiong. An UAV-enabled Intelligent Connected Transportation System with 6G Communications for Internet of Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023, 24(2): 2045-2059. ISSN: 1524-9050 (SCI, IF: 9.551).[3] R. Liu, Z. Qu, G. Huang, M. Dong, T. Wang, S. Zhang, A. Liu. DRL-based Trajectory Planning for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Data Collection in Dynamic IoT Network. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 1204-1218, February 2023. ISSN: 2379-8858 (SCI, IF: 8.2). 康云川 2021年入学,计算机技术专业博士研究生。[1] Y. Kang, A. Liu, N. N. Xiong, S. Zhang, T. Wang and M. Dong. DTD: An Intelligent Data and Bid Dual Truth Discovery Scheme for MCS in IIoT. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 2507-2519, 2024. ISSN: 2327-4662 (SCI &EI, IF:10.6). 郭嘉林 2017-2021中南大学 物联网络专业,本科; 2021年直接攻读博士学位(本-博创新计划),计算机科学与技术专业。主要研究方向为可信计算、机器学习、边缘计算。部分论文如下。guojialin@csu.edu.cn.[1] J. Guo, A. Liu, K. Ota, M. Dong, X. Deng, N. Xiong. ITCN: An Intelligent Trust Collaboration Network System in Industrial IoT. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 203-218, 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/TNSE.2021.3057881, 2021. ISSN: 2327-4697 (SCI, IF: 5.213).[2] J. Guo, G. Huang, Q. Li, N. N. Xiong, S. Zhang, T. Wang. STMTO: A Smart and Trust Multi-UAV Task Offloading System. Information Sciences, vol. 573, pp. 519-540, 2021. ISSN: 0020-0255. (SCI, IF: 6.795).[3] J. Guo, J. Wu, A. Liu, N. Xiong. LightFed: An Efficient and Secure Federated Edge Learning System on Model Splitting. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2022, 33(11): 2701-2713. ISSN: 1045-9219. (SCI, IF: 2.687, CCF A). 梁景普 2021年外校保送硕士生,计算机科学与技术专业,主要研究方向为边缘计算、群智计算。邮箱: jingpuliang1998@gmail.com.[1] J. Liang, W. Liu, N. Xiong, A. Liu and S. Zhang, An Intelligent and Trust UAV-assisted Code Dissemination 5G System for Industrial Internet-of-Things. in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 2877-2889, 2022. doi: 10.1109/TII.2021.3110734, 2021, ISSN: 1551-3203 (SCI, IF: 10.215). In 2021-9-1. 解子朝 2021年湖南大学保送硕士生,计算机科学与技术专业。邮箱:zichaoxie@csu.edu.cn[1] Z. Xie, Z. Li, J. Gui, A. Liu, N. Xiong, S. Zhang. UWPEE: Using UAV and Wavelet Packet Energy Entropy to Predict Traffic-based Attacks under Limited Communication, Computing and Caching for 6G. Future generation computer systems, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2022.10.013. ISSN 0167-739X (SCI, IF: 7.307). 曾鹏杰 2021年外校保送硕士生,计算机科学与技术专业,主要研究方向为边缘计算、任务卸载。邮箱:pengjie_zeng@csu.edu.cn[1] P. Zeng, A. Liu, N. Xiong, S Zhang, M. Dong. TD-MDB: A Truth Discovery based Multi-Dimensional Bidding Strategy for Federated Learning in Industrial IoT Systems. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 4274-4288, Feb, 2024. ISSN: 2327-4662 (SCI, IF: 10.6) [2] P. Zeng, A. Liu, C. Zhu, T. Wang, S. Zhang. Trust based Multi-Agent Imitation Learning for Green Edge Computing in Smart Cities, IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 2022, 6(3): 1635-1648. ISSN: 2473-2400 (SCI, IF: 3.525). 王露莹 2017年-2021年,中南大学软件工程专业,本科。2021年保送硕士研究生,计算机学院。邮箱:3901170425@csu.edu.cn.[1] L. Wang, L. Chen, N. Xiong, A. Liu, T. Wang, M. Dong. An Intelligent Active Probing and Traceback Scheme for IoT Anomaly Detection. Digital Communications and Networks, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dcan.2023.06.007, ISSN: 2468-5925 (SCI, IF: 7.9). [2] L. Wang, A. Liu, N. Xiong, S. Zhang, T. Wang, M. Dong. SD-SRF: An Intelligent Service Deployment Scheme for Serverless-operated Cloud-Edge Computing in 6G Networks, Future generation computer systems, vol. 151, pp. 242-259, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2023.09.027, ISSN 0167-739X (SCI, IF: 7.5). 李婷 2017级硕士生,2020年继续攻读博士学位, 计算机学院. 已经发表或者录用SCI论文多篇,部分如下. ting_li1@sina.com.[1] T. Li, S. Xie, Z. Zeng, Mi. Dong, A. Liu. ATPS: an AI based Trust-aware and Privacy-preserving System for Vehicle Managements in Sustainable VANETs, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 23, no. 10, pp. 19837-19851, 2022. ISSN: 1524-9050 (SCI, IF: 9.551). [2]T. Li, W. Liu, Z.n Zeng, N. N. Xiong. DRLR: A Deep Reinforcement Learning based Recruitment Scheme for Massive Data Collections in 6G-based IoT networks, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022, 16(9): 14595-14609. ISSN: 2327-4662 (SCI, IF: 10.238) [3] T. Li, A. Liu, S. Zhang, T. Wang, N. Xiong. A Trustworthiness-based Vehicular Recruitment Scheme for Information Collections in Distributed Networked Systems. Information Science, 2021, 545, 65-81. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ins.2020.07.052. ISSN: 0020-0255. (SCI &EI, IF: 5.91).[4] T. Li, W. Liu, A. Liu, M. Dong, K. Ota, N. Xiong, Q. Li. BTS: A Blockchain-based Trust System to Deter Malicious Data Reporting in Intelligent Internet of Things" IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 9, no. 11, pp. 8036-8052, 2022.. ISSN: 2327-4662 (SCI &EI, IF: 9.936).[5] T. Li, S. Tian, A. Liu, H. Liu, T. Pei. DDSV: Optimizing Delay and Delivery Ratio for Multimedia Big Data Collection in Mobile Sensing Vehicles. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2018, 5(5): 3474-3486. ISSN: 2327-4662 (SCI &EI, IF: 7.596). 滕浩钧 2017级硕士生, 2020年继续攻读博士学位, 计算机学院. 已经录用与发表SCI论文多篇. tenghaojun@csu.edu.cn[1] Haojun Teng, Xiao Liu, Anfeng Liu, Hailan Shen, Changqin Huang, and Tian Wang. Adaptive Transmission Power Control for Reliable Data Forwarding in Sensor Based Networks, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. Volume 2018 (2018), Article ID 2068375, in 2018-3-2.[2] Haojun Teng, Yuxin Liu, Anfeng Liu, Naixue Xiong, Zhiping Cai, Tian Wang, Xuxun Liu. A Novel Code Data Dissemination Scheme for Internet of Things through Mobile Vehicle of Smart Cities, Future Generation Computer Systems, 2019, 94, 351-367.ISSN 0167-739X (SCI &EI, IF: 4.639), in 2018-11-26. [3] H. Teng, K. Ota, A. Liu, T. Wang, S. Zhang. Vehicles joint UAVs to Acquire and Analyze Data for Topology Discovery in Large-Scale IoT Systems. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications. 2020, 13, 1720–1743. DoI: /10.1007/s12083-020-00879-5. ISSN: 1936-6442 (SCI &EI, IF 2.397) in 2020-1-10.[4] Haojun Teng, Mianxiong Dong, etc al. A Low-Cost Physical Locations Discovery Scheme for Large-scale Internet of Things in Smart City through Vehicles joint UAVs. Future generation computer systems, vol. 118, pp. 310-326, May 2021. ISSN 0167-739X (SCI &EI, IF: 6.125), in 2021-1-22.[5] H. Teng, Z. Li, K. Cao, S. Long, S. Guo, A. Liu. Game Theoretical Task Offloading for Profit Maximization in Mobile Edge Computing, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, DoI: 10.1109/TMC.2022.3175218, 2022. ISSN: 1536-1233 (SCI, IF 5.538, CCF A).[6] H. Teng, A. Liu, J. Gui, H. Song, T. Wang, S. Zhang. CMRS: A Digital Twin Enabled Workers Recruitment and Task Scheduling Scheme for Future Crowdsourcing Networks under Precedence Constraints. Expert Systems With Applications, vol. 243, 122914, June 2024. ISSN: 0957-4174 (SCI, IF: 8.5). 岳霞 2016年-2020年,中南大学计算机科学与技术专业,本科。2020年直接攻读博士学位,计算机学院。邮箱:yuexiacsu@163.com。 黄少波 黄少波,2020年湘潭大学保送硕士研究生,计算机学院。邮箱:shaobohuang.1998@gmail.com[1] S. Huang, A. Liu, S. Zhang, T. Wang, N. Xiong. BD-VTE: A Novel Baseline Data based Verifiable Trust Evaluation Scheme for Smart Network Systems. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2021, 8(3): 2087-2105. ISSN: 2327-4697 (SCI &EI, IF: 5.213). [2] S. Huang, J. Gui, T. Wang, X. Li. Mobile Vehicles Joint UAVs for Secure Data Collection in Smart City. Annals of Telecommunications, DOI: 10.1007/s12243-020-00798-9, 2020. ISSN: 0003-4347 (SCI &EI, IF: 1.546). 神孟秋 神孟秋,2016年-2020年,中南大学计算机科学与技术专业,本科。2020年保送硕士研究生,计算机学院。邮箱:smq1604@csu.edu.cn[1] M. Shen, A. Liu, G. Huang, N. Xiong, H. Lu. ATTDC: An Active and Trace-able Trust Data Collection Scheme for Industrial Security in Smart Cities. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 8, pp. 6437-6453, 2021. ISSN: 2327-4662 (SCI, IF: 9.936) in 2020-12-23. 张瑞 张瑞,2016年-2020年,中南大学计算机科学与技术专业,本科。2020年保送硕士研究生,计算机学院。邮箱:zui0805@foxmail.com[1]R. Zhang, Z. Li, N. Xiong, S. Zhang, A. Liu. TDTA: A Truth Detection based Task Assignment Scheme for Mobile Crowdsourced Industrial Internet of Things. Information Sciences, vol. 610, pp. 246-265, 2022. ISSN 0020-0255. (SCI, IF: 8.233). in 2022-7-31.[2]R. Zhang, S. Zhang, T. Wang, N. Xiong. A Class of Differential Data Processing-based Data Gathering Schemes in Internet of Things, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, vol. 8, no. 4, pp.3113-3128, 2021. http://doi.org/10.1109/TNSE.2021.3104220, 2021. ISSN: 2327-4697 (SCI, IF: 3.894). in 2021-8-10. 葛俊潇 葛俊潇,2016年-2020年,中南大学计算机科学与技术专业,本科。2020年保送硕士研究生,计算机学院。邮箱:18774882538@163.com[1] J. Ge, B. Liu, T. Wang, Q. Yang, A. Liu*, A. Li. Q-learning based Flexible Task Scheduling in a Global View for Internet-of-Things. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, DOI: 10.1002/ETT.4111, 2020. ISSN:2161-3915 (SCI &EI, IF: 1.594). in 2020-7-30. 郭嘉伟 郭嘉伟,2020年中南林业科技大学保送硕士研究生,计算机学院。邮箱:jinyi109@csu.edu.cn[1] J. Guo, H. Wang, W. Liu, G. Huang, J. Gui, S. Zhang. A Lightweight Verifiable Trust based Data Collection Approach for Sensor-Cloud Systems. Journal of Systems Architecture, vol. 119, DoI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sysarc.2021.102219, 2021. ISSN: 1383-7621 (SCI, IF 3.777). 朱小玉 2019年7月入站博士后,2021年7月出站。分别于2010,2013,2019年获得中南大学学士、硕士和博士学位,2017.7-2018.4于美国天普大学博士联合培养。zhuxiaoyu@csu.edu.cn。[1] X. Zhu, Y. Luo, A. Liu, W. Tang, MZA. Bhuiyan. A Deep Learning-Based Mobile Crowdsensing Scheme by Predicting Vehicle Mobility. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 22, no. 7, pp. 4648-4659, 2021. ISSN: 1524-9050 (SCI &EI, IF: 6.319). [2] X. Zhu, Y. Luo, A. Liu, M. Z. A. Bhuiyan, S. Zhang. "Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Vehicular Computation Offloading in IoT," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 12, pp. 9763-9773, 2021. ISSN: 2327-4662 (SCI &EI, IF: 9.936)[3] Y. Liu, Z. Zeng, X. Liu, X. Zhu*, M. Bhuiyan. "A Novel Load Balancing and Low Response Delay Framework for Edge-Cloud Network based on SDN," IEEE Internet of Things Journal. vol. 7, no. 7, pp. 5922-5933, 2020. ISSN: 2327-4662 (SCI &EI, IF: 9.936) in 2019-11-3.[4] X. Zhu, Y. Luo, A. Liu, N. Xiong, M. Dong, S. Zhang. A Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Resource Management Game in Vehicular Edge Computing, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 2422-2433, March 2022. DoI: 10.1109/TITS.2021.3114295, 2021. ISSN: 1524-9050 (SCI, IF: 6.492). 任莹莹 2017年入学硕博连读生,计算机学院,校外保送硕士生。2019年提前攻读博士学位。已经发表或者录用SCI论文多篇. yingyingRen@csu.edu.cn[1] Y. Ren, Z. Zeng, T. Wang, S. Zhang, G. Zhi* . A Trust-based Minimum Cost and Quality Aware Data Collection Scheme in P2P Network. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications. 2020, 13(6), 2300–2323. DoI: 10.1007/s12083-020-00898-2.. ISSN: 1936-6442 (SCI &EI, IF 2.397) in 2020-2-24.[2] Y. Ren, T. Wang, S. Zhang, J. Zhang. An Intelligent Big Data Collection Technology based on Micro Mobile Data Centers for Crowdsensing Vehicular Sensor Network. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, DoI: 10.1007/s00779-020-01440-0, ISSN: 1617-4909 (SCI & EI, IF: 2.0). in 2020-7-14.[3] Y. Ren, A. Liu, X. Mao, F. Li. An Intelligent Charging Scheme Maximizing the Trust Utility for Rechargeable Network in Smart City. Pervasive and Mobile Computing. 2021, 77, 101457. ISSN: 1574-1192, (SCI, IF: 3.453). in 2021-8-6.[4] Y. Ren, W. Liu, A. Liu, T. Wang, A. Li. A privacy-protected intelligent crowdsourcing application of IoT based on the Reinforcement Learning. Future generation computer system, vol. 127, pp. 56-69, 2022. DoI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2021.09.003, 2021. ISSN 0167-739X (SCI, IF: 7.187), In 2021-9-3. 黄明凤 2017年入学硕士生,2019年提前攻读博士学位,计算机科学与技术专业,主要研究方向为传感网络、边缘计算、可信计算。2018年9月至2019年1月赴美国德州农工大学(TAMU-CC)访问学习,现已发表或录用SCI论文多篇,部分论文如下。mingfenghuang@foxmail.com.[1] M. Huang, A. Liu, N. Xiong, J. Wu. A UAV-assisted Ubiquitous Trust Communication System in 5G and Beyond Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2021, 39(11): 3444-3458. ISSN: 0733-8716 (SCI, IF 11.42, CCF A)[2] M. Huang, V. Leung, A. Liu, N. Xiong.TMA-DPSO: Towards Efficient Multi-Task Allocation with Time Constraints for Next Generation Multiple Access. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2022, 40(5):1652-1666. . ISSN: 0733-8716 (SCI, IF 16.4, CCF A)[3] M. Huang, Z. Li, F. Xiao, S. Long, A. Liu.Trust Mechanism-Based Multi-Tier Computing System for Service-Oriented Edge-Cloud Networks. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, DOI: 10.1109/TDSC.2023.3285927. ISSN: 1545-5971 (SCI, IF 7.3, CCF A).[4] M. Huang, A. Liu, N. Xiong, T. Wang, A. Vasilakos. A Low-latency Communication Scheme for Mobile Wireless Sensor Control Systems. IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems, 2019, 49(2), 317-332. ISSN: 2168-2216 (SCI &EI, IF: 7.351). 陈秒江 2019年入学,计算机学院,博士研究生[1]M.Chen, T. Wang, K. Ota, M. Dong, M. Zhao, A. Liu. Intelligent Resource Allocation Management for Vehicles Network: an A3C Learning Approach. Computer Communications, 2020, 151: 485–494. ISSN:0140-3664 (SCI &EI, IF: 2.766). in 2019-12-29.[2]M. Chen, T. Wang, S. Zhang, A. Liu. Deep Reinforcement Learning for computation offloading in mobile edge computing environment, Computer Communications, 2021, 175: 1-12. ISSN: 0140-3664 (SCI, IF: 3.167). In 2021-4-25.[3]M. Chen, W. Liu, T. Wang, A. Liu, Z. Zeng. Edge Intelligence Computing for Mobile Augmented Reality with Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach. Computer Networks, 2021, 195: 108186. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comnet.2021.108186, 2021. ISSN: 1389-1286 (SCI, IF 4.474) in 2021-5-19.[4] M. Chen, A. Liu, W. Liu, K. Ota, M. Dong, N. Xiong. RDRL: A Recurrent Deep Reinforcement Learning Scheme for Dynamic Spectrum in Reconfigurable Wireless Networks, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 364-376, 2022. DoI: 10.1109/TNSE.2021.3117565, 2021. ISSN: 2327-4697 (SCI &EI, IF: 5.033). In 2021-10-1.[5] M. Chen, W. Liu, T. Wang, S. Zhang, A. Liu. A game-based deep reinforcement learning approach for energy-efficient computation in MEC systems. Knowledge-Based Systems, volume 235, 10 January 2022, 107660. ISSN: 0950-7051 (SCI, IF: 8.139). In 2021-10-27.[6] M. Chen, Z. Li, P. Chen, W. Liu, A. Liu. A Novel differential dynamic gradient descent optimization Algorithm for Resource Allocation and offloading in COMEC System. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, http://doi.org/10.1002/int.22943. ISSN: 0884-8173 (SCI, IF: 8.993).[7] M. Chen, W. Liu, N. Zhang, J. Li, Y. Ren, M. Yi, A. Liu. GPDS: A Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Game for Anti-jamming Secure Computing in MEC network, Expert Systems With Applications, 2022, 210, 118394. ISSN: 0957-4174 (SCI, IF: 8.665). In 2022-8-3.[8] M. Chen, M. Yi, M. Huang, G. Huang, Y. Ren and A. Liu. A Novel Deep Policy Gradient Action Quantization for Trusted Collaborative Computation in Intelligent Vehicle Networks. Expert Systems With Applications, Vol. 221, 1 July 2023, 119743. In 2023-2-22. [9] M. Chen, A. Liu, N. Xiong, H. Song, V. C. M. Leung. SGPL: An Intelligent Game-based Secure Collaborative Communication Scheme for Metaverse over 5G and Beyond Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, DOI: 10.1109/JSAC.2023.3345403, 2023. ISSN: 0733-8716 (SCI, IF: 16.4, CCF A). 邓旭 2019年入学,计算机学院,博士生。 刘潇 2014年入学硕士生,2017年继续攻读博士学位,2020年7月博士毕业,信息科学与工程学院。获2016年中南大学十佳优秀硕士研究生。2015年,2016年度国家研究生奖学金(硕士)。2018年,2019年度国家研究生奖学金(博士)。2018年,2019连续二年获拔尖博士校长奖学金。已经发表或者录用SCI论文多篇,部分论文如下. xiaoliu@csu.edu.cn.[1] X. Liu, M. Zhao, A. Liu, K. Wong. Adjusting forwarder nodes and duty cycle using packet aggregation routing for Body Sensor Networks. Information Fusion, 2020, 53: 183–195. (SCI & EI, IF: 10.716,中科院一区) ISSN: 1566-2535. in 2019-6-9.[2] Xiao Liu, Anfeng Liu, Ning Zhang, Wen Wu and Yuxin Liu. Optimizing Trajectory of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Efficient Data Acquisition: A Matrix Completion Approach. IEEE Internet of Things Journal,2019, 6(2): 1829-1840. ISSN: 2327-4662 (SCI &EI, IF: 9.515,中科院一区) in 2019-1-8.[3] Xiao Liu, Yuxin Liu, Anfeng Liu, Laurence T. Yang. Defending On-Off Attacks using Light Probing Messages in Smart Sensors for Industrial Communication Systems. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2018, 14(9), 3801-3811. ISSN:1551-3203 (SCI &EI, IF: 6.764,中科院一区) in 2018-4-22.[4] Xiao Liu, Yuxin Liu, Houbing Song, Anfeng Liu. Big Data Orchestration as a Service Networking. IEEE Communications Magazine, 2017, 55(9):94-101. (SCI & EI, IF: 10.435,中科院一区) ISSN: 0163-6804. in 2017-6-7.[5] Xiao Liu, Mianxiong Dong, Kaoru Ota, Patrick Hung, Anfeng Liu. Service Pricing Decision in Cyber-Physical Systems: Insights from Game Theory. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. 2016, 9(2): 186-198. DOI: 10.1109/TSC.2015.2449314 ISSN: 1939-1374, (SCI &EI, IF 3.049) 赵永健 2017年入学,信息安全专业,本科生,2021年保送北京大学,zhaoyongjian@csu.edu.cn,已发表CCF C类论文一篇。I am now a student majoring in information security at central south university from 2017. Email :zhaoyongjian@csu.edu.cn[1] Yongjian Zhao, etc al. minimum code dissemination delay through UAV joint vehicles for smart city. IET Communications, vol. 14, no. 15, pp. 2442-2452, 2020. ISSN: 1751-8628 (SCI, IF: 1.664, CCF C类) in 2020-5-1. 蒋博 2017年入学,数据科学与大数据技术专业,本科生. bojiang@csu.edu.cnI am now studying for a Bachelor's degree in data science and big data technology at Central South University from 2017. Email: bojiang@csu.edu.cn.[1] Bo Jiang, Guosheng Huan, Tian Wan, Jinsong Gui, Xiaoyu Zhu. Trust based Energy Efficient Data Collection with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in Edge Network. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, , 2020; e3942. DoI: https://doi.org/10.1002/ett.394. ISSN:2161-3915 (SCI &EI, IF: 1.258). in 2020-2-25. 刘舜 2019年入学,计算机学院,硕士生。邮箱:shunliu@csu.edu.cn.[1]S. Liu, Q. Yang, S. Zhang, T. Wang, N. Xiong. MIDP: An MDP-based Intelligent Big Data Processing Scheme for Vehicular Edge Computing, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 2022, 167, 1-17. [2] S. Liu, G. Huang, J. Gui, T. Wang, X. Li. Energy-aware MAC Protocol for Data Differentiated Services in Sensor-Cloud Computing. Journal of Cloud Computing. DOI: 10.1186/s13677-020-00196-5, 2020. ISSN: 2192-113X (SCI &EI, IF: 2.788). in 2020-8-12. 邓林波 2019年入学,计算机学院,硕士生。[1] L. Deng, J. Gui, T. Wang, J. Tan, X. Li. An Intelligent Hybrid MAC Protocol for Sensor based Personalized Healthcare System, Digital Communications and Networks, 2022, 8(2): 174-185. ISSN: 2468-5925 (SCI, IF 6.797) in 2021-8-16. 彭梦雨 2019年入学,计算机学院,硕士生。[1]Mengyu Peng, Wei Liu, Tian Wang, Zhiwen Zeng. Relay Selection Joint Consecutive Packet Routing Scheme to Improve Performance for Wake-Up Radio Enabled WSNs. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, vol. 2020, Article ID 7230565, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/7230565. (SCI, IF: 1.396) ISSN: 1530-8669. in 2019-12-10. 李思越 2019年入学,计算机学院,硕士生 邮箱:896325802@qq.com 吴耀文 2019年入学,计算机学院,硕士研究生 张义湘 2019年入学, 计算机学院, 硕士生 刘弘哲 2019年入学,计算机学院,硕士生。 刘晓欢 2019年入学,计算机学院,硕士生。[1] X. Liu, A. Liu, S. Zhang, T. Wang, N. Xiong. DDSR: A Delay Differentiated Services Routing Scheme to Reduce Deployment Cost for Internet of Things, Information Science. ISSN: 0020-0255. (SCI &EI, IF: 8.1). 何秉棠 2019年入学,计算机学院,硕士生。 于明月 于明月, 2016年入学,物联网专业,本科生,2020年保送北京大学。yumingyue@csu.edu.cn I am a student of the Internet of Things major of Central South University since 2016.[1] M. Yu, A. Liu, N. Xiong, T. Wang. An Intelligent Game based Offloading Scheme for Maximizing Benefits of IoT-Edge-Cloud Ecosystems. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 9, no. 8, pp. 5600-5616, 2022. DoI: 10.1109/JIOT.2020.3039828, 2020. ISSN: 2327-4662 (SCI, IF: 9.936) in 2020-11-13. 李俏岩 2016年入学,计算机科学与技术专业,本科生。已发表SCI 论文1篇。I have been studying for a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Technology at Central South University since 2016.E-mail: qiaoyanli@csu.edu.cn[1] Qiaoyan Li, Anfeng Liu, Tian Wang, Mande Xie, Neal N. Xiong. Pipeline Slot based Fast Rerouting Scheme for Delay Optimization in Duty Cycle based M2M communications. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications. 2019, DOI: 10.1007/s12083-019-00753-z. ISSN: 1936-6442 (SCI &EI, IF 1.514) in 2019-3-29. 孙校 2016年入学,计算机科学与技术专业,本科生。I have been studying for my bachelor’s degree major in Computer Science & Technology at Central South University since 2016.Email: sunx0919@163.com 祁威 2016年入学,数据科学与大数据技术专业,本科生。发表SCI论文1篇。weiqicsu@csu.edu.cn。I am currently studying for a Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Big Data Technology at Central South University from 2016. Email: weiqicsu@csu.edu.cn.[1] Wei Qi, Wei Liu, Xuxun Liu, Anfeng Liu, Tian Wang, Neal N Xiong, Zhiping Cai. Minimizing Delay and Transmission Times with Long Lifetime in Code Dissemination Scheme for High Loss Ratio and Low Duty Cycle Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors. 2018; 18(10):3516. DoI:10.3390/s18103516. 胡浪 2016年入学,计算机科学与技术专业,本科生。dreamerlang@csu.edu.cn。已发表SCI论文1篇。I am now a student majoring in computer science and technology at central south university from 2016. Email:dreamerlang@csu.edu.cn.[1] Lang Hu, Anfeng Liu, Mande Xie, Tian Wang. UAVs joint Vehicles as Data Mules for Fast Codes Dissemination for Edge Networking in Smart City. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 2019, DoI: 10.1007/s12083-019-00752-0. ISSN: 1936-6442 (SCI &EI, IF 1.514) in 2019-3-26 高张阳 2016年入学,信息科学与工程学院,智能科学与技术专业,本科生. zhangyang_gao@163.comI’m a student of central south university majoring in intelligent science and technology from 2016. Email: zhangyang_gao@163.com. 李津 2018年入学,计算机学院,硕士生。jinli_csu@csu.edu.cn 向雪梅 2018年入学,计算机学院,硕士生,已发表或者录用多篇SCI论文。xuemeixiang@csu.edu.cn[1] Xuemei Xiang, Wei Liu, Tian Wang, Mande Xie, Xiong Li, Houbing Song, Anfeng Liu, Guoping Zhang. Delay and Energy Efficient Data Collection Scheme based Matrix Filling Theory for Dynamic Traffic IoT. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2019: 168, DoI: 10.1186/s13638-019-1490-5, 2019. (SCI & EI, IF: 2.407) ISSN: 1687-1499. in 2019-6-7. [2] Xuemei Xiang, Wei Liu, Anfeng Liu*, Naixue Xiong, Zhiwen Zeng, Zhiping Cai. Adaptive Duty Cycle Control based Opportunistic Routing Scheme to Reduce Delay in Cyber Physical Systems. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. 2019, 15(4), DoI: https://doi.org/10.1177/1550147719841870. ISSN: 1550-1477(SCI &EI, IF 1.787) in 2019-3-12. 隆璇 2018年入学,计算机学院,硕士生,校外保研至我校。邮箱:jacksonlx@csu.edu.cn 王晋湘 2018年入学,计算机学院,硕士生 邮箱:1061760724@qq.com 何威 2018年入学,信息科学与工程学院,硕士生 夏永娟 2018年入学,计算机学院,硕士生 刘俊 2018年入学,计算机学院,硕士生 任雅倩 2018年入学,计算机学院,硕士生 徐心萌/Xinmeng Xu 2015年入学,物联网工程专业,本科生。 xinmengxu@csu.edu.cn.I am studying for a Bachelor's degree in Internet of Things at Central South University from 2015. Email: xinmengxu@csu.edu.cn. 周密/Mi Zhou 2015年入学,计算机科学与技术专业, 本科生.mizhou@csu.edu.cn.I am now a student majoring in computer science and technology at central south university from 2015. Email: mizhou@csu.edu.cn. 马福龙/Fulong Ma 2015年入学,计算机科学与技术专业,本科生。mafulong@csu.edu.cn.已发表SCI 论文1篇.I am now a student majoring in computer science and technology at central south university from 2015. Email: mafulong@csu.edu.cn.[1] Fulong Ma, Xiao Liu, Anfeng Liu*, Ming Zhao, Huang Changqin and Tian Wang. A Time and Location Correlation Incentive Scheme for Deeply Data Gathering in Crowdsourcing Networks, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. Vol. 2018, 8052620, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/805262.0(SCI & EI, IF: 1.899) ISSN: 1530-8669. in 2017-11-14. 黄柏翔/Baixiang Huang 2015年入学,计算机专业(大数据方向),本科生. bxhuang@csu.edu.cn. I am studying for a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Technology (Big Data Direction) at Central South University from 2015. Email: bxhuang@csu.edu.cn. [1] Baixiang Huang, Anfeng Liu, Chengyuan Zhang, Naixue Xiong, Zhiwen Zeng, Zhiping Cai. Caching Joint Shortcut Routing to Improve Quality of Experiments of Users for Information-Centric Networking. Sensors, 2018, 18(6), 1750; https://doi.org/10.3390/s18061750. ISSN 1424-8220 (SCI &EI, IF: 2.677). in 2018-5-24. 许嘉晨/Jiachen Xu 2015年入学,计算机科学与技术专业(图灵班),本科生。jcx97119@gmail.com.I am now a student majoring in computer science and technology at central south university from 2015. Email: jcx97119@gmail.com.[1] Jiachen Xu, Anfeng Liu*, Naixue Xiong, Tian Wang, Zhengbang Zuo. Integrated Collaborative Filtering Recommendation in Social Cyber-Physical Systems. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2017, Vol. 13(12). http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1550147717749745.ISSN: 1550-1477, (SCI &EI, IF: 1.239). in 2017-12-21. 徐昕/ Xin Xu 2015年入学,计算机专业(大数据方向),本科生. XinXuTec@csu.edu.cn. 已发表SCI 论文1篇.I am studying for a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Technology (Big Data Direction) at Central South University from 2015. Email: XinXuTec@csu.edu.cn.[1]Xin Xu, Minjiao Yuan, Xiao Liu, Anfeng Liu, Neal Xiong, Zhiping Cai, Tian Wang. Cross-layer Optimized Opportunistic Routing Scheme for Loss-and-delay Sensitive WSNs. Sensors, 2018, 18(5), 1422; doi:10.3390/s18051422. ISSN 1424-8220 (SCI &EI, IF: 2.677). in 2018-5-1. 李叙晶/ Xujing Li 2015年入学,计算机专业(大数据方向),本科生. xujingli@csu.edu.cn. 已发表与录用SCI论文2篇.I am studying for a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Technology (Big Data Direction) at Central South University from 2015. Email: xujingli@csu.edu.cn. [1] Xujing Li, Anfeng Liu, Mande Xie, Neal N Xiong, Zhiwen Zeng, Zhiping Cai. Adaptive Aggregation Routing to Reduce Delay for Multi-Layer Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors, 2018, 18(4), 1216; doi:10.3390/s18041216. ISSN 1424-8220 (SCI &EI, IF: 2.677). in 2018-4-12.[2] Xujing Li, Wei Liu, Mande Xie, Anfeng Liu, Ming Zhao, Neal N Xiong, Miao Zhao, Wan Dai. Differentiated Data Aggregation Routing Scheme for Energy Conserving and Delay Sensitive Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors, 2018, 18(7), 2349; doi:10.3390/s18072349. ISSN 1424-8220 (SCI &EI, IF: 2.457). in 2018-7-17. 吴敏睿/Minrui Wu 2015年入学,计算机科学与技术专业(大数据方向), 本科生.发表 SCI 论文2篇.[1] Minrui Wu, Yanhui Wu, Xiao Liu, Ming Ma, Anfeng Liu, Ming Zhao. Learning Based Synchronous Approach from Forwarding Nodes to Reduce the Delay for Industrial Internet of Things. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 218, https://doi.org/10.1186/s13638-017-1015-z. ISSN: 1687-1499 (SCI &EI, IF: 1.529). in 2017-12-20.[2]Minrui Wu, Yanhui Wu, Chuyao Liu, Zhiping Cai, Neal N Xiong, Anfeng Liu*, Ming Ma. An Effective Delay Reduction Approach through Portion of Nodes with Larger Duty Cycle for Industrial WSNs. Sensors, 2018, 18(5), 1535; doi:10.3390/s18051535. ISSN 1424-8220 (SCI &EI, IF: 2.677). in 2018-5-5. 宇诗迪/Shidi Yu 2015年入学,计算机科学与技术专业,本科生。sdyu@csu.edu.cn 已发表SCI 论文1篇。I am now a student majoring in computer science and technology at central south university from 2015. Email: sdyu@csu.edu.cn[1] Shidi Yu, Xiao Liu, Anfeng Liu, Naixue Xiong, Zhiping Cai, Tian Wang. Adaption Broadcast Radius based Code Dissemination Scheme for Low Energy Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors, 2018, 18(5), 1509; doi:10.3390/s18051509. ISSN 1424-8220 (SCI &EI, IF: 2.677). in 2018-5-7. 谭嘉蔚 2017年入学,信息科学与工程学院,硕士生.发表或录用SCI论文多篇。tjwpmk3@csu.edu.cn[1] Jiawei Tan, Anfeng Liu, Ming Zhao, Hailan Shen, Ming Ma. Cross Layer Design for Reducing Delay and Maximizing Lifetime in Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking.vol. 2018, 2018: 50, DoI: 10.1186/s13638-018-1057-x.(SCI & EI, IF: 2.407) ISSN: 1687-1499.[2] Jiawei Tan; Wei Liu; Mande Xie; Houbing Song; Anfeng Liu; Ming Zhao; Guoping Zhang. A Low Redundancy Data Collection Scheme to Maximize Lifetime using Matrix Completion Technique. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. DoI: http://doi.org/10.1186/s13638-018-1313-0. (SCI & EI, IF: 2.407) ISSN: 1687-1499. in 2018-11-30.[3] Jiawei Tan, Wei Liu, Tian Wang, Zhao Ming, Anfeng Liu*, Shaobo Zhang. A High-accurate Content Popularity Prediction Computational Modelling for Mobile Edge Computing by Using Matrix Completion Technology. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, DOI: 10.1002/ett.3871, 2019.ISSN:2161-3915 (SCI &EI, IF: 1.258). in 2019-12-24. 王飞虎 2017年入学,信息科学与工程学院,硕士生 陈晔 2017年入学,信息科学与工程学院,硕士生[1] Ye Chen, Wei Liu, Tian Wang, Qingyong Deng, Anfeng Liu, Houbing Song. An Adaptive Retransmit Mechanism for Delay Differentiated Services in Industrial WSNs. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking,DOI: 10.1186/s13638-019-1566-2. (SCI & EI, IF: 1.592) ISSN: 1687-1499. in 2019-9-16. 张伟 2017年入学,信息科学与工程学院,硕士生,已经发表SCI论文1篇. 丁钲严 2017年入学,信息科学与工程学院,硕士生,已经发表或者录用SCI论文1篇. E-mail: zyding@csu.edu.cn. 唐帅 2017级软件学院硕士生 汪颖 2017年9月入学计算机学院 软件工程专业研1702班(专硕) 袁旭 2017年入学,计算机学院,硕士研究生 法春吉 2017年入学,软件学院,硕士生 杨威 2017年入学,软件学院,硕士生。 暴利闯 2017级软件学院硕士暴利闯 王若愚 2017年入学-软件工程-硕士 王强 2017年入学,软件学院,硕士生,已发表一篇SCI论文. 陈敏敏 2017年入学-软件工程-硕士 曹薇 2017年入学,软件学院,硕士生 石中玉 2017年入学,软件工程,硕士生 陈熙 2014年入学,物联网工程专业,本科生。xchen@csu.edu.cn.发表与录用SCI论文2篇.[1]Xi Chen, Yixuan Xu, Anfeng Liu*. Cross Layer Design for Optimal Delay, Energy Efficiency and Lifetime in Body Sensor Networks. Sensors 2017, 17(4), 900; doi:10.3390/s17040900 (SCI &EI, IF: 2.033),(ISSN 1424-8220) in 2017-4-19.[2]Xi Chen, Ming Ma, Anfeng Liu. Dynamic Power Management and Adaptive Packet Size Selection for IoT in e-Healthcare. Computers & Electrical Engineering. 2018, 65, 357-375. (SCI & EI, IF: 1.570) ISSN: 0045-7906. in 2017-6-7. 徐轶轩/Yixuan Xu 2014年入学,计算机科学与技术专业,本科生。IEEE Computer Society学生会员。已经发表SCI论文2篇.Email: yixuan_xu@outlook.com[1]Yixuan Xu, Anfeng Liu*, Huang Changqin. Delay-Aware Program Codes Dissemination Scheme in Internet of Everything, Mobile Information Systems.. Volume (2016), Article ID 2436074, 18 pages, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/2436074. (SCI & EI, IF: 1.462) ISSN: 1574-017X.[2]Yixuan Xu, Xi Chen, Anfeng Liu, etc. al. A Latency and Coverage Optimized Data Collection Scheme for Smart Cities Based on Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks. Sensors, 2017, 17(4), 888; doi:10.3390/s17040888. (SCI &EI, IF: 2.033),(ISSN 1424-8220) in 2017-4-18. 王佳泽 2014年入学,计算机科学与技术专业,本科生。IEEE student member, jiazewang@csu.edu.cn. 已经发表或者录用SCI论文3篇.[1]Jiaze Wang, Chun-Hua Hu, Anfeng Liu. Comprehensive Optimization of Energy Consumption and Delay Performance for Green Communication in Internet of Things,Mobile Information Systems. Volume 2017 (2017), Article ID 3206160, 17 pages. https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/3206160. (SCI & EI, IF: 1.462) ISSN: 1574-017X. In 2017-2-22.[2]Jiaze Wang, Anfeng Liu, Tong Yan, Zhiwen Zeng. A Resource Allocation Model Based on Double-sided Combinational Auctions for Transparent Computing, Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications,DOI: 10.1007/s12083-017-0556-6. ISSN, 1936-6442(SCI &EI, IF 1.000) In 2017-3-22.[3]Jiaze Wang, Anfeng Liu, Shigeng Zhang. Key Parameters Decision for Cloud Computing: Insights from a Multiple Game Model. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. DOI: 10.1002/cpe.4200.(SCI & EI, IF: 0.942) ISSN: 1532-0626. in 2017-5-10. 崔一寒 2016年入学, 软件学院, 硕士生 闵洁 2016年入学, 信息科学与工程学院, 硕士生,已经录用SCI论文1篇.[1] Anfeng Liu, Jie Min, Kaoru Ota, Ming Zhao. Reliable Differentiated Services Optimization for Network Coding Cooperative Communication System. accepted by International Journal of Computer Systems Science & Engineering, ISSN: 0267-6192 (SCI &EI, IF: 0.348).in 2017-8-22 陈伟 2016年入学, 信息科学与工程学院, 硕士生,已经录用SCI论文1篇.[1]Anfeng Liu, Wei Chen, Xiao Liu. Delay Optimal Opportunistic Pipeline Routing Scheme for Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. DoI: https://doi.org//10.1177/1550147718772532, 2018. ISSN: 1550-1477(SCI &EI, IF 1.239) in 2018-3-26. 袁敏姣 2016年入学, 信息科学与工程学院, 硕士生 秦文颖 2016年入学, 信息科学与工程学院, 硕士生 陈壮彬 2013年入学 计算机科学与技术专业, 本科生, 已发表第一作者SCI论文2篇,已投稿SCI论文2篇。[1] Zhuangbin Chen, Anfeng Liu, etc, al. Distributed Duty Cycle Control for Delay Improvement in Wireless Sensor Networks. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 2017, 10(3):559–578. ISSN, 1936-6442(SCI &EI, IF 1.000) [2]Zhuangbin Chen, Anfeng Liu, etc. al. Energy-efficient Broadcasting Scheme for Smart Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks, Mobile Information Systems, vol. 2017, Article ID 7538190, 17 pages, 2017. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2017/7538190. (SCI & EI, IF: 1.462) ISSN: 1574-017X. 李敏 2015年入学, 信息科学与工程学院, 博士生 丁群飞 2015年入学, 信息科学与工程学院, 硕士生 张琦 2015年入学, 信息科学与工程学院,硕士生 周达 2015年入学, 信息科学与工程学院, 硕士生 罗加楠 2015年入学, 信息科学与工程学院, 硕士生 唐志鹏/Zhipeng Tang 2012年入学 计算机科学与技术专业, 本科生。2014年9月到2016年7月。Email:tzp_1210@csu.edu.cn[1] Zhipeng Tang, Anfeng Liu, etc. al. A Trust-based Model for Security Cooperating in Vehicular Cloud Computing. Mobile Information Systems. vol. 2016, Article ID 9083608, 22 pages, 2016. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/9083608. (SCI & EI, IF: 1.462) ISSN: 1574-017X. 赵少娜 2014年入学,信息科学与工程学院信息学院, 硕士生 刘晴 2014年入学, 信息科学与工程学院, 硕士生 费彬彬 2014级, 信息科学与工程学院, 硕士生 马晓娅 2014年入学, 信息科学与工程学院, 硕士生 朱莹 2014年入学, 软件学院, 硕士生 张潇之 2014年入学, 软件学院, 硕士生 胡燕玲 2013年入学, 信息科学与工程学院, 硕士生,2016年春季毕业,工作单位:西北工业大学 信息中心。 谢仁宁 2013年入学, 信息科学与工程学院, 硕士生 杨权 2013年入学, 信息科学与工程学院, 硕士生 陆翼山 2013年入学, 软件学院, 硕士生 郭双 2013年入学, 软件学院, 硕士生 胡彪 2013年入学, 软件学院, 硕士生 |