姓名 | 李春娜 |
教师编号 | 3345 |
性别 | 女 |
学校 | 西北工业大学 |
部门 | 航天学院 |
学位 | 工学博士学位 |
学历 | 博士研究生毕业 |
职称 | 副高 |
联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
邮箱 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
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个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 2018/9 - 至今,西北工业大学,航天学院,副教授2014/1 - 2018/8,西北工业大学,航天学院,讲师2012/9 - 2013/8,空气动力学与流体技术研究所,研究人员 2008/10 - 2013/7,德国布伦瑞克工业大学机械工程学院,博士论文工作在德国宇航院(DLR)空气动力学与流体技术研究所完成,博士学位 。 2005/9 - 2008/4,西北工业大学航空学院,理论与计算流体力学专业,硕士学位 。 2001/9 - 2005/7,西北工业大学航空学院,飞行器设计与工程专业, 学士学位。 教育教学教育教学 Education and teaching 教育教学 本科生双语课程《飞行器优化设计(双语)》,32学时,主讲,2014-2023留学生课程《Numerical Methods in Aerodynamics》,48学时,主讲,2016-2023本科生课程《航天飞行器设计》,学时,主讲,2015-2020研究生课程《高超声速飞行器气动设计原理》,40学时,主讲,2014-2016本科生课程《空气动力学基础(双语)》,56学时,主讲,2021-2023 荣誉获奖荣誉获奖 Awards Information 2015年“中国研究生未来飞行器创新大赛”,优秀指导教师。2016年“中国研究生未来飞行器创新大赛”,优秀指导教师。2019年 ,西北工业大学优秀班主任2020年 ,航天学院SHATF奖教金2020年 ,主讲《飞行器优化设计(双语)》课程获得西北工业大学高挑战度优秀本科课程 科学研究科学研究 Scientific Research 研究方向:优化方法与技术(优化算法、代理模型、基于代理模型的优化技术、多目标优化)气动优化设计(参数化建模、动网格、气动外形优化)总体设计(高超飞行器总体设计)智能流体技术(基于智能学习的流场建模与气动力预测)主持基金:西北工业大学基础研究基金(2015.01-2017.01),“基于自适应混合样本细化和信赖域的动态代理模型优化方法”, 基金号:3102015ZY007 .国家自然基金青年项目(2016.01-2018.12),“基于目标自适应和变设计空间的高效全局气动优化方法研究” ,基金号:11502209 。基金参研:国家自然科学基金联合基金重点项目(2022.01-2025.12),“高速自转飞行体的高保真虚拟飞行仿真与飞行稳定性研究”。主持科研项目:2014.05-2015.05,“总体方案设计及优化”,纵向2015.06-2016.06,“快速发射方案研究”,纵向2017.09-2020.12,“飞行器多目标耦合气动优化设计技术”,共用技术子课题,纵向2019.05-2019.10,“一体化布局参数化建模仿真研究”,横向2019.05-2019.12,“变体方案研究”,横向2020.06-2020.10, “一体化构型总体设计”,横向2020.05-2020.10,“高升阻比高超声速飞行器气动外形设计优化”,横向2021.09-2023.06,“偏差建模与概率设计方法研究”,纵向参与项目:2016.12-2017.12,“减阻技术研究”,纵向2017.07-2018.12,“重复使用运载器项目 ”,纵向2017.12-2019.12,“滑翔式载人飞船返回舱气动外形设计”,纵向2020.10-2021.06,“飞行器一体化技术研究“,纵向2021.09-2022.11,“基于概率的总体优化设计理论与方法研究”,纵向 学术成果学术成果 Academic Achievements 期刊论文:X.-Y. Jia, Ch.-N. Li, W. J, Ch.-L. Gong. A hybrid reduced-order model combing deep learning for unsteady flow. Physics of Fluids, 2022, 34(9).贾续毅, 龚春林#, 李春娜. 基于POD和BPNN的流场快速计算方法. 西工大学报, 2021, 39(6):10.李春娜#,贾续毅,龚春林.基于两层POD和BPNN的翼型反设计方法,航空工程进展, 2021, 12(2):8. (CSCD收录)Y Zhang, Ch.-L Gong#, Ch.-N Li, et al. An efficient decoupled method for time-variant reliability-based design optimization. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2021:1-16. (SCI 收录,IF=3.67,JCR Q1)缪佶, 龚春林#, 李春娜. 基于CFD收敛提前终止和变复杂度模型的两级气动优化方法. 西工大学报, 2001, 39(1).Ch.-N. Li#, H. Fang, Ch.-L. Gong. Development of an efficient global optimization method based on adaptive infilling for structure optimization, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2020, 7. (SCI 收录,IF=3.67,JCR Q1)Y.-W. Zhang, Ch.-L. Gong#, Ch.-N. Li. Efficient time-variant reliability analysis through approximating the most probable point trajectory, Structural and Multidiscipliary Optimization, 2020. (SCI 收录,IF=3.67,JCR Q1)X.-Y. chen, Ch.-N. Li, Ch.-L#. Gong. A study of morphing aircraft on morphing rules along trajectory, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2020. (SCI 收录,IF=2.095,JCR Q2)李春娜#,张阳康.一种适用于气动优化的高效自适应全局优化方法.航空学报, 2020, 41(5):623352. (EI收录)Ch.-N. Li#, Q.-F. Pan. Adaptive optimization methodology based on Kriging modeling and a trust region method, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2019, 32(2): 281-295.(SCI 收录,IF=2.095,JCR Q2)K. Ye#, Zh.-Y. Ye, Ch.-N. Li, and J. Wu. Effects of the aerothermoelastic deformation on the performance of the three-dimensional hypersonic inlet, Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019, 84:747-762.(SCI 收录,IF=2.83,JCR Q1)K. Ye#, Zh.-Y. Ye, Ch.-N. Li, and J. Wu. Numerical investigation on the mechanism of the effects of plate vibration on mixing and combustion of transverse hydrogen injection, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, 43(50): 22636-22648.(SCI 收录,IF=4.0,JCR Q2)H. Fang, Ch.-L. Gong#, Ch.-N. Li, et al. A surrogate model based nested optimization framework for inverse problem considering interval uncertainty. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2018. (SCI 收录,IF=3.67,JCR Q1)Ch.-N. Li#, Q. Wei, Ch.-L. Gong, L.-X. Gu. An Efficient Multiple Point Selection Study for Mesh Deformation Using Radial Basis Functions, Aerospace Science and Technology, 2017, 71: 580-591 (SCI 收录,IF=2.829,JCR Q1)G. Wang, L.-Ch. Xu, Ch.-N. Li#, and Zh.-Y. Ye, Influence of Mesh Sensitivities on Computational-Fluid-Dynamics-Based Derivative Calculation, AIAA Journal, 2016, 54 (12): 3717-3726. (SCI 收录,IF=1.926,JCR Q2)魏其*,李春娜#,谷良贤,龚春林,一种基于径向基函数和峰值选择法的高效网格变形技术, 航空学报, 2016, 37(3): 2156-2169. (EI收录)Ch.-N. Li#, J. Brezillon, and S. Goertz, Efficient Global Optimization of a Natural Laminar Airfoil Based on Surrogate Modeling, New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics IX, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, Springer, 2014, 124: 53-63. Ch.-N. Li, A Surrogate-based Framework with Hybrid Refinement Strategies for Aerodynamic Shape Optimization, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. Bibliotheks- und Informationswesen, D-51170, Koeln, ISSN 1434-8457, ISRN DLR-FB--2013-16, 2013. (EI收录)C. Li#, Zh.-Y. Ye and G. Wang. Simulation of Flow Separation at the Wing-Body Junction with Different Fairings, Journal of Aircraft, 2008, 45(1): 258-266. (SCI收录) 李春娜#,叶正寅,王刚. 基于二维非结构网格的GMRES隐式算法,西工大学报,2007, 25(5): 630-635. (EI收录) 会议论文:Ch.-N. Li#, W. J, Ch.-L, H. Fang. Efficient adaptive surrogate-based optimization using fuzzy clustering for complex system optimizations, ICAS 2021. (EI收录)Ch.-N. Li#, H. Fang, Ch.-L. A Data-Driven Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Combinatorial Parallel Infilling Criterion. IEEE CEC 2021. (EI收录)Y.-W. Zhang, Ch.-L. Gong#, Ch.-N. Li. Surrogate-Assisted Memetic Algorithm with Adaptive Patience Criterion for ComputationallyExpensive Optimization, IEEE CEC 2019. (EI收录)Ch.-N. Li#, H. Fang, and Ch.-L. Gong. Expensive Inequality Constraints Handling Methods Suitable for Dynamic Surrogate-based Optimization, CEC 2019, Wellington, New Zealand, 10-13 Jun., 2019. (EI收录)Ch.-N. Li#, Y.-W. Zhang. Efficient Surrogate-based Optimization through Adaptive Infilling, WCSMO 2019, Beijing, China, 20-24 May, 2019.Ch.-N. Li#, and Q.-F. Pan, Hybrid Sample Refinement for Aerodynamic Optimization Based on Surrogate Model, 7th APISAT conference, Cairns, Australia,14-16 Nov., 2015.Ch.-N. Li#, J. Brezillon and S. Goertz, Efficient Global Optimization of a Natural Laminar Airfoil Based on Surrogate Modeling, 18th DGLR-Fach-Symposium der STAB, Stuttgart, Germany, 6-7 Nov. 2012.Ch.-N. Li#, J. Brezillon and S. Goertz, A hybrid approach for surrogate-based aerodynamic optimization with constraints, ECCOMAS Thematic Conference, EUROGEN 2011, Capua, Italy, 14-16 Sep. 2011.Ch.-N. Li#, Z. Ye and G. Wang, Numerical Simulation and Analyses of the Flow Separation around Wing-Body Fairing, AIAA Paper, 2008. (EI收录) 综合介绍 |