
主页 > 湖南省 > 中南大学


姓名 肖思
性别 毕业院校:武汉大学、新加坡国立大学
学校 中南大学
部门 职务:超微结构与超快过程研究所副所长
学位 曾获荣誉:
学历 主要任职:纳米光子学与器件湖南省重点实验室副主任
职称 教授
联系方式 其他任职:研究生 物理专业方向负责人
邮箱 sixiao@csu.edu.cn
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

个人简介 肖思:教授,博导。武汉大学物理学学士,武汉大学光学博士,新加坡国立大学博士后。研究领域为非线性光学、新型光电器件(液晶、柔性电子材料)、剪纸折纸结构趣味研究等。主持国家自然科学面上基金“利用飞秒激光研究二维材料黑磷和Bi2TexSe3-x的空间自相位调制”等多项基金。物电院研究生 物理专业方向负责人,超微结构与超快过程研究所副所长,纳米光子学与器件湖南省重点实验室副主任,湖南省自然科学奖二等奖获得者(排名第二),第三届全国高校教学创新大赛新工科正高组二等奖(2023年),“国优计划”导师,“英才计划”导师。 科普科幻作家,湖南省作协成员。 中国第十三届科普工作委员会委员,著有多篇侦探科幻小说和电视剧本,《老姐是侦探》系列儿童小说在各大网站等有售(但卖完了)。 可通过(sixiao@csu.edu.cn)联系。 ***************************************************************************** 肖思教授 于2024年可以招生硕士三人,为两名物理或电子专业硕士(已定),一名国优计划学科教育(物理)(已定)。 可以招生博士一人(已定),少数民族骨干专项博士一人(可能定下来了)。 研究方向: 物理或电子专业硕士: 1 超快光谱和非线性光学                           (重点推荐这个,因为新到了一千三百万的设备,国内首台,先进到没朋友) 2 微纳光声电器件和柔性光电器件             (好找工作,毕业硕士去了华为、中兴的多) 3 光电检测技术                                        (因为参与了六千万的国家重点研究计划,有经费要花) 国优计划学科教育(物理)硕士               (可与上述方向交叉): 1 高考对中学教育的指挥棒作用               (…………) 2 初高中物理竞赛的命题趋势                  (学生毕业后做竞赛老师有“钱”途) 3 大中衔接协同育人英才教育研究            (因为我也是英才教育的导师) 导师招生信息上,把国优计划学科教育(物理)硕士的招生方向放在前面,但我其实是科研教学并重型啊,科研论文发得,教学指导搞得,两个赛道都搞得很不错…… ****************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************** 祝贺指导的本科生王瑞明拿到了2023年第九届全国大学生物理实验竞赛(创新)命题类一等奖。 很遗憾我的成长速度太慢,没能帮助之前的同学拿到对应的奖项等级。 我的学生都很厉害!老师还要加油! **************************************************************************************************** 课题组部分论文列表: 2024年: [1] Chang Wang, Zhaozhe Chen, Si Xiao,* and Jun He,* Visible light-induced hole transfer in single-nanoplate Cu1.81S-CdS heterostructures, Nanoscale, 2024, 16, 5401- 5408,  DOI: 10.1039/D3NR06450F [2] Bojun Yang, Zhaozhe Chen, Chang Wang, Lin Zhang,* Si Xiao,* Regular arrangement of dispersed 2D flakes detected by polarization of light, Optics Express, 2024 (Accepted) 2023年: [1] Jianlong Kang, Yiduo Wang, Li Zhou, Omar A. Al-Hartomy, S. Wageh, Yingwei Wang*, Han Zhang*, Si Xiao*, Jun He; Excitons dynamic modulation by tailoring size of high-entropy Mo0.64W0.36S2 alloy. Appl. Phys. Lett. 7 August 2023; 123 (6): 061107. [2] Zhihui Chen, Defeng Xu, Menglong Zhu, Yueting Wang, Junfan Feng, Chuancun Shu, Si Xiao*, Jianqiao Meng* and Jun He*, Gigantic blue shift of two-photon–induced photoluminescence of interpenetrated metal–organic framework (MOF), Nanophotonics, 2023; 12(19): 3781–37913 [3] Si Xiao*, Chang Wang#, Zhaozhe Chen#, Bojun Yang, Zhongjian Yang, and Jun He*, Research on thickness thresholds for spatial self-phase modulation of Cu1.81S, Sci Sin-Phys Mech Astron, 中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学,2023,53(08):144-153. 2022年 [1] Chang Wang, Ran Duan, Xingcheng Xiao, Yingwei Wang, Zhihui Chen, Yejun Li*, Si Xiao*, and Jun He, Nonlinear optical absorption of Co3(PO4)2·4H2O nanosheets in broadband spectra, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 55 (2022) 424005 (6pp) [2] Xingcheng Xiao,Haixia Zhu,Chang Wang,Yingwei Wang,Zhihui Chen,Si Xiao*,Mianzeng Zhong*,Jun He,Saturable absorption and reverse saturable absorption of CdGa2Se4 nanoparticles determined by bond strength, Physics Letters A, 449(2022)128354, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physleta.2022.128354 [3] Bojun Yang, Zhenhua Yuan, Chang Wang, Yuwei Zhu, Yingwei Wang, Yejun Li, Si Xiao*, Jun He,Liquid crystal behaviors of micron and submicron-sized black phosphorus nanosheets,Journal of Luminescence 251 (2022) 119171.  [4]Xingcheng Xiao,Mengyao Liu,Jianliang Zhou,Haixia Zhu,Chang Wang,Zhihui Chen,Yingwei Wang,Si Xiao*,Jun He,The ultrafast tunable saturable absorption of three azo-Schiff base ligands and related metal complexes, Optical Materials, 132, 112773 (2022)  [5] Yilin He, Jingdi Zhang, Si Xiao* , Yingwei Wang**, Jun He, Effect of concentration on the formation time of diffraction rings in spatial self-phase modulation, Chinese Optics Letters, 20(1), 011901 (2022)  [6] SI XIAO, ZHENHUA YUAN, BOJUN YANG, YUWEI ZHU, YINGWEI WANG,* AND JUN HE,* Dynamic Liquid Crystal Behavior of Bi2Te3 nanosheets, The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 231, pages597–603 (2022) (Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top. https://doi.org/10.1140/epjs/s11734-021-00383-8) [7] Si Xiao, Hao Xin║, HaiMing Ma║, Chang Wang║, Ying Ma, Jun He*, Nonlinear optical properties of spherical MoS2/TiO2 composite at visible wavelengths, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 55, 254002 (2022) [8]  HAIXIA ZHU, MENGYAO LIU, JIANLIANG ZHOU, XINGCHENG XIAO, YINGWEI WANG,  ZHIHUI CHEN, SI XIAO, * JUN HE, Two-photon absorption in multi-azobenzene based complexes influenced by photo-isomerization, Optical Materials, Optical Materials 133 (2022) 112985  [9] Chang Wang, Bojun Yang, Li Zhou, Yiduo Wang, Zhihui Chen, Yingwei Wang, Si Xiao*, Jun He, Optical nonlinearity of Cu1.81S nanodisks decorated with silver nanoparticles, Optik, 271 (2022) 1701 [10] Gao Jingye, Qin Yinglin, Yang Bojun, Wang Chang, Qin Anzuo, Xiao Si,*, and He Jun,The modulation of electrothermal distribution by square spiral kirigami structure in graphite paper, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 56 (2022) 035503 2021年 [1] Haixia Zhu, Chang Wang, Xingcheng Xiao, Zhihui Chen, Yingwei Wang, Si Xiao*, Yejun Li, and Jun He, "Ultrafast saturable absorption of BiOI nanosheets prepared by chemical vapor transport," Opt. Lett. 46, 6006-6009 (2021) [2] Si Xiao, Yi-lin He, Yu-lan Dong, Yi-duo Wang, Li Zhou, Xue-jun Zhang,Ying-wei Wang* and Jun He*, Near-Infrared Spatial Self-Phase Modulation in Ultrathin Niobium Carbide Nanosheets, Frontiers in Physics (Front. Phys.), Front. Phys. 9:674820. doi: 10.3389/fphy.2021.674820 2020年 [1] He Zhen, Xiong Jian, Dai Qi-Lin, Yang Bing-Chu, Zhang Jian, Xiao Si*, High-Performance Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells using 4-Diaminomethylbenzoic as Passivant, Nanoscale, 2020, DOI: 10.1039/D0NR01142H. [2] Xiaoqin Li, Yingwei Wang, Yiduo Wang, Hui Wang, Xiang Qi, Jun He*, Si Xiao*, Donor-acceptor type reduced graphene-oxide and a tin-selenide nanohybrid with broad and ultrafast optical limiting properties, Frontiers in Physics, section Optics and Photonics, 2020, https://doi.org/10.3389/fphy.2020.00298. [3] Yiduo Wang, Yingwei Wang, Han Zhang, Jun He*, Si Xiao*, Niobium Carbide MXenes with Broad-Band Nonlinear Optical Response and Ultrafast Carrier Dynamics, ACS Nano, 2020, 14, 8, 10492–10502,DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.0c04390 [4] Si Xiao, Hui Wang, Yinglin Qin, Xiaoqin Li, Hao Xin, Gang Wang, Liang Hu, Yingwei Wang, Yejun Li,* Weihong Qi Jun He, Nonlinear Optical Modulation of MoS2/Black Phosphorus/MoS2 at 1550 nm, Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter, 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.physb.2020.412364 [5] SI XIAO, YU ZHANG,‡, YING MA,‡, YIDUO WANG, YILIN HE, JINGDI ZHANG, YONGQIANG JIANG, XIAOHONG LI, RUIXIN YANG, JUN HE,* YINGWEI WANG,* Observation of spatial self-phase modulation induced via two competing mechanisms,  Optics Letters, 45(10),2850-2853, 2020, DOI:10.1364/OL.392689. [6] 肖思, 秦应霖, 王慧, 王鹏, 马海铭, 何军, 王迎威, 辐射对称金字塔型剪纸的力学行为研究, 物理学报 Acta Phys. Sin. Vol. 69, No. 9 (2020) 096102, doi: 10.7498/aps.69.20200112. [7] SI XIAO, YING MA, YILIN HE, YIDUO WANG, HAO XIN, QI FAN, JINGDI ZHANG, XIAOHONG LI, YU ZHANG, JUN HE, AND YINGWEI WANG, Revealing Intrinsic Nonlinear Optical Response of Single MoS₂ Nanosheet in a Suspension based on Spatial Self-Phase Modulation, Photonics Research, Vol. 8, Issue 11, pp. 1725-1733 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1364/PRJ.399364, DOI: 10.1364/PRJ.399364 2019年 [1] Zhang Xue-Jun, Yuan Zhen-Hua, Yang Rui-Xin, He Yi-Lin, Qin Ying-Lin, Xiao Si*, He Jun, A review on spatial self-phase modulation of two-dimensional materials, Journal of Central South University, 26, 2295−2306, 2019. [2] Wang Gang, Xiao Si*, Peng Yu-Hui, Wang Ying-Wei, Yuan Cai-Lei, He Jun*, Two-photon and three-photon absorption in ZnO nanocrystals embedded in Al2O3 matrix influenced by defect states, Optics Letters, 44(1), 179-182, 2019. [3] Xiao Si, Fan Qi, Ma Ying, Zhao Qian, Wang Gang, Xin Hao, Qin Ying-Lin, Yu Xue-Feng, He Jun, Reversal in optical nonlinearities of Bi2Se3 nanosheets dispersion influenced by resonance absorption, Optics Experss, 27(15), 366598-266607, 2019. 2018年 [1] Zhu Yu-Wei, Wang Peng, Xiao Si*, He Song, Chen Jia-Zhang, JiangmYi-Lin, Wang Yi-Duo, He Jun, Gao Yong-Li, Manipulating three-dimensional bending to extraordinarily stiffen two-dimensional membranes by interference colors, Nanoscale, 10, 21782-21789, 2018. [2] Jiang Yong-Qiang, Ma Ying, Fan Zhao-Yang, Wang Peng, Li Xiao-Hong, Wang Ying-Wei, Zhang Yu, Shen Jian-Qiang, Wang Gang, Yang Zhong-Jian, Xiao Si*, Gao Yong-Li and He Jun*, Abnormal nonlinear optical properties of hybrid graphene-TiO2 nanostructures, Optics Letters, 43(3), 523-526, 2018. [3] Xiao Si, Wang Hui, Liu Sheng, Li Min, Wang Ying-Wei, Chen Jia-Zhang, Guo Lu-Hua, Li Jian-Bo, He Jun, Saturable Absorption Enchantment of Au Nanorods Based on Energy Transfer between Longitudinal and Transverse Energy Levels, Chinese Physics Letters, 35(6), 067801, 2018. 2017年 [1] Li Xiao-Hong, Liu Run-Kai, Xie Han-Han, Zhang Yu, Lyu Bo-Sai, Wang Peng, Wang Jia-Hong, Fan Qi, Ma Ying, Tao Shao-Hua, Xiao Si*, Yu Xue-Feng*, Gao Yong-Li, He Jun*, Tri-phase all-optical switching and broadband nonlinear optical response in Bi2Se3 nanosheets, Optics Express, 25(15), 18346-18354, (2017). [2] Guo Lu-Hua, Wang Ying-Wei, Jiang Yong-Qiang, Xiao Si *, He Jun*, Dependence of Nonlinear Optical Response of Anatase TiO2 on Shape and Excitation Intensity, Chinese Physics Letters, 34(7), 077803-077808, (2017). [3] Liu Sheng, Wang Ying-Wei, Li Xiao-Hong, Lyu Bo-Sai, Xu Ya-Hui, Zhou Jian-Liang, Yan Jun, Li Jian-Bo, Xiao Si*, He Jun*, The ultrafast tunable saturable absorption of metal complexes containing redox-active 1-(2-pyridylazo)-2-acenaphthequinol ligands, Optical Materials, 66, 241-246, (2017). [4] Wang Yingwei, Liu Sheng║, Zeng Bowen ║, Huang Han, Li Jianbo, Long Mengqiu, Xiao Si*, Yu Xuefeng*, Gao Yongli, &He Jun*, Ultraviolet Saturable Absorption and Ultrafast Carrier Dynamics in Ultrasmall Black Phosphorus Quantum Dots, Nanoscale, 9 , 4683, (2017). 2016年 [1] Yang Ying, Gao Jing, Zhang Zheng, Xiao Si*, Xie Han-Han, Sun Zheng-Bo, Wang Jia-Hong, Zhou Cong-Hua, Wang Ying-Wei, Guo Xue-Yi*, Chu Paul-K, Yu Xue-Feng*, Black Phosphorus Based Photocathodes in Wideband Bifacial Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Advanced Materials, 28(40), 8937-8944, (2016). [2] Wang Ying-Wei, Liu Sheng, Yuan Jian, Wang Peng, Chen Jia-Zhang, Li Jian-Bo, Xiao Si*, Bao Qiao-Liang, Gao Yong-Li, He Jun*, Ultra-broadband Nonlinear Saturable Absorption for Two-dimensional Bi2TexSe3-x Nanosheets, Scientific Reports, 6, 33070, (2016). [3] Li Xiao-Hong, Hu Kun-Hong, Lyu Bo-Sai, Zhang Jing-Di, Wang Ying-Wei, Wang Peng, Xiao Si*, Gao Yong-Li, He Jun*, Enhanced Nonlinear Optical Response of Rectangular MoS2 and MoS2/TiO2 in Dispersion and Film, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120(32), 18243-18248, (2016). [4] Wang Ying-Wei, Mu Hao-Ran, Li Xiao-Hong, Yuan Jian, Chen Jia-Zhang, Xiao Si*, Bao Qiao-Liang, Gao Yong-Li, He Jun*, Observation of large nonlinear responses in a graphene-Bi2Te3 heterostructure at a telecommunication wavelength, Applied Physics Letters, 108(22), 221901, (2016). [5] Zhang Jing-Di, Yu Xue-Feng, Han Wei-Jia, Lv Bo-Sai, Li Xiao-Hong, Xiao Si*, Gao Yong-Li, He Jun*, Broadband spatial self-phase modulation of black phosphorous, Optics Letters, 41(8), 1704-1707, (2016). 2015年 [1] Wang Peng, Xiao Si*, Li Xiao-Hong, Lyu Bo-Sai, Huang Ying-Bao, Cheng Shu-Bo, Huang Han, He Jun*, Gao Yong-Li, Investigation of the dynamic bending properties of MoS2 thin films by interference colours, Scientific Reports, 5 18441, (2015). [2] Wang Ying-Wei, Huang Guang-Hui, Mu Hao-Ran, Lin Sheng-Huang, Chen Jia-Zhang, Xiao Si*, Bao Qiao-Liang, He Jun*, Ultrafast recovery time and broadband saturable absorption properties of black phosphorus suspension, Applied Physics Letters, 107(9), 091905, (2015). [3] Xiao Si, Lv Bo-Sai, Wu Liang, Zhu Meng-Long, He Jun, Tao Shao-Hua, Dynamic self-diffraction in MoS2 nanoflake solutions, Optics Express, 23(5), 5875-5887, (2015). [4] Wang Yuan-Qian, Lin Cai-Fang, Zhang Jing-Di, He Jun, Xiao Si*, Research on the controllable nonlinear laser transmission properties of MoS2 nano-micron film, Acta Physica Sinica, 64(3), 034214, (2015).  [5] Zhang Jing-Di, Cui Bing, Xiao Si*, The difference of detecting water mist and smoke by electromagnetic wave in simulation experiments, Applied Optics and Photonics China, 9677, 96770N, (2015). 教育经历 [1]   2009.8-2010.9 新加坡国立大学 博士后 [2]   2004.9-2009.6 武汉大学  |  光学  |  博士学位  |  博士研究生毕业 [3]   1999.9-2003.6 武汉大学  |  物理基地班  |  学士学位  |  大学本科毕业 工作经历 [1]   2009.9-至今 中南大学  |  物理与电子学院 社会兼职 [1]   AFM,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces等国际权威期刊审稿人 研究方向 [1]  剪纸折纸结构在柔性光电器件中的应用 [2]  二维材料的光电特性和器件研究 [3]  超快光电响应器件的设计和制备 [4]  基于二维材料的新型液晶器件 [5]  新型太阳能电池研究 团队成员 团队名称:非线性光学组 何军 芙蓉学者特聘教授   杨中见 讲师   王迎威 博士后   李晓红 硕士   王鹏 硕士   张景迪 硕士   郭路华 硕士   刘圣 硕士   申建强 硕士   朱玉伟 硕士   蒋永强 硕士   张瑜 硕士   王刚 硕士   范琦 硕士   辛浩 硕士   马英 硕士   王慧 硕士   袁振华 硕士   秦应霖 硕士   何珍 硕士   何奕林 硕士   马海铭 硕士
