
首页 - 西北工业大学


姓名 卓丛山
教师编号 3195
学校 西北工业大学
部门 航空学院
学位 博士
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 副高
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个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 教育经历  2014.12~ 至今      西北工业大学航空学院流体力学系   2016.1  ~ 2017.3   法国艾克斯-马赛大学和CNRS下M2P2实验室 2010.3-2014.9,西北工业大学流体力学专业,博士学位  2007.9-2010.3,西北工业大学流体力学专业,硕士学位2003.9-2007.7,西北工业大学飞行器设计专业,学士学位


教育教学 Education and teaching 教育教学 招生信息 可压缩空气动力学(双语),本科生课程,32学时高超音速空气动力学,本科生课程,24学时 (2018~2021)流体力学介观理论与模拟,研究生课程,32学时空气动力学应用数学基础及工具,研究生课程,20学时  硕士研究生:流体力学、空气动力学(学术型)   机械/航空工程 (专业型)


科学研究 Scientific Research 近5年主持的纵向/基金项目(2019~至今):1、典型高超声速飞行器临近空间气动热/力分析,一般纵向课题,2022.7~2024.112、XXX气体动理学计算方法研究,JCJQ子课题,2020.11~2025.113、高超声速激波/边界层干扰的时空高精度气体动理学方法研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2020.1~2022.12  4、非结构网格下的一致高精度气体动理学格式研究,航空基金,2019.10~2021.9  5、基于气体动理学格式的时空高精度高超声速数值模拟方法研究,陕西省自然科学基础研究计划,2019.1~2020.12


学术成果 Academic Achievements 近5年学术成果(2019~至今)期刊论文:1.        Rui Zhang, Sha Liu, Jianfeng Chen, Congshan Zhuo, Chengwen Zhong, A conservative implicit scheme for three-dimensional steady flows of diatomic gases in all flow regimes using unstructured meshes in the physical and velocity spaces. Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36: 016114.2.    Junlei Mu, Congshan Zhuo*, Qingdian Zhang, Sha Liu, Chengwen Zhong, An efficient high-order gas-kinetic scheme with hybrid WENO-AO method for the Euler and Navier-Stokes solutions. Communications in Computational Physics. (Accepted: 2023.9.6)3.        Qingdian Zhang, Mengyuan Jiang, Congshan Zhuo*, Chengwen Zhong, Sha Liu, Theoretical and numerical study on the well-balanced regularized lattice Boltzmann model for two-phase flow. Physical Review E. 2023, 108: 0553094.        Peiyuan Geng, Sha Liu*, Sirui Yang, Junzhe Cao, Congshan Zhuo, Chengwen Zhong, Implementing the direct relaxation process in the stochastic particle method for flexible molecular collisions, Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35: 086123.5.        Dongxin Pan, Congshan Zhuo, Sha Liu, Chengwen Zhong*. Multi-degree-of-freedom kinetic model and its applications in simulation of three-dimensional nonequilibrium flows. Computers and Fluids, 2023, 265: 1060206.        Guang Zhao, Chengwen Zhong*, Sha Liu, Jianfeng Chen, Congshan Zhuo*.  Numerical simulation of lateral jet interaction with rarefied hypersonic flow over a two-dimensional blunt body. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35: 086107. (SCI: 001042233200009)7.        Qingdian Zhang, Congshan Zhuo*, Junlei Mu, Chengwen Zhong, Sha Liu. A multiscale discrete velocity method for diatomic molecular gas. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35: 076118. (SCI: 001036412800009)8.        钟诚文,陈健锋,张瑞,卓丛山*,刘沙,双原子分子气体的定常隐式全流域多尺度算法,国防科技大学学报. 2023, 45(4): 94-108.9.        Rui Zhang, Sha Liu*, Chengwen Zhong, Congshan Zhuo. Unified gas-kinetic scheme with simplified multi-scale numerical flux for thermodynamic non-equilibrium flow in all flow regimes[J]. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2023, 119: 107079.10.     Guang Zhao, Chengwen Zhong*, Sha Liu, Yong Wang, Congshan Zhuo*, Application of Gas-Kinetic Scheme for Continuum and Near-Continuum Flow on Unstructured Mesh. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2022, 36(9): 753-775. (Published online: 21 Mar 2023, SCI: 000951351300001)11.    Dongxin Pan, Rui Zhang, Congshan Zhuo, Sha Liu, Chengwen Zhong*. A multi-degree-of-freedom gas kinetic multi-prediction implicit scheme. Journal of Computational Physics, 2023, 475: 111871. (SCI: 000914938200001)12.    Yong Wang, Sha Liu, Congshan Zhuo, Chengwen Zhong. Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian-type conserved discrete unifed gas kinetic scheme for the simulation of transonic continuum and rarefied gas flows with moving boundaries. Applied Mathematical Modeling, 2023, 113: 545–572. (SCI: 000873951500003)13.    Yong Wang, Sha Liu, Congshan Zhuo, Chengwen Zhong. Investigation of nonlinear squeeze–film damping involving rarefied gas e?ect in micro–electro–mechanical systems. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2022, 114: 188-209. (SCI: 000793254800005)14.    Zeren Yang, Sha Liu, Congshan Zhuo, Chengwen Zhong. Free-energy-based discrete unified gas kinetic scheme for van der waals fluid. Entropy 2022, 24: 120215.    Zeren Yang, Sha Liu, Congshan Zhuo, Chengwen Zhong. Conservative multilevel discrete unified gas kinetic scheme for modeling multiphase flows with large density ratios. Physics of Fluids, 2022, 34(4):043316.16.    Zeren Yang, Chengwen Zhong, Congshan Zhuo, Sha Liu. Spatio-temporal err coupling and competition in mesoflux construction of discrete unified gas-kinetic scheme. Computers & Fluids, 2022,244:105537.17.    Zeren Yang, Sha Liu, Congshan Zhuo, Chengwen Zhong. Pseudopotential-based discrete unified gas kinetic scheme for modeling multiphase fluid flows. Advances in Aerodynamics, 2022, 4(1):32.18.    Qi Zhang, Yunlan Wang, Dongxin Pan, Jianfeng Chen, Sha Liu, Congshan Zhuo, Chengwen Zhong, Unified X-space parallelization algorithm for conserved discrete unified gas kinetic scheme. Computer Physics Communications, 2022, 278: 108410.19.    王勇, 刘沙, 卓丛山, 钟诚文. 一种求解低速跨流域流固耦合问题的离散统一气体动理学格式. 空气动力学学报, 2022, 40(3):87–97. 20.    Sirui Yang, Sha Liu,Chengwen Zhong, Junzhe Cao, Congshan Zhuo. A direct relaxation process for particle methods in gas kinetic theory. Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33(7): 076109.21.    Junzhe Cao, Sha Liu, Chengwen Zhong, Congshan Zhuo. An implicit kinetic inviscid flux for predicting continuum flows in all speed regimes. Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33: 046102.  22.    Mingliang Zhong, Sen Zou, Dongxin Pan, Congshan Zhuo, Chengwen Zhong. A simplified discrete unified gas kinetic scheme for compressible flow. Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33(3): 036103.23.    Rui Zhang, Chengwen Zhong, Sha Liu, Congshan Zhuo. Large-eddy Simulationof Wall-bounded Turbulent Flow with High-order Discrete Unified Gas-Kinetic Scheme. Advances in Aerodynamics, 2020, 2:26.24.    Mingliang Zhong, Sen Zou, Dongxin Pan, Congshan Zhuo, Chengwen Zhong(*). A simplified discrete unified gas kinetic scheme for incompressible flow. Physics of Fluids, 2020, 32(9): 093601. (SCI: 000568836900001)25.    Yong Wang, Chengwen Zhong*, Jun Cao*, Congshan Zhuo. A simplified finite volume lattice Boltzmann method for simulations of fluid flows from laminar to turbulent regime, Part II: Numerical framework and its application to laminar flow simulation. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2020, 79(8): 2133-2152. (SCI: 000525767900002)26.    Yong Wang, Chengwen Zhong*, Jun Cao*, Congshan Zhuo. A simplified finite volume lattice Boltzmann method for simulations of fluid flows from laminar to turbulent regime, Part I: Numerical framework and its application to laminar flow simulation. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2020, 79(5): 1590-1618. (SCI: 000517668200019)27.    Zeren Yang, Chengwen Zhong, Congshan Zhuo. Phase-field model for large-density-ratio two-phase flows based on discrete unified gas-kinetic scheme. Physical Review E, 2019, 99(4): 04330228.    Ji Li, Chengwen Zhong, Congshan Zhuo. A third order gas-kinetic scheme for unstructured grid. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2019, 78(1): 92-109.29.    Dongxin Pan, Chengwen Zhong, Congshan Zhuo. An Implicit Discrete Unified Gas-Kinetic Scheme for Simulations of Steady Flow in All Flow Regimes. Communications in Computational Physics. 2019, 25: 1469-1495.30.    Dongxin Pan, Chengwen Zhong, Congshan Zhuo, Sha Liu. A two-stage fourth-order gas-kinetic scheme on unstructured hybrid mesh. Computer Physics Communications, 2019, 235: 75-87.会议论文/报告: 1.      姜梦圆,卓丛山,杨泽人,钟诚文,刘沙,基于Well-balanced格子玻尔兹曼正则化模型的数值研究,第十二届全国流体力学学术会议,西安,西北工业大学,2022.112.      卓丛山,介观方法在环境力学里的应用前景,第十一届全国流体力学学术会议,深圳,南方科技大学,2020.12.3~7.  3.      卓丛山,格子Boltzmann方法基本模型及计算声学研究,输运过程的介观数值方法学术研讨会,武汉,华中科技大学,2018.8.3~54.       Fei Gao, Congshan Zhuo,  Chengwen Zhong. A Circular function-based Discrete Unified Gas-Kinetic Scheme. The 31th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Glasgow, UK, 2018.7.23~27.


团队信息 Team Information 本人是钟诚文教授团队的青年骨干

