姓名 | 张宁 |
性别 | 男 |
学校 | 暨南大学 |
部门 | 经济学院 |
学位 | 博士 |
学历 | 经济学院 |
职称 | 博士 |
联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
邮箱 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
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导航 个人简介 学习经历 工作经历 研究方向 主要论文 主要著作 承担课题,个人信息 姓名: 张宁 部门: 经济学院 直属机构: 经济学系 性别: 男 职称: 教授 学位: 博士 毕业院校: 韩国仁荷大学 电子邮箱: zn928@naver.com 办公地址: 暨南大学经济学院536室 通讯地址: 广东省广州市天河区黄埔大道西601号暨南大学 邮编: 510632 荣誉奖励: 国家级青年人才, 珠江学者 联系方式 个人简介 张宁,经济学博士,研究方向为环境与能源经济管理,现为暨南大学经济学院教授,博士生导师、国家优秀青年基金获得者,珠江青年学者获得者,博士毕业于韩国仁荷大学获经济学与管理学双博士学位,而后在纽约州立大学从事博士后研究,西南交通大学兼职教授,英国伯明翰大学与纽约州立大学客座研究员。曾担任纽约州立大学与韩国可持续发展研究中心研究员,联合国气候变化框架公约第17次会议(COP17)学术代表。现担任SSCI期刊《Social Science Journal》副主编;ABS三星级SSCI期刊《Technological Forecasting and Social Change》期刊编委,SCI一区期刊《Journal of Cleaner Production》,《Journal of Environmental Management》和SSCI期刊《Sustainability》领域主编,中国“双法”研究会能源经济与管理研究分会常务理事,50多个国际SSCI/SCI期刊同行评审专家;在国内外SSCI/SCI学术权威期刊发表论文60余篇,其中有2篇进入社科领域前0.1%的ESI热点论文(Hot paper), 15篇进入前1%的ESI高被引用论文,文章见于《Science》、《Nature Climate Change》、《Nature Geoscience》、《European Journal of Operational Research》,《Resources and Energy Economics》、《Ecological Economics》、《Energy Economics》、《Energy Policy》、《Energy》、《Applied Energy》、《Journal of Environmental Management》、《Computational Economics》、《Empirical Economics》、《Economic Modelling》、《Ecological Indicators》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》《Renewable & Sustainable Energy Review》、《Social science Journal》、《Technological forecasting and Social Change》、《Human and Ecological Risk Assessment》《经济研究》《世界经济》《金融研究》《经济评论》等知名期刊;据IDEAS/RePEc2016年统计,申请人位列全球青年经济学者第8位(近5年基准)。主持国家自然科学基金项目3项,科技部重点研发课题1项,国家社科重大项目子课题1项,省部级项目7项,参与国家社科重大课题3项,国家重点研发计划项目1项,韩国自然科学重大课题2项,获得各类国外政府和大学奖励8次,获得2012年国家优秀自费留学生奖学金。撰写的研究报告多次获得领导批示,并转化为政府决策。 学习经历 2010.9-2013.8,韩国仁荷大学,国际贸易专业/可持续管理,经济学/管理学 双博士2007.9-2010.8,韩国仁荷大学,国际贸易专业,经济学硕士2003.9-2007.7,山东大学,国际经济与贸易专业,经济学学士 工作经历 2016.3-至今,暨南大学经济学院,教授、博士生导师 2014.11-2015.12,江西财经大学,副教授2013.11-2014.11,江西财经大学,讲师2013.8-2013.11,纽约州立大学,博士后 主要论文 [1]Zhang N, Liu Z, Zheng X, Xue J. 2017. Carbon footprint of China’s belt and road. Science, 357(6356), 1106-1107. (SCI, IF=37.205)[2]Guan D, Meng J. David R. Zhang N* et al 2018. The drivers of China’s carbon emission peak. Nature Geoscience, In press, 2018. (*通讯作者)[3]Wiedenhofer D., Guan, D., Liu, Z., Meng, J., Zhang, N., Wei, Y. 2017. Unequal household carbon footprints in China. Nature climate change 7(1), 75-80. (SCI&SSCI, IF=19.184)[4]张宁、张维洁. 2019. 中国用能权交易是否可以获得经济与环境双赢?《经济研究》,(1)165-181.[5]Pan D, Zhang N*. 2018. The Role of Agricultural Training on Fertilizer Use Knowledge: A Randomized Controlled Experiment. Ecological Economics, 148, 77-91.[6]Wu T, Zhang N*, Gui L, Wu W. 2018. Sustainable endogenous growth model of multiple regions: Reconciling OR and economic perspectives. European Journal of Operational Research, 269,218-226.[7]Zhang N, Zhang G, Li Y. Does major agriculture production zone have higher carbon efficiency and abatement cost under climate change mitigation? Ecological Indicators, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2017.12.015[8]Zhang N, Choi Y, Wang W. 2018. Does energy research funding work? Evidence from the Natural Science Foundation of China using TEI@I method, Technological Forecasting and Social Change.[9]Wang W, Xie H, Zhang N*, Xiang D 2018. Water use and water shadow price in China’s urban industry. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 128, 489-498.[10]Du M, Wang B, Zhang N*. National research funding and energy efficiency: Evidence from the National Science Foundation of China, Energy Policy, 120, 335-346.[11]Xiang D, Chen J, Tripe, Zhang N*. Family firms, sustainable innovation and financing cost: Evidence from Chinese hi-tech small and medium-sized enterprises,Technological Forecasting and Social Change.[12]Zhu N, Zhang N*,BALEŽENTIS. 2018. What contributes to total factor productivity growth in the Chinese banking sector? Technological and Economic Development of Economy 24 (2), 792-811[13]Wu T, Zhang N*, Gui L, Wu W. 2018. Sustainable endogenous growth model of multiple regions: Reconciling OR and economic perspectives. European Journal of Operational Research,269,218-226.[14]Zhang N., Chen Z. 2017. Sustainability Characteristics of China’s Poyang Lake Eco-Economics Zone in the big data environment Journal of Cleaner Production, 142, 642-653. (SCI&SSCI) IF=5.905[15]Zhang, N., Yu, K., & Chen, Z. 2017. How does urbanization affect carbon dioxide emissions? a cross-country panel data analysis. Energy Policy, 107. 678-687. (SSCI, IF=4.140)[16]Pan, D., Kong, F., Zhang, N*., & Ying, R. 2017. Knowledge training and the change of fertilizer use intensity: evidence from wheat farmers in china.Journal of Environmental Management,197, 130-139.[17]Xie, H., He, Y., Zhang, N*., & Lu, H. (2017). Spatiotemporal changes and fragmentation of forest land in jiangxi province, china.Journal of Forest Economics.29, 4-13.[18]Liu Y, Xiao H, Lv K, Zhang N*.2017. The effect of new-type urbanization on energy consumption in China: a spatial econometric analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 163, 299-305.[19]Liu Y, Ji Y, Shao S, Zhong F, Zhang N. 2017. Scale of Production, Agglomeration and Agricultural Pollutant Treatment: Evidence From a Survey in China. Ecological Economics, 140, 30-45.[20]Du L., Hanley A., Zhang N*. 2016. Environmental technical efficiency, technology gap and shadow price of coal-fuelled power plants in China: A parametric meta-frontier analysis. Resource and Energy Economics, 43, 14-32. (SSCI) [21]Zhang N., Wang B, Chen Z. 2016. Carbon emission reductions and technology gaps in the world's factory, 1990–2012. Energy Policy,91, 28-37. (SSCI)[22]Zhang N., Wang B, Liu Z. 2016. Carbon emissions dynamics, efficiency gains, and technological innovation in China's industrial sectors. Energy, 99, 10-19. (SCI) IF=4.883[23]Zhang, N., Wu T, Bing Wang, Liang Dong, Jingzhen Ren. 2016. Sustainable water resource and endogenous economic growth. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 112(11), 237-244.[24]Choi Y, Bone C, Zhang, N*. Sustainable policies and strategies in Asia: Challenges for green growth. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 112(11), 134-137.[25]Liu G.,Wang B, Zhang N*.2016. A coin has two sides: which one is driving China's green TFP growth? Economic systems, 40(9), 481-498.(SSCI)[26]Li, K., Zhang,N*., Liu Y.2016. The energy rebound effects across China’s industrial sectors: An output distance function approach. Applied Energy, 184, 1165-1175.[27]Zhao R, Liu Y, Zhang. N* Huang T. 2017. An optimization model for green supply chain management by using a big data analytic approach. Journal of Cleaner Production.142,1085-1097[28]Pan D, Zhou G, Zhang, N*. 2016. Farmers’ Preferences for Livestock Pollution Control Policy in China: A Choice Experiment Method. Journal of Cleaner Production, 131, 572-582.[29]Zhang, N., Yu.Y. 2016. Marginal abatement cost of pollutants for China: A non-parametric approach. Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy (SCI),11(8), 753-759.[30]Shao, Ling; Guan, Dabo; Zhang, Ning; Shan, Yuli; Chen, G.Q. Carbon emissions from fossil fuel consumption of Beijing in 2012, Environmental Research Letters, 2016,11,[31]Liu Y, Xiao H, Zhang, N*. Industrial Carbon Emissions of China’s Regions: A Spatial Econometric Analysis. Sustainability, 8(3), 210-219.[32]Liu Y, Xiao H, Lv K, Zhang N*.2017. The effect of new-type urbanization on energy consumption in China: a spatial econometric analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 163, 299-305.[33]Luo X, Dong L, Dou Y, Zhang N, et al. 2016, Analysis on Spatial-temporal Features of Taxis’ Emissions from Big Data Informed Travel Patterns: A Case of Shanghai, China, Journal of Cleaner Production (2016), doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.05.161.[34]Liang H., Ren J. Dong L. Zhang N. 2016. Is the hydrogen production from biomass technology really sustainable? Answer by Life Cycle Emergy Analysis. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2016.04.082[35]Liang H, Dong L, Zhang, N. 2016. Feasibility of a new-generation nighttime light data for estimating in-use steel stock of buildings and civil engineering infrastructures. Resources Conservation and Recycling. DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2016.04.001[36]Liang H, Dong L Luo X, Zhang N. 2016. Balancing regional industrial development: analysis on regional disparity of China's industrial emissions and policy implications. Journal of Cleaner Production, 126, 223-235.[37]Zhang, N., Wang, B. 2015. A deterministic parametric metafrontier Luenberger indicator for measuring environmentally-sensitive productivity growth: A Korean fossil-fuel power case. Energy Economics, 51, 88-98. (SSCI) IF=2.580[38]Zhang, N., Xie H. 2015. Toward Green IT: Modeling Sustainable Production Characteristics for Chinese Electronic Information Industry, 1980-2012. Technological Forecasting and Social Change,96, 62-70. (SSCI)[39]Zhang, N*., Wei, X. 2015. Dynamic total factor carbon emissions performance changes in the Chinese transportation industry. Applied Energy, 146, 409-420. IF=5.261 (SSCI&SCI ESI TOP1%) [40]Zhang, N., Kung, C., Zhou, P. 2015. Total-factor carbon emission performance of the Chinese transportation industry: A bootstrapped non-radial Malmquist index analysis. Renewable and SustainableEnergy Reviews, 41, 584-593.(SCI&SSCI)(ESI TOP1%)[41]Zhang, N., Kong, F., Yu, Y. 2015. Measuring ecological total-factor energy efficie 主要著作 张宁、《质量创新与全要素生产率——以广东省制造业为例》,经济管理出版社,2017.张宁、《方向距离函数在火电行业中应用》(英文专著),中国环境出版社,2016.5崔龙录,张宁,《R软件简明实战统计学》(韩国语)-2012.8 出版社:BOMYUNG BOOKS 张宁, 韩国缔结FTA的现状、经济效应及未来方向,《韩国蓝皮书- 2012》,社会科学文献出版社 承担课题 主持国家级项目:国家优秀青年科学基金(2018-2021)《资源可持续发展评估与管理》(编号:71822402)国家重点研发计划课题(2018-2021)《大气污染区域联防联控综合方案的优化与评价》课题编号:2018YFC0213603国家自然科学基金项目(2014-2018年)《环境规制对区域经济可持续发展的影响规律与作用机理研究:以鄱阳湖生态经济区为例》(项目编号:41461118);国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培养项目(2018-2021年)《基于大数据的制造业全要素生产率和能源效率测算及其平台建设研究》(项目编号:91746112)国家社科重大课题项目: 《我国重点生态功能区市场化生态补偿机制研究》子课题3(15ZDA054)主持省部级科研项目:1. 第八批博士后特别资助项目(2015年-2016年) 《鄱阳湖生态经济区环境政策的经济效应分析》 (项目编号:2015T80684);2. 第55批中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目(2014年)《环境管制下全要素生产率研究:以鄱阳湖生态经济区为例》(项目编号:2014M551849 );3. 江西省哲学社会科学重点研究基地一般项目(2015年)《江西生态文明制度绩效评价与完善研究》(项目编号:15SKJD21);4. 江西省博士后科研择优资助项目(2014年)《鄱阳湖生态经济区环境管制的经济效应研究》;5. 江西省高校人文社会科学研究项目(2014年)《资源环境约束下全要素生产率增长研究:以鄱阳湖生态经济区为例》(项目编号:JJ1420);6. 江西财经大学优秀青年学术人才支持计划项目(2014年)《鄱阳湖生态经济区环境政策研究》。 讲授课程 荣誉奖励 国家级青年人才, 珠江学者 社会职务 亚洲可持续发展会议(Sustainable Asia Conference)共同主席(曾主导主持 SAC 2013, 2014两次国际学术会议)中国“双法”研究会能源经济与管理研究分会常务理事中国“双法”研究会评价方法与应用研究分会理事亚洲商学论坛(Asia Business Forum)副会长国家自然基金通讯评审专家西南交通大学兼职教授英国伯明翰大学环境和能源经济研究中心客座研究员 |