姓名 | 胡明志 |
性别 | 男 |
学校 | 暨南大学 |
部门 | 经济学院 |
学位 | 博士 |
学历 | 经济学院 |
职称 | 博士 |
联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
邮箱 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
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导航 个人简介 学习经历 工作经历 研究方向 主要论文 主要著作 承担课题,个人信息 姓名: 胡明志 部门: 经济学院 直属机构: 经济学系 性别: 男 职称: 讲师 学位: 博士 毕业院校: 上海财经大学 电子邮箱: mzhu@jnu.edu.cn 办公地址: 经济学院316室 通讯地址: 广州市天河区黄埔大道西601号 邮编: 510632 联系方式 个人简介 胡明志,暨南大学经济学院讲师、上海财经大学经济学博士(2018)、佛罗里达国际大学联合培养博士生(2016-2017)。主要研究方向为资产评估、房地产经济学、城市经济学和投资经济;研究内容主要包括住房自有产权和创业参与、住房自有产权与劳动力参与、住房价格与劳动力流动,以及住房制度改革和住房不平等。在Journal of Housing Economics、Real Estate Economics、Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics、Small Business Economics、Technological Forecasting and Social Change、Journal of Happiness Studies等国内外重要学术期刊上发文10多篇。担任《经济学(季刊)》、《Journal of Real Estate Research》、《International Regional Science Review》、《China Economic Review》、《Urban Studies》、《Housing Studies》、《Technological Forecasting & Social Change》、《International Review of Economics and Finance》等国内外知名期刊匿名审稿人。ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mingzhi_HuGoogle Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=PlBAd8cAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN 工作经历 2018-至今:暨南大学经济学院,讲师 主要论文 1.学术论文Hu, M., Su, Y., & Ye, W. Promoting or Inhibiting: The Role of Housing Price in Entrepreneurship. Technological Forecasting and Social Change (Accepted).Zheng, X., Peng. W, & Hu, M. Airport Noise and House Prices: A Quasi-experimental Design Study. Land Use Policy (Accepted).Chen, J., Hu, M., & Lin, Z. Housing Reform in China and Labor Market Participation. The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics (Accepted).Chen, J., Hu, M., & Lin, Z. Does Housing Unaffordability Crowd Out Elites in Chinese Superstar Cities? Journal of Housing Economics (Forthcoming).Hu, M., & Ye, W. (2019). Home Ownership and Subjective Wellbeing: A Perspective from Ownership Heterogeneity. Journal of Happiness Studies (Forthcoming).Chen, J., Hardin, W., & Hu, M. (2019). Housing, Wealth, Income and Consumption: China and Homeownership Heterogeneity. Real Estate Economics (Forthcoming).Chen, J., & Hu, M. (2019). What Types of Homeowners Are More Likely to Be Entrepreneurs? The Evidence from China. Small Business Economics, 52(3), 633–649. Barnett, W. A., Hu, M., & Wang, X. (2019). Does the Utilization of Information Communication Technology Promote Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Rural China. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 141, 12–21. Hu, M., Liu, J., & Wang, X. (2019). Consumption Propensity and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from China. In W. A. Barnett & B. S. Sergi (Eds.), Asia-Pacific Contemporary Finance and Development (pp. 265–286). Emerald Publishing Limited.Liu, J., Hu, M., Zhang, H., & Carrick, J. (2019). Corruption and Entrepreneurship in Emerging Markets. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 55(5), 1051–1068. 王雪& 胡明志. 汇改提高了人民币国际化水平吗?——基于“721汇改”和“811汇改”的视角. 国际金融研究. (已录用)刘嘉琦, 李新春, & 胡明志. (2019). 腐败与创业: 润滑效应还是抑制作用. 中山大学学报( 社会科学版), 59(2), 197–208.胡明志, & 陈杰. (2019). 住房财富对创业的异质性影响. 社会科学战线, (8), 120–132.陈杰, & 胡明志. (2017). 共有产权房:住房供给侧改革何以发力. 探索与争鸣, (11), 110–115.胡明志, 农汇福, & 陈杰. (2017). 中国人口老龄化与房价关系再检验:基于房改红利视角的研究. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), (3), 132–144.陈杰, & 胡明志. (2015). 楼市“330新政”的效应评估与政策建议. 改革内参, (5), 15–19.2.会议论文“It’s a Boy! Wealth and Consumption in China, presented at GCREC annual meeting, Shanghai, China in July 2019.“Housing Disparity between Homeowners and Renters: Evidence from China, presented at APRERS annual meeting, Guangzhou, China in May 2019.“Hukou-based Labor Market Discrimination and Migrant Entrepreneurship, presented at RUSE annual meeting, Shanghai, China in May 2019.“Housing Disparity between Homeowners and Renters: Evidence from China, presented at ARES annual meeting, Phoenix, Arizona in April 2019.“Homeownership and Household Formation: No House, No Marriage?, presented at GCREC annual meeting, Qingdao, China in July 2018.“Amenities, Housing Affordability and Higher-educated People, presented at APRERS annual meeting, Da Lian, China in August 2018.“Housing Reform in China and Labor Market Participation, presented at APRERS annual meeting, Hong Kong, China in August 2017.“The Heterogeneity of Homeownership Impacts on Entrepreneurship: The Evidence from China’s Urban Household Survey (UHS) Data, presented at ARES annual meeting, San Diego, California in April 2017. 承担课题 1. 广东省自然科学基金面上项目,2020A1515010359,中国城市住房供应模式变迁影响流动人口社会融合的微观机制、经验证据及其政策含义,2019-10-01至2022-09-30,10万元,在研,主持2. 上海财经大学研究生创新基金项目,2016110892,The Heterogeneity of Homeownership Impacts on Entrepreneurship,2016-07-06-2018-07-01,1万元,已结题,主持。3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,71573166,中国城市住房供应模式变迁对居民住房选择行为的影响及经济社会效应,2016-01-01至2019-12-01,51万元,已结题,参与。 讲授课程 社会职务 上海交通大学住房与城乡建设研究中心特约助理研究员 |