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姓名 AlexanderAlekseevichPo...
学校 暨南大学
部门 信息科学技术学院
学位 发明专利包写包过 特惠申请
学历 信息科学技术学院
职称 软件著作权666包写包过
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导航 个人简介 学习经历 工作经历 研究方向 主要论文 主要著作 承担课题,个人信息 姓名: Alexander Alekseevich Potapov 部门: 信息科学技术学院 直属机构: 电子工程系 性别: 男 联系方式 个人简介 Potapov Alexander Alekseevich (was born in 04 May 1951). Doctor of Phys.-Math. Science. Hi's academician of RANS, academician of Academy of Engineering Sciences by A.M. Prokhorov. Chief Research of V.A. Kotelnikov IREE RAS, Professor of Kazan State Technical University of A.N. Tupolev. Scientist secretary of Dissertation council under IREE of V.A. Kotelnikov RAS # D 002.231.02, member of Dissertation council under Russian New University (Moscow) # DM 521.019.01.Chief Editor of the magazine “Nonlinear world”, Member of editorial board of the international magazine “Electromagnetic Phenomena” and “Materials Sciences and Applications” (USA). Honorable radio operator of the Russian Federation.Author of the basic researches in the field of fractal approaches to radio physics problems, radio engineering, radar and broad spectrum of adjacent scientific and technology path. Work at this field from 1979. Initiator of the pioneer researches and developments of fractal theory application in radio physics, scaling effects and fractal operators in radio systems in Russia. Author of more that 750 scientific publications, includes 20 monographs. You can find much interesting scientific information on my web Scientific Interest: radio physics, dispersion and diffraction of electromagnetic waves, radio location, image and signal processing and recognition, deterministic chaos, modern topology, fractal analysis, fractal operators, scaling effects.
