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姓名 赵传熙
学校 暨南大学
部门 理工学院
学位 副教授
学历 理工学院
职称 副教授
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导航 个人简介 学习经历 工作经历 研究方向 主要论文 主要著作 承担课题,个人信息 姓名: 赵传熙 部门: 理工学院 直属机构: 物理学系 性别: 男 职务: 无 职称: 副教授 学位: 博士 毕业院校: 中山大学 联系电话: 020-852224386-317 电子邮箱: tcxzhao@email.jnu.edu.cn 办公地址: 蒙民伟理工楼317室 通讯地址: 黄埔大道西601号暨南大学蒙民伟理工楼317室 邮编: 510632 传真: 020-85220233 联系方式 个人简介 赵传熙,男,硕士生导师,中国共产党员。2013年12月毕业于中山大学获凝聚态物理专业博士学位,2014年3月加入暨南大学物理系。目前主持国家自然科学基金1项、广东省自然科学基金3项(面上项目和青年提升项目)、中央高校基本业务经费等基金项目2项,参与省部级以上项目4项、省部级创新科研平台项目2项。已发表SCI学术论文40余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者发表JCR-1区论文18篇,授权发明专利5项。荣获暨南大学优秀共产党员、优秀教职工称号,2017年度暨南大学优秀本科班主任荣誉称号(14应物班级获5A卓越班集体称号),全国/省挑战杯大学生课外科技作品竞赛二等奖/特等奖优秀指导老师,广东省物理实验设计大赛一、三等奖各1项(指导老师),广东省真空学会青年科技论文三等奖2项。课题组每年招收若干硕士生、对科研感兴趣的本科生,欢迎邮件联系与实验室现场参观! 学习经历 中山大学光电材料与技术国家重点实验室,广东省显示材料与技术重点实验室,凝聚态物理专业 工作经历 2016.11 - 至今, 暨南大学理工学院物理学系,副教授2014.3 - 2016.10,暨南大学理工学院物理学系,讲师 主要论文 1.   M Qiu#, F Zhou#, P Sun#, X Chen*, C Zhao*, W Mai*, Unveiling the electrochromic mechanism of Prussian Blue by electronic transition analysis, Nano Energy, 78 (2020) 105148.2. C. Su, Z. Zhao, D. He, H. Song, C Zhao*, W Mai*, Nano Energy 2023, 111, 108396.3. J. He, Y. Liu, Z. Li, Z. Ji, G. Yan, C Zhao*, W. Mai, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2022, 625, 297.1).Guobiao Cen, Yujin Liu, Chuanxi Zhao*, Gai Wang, Yong Fu, Genghua Yan, Ye Yuan, Chunhua Su, Zhijuan Zhao, Wenjie Mai*, Atomic-Layer Deposition-Assisted Double-Side Interfacial Engineering for High-Performance Flexible and Stable CsPbBr3 Perovskite Photodetectors toward Visible Light Communication,Small, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1002/smll.201902135 (IF=10.856)(2).Y Yuan, L Zhang, G Yan, G Cen, Y Liu, L Zeng, C Zeng, C Zhao, R Hong*, W. Mai*, Significantly Enhanced Detectivity of CIGS Broadband High Speed Photodetectors by Grain Size Control and ALD-Al2O3 interfacial Layer Modification, ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2019, 11, 20157-20166(3).Y Liu, G Cen, G Wang, J Huang, S Zhou, J Zheng, Y Fu, C Zhao*, W Mai, High performance MoO3−x/Si heterojunction photodetectors with nanoporous pyramid Si arrays for visible light communication application, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2019, 7, 917-925(4).M Qiu, P Sun, B Zhang, J Yu, Y Fu, X Yu, C Zhao*, W Mai*, Reliable Information Encryption and Digital Display Applications Based on Multistate Smart Windows, Advanced Optical Materials, 2018, 6, 1800338 (IF18=7.43)(5).J Lao, P Sun, F Liu, X Zhang, C Zhao, W Mai*, T Guo*, G Xiao, J Albert, In situ plasmonic optical fiber detection of the state of charge of supercapacitors for renewable energy storage, Light: Science & Applications, 2018, 7, 34(6).M Qiu, P Sun, Y Liu, Q Huang, C Zhao*, Z Li, W Mai, Visualized UV Photodetectors Based on Prussian Blue/TiO2 for Smart Irradiation Monitoring Application, Advanced Materials Technologies, 2018, 3, 1700288.(7).Y Zhong, Z Chai, Z Liang, P Sun, W Xie, C Zhao*, W Mai, Electrochromic Asymmetric Supercapacitor Windows Enable Direct Determination of Energy Status by the Naked Eye, ACS applied materials & interfaces 2017, 9, 34085-34092(8).Peng Sun, Rui Lin, Zilong Wang, Meijia Qiu, Zhisheng Chai, Bodong Zhang, Hui Meng, Shaozao Tan, Chuanxi Zhao*, Wenjie Mai*, Rational design of carbon shell endows TiN@ C nanotube based fiber supercapacitors with significantly enhanced mechanical stability and electrochemical performance, Nano Energy 31, 432(2017).(Cover image)(9).R Lin, Z Zhu, X Yu, Y Zhong, Z Wang, S Tan, C Zhao*, W Mai*, Facile synthesis of TiO2/Mn3O4 hierarchical structures for fiber-shaped flexible asymmetric supercapacitors with ultrahigh stability and tailorable performance, Journal of Materials Chemistry A5, 814(2017).(10).Y Yuan, J Gu, KH Ye, Z Chai, X Yu, X Chen, C Zhao*, Y Zhang, W Mai*, Combining Bulk/Surface Engineering of Hematite To Synergistically Improve Its Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting Performance, ACS applied materials & interfaces 8, 16071(2016)(11).Chuanxi Zhao, Yu Zhang, Shaozhi Deng, Ningsheng Xu, Jun Chen, Surface nitrogen functionality for the enhanced field emission of free-standing few-layer graphene nanowalls, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 672, 433(2016).(12).M Qiu, P Sun, L Shen, K Wang, S Song, X Yu, S Tan, C Zhao*, W Mai,WO3 nanoflowers with excellent pseudo-capacitive performance and the capacitance contribution analysis, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 4, 7266(2016)(13).L Shen, L Du, S Tan, Z Zang, C Zhao*, W Mai*, Flexible electrochromic supercapacitor hybrid electrodes based on tungsten oxide films and silver nanowires, Chemical Communications 52, 6296(2016)(14).Z Chai, N Zhang, P Sun, Y Huang, C. X. Zhao, HJ Fan, X Fan*, W Mai*, Tailorable and Wearable Textile Devices for Solar Energy Harvesting and Simultaneous Storage, ACS Nano 10, 9201(2016)(15).Z. Liang, P.Y. Zeng, P. Y. Liu, W. G. Xie*, C. X. Zhao*, W. J. Mai*. Interface Engineering To Boost Photoresponse Performance of Self-Powered, Broad-Bandwidth PEDOT: PSS/Si Heterojunction Photodetector, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8, 19158(2016)(16).L Shi, P Sun, L Du, R Xu, H He, S Tan, C Zhao*, L Huang, W Mai*, Flexible honeycomb-like NiMn layered double hydroxide/carbon cloth architecture for electrochemical energy storage, Materials Letters 175, 275(2016).(17).C. X. Zhao*, Z. M. Liang, M. Z. Su, P. Y. Mai, W. G. Xie*, Self-powered, high-speed and visible-near infrared response of MoO3-x/n-Si heterojunction photodetector with enhanced performance by interfacial engineering, ACS applied materials & interfaces 7, 25981 (2015)(18).K.H. Ye; Z. S. Chai; J. Gu; X. Yu;C. X. Zhao; Y. Zhang*; W. J. Mai*, BiOI-BiVO4 photoanodes with significantly improved solar water splitting capability: pn junction to expand solar adsorption range and facilitate charge carrier dynamics, Nano Energy. 18, 222(2015)(19).C. X. Zhao, S. Z. Deng, N. S. Xu and Jun Chen, Correlation between surface chemistry, gasochromism and field emission properties of tungsten oxide nanowire thin films when exposed to atomic oxygen, RSC Advances, 5, 70059-70063(2015)(20).J. P. Tian, C. X. Zhao, M. X. Wu, W. G. Xie, W. J. Mai, P. Y. Liu Thickness-dependence of S-shaped J–V curves of planar heterojunction organic solar cells containing NTCDA interlayer: Impedance–potential measurement and underlying mechanism, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 148, 3943(2015).(21).C. X. Zhao, Yan Shen, S. Z. Deng, N. S. Xu, Jun Chen, Molybdenum Nanowall Cold Cathode With High Resistance to Oxidizing Environment, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 61, 1760(2014)(22).C. X. Zhao, Y. F. Li, Y. C. Chen, J. Q. Wu, B. Wang, F. T. Yi, S. Z. Deng, N. S. Xu, and Jun Chen, Microstructure change of ZnO nanowire induced by energetic X-ray radiation and its effect on the field emission properties, Nanotechnology 24, 275703 (2013)(23).C. X. Zhao, Y. F. Li, Jun Zhou, L. Y. Li, S. Z. Deng, N. S. Xu and Jun Chen, Large-Scale Synthesis of Bi-Crystalline ZnO Nanowire Arrays by Thermal Oxidation of Zinc Film: Growth Mechanism and High-Performance Field Emission, Crystal growth & Design 13, 2897(2013)(24).C. X. Zhao, Kai Huang, S. Z. Deng, N. S. Xu and Jun Chen, Investigation of the effects of atomic oxygen exposure on the electrical and field emission properties of ZnO nanowires, Applied Surface Science 270, 82 (2013)(25).C. X. Zhao, Y. F. Li, Jun Chen, S. Z. Deng and N S Xu, Tunable field emission characteristics of ZnO nanowires coated with varied thickness of lanthanum boride thin films, Ultramicroscopy, 113, 36(2013)(26).W. Q. Chen, C. X. Zhao, J. Q. Wu, S. Z. Deng, N. S. Xu and Jun Chen, Phonon-Assisted Field Emission from W18O49 Nanowires, Applied Physics Letter 103, 141915(2013). 承担课题 个人主持项目:在研项目1.      广东省自然科学基金-青年提升项目,基于自驱动钙钛矿窄带探测器的高分辨计算傅里叶多光谱成像系统,项目经费30万,2023A1515030163,2023-01-01  至   2025-12-31,广东省科技厅,在研。2.      广州市科技计划项目(基础与应用基础研究项目(其他类)),基于Bi-Cu离子电解液的多色态智能玻璃关键技术研究,202102080229,项目经费5万,广州市科技局,在研。结题项目1.国家自然科学基金青年项目,过渡金属氧化物/硅异质结型自供电光电传感器的构建及光电响应增强机理研究,项目编号61604061,项目经费22万,时间2017/01-2019/12,主持2.  广东省自然科学基金面上项目,全无机钙钛矿柔性光电探测器的构建及其在宽光谱弱光成像方面的应用基础研究,项目编号2019A1515010482,项目经费10万,时间2019/10-2022/9,主持3. 广东省自然科学基金博士启动基金项目,金属氧化物基异质结光电阳极的构筑及光电转换效率增强机理研究,项目编号2014A030310302,项目经费10万,时间2015/01-2018/1,主持4.中央高校基本业务经费,基于石墨烯的纤维状高性能红外探测器,项目编号:21618405,项目经费12万,时间2018/01-2019/12,主持5.中央高校基本业务经费,高性能自供电异质结型光传感器的研究,项目编号21615309,项目经费8万,时间2015/01-2016/12,主持作为主要参与人项目:1.基于MOFs衍生氧/硫化物的柔性可穿戴用能源器件,装备预研教育部联合基金,100万,2017-2019,参与2.微纳分级结构氧化物半导体材料的可控制备及太阳能转化与存储纤维状器件的研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,60万,2018-2021,参与3.二维氧化钼原子晶体的氢化机制及其场效应器件的光电特性研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,73万,2015-2019,参与4.高功函过渡金属氧化物/铅卤钙钛矿材料界面调控及其在光伏器件中的应用研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,62万,2017-2020,参与参与纵向(平台)项目1.广州市科创委重点科技创新平台项目—“广州市真空薄膜技术与新能源材料重点实验室”,200万,主要参与,科研秘书,2015-20192.广东省科技计划项目-应用型专项—“电致变色智能窗镀膜设备与工艺的研究及产业化”,300万,暨南大学合作单位,主要参与,2016-2019 讲授课程 社会职务 国家自然科学基金、广东省自然科学基金、广州市科技计划等评审专家、广东省真空学会理事
