姓名 | 吕敏峰 |
教师编号 | 28404 |
性别 | 发明专利4999代写全部资料 |
学校 | 江苏科技大学 |
部门 | 吕敏峰,教授,材料科学与工程学院 |
学位 | 吕敏峰,教授,材料科学与工程学院 |
学历 | 江苏科技大学功能材料系 |
职称 | 吕敏峰,教授,材料科学与工程学院 |
联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
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吕敏峰 教授 材料科学与工程学院 个人邮箱: m.f.lv@just.edu.cn 办公地点: 江苏科技大学功能材料系 通讯地址: 江苏科技大学材料科学与工程学院 邮政编码: 212003 传真: 个人简介 吕敏峰,博士,教授,学术带头人。主要从事无机固体化学的科研及教学工作。主持国家自然科学基金2项。以第一作者或通讯作者在Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、Chem.Mater.、Inorg. Chem.、Dalton Trans.、Phys. Rev. B、Appl.Phys. Lett.等ISI期刊上发表研究论文七十多篇。论文被引1200多篇次,H因子为17。ORCID:0000-0003-2576-3840。Inorg. Chem.等期刊审稿人。美国化学学会,日本物理学会会员。研究经历03/2017~ 江苏科技大学03/2016~02/2017韩国中央大学(助理教授)04/2015~02/2016日本东北大学原子分子材料科学高等研究所(研究助理)03/2013~03/2015法国科学院固体化学与催化国家实验室(博士后,项目研究员)12/2010~03/2013中国科学院长春应用化学研究所(副研究员)01/2010~12/2010葡萄牙阿维罗大学/葡萄牙核技术研究所(博士后)01/2007~01/2010 中国科学院长春应用化学研究所(助理研究员,副研究员)07/2006~01/2007 青岛科技大学 研究方向 (1)混合阴离子化学与新型能源、磁性、超导等材料(2)利用同步辐射光源,中子源等材料结构分析 教育经历 理学博士, 09/2003~06/2006,中国科学院长春应用化学研究所(无机化学专业)工学硕士, 09/2000~06/2003,青岛科技大学(材料物理与化学专业)工学学士, 09/1989~06/1993,吉林化工学院(有机化工专业) 课程教学 (1)无机固体化学(硕士研究生,英文)(2)现代无机固体化学进展(博士研究生,英文) 科研项目 近期研究项目(1)新型过渡金属化合物的氧化还原制备、多维复杂结构与磁电性能,国家自然科学基金面上项目(21671185),直接经费65万元,2017.1~2020.12(主持,在研);(2)江苏科技大学高层次人才科研启动基金项目,经费100万元,2017.04~2020.03(主持,在研);(3)多尺度类钙钛矿化合物的合成及磁电耦合效应研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目(20831004),经费220万元,2009.1~2012.12(第三,已结题);(4)新型Re基双钙钛矿化合物的控制合成、结构解析与物理性能的研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(20771100),经费30万元,2008.1~2010.12(主持人,已结题);(5)稀土钙钛矿氧氮材料的制备与多铁性能,中科院长春应化所创新三期自由探索项目(CX07QZJC30),经费15万元,2007.12~2009.12(主持人,已结题); 专利成果 科研团队 1 团队介绍 2 组内照片 获奖动态 论文著作 2023年62.Qingqing Huang, Dan Chen, Feifan Li, Bruno J. C. Vieira, João C. Waerenborgh, Xiedong Cheng, Laura C. J.Pereira,Yaping Li, Yanling Jin, Wenxuan Zhu,Minfeng Lü*, Investigation of Charge-Ordered Barium Iron Fluorides with One-Dimensional Structural Diversity and Complex Magnetic Interactions,Inorg. Chem.2023, 62, 34, 14044-14054. -----自然指数期刊.61.Xinan Zhang, Yanling Jin, Wenxuan Zhu, Dan Chen, Qingqing Huang, Yaping Li,Olivier Mentré, Claire Minaud, Minfeng Lü*,Syntheses, structures, and magnetism of new vanadium and iron fluoride phosphates Ax(NH4)3-xM4(PO4)2F7(OH)2 (A=K, Rb, Cs, and M= V, Fe) containing novel structural motifs, J. Solid State Chem.2023, 325, 124139.60.Tianyu Zhu, Bei Zhu, Olivier Mentré*, Suheon Lee, Dan Chen, Yanling Jin, Wenxuan Zhu, Ángel M. Arévalo-López, Claire Minaud, Kwang-Yong Choi, and Minfeng Lü*,Cu3Te2O5(OH)4: A Frustrated Two-Dimensional Quantum “Magnetic Raft” as a Possible Pathway to a Spin Liquid, Chem. Mater.2023, 35, 10, 3951–3959.59. Dan Chen , Yanling Jin, Wenxuan Zhu, Qingqing Huang, Yaping Li, Minfeng Lü*, Three new fluoride phosphates and fluorophosphates Ba3Fe(PO4)F6,Ba3Ga(PO3.5F0.5)O0.5F5.5 and Ba3Fe(PO3F)F7: Combinations of varied building blocks and two-dimensional [Ba3F2]4+ layers derived from fluorine-centred tetrahedral, J. Solid State Chem. 2023, 321, 123872.2022年58. Yong Jin,Suheon Lee, Tianyu Zhu,Xinan Zhang, Haoming Yang, Dan Chen, Wenxuan Zhu,Kwang-Yong Choi,MinfengLü,* Open Framework Iron Fluoride Phosphates Based on Chain, Trinuclear, and Tetranuclear Chain FeIII Building Units: Crystal Structures and Magnetic PropertiesInorg. Chem.2022, 61, 24, 9257–9268. -----自然指数期刊. 57. XinanZhang, YanlingJin,WenxuanZhu, DanChen, QingqingHuang, YapingLi,MinfengLü,* New Quinary Cesium Vanadium (IV) Fluorophosphates, CsVOF(PO3F) and CsV2O2F(PO3F)2·H2O, J. Solid State Chem.2022, 304,122526.56. Haoming Yang, Olivier Mentre, Tianyu Zhu , Claire Minaud, Clemens Ritter, Xinan Zhang, Yong Jin, Minfeng Lü,* Fragile magnetic ordering between robust 2D-ferrimagnets in the AFe3(SeO3)2F6 (A=K, Rb, Cs) series, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2022,10(6): 2139-214855. Gang Jian, Yong Jiao, Liang Feng, Qingzhen Meng, Ning Yang, Shangtao Zhu, Minfeng Lü, Ching-Ping Wong, High energy density of BaTiO3@TiO2 nanosheet/ polymer composites via ping-pong-like electron area scattering and interface engineering, NPG Asia Materials, 2022, 14: 4.54. Suheon Lee, Tianyu Zhu,Y. Oshima,T. Shiroka, C. Wang,H. Luetkens, Haoming Yang, Minfeng Lü*, and K.-Y. Choi*,Time-scale distributions of spin uctuations in the S = 2 kagome antiferromagnet CsMn3F6(SeO3)2,Phys. Rev. B, 2022,105, 094439.-----自然指数期刊.2021年53. Tianyu Zhu, Olivier Mentre, Haoming Yang, Yong Jin, Xinan Zhang, Angel M. Arevalo-Lopez, Clemens Ritter, Kwang-Yong Choi, Minfeng Lü,* Cycloidal magnetic order promoted by labile mixed anionic paths in M2(SeO3)F2 (M=Mn2+, Ni2+),Inorg. Chem., 2021, 60, 16, 12001-12008-----自然指数期刊. 52. Tianyu Zhu,Suheon Lee,Xinan Zhang,Haoming Yang,Yong Jin,Yanling Jin,Kwang-Yong Choi, Minfeng Lü,* Variable Structures and 1D-canting Antiferromagetism found in Fluoride-Selenates, A2Mn(SeO4)F3 (A=K, Rb, Cs),Inorg. Chem., 2021, 2021, 60, 17, 13707-13717.-----自然指数期刊.51. Gang Jian, Yong Jiao, Qingzhen Meng, Fei Xue, Liang Feng, Ning Yang, Jianhua Jiang, Minfeng Lü, Polyimide composites containing confined tetragonality high TC PbTiO3 nanofibers for high-temperature energy storage, Composites Part B: Engineering,2021,DOI:10.1016/j.compositesb.2021.109190. 50. Yong Jin, Xinan Zhang,Tianyu Zhu, Haoming Yang, Olivier Mentré, Claire Minaud, Minfeng Lü,*,Open-framework transition metal fluorophosphates with one-dimensional antiferromagnetic Chains, J. Solid State Chem.2021, 304,122526.2020年49. Bei Zhu, Jianhua Jiang, Tianyu Zhu, Haoming Yang, Yong Jin, Minfeng Lü,*Synthesis, crystal structures, and magnetic properties of one-dimensional alkali metal copper chlor-tellurites A(NH4)Cu4Te2O6Cl6 (A = K, Cs), NaCu4Te2Cl5O6 and Rb3(NH4)2Cu12Te6Cl16.5O18(OH)0.5. Dalton Trans, 2020,49, 9751-9761.48. Bei Zhu, Jianhua Jiang,Tianyu Zhu, Haoming Yang, Yong Jin, Kwang-Yong Choi, Minfeng Lü*, Transition-Metal Monofluorophosphate Ba2M2(PO3F)F6 (M = Mn, Co, and Ni): Varied One-Dimensional Transition-Metal Chains and Antiferromagnetism. Inorg. Chem. 2020, 59(6): 3794-3804-----自然指数期刊47. Minfeng Lü,* Jianhua Jiang, Bei Zhu, Yuwei Zhao, Tianyu Zhu,Haoming Yang, Yong Jin, Houria Kabbour, Kwang-Yong Choi and William T. A. Harrison, Lone-pair self-containment in pyritohedronshaped closed cavities: optimized hydrothermal synthesis, structure, magnetism and lattice thermal conductivity of Co15F2(TeO3)14. Dalton Trans, 2020,49, 2234-2243.46. Jianhua Jiang, Bei Zhu,Tianyu Zhu, Haoming Yang, Yong Jin, Minfeng Lü*, Open-framework ammonium transition metal fluorophosphates with a Kagomé lattice network:synthesis, structure and magnetic properties. Dalton Trans, 2020,49, 841-849.2019年45. Jianhua Jiang, Suheon Lee, Bei zhu, Yang Yu, João Carlos Waerenborgh,Kwang-Yong Choi, Minfeng Lü*, Variable Dimensionality, Valence and Magnetism in Fluoride-rich Iron Phosphates, BaxFex(PO4)Fy (1≤x≤3, 2≤y≤12) . Inorg. Chem. 2019, 58 (1), 133–142.-----自然指数期刊2018年44. Kaixuan Zhang, Hongxun Yang, Minfeng Lü, Chao Yan, Huipeng Wu,Aihuan Yuan, Shengling Lin.Porous MoO2-Cu/C/Graphene nano-octahedrons quadruple nanocomposites as an advanced anode for lithium ion batteries with enhanced rate capability, J Alloy and Compound2018, 731,646-654.43. Hongxun Yang, Huipeng Wu, Kaixuan Zhang, Yingying Chen, Minfeng Lu, Shengling Lin, A New Hierarchical alpha-MnO2-Nanotube@SnO2 Heterostructure as an Advanced Anode for High-Performance Lithium-Ion Batteries, Journal of Nanosci. and Nanotech., 2018, 18(11): 7811-78172017年42. Yang Wang, Xingmei Guo, Zhenkang Wang, Minfeng Lü, Bin Wu, Yue Wang, Chao Yan, Aihua Yuan, Hongxun Yang,Controlled pyrolysis of MIL-88A to Fe2O3@C nanocomposites with varied morphologies and phases for advanced lithium storage J. Mater. Chem. A 2017 5, 25562-2557341. Minfeng Lü, Hongil Jo, Seung-Jin Oh, Kang Min Ok.New quaternary alkali metal cadmium selenites, A2Cd(SeO3)2 (A = K,Rb, and Cs) and Li2Cd3(SeO3)4 ,J. Solid State Chem. 2017, 256, 213-218.40. MinfengLü, Olivier Mentré, Elijah E. Gordon, Myung-Hwan Whangbo, Alain Wattiaux, Mathieu Duttine, Nicolas Tiercelin, Houria Kabbour. A comprehensive study of magnetic exchanges in the layered oxychalcogenidesSr3Fe2O5Cu2Q2(Q=S,Se),J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 2017, 44,147-153.39. Yingying Chen, Yue Wang, Hongxun Yang, Hui Gan, Xingwei Cai, Xingmei Guo,Bo Xu, Minfeng Lü, Aihuai Yuan, Facile synthesis of porous hollow Co3O4 microfibers derived-from metalorganic frameworks as an advanced anode for lithium ion batteries, Ceram. Int. 2017,43 , 9945–9950.38. Minfeng Lü, Hongil Jo, Seung-Jin Oh, Suheon Lee, Kwang-Yong Choi, Yang Yu,Kang Min Ok. Syntheses, Structures, and Characterization of Quaternary Tellurites, Li3MTe4O11 (M = Al, Ga, and Fe),Inorg. Chem.2017, 56 (10), 5873–5879.自然指数期刊2016年37. Minfeng Lü, Hongil Jo, Seung-Jin Oh, Kang Min Ok.Variable dimensionality and framework found in a series of quaternary zinc selenites, A2Zn3(SeO3)4·xH2O (A = Na, Rb, and Cs; 0≤x≤1) and Cs2Zn2(SeO3)3·2H2O, J. Solid State Chem. 2017, 245, 1-9.2014年36. Minfeng Lü, Marie Colmont, Houria Kabbour, Silviu Colis, Olivier Mentré. Revised Bi/M layered oxosulfate (M=Co, Cu) : a structural and magnetic study. Inorg. Chem. 2014, 53, 6969−6978.自然指数期刊35. Minfeng Lü, Marie Colmont, Marielle Huvé, Isabelle De Waele, Olivier Mentré. Investigation of new alkali bismuth oxosulfates and oxophosphates with original topologies of oxo-centered units..Inorg. Chem. 2014, 53, 12058−12065.自然指数期刊34. Minfeng Lü, Xiaolong Deng, J.C. Waerenborgh, Xiaojie Wu and Jian Meng. Crystal structure, oxidation state and magnetism of SrxLa2-xCu0.5Ru0.5O4 (x = 1, 1.5). J. Solid State Chem. 2014, 211, 1-7. 33. Minfeng Lü, A. Aliev, J. Olchowka, M. Colmont, C. Wickleder,O. Mentré. Multi-dimensional chloride open-frameworks: Combinations of 1D-channels and 2D-layers in novel Bi/M oxochlorides.Inorg. Chem. 2014, 53, 528−536.自然指数期刊2013年32. Min Feng Lü, João C. Waerenborgh, C. Greaves. Sr4Fe6O12 – low temperature Fe2+ - Fe3+ charge order within pairs of edge-linked tetrahedral. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2013, 52, 4833–4836.自然指数期刊31. X.l. Deng, M.F. Lü, J. Meng. Effect of heavy doping of nickel in compound Mo3Sb7: Structure and thermoelectric properties. J Alloy and Compound2013, 577,183-188.30. V.A. Kolotygin, E.V. Tsipis, M.F. Lü, Y.V. Pivak, S.N. Yarmolenko, S.I. Bredikhin and V.V. Kharton.Functional properties of SOFC anode materials based on lacrO3, La(Ti,mn)O3 and Sr(Mn,Nb)O3 perovskites: a comparative analysis. Solid State Ionics2013, 251, 28–33.2012年29. Minfeng Lü,,Xiaolong Deng, J.C. Waerenborgh, Xiaojie Wu and Jian Meng. Redox chemistry and magnetism of LaSrM0.5Ru0.5O4±d (M = Co, Ni and Zn) Ruddlesden Popper phases.Dalton Trans 2012, 41 (37), 11507– 11518. 28. Minfeng Lü,E.V. Tsipis, J.C. Waerenborgh, A.A. Yaremchenko, V.A. Kolotygin, S. Bredikhin, V.V. Kharton. Thermomechanical, transport and anodic properties of perovskite-type (La0.75Sr0.25)0.95Cr1-xFexO3-δ. Journal of Powder Sources 2012, 206, 59-69. 27. Yanjie Xia, Xiaojuan Liu, Yijia Bai, Hongping Li, Xiaolong Deng, Xiaodong Niu, Xiaojie Wu,Defeng Zhou,Minfeng Lü, Zhongchang Wang, Jian Meng.Electrical conductivity optimization in electrolyte-free fuel cells by single-component Ce0.8Sm0.2O2-δ–Li0.15Ni0.45Zn0.4 layer . RSC Advances2012, 2, 3828–3834.2011年26. Zhongli Wang, Xinbo Zhang, Xiaojuan Liu, Minfeng Lü, Kuiyue Yang, Jian Meng. Co-gelation synthesis of porous graphitic carbons with high surface area and their applications Carbon2011, 49(11), 161-169.2010年25. Min Feng Lü, , Junjie Li, Heng Zou,Zhijian Wu and Jian Meng. Structure distortion and magnetism in double perovskites Ca2-xLaxFeReO6 (0≤x≤0.8).J. Solid State Chem.2010, 183, 2937-2944. 24. P. Chai, X.J. Liu, Y. Liu, M.F.Lü , J. Meng. Synthesis, structures and magnetic properties of n=3 Ruddlesden–Popper compounds Ca4Mn3-xTaxO10 (0≤x≤0.3). J. Solid State Chem. 2010, 183 (3), 676-683.23. Z. L. Wang ,X. J. Liu, M. F. Lü, J. Meng. A new kind of mesoporous Fe7Co3/carbon nanocomposite and its application as magnetically separable adsorber. Mater. Lett.2010, 64(10), 1219-1221.22. Zhongli Wang , Ruixia Liu , Fengyu Zhao , Xiaojuan Liu , Minfeng Lü , Jian Meng. Facile Synthesis of Porous Fe7Co3/Carbon Nanocomposites and Their Applications as Magnetically Separable Adsorber and Catalyst Support. Langmuir 2010, 26(12), 10135-10140.21. Z. L.Wang ,X. J. Liu, M. F. Lü, J. Meng. Simple synthesis of magnetic mesoporous FeNi/carbon composites with a large capacity for the immobilization of biomolecules. Carbon2010, 48(11), 3182-3189.2009年20. M.F.Lü, Z.J.Wu,J. Meng.Structure and magnetic properties of new compounds CdYFeWO7. J. Rare Earth2009, 27(6), 1008-1012.19. P. Chai, X.Y. Wang, S. Hu, X.J Liu, Y. Liu, M.F Lü, G..S.Li,Jian Meng.Particle Size-Dependent Charge Ordering and Magnetic Properties in Pr0.55Ca0.45MnO3. J. Phys. Chem. C.2009, 113, 15817-15823. 18. Zhiyao Hou, Hongzhou Lian, Milin Zhang, Lili Wang, Minfeng Lü, Cuimiao Zhang, Jun Lin.Preparation and luminescence properties of Gd2MoO6: Eu3+ nanofibers and nanobelts by electrospinning. J. Electrochem Soc. 2009, 156(8), 209-214.2008年17. M. F. Lü, J. J. Li. J. F. Liu, X. F. Hao,D. F. Zhou, J. Meng, “Hole doping double perovskites Sr2FeMo1-xO6 (x=0, 0.03, 0.04 and 0.06) and theirmössbauer, crystal structure and magnetic behavior properties.”. J.Phys.: Condens. Matter. 2008, 20 (17),175213.16. P. Chai, X. J. Liu, M. F. Lü, Z. L. Wang, J. Meng. Structures and physical properties of n =3 Ruddelsden-Popper compounds Ca4Mn3-xNbxO10 (0≤ x ≤ 0.2). Chem. Mater.2008, 20(5), 1988-1996.15. X. F. Hao, Y. H. Xu, M. F Lü, D. F Zhou, Z. J. Wu,J. Meng. Charge, orbital, and magnetic ordering in YBaFe2O5 from first-principles calculations. Inorg. Chem.2008, 47 (11), 4734-4739.14. Y. H. Xu, X. F. Hao, M. F Lü, Z. J. Wu, D. F Zhou, J. Meng. Electronic and magnetic properties of YBa2Fe3O8 from a first-principles study” Solid State Commun.2008, 147(3-4), 130-133.13. Y. H. Xu, X. F. Hao, M. F Lü, Z. J. Wu, D. F Zhou, J. Meng. Magnetic structure and orbital ordering in tetragonal and monoclinic KCrF3 from first-principles calculations.J. Chem. Phys.2008, 128(16), 164721.12. Z. L.Wang,X. J. Liu, M. F. Lü, P. Chai, Y. Liu, X. F. Zhou, J. Meng. Preparation of ferrite MFe2O4 (M = Co, Ni) ribbons with nanoporous structure and their magnetic properties.J. Phys. Chem. B2008,112(36), 11292-11297.11. Z. L.Wang,X. J. Liu, M. F. Lü, P. Chai, Y. Liu, X. F. Zhou,J. Meng. Preparation of one-dimensional CoFe2O4 nanostructures and their magnetic properties.J. Phys. Chem. C2008, 112(39), 15171-15175.2007年10. M. F. Lü, J.P. Wang, J. F.Liu,W.Song,X. F. Hao,D. F. Zhou,X. J. Liu,Z.J.Wu, J.Meng. Structural and magnetic properties of Sr2Fe1-xGaxMoO6 (0≤ x ≤ 0.25). J Alloy and Compound2007, 428(1), 214-219. 9. P. Chai, X.J. Liu, Z.L. Wang, M.F. Lü, X.Q. Cao, and J. Meng*,”Tunable Synthesis, Growth Mechanism, and Magnetic Properties of La0.5Ba0.5MnO3” Crystal Growth & Design. 2007,7 (12), 2568-2575.8. J.F. Liu, M.F. Lü, P. Chai, L. Fu, Z.L. Wang, X.Q. Cao, J. Meng. The magnetic and structural properties of hydrothermal-synthesized single-crystal Sn1-xFexO2 nanograins. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 2007,317 (1-2), 1-7. 2006年7. M. F. Lü, J. P. Wang, J. F. Liu, X. F. Hao, D. F. Zhou, Z. J. Wu, Jian Meng. Improvement of low-field magnetoresistance and Curie temperature in the hole doping of double perovskites Sr2FeMoO6 polycrystals. Appl. Phys. Lett.2006, 89, 092505.6. M. F.Lü, J.P. Wang, J. F.Liu,W.Song,X. F. Hao,D. F. Zhou,X. J. Liu,Z.J.Wu, J.Meng . Investigation on low-field magnetoresistance in double perovskites Sr2Fe1-xZnxMoO6 , x=0, 0.05, 0.15 and 0.25.J.Phys.: Condens. Matter. 2006, 18(5), 1601-1612.2005年5. J. Feng, P. Che, J. P. Wang, M. F. Lü, J. F. Liu, X. Q. Cao, J. Meng. Effect of Ti doping on magnetic properties and magnetoresistance in LaSr2Mn2O7.J Alloy and Compound. 2005, 397 (1-2): 220-225.4. Jingping Wang, Ping Che, Jing Feng, Minfeng Lü, Jianfen Liu, Jian Meng, Yuanjia Hong, Jinke Tang. A large low-field tunneling magnetoresistance of CrO2/(CrO2/Cr2O3) powder compact with two coercivities. Jounal of Applied Physics2005, 97 (7),073907. 3. Zhou DF, Bo QB, Wang QY, Wang JP, Lü MF, Liu JF, Cao XQ, Xing XR, Meng J.Synthesis and Electrical Properties of New Solid State Electrolyte Materials Ce6-xSmxMoO15-δ(0≤x≤1.2) .Chem. J. Chinese Universitie2005, 26(10),1791-1794. 2. Feng J, Q.B. Bo, P. Che, J.P. Wang, M.F. Lü, J.F. Liu, X.Q. Cao, J. Meng, “ Effect of substitution of magnetic metal ions on magnetic and magnetoresistance properties in LaSr2Mn2O7” ,Materials Science Forum 2005, 2227, 475-479.2004年 1. J.Feng, Q.B. Bo, P. Che, J.P. Wang, J.F. Liu, M.F. Lü, D.P. Zhang, D.Q. Fang, X.Q. Cao, J Meng. A New Family of Ce6MoO15 as fast Oxide Ion Conductor. J of Rare Earths 2004, 22, 95-97.7/ 7 教学随笔 |